Overall Opinions - Minutes to Midnight? and New Linkin Park Overall?

What is your overall opinion of Minutes to Midnight? and New Linkin Park Overall?

  • Kickass!

    Votes: 35 54.7%
  • Not Bad

    Votes: 6 9.4%
  • Not Sure if I Like it or Not

    Votes: 1 1.6%
  • OK, But Old LP is Better

    Votes: 17 26.6%
  • Not Really A Fan of Minutes to Midnight

    Votes: 5 7.8%

  • Total voters
i like the album...but some songs like the little things give you away or leave out all the rest and valentine's day... i can't listem to the like..always.....it depends on my mood........ i really really REALLY like given up ,bleed it out, no more sorrow, in between and in pieces ....but...i don't like shadow of the day(i like the lyrics..) and hands held high...

but afterall..... i love this album :D
okay here's my review.

  • Wake
Wake is generally the prologue for the album and I think it does a good job setting the tone for the entire album. I love the quiet almost serene like opening as it slowly builds up to the more rockish upbeat Given Up which is the next track. 5/5

  • Given Up
Given Up starts with what seems to be some type of clapping which for some reason reminds me of My Chemical Romance. It’s pretty aggressive and some what upbeat mostly at the chorus. You can really hear the bass in this song as a majority of it seems to be latten. Although this song does in some ways maintain the core aspects that Linkin Park exhibit it feels more like it’s a different take on it’s hard to describe. This song also features a bit of swearing which according to my knowledge is unheard of in a Linkin Park song. It doesn’t really matter to me just thought it was worth pointing out. 4/5

  • Leave Out All The Rest
When I first here this song I instantly thought My December. This is the balladish type of song I’ve been looking for them to make for so long. Easier to Run from Meteroa hinted at something like this but I’m glad to see they’ve really followed through with it. I have to say I was actually impressed with this song. Even though in theory this song is much different from My December which I also liked it’s still good to see them doing songs like this. 5/5

  • Bleed it Out
Bleed it Out is the 4th track on Minutes to Midnight one which I’m not really sure what to make of it. It starts off with Mike rapping with a guitar riffs in the background which actually ends up being the background of the song the entire song. After the opening Chester joins in. Honestly I didn’t really like this song. I know it was meant to be an attempt at the rap rock that they’re known for but this song really just rubbed me the wrong way the whole threw. As far as this type of songs go I much prefer “Nobody’s Listening” from Meteroa. 2/5

  • Shadow of the Day
It starts with seems to be some type of synthesized opening which eventually gives way to the bass. This is another beautiful ballad. The entire song has this morbid mellow type of feeling but it also feels deep and atmospheric. This is definitely not a song I was expecting to hear from Linkin Park but they continue to amaze me with this album. I was blown away by this song. This song is an instant classic. 5/5

  • What’s I’ve Done
Well we’ve all heard it before so there is nothing new here. This is the single that started the buzz about Linkin Park’s new style. A lot of people didn’t like this song for reasons I personally can’t understand. I mean all it really does is take elements from Linkin Park’s older song and builds on them. Actually if anything this just sounds like a modern rock song. It seems like a nice introduction into Linkin Park’s newer stuff. It’s not a great song but it still holds its own even on this album full of great songs. 5/5

  • Hands Held High
Here’s another track which is basically in the same vein as Bleed it Out. I wasn’t really a fan of that song I don’t like this song much. The entire song consists of marching style drumming in the background with mellow tune being played as the front. I understand this was intended to be a message type of song but I didn’t really like how the idea was executed. The way the rapping was done turned me off as well. Although I do like the morbid tune used. 3/5

  • No More Sorrow
This next track is a 180 from the previous been the most aggressive and upbeat track I’ve heard on the album yet. The intro is innocent enough, until the drums and the guitars and join in and give you the true since of what the song is about. I have mixed feelings about this song. It’s not bad but then it’s not really all that good either. I guess this one will have to grow on me but at the moment I’m in lobo about my feelings. I can say I like it well enough though. 3/5

Note: Is it me or does this song seem Anti – Bush. o_O
  • Valentine’s Day
It starts off with a slow melodic guitar intro and soft vocals which eventually are joined by the bass and drums and piano. I think this is pretty song overall it’s not bad it’s nice to see them doing more deep atmospheric type of songs. It’s not great but it’s not bad either. 4/5

  • In Between
Mike Shinoda seems to be primary vocalist in this song. The song seems to mostly consist of synthesizers. I’m not sure if that’s a guitar in the background of not though. Just something I was wondering. This song didn’t really stand out to me. Can’t say I liked it much either. 2/5

  • In Pieces
They use a lot of interesting synths in this album. I don’t even really know how to describe this opening. It’s minimum tempo and doesn’t feature and actual instruments from what I can see until about after 1:30. I wasn’t really impressed with this song much either, and the chorus is a bit weak. Although I did like the guitar solo. 3/5

  • The Little Things Give You Away
Personally I’m a big fan of bands ending albums with ballads. “The Little Things Gives you Away” is the longest Linkin Park song to date topping out at about 6:00. It’s a very slow progressive song that uses what seems to be a banjo or acoustic guitar as its back drop. It’s a big fan of ballads so I thoroughly enjoyed this one. Not to mention the guitar solo in this song. “Excitement” 5/5

Let me start off by saying this isn’t your big brothers Linkin Park. If you’re expecting another album of Faint and Crawlin’ in my skin you will be sorely disappointed with this album. Linkin Park has much to my delight matured out of their nu metal beginnings into something completely beyond even my expectations.
In short I was blown away at how much Linkin Park had grown up and matured. This is clearly without a question their best musically. It’s has more diversity, feeling, and just completely out does their previous albums in every way. It’s almost hard to believe this is the same band that made Hybrid Theory and Meteroa.

Needless to say this album more then likely will not be well received by the Linkin Park fan base. This album is definitely a different approach then what long time Linkin Park fans are accustomed too. Personally I much prefer this album over any of the other two. While this album may not in essence be the commercial success that their previous albums were this definitely is the album in which I gained a lot of respect of them. Not only were they able to step outside of what they had been doing but they were able to do it well which is something some bands have problems with when they try different things. With the exception of Bleed it Out, Hands Held High and In Between I thought the album was amazing. I’m not going to take too many points from them for those songs since I know they were trying something new.
Overall I think any long time Linkin Park fan should approach this album with extreme caution because the band has change to me “for the better” and you’re definitely not going to get a rehash of their Meteroa or Hybrid Theory albums here. I know they’ll probably get a lot of backlash for this album. If you’re a music fan you need to at least give this album a chance even if you didn’t like their previous albums.

Overall score: 4.5/5
I've been listening to the cd for about an hour an a half now. The first time I listened to the cd, I was just like, "meh, alright." I think the songs are growing on me though. I'm not too fond of the softer/lighter rock songs but most of them are alright. I don't regret buying Minutes to Midnight, but I prefer the old LP songs.
i dont get how people dont like hands held high.
i mean comeon all 6 guys sang on that song
and its possibly the most lyrical linkin park has ever gotten

anyways i love the cd.
inbetween is my only real big beef other than that im satisfied.
okay here's my review.

  • Wake
Wake is generally the prologue for the album and I think it does a good job setting the tone for the entire album. I love the quiet almost serene like opening as it slowly builds up to the more rockish upbeat Given Up which is the next track. 5/5

  • Given Up
Given Up starts with what seems to be some type of clapping which for some reason reminds me of My Chemical Romance. It’s pretty aggressive and some what upbeat mostly at the chorus