Non-English Speaking Americans?


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2005
I was just wondering what is everyone's opinion of people that live in America, but can't speak English.

I know that some people live here illegally, or they're just visting or something. But, living in the South, I see lots of Mexicans and people like that, that cannot speak one word of English.

I realize they're probably here illegally...

My friend is from Venezeula, and so is her mother. Her mom married an American guy and moved over here. She cannot speak ANY English at all. Just recently, she became a citizen..How the ****? I thought there was some type of test or something..In English...
Nope, there is no test if you marry someone who is American... uhm... love doesn't need to be tested ???:rolleyes:

I thought that was how. It still seems wrong though. I mean, her husband can't go everywhere and do everything for her...I dunno. Love doesn't need to be tested. Lol. Good one..... :p I can't believe I didn't think of that though...about the whole marriage thing.
cynthiaa89 said:
I thought that was how. It still seems wrong though. I mean, her husband can't go everywhere and do everything for her...I dunno. Love doesn't need to be tested. Lol. Good one..... :p I can't believe I didn't think of that though...about the whole marriage thing.

Well about half of the people i work with are latin american (cant always say mexican...found that out by mistake :) ) anyhow. Some of the people who work in the back dont know english so they start off with the easy crapo jobs (like washing dishes or folding linnen). But they do try...and they really appreciate it if you try to meet them half way and learn a little bit of spanish. I was going downstairs for some supplies one night and one of the spanish girls was down stairs folding linnen and listening to a tape on how to speak english. She was new to the country and didnt come from a touristy part of mexico. So she had no reason to learn english till now. Just like most americans never learn any other language...

Im actually thinking of taking spanish this spring (oh dear college boy again here i go). Ill be able to use it all the time, and ill be able to speak to my sister (who is a spanish major) and my dad speaks italian which is im sure ill get lots of help!
cynthiaa89 said:
...Just recently, she became a citizen..How the ****? I thought there was some type of test or something..In English...
unfortunately there is no official language of the United States and West Virginia is the only state that has an official language (and it is English BTW) Every now and again Florida will put out a referendum to make English the official language but it usually fails becaus ethe liberals think it will offend the hispanic minority while the cubans normally support it. Here in Texas, voting ballots, official school documents and some other docs are required by law to written in English and Spanish. I think that English should be adopted as the official language of Texas. I don't think I would support a national language becaus eof the constitutionality of such a law, but ce\rtainly any state could adopt an official language (and they should).
My first wife was Korean and in the 70's she took the test to become an American citizen and the test was in English along with the oath.

I don't have a problem with people who don't speak English because I live in Puerto Rico where everyone speaks Spanish. I don't speak Spanish well but I always great a stranger I want to communicate with in my best Spanish and ask if they speak English. There is nothing like the reception you get when you try first to speak the hoast language and people will go out of their way to help if you try.

I picked my youngest son up from school the other day and he told me about this Gringo who was more Gringo than me that asked for directions at the gate to his school... he said the guy asked in broken Spanish where is the chicken and all of the kids were laughing but offered up my son who spoke the best English... my son told him what his words transluated into and then gave him directions to the place he wanted to go across the street.
I see nothing wrong with more than one language. But I think if they live in a America they need to speak English.
I have a lot of Philipinos where I work. They will talk to each other in their language but most are conscious enough to know that
unfortunately there is no official language of the United States and West Virginia is the only state that has an official language (and it is English BTW) Every now and again Florida will put out a referendum to make English the official language but it usually fails becaus ethe liberals think it will offend the hispanic minority while the cubans normally support it. Here in Texas, voting ballots, official school documents and some other docs are required by law to written in English and Spanish. I think that English should be adopted as the official language of Texas. I don't think I would support a national language becaus eof the constitutionality of such a law, but ce\rtainly any state could adopt an official language (and they should).

****, really. I mean, the United States, why don't they adopt English as the official language, as a whole. It might offend some, but I mean, it might be for the best. It would be wrong at the same time though..I guess it's one of those things that should just be left alone. Hell, I have NO problem with people that speak other languages, I just think it'd be best for them if they knew English living in a primarily English speaking country.
I work as a manager at a grocery store. I get these spicanos coming up to me speaking gibberish all the time. They act all offended and pissy when I can't answer there gibberish question. I always think "Check your map chico, we're not in a ****ing Texas bordertown", this is Indiana.
I don't hate mexicans, but I do hate the fact that they come here and EXPECT Americans to cater to their language impediment. I would'nt move to Germany and expect them to learn my langauge, without trying to even bother to learn German.
At the back of my housing edition they are still constructing. Theres a big 'ol sign by the construction office that say 'jobsite rules' on one side. On the other it says in spanish, I assume, the same thing. However it takes like 5 or 6 words to say jobsite rules. Why the **** does it take 3 times as many words in that backasswards idiot language to say the same thing in english? Maybe its because they don't have a word for "jobsite" or "rules" in Mexico.

People in many different countries, Canada, Europe, Austrailia, South America etc.... talk **** about Americans like we are material obcessed power hungary assholes, but then they all seem to trickle on down to the US to get in on some of the good life. If we're so bad then why are so many coming on over?
Jhony5 said:
At the back of my housing edition they are still constructing. Theres a big 'ol sign by the construction office that say 'jobsite rules' on one side. On the other it says in spanish, I assume, the same thing. However it takes like 5 or 6 words to say jobsite rules. Why the **** does it take 3 times as many words in that backasswards idiot language to say the same thing in english? Maybe its because they don't have a word for "jobsite" or "rules" in Mexico.
Okay, I understood where you were coming from until you made that stupid ass remark. You just made yourself sound like a ****ing idiot.
Many a time, direct translations take longer in one language than another because there aren't any 'slang' terms that quite match what the first language said, verbatim. Perhaps it was because whoever made the sign used AltaVista translations which are often a bit off the mark and full of ****. Who knows. Either way, that was the stupidest thing I have ever heard you say.
Jhony5 said:
If we're so bad then why are so many coming on over?

The only reasons I have ever heard from people going down to the US is either for family or for the warmer climat of Flordia etc...

I'd never give up the social climat of Canada for that of the US, Halifax in particular makes me very happy. About 9/10 americans I meet, which is a good many as this a a tourist town in the summer, are very rude and self centered. Hell on more then one occasion I've had these people bitching at ME because they don't like having $1 and $2 COINS! Its pathetic. Now to be fair, most of these people seem to have a Southern accent so maybe your just ****ed up down there. Still though, I've had few good experiences with americans up here. Obviously its a hella big country and to generalize too much would be simply foolish but..bah.

This is outside the mere political **** I dispise about the US (And most developped countries), but the world DOES have its reasons, and its not jealousy. Start letting the good americans out to greet the world, in politics and in tourism, and maybe we'll warm up more but you need to put a lid on the idiots that have managed to slip through the sewer grate and spred their dumbassery. Oh, and if you tell you kids to wear a canadian flag on their packs while traveling I'll personally deficate on your breakfest. It angers me to no end when I see some american punk idiot being a huge asshole and wearing a Canadian Flag. All you have to do is ask them where in Canada they're from and they're dumbfounded, a near fool proof test.

Note to Builder: Nothing but GOOD experience with the Aussi tourists, they're always a pleasure to talk to and are friendly as can be. And the woman are usually babes, you lucky lad.
Americans are no different then any other society, we have out lot of assholes. To your credit, our society teachs, indirectly, that we are better then any other country. We have this propaganda beat into us from our school system. We hear it all the time, "we are the greatest nation", "We are the richest nation". As Americans, we grow up with this ideal implanted deep in our psyche. Unfortunately many Americans believe this ****. I choose not to judge a whole society, rather each individual.
Take our Mexican immagrants for example. I do not have a problem with those that choose to learn the language and work hard to become a productive member of our society. However, many many of the Mexicans here are only here to suck funds from welfare and earn money from menial jobs, that would otherwise be available for US citizens, then they return to Mexico and buy a home with the money the wired out of our economy. It is estimated that as many as 75% of the illegal immagrants in Indinapolis do not intend to stay here, only to take the money out of our economy and run. These figures are derived from Western Union transactions showing millions of dollars anualy wired from the US to Mexico.
angie said:
Okay, I understood where you were coming from until you made that stupid ass remark. You just made yourself sound like a ****ing idiot.
Many a time, direct translations take longer in one language than another because there aren't any 'slang' terms that quite match what the first language said, verbatim. Perhaps it was because whoever made the sign used AltaVista translations which are often a bit off the mark and full of ****. Who knows. Either way, that was the stupidest thing I have ever heard you say.

God damn, have a sense of humor you nerdy bitch. I'll be the first to tell ya, I have absolutly no knowledge of any foreign languages, nor will I ever. Its to bad that you can't comprehend what is and is'nt a joke. However, alot of truth is said in jest.
Losen up a little and laugh when you encounter jackasses like myself. Im a dumbass, gun toting hillbilly, so what 'cha saying?
eisanbt said:
The only reasons I have ever heard from people going down to the US is either for family or for the warmer climat of Flordia etc...

I'd never give up the social climat of Canada for that of the US, Halifax in particular makes me very happy. About 9/10 americans I meet, which is a good many as this a a tourist town in the summer, are very rude and self centered. Hell on more then one occasion I've had these people bitching at ME because they don't like having $1 and $2 COINS! Its pathetic. Now to be fair, most of these people seem to have a Southern accent so maybe your just ****ed up down there. Still though, I've had few good experiences with americans up here. Obviously its a hella big country and to generalize too much would be simply foolish but..bah.

This is outside the mere political **** I dispise about the US (And most developped countries), but the world DOES have its reasons, and its not jealousy. Start letting the good americans out to greet the world, in politics and in tourism, and maybe we'll warm up more but you need to put a lid on the idiots that have managed to slip through the sewer grate and spred their dumbassery. Oh, and if you tell you kids to wear a canadian flag on their packs while traveling I'll personally deficate on your breakfest. It angers me to no end when I see some american punk idiot being a huge asshole and wearing a Canadian Flag. All you have to do is ask them where in Canada they're from and they're dumbfounded, a near fool proof test.

Note to Builder: Nothing but GOOD experience with the Aussi tourists, they're always a pleasure to talk to and are friendly as can be. And the woman are usually babes, you lucky lad.

well living in minneapolis many candaians visit here quite often....most of them are generally nice people and i like them. But that does explain the canadain arrogance. Trust me your country is just as bad. Every single one comes down and i try to tell them of fun things to do and how to make their stay better ( i do work in the service industy) and each one will counter with something like..."im sure its nothing compared to [insert canadian place or activity].....and the ones i meet socialy will get drunk and sput off on how twisted we are and we need to be more like canada.....

each country has their little annoyances that drives the other crazy when they visit....its just how well you handle it...
Well what I was refering to in my first statment was based not around tourism but around people accualy moving to america for "The good life".

But its probably best to end this discussion here as, even though I hate it, it'll just turn into a nationalistic pissing contest. Really we're all a bunch of ego-centric morons.
eisanbt said:
Well what I was refering to in my first statment was based not around tourism but around people accualy moving to america for "The good life".

But its probably best to end this discussion here as, even though I hate it, it'll just turn into a nationalistic pissing contest. Really we're all a bunch of ego-centric morons.

Your right. Everybody hates the winner. That would be America for those of you who aren't following.
I will have to take 2 semesters of a foreign language to complete a 4 year degree in the state of Florida. I took French in grade school so I plan on taking French again. My spelling and pronounciation was pretty good.
Luckily not for the 2 year degree.
Diane's school has already started teaching her Spanish, which will be good because I hear if you take a second language in High School you don't have to take it in college but even if you did, it wouldn't be too hard.
Jhony5 said:
God damn, have a sense of humor you nerdy bitch. I'll be the first to tell ya, I have absolutly no knowledge of any foreign languages, nor will I ever. Its to bad that you can't comprehend what is and is'nt a joke. However, alot of truth is said in jest.
Losen up a little and laugh when you encounter jackasses like myself. Im a dumbass, gun toting hillbilly, so what 'cha saying?
I didn't see any humor in it. As for the hillbilly bit, rock on cowboy. Go shoot me a buck, will ya? I been cravin' venison somethin' awful. We'll have some steak, a few beers, and have a good ol' time.
Jhony5 said:
Your right. Everybody hates the winner. That would be America for those of you who aren't following.

just because a clique is large doesnt mean it wins or is even tolerable....

look at those that follow rap artists and emulate them constantly.......

america is similar to that :)

i wanna be a brit :)
Vortex said:
just because a clique is large doesnt mean it wins or is even tolerable....

look at those that follow rap artists and emulate them constantly.......

america is similar to that :)

i wanna be a brit :)

Dude, your gay. That means your already like 75% british.

I'm not sure what you mean by that rap artist comment?

The thing about America is we, as a nation, are leaders not followers. If you doubt that and your from a different country then ask yourself "Is my country a leader"?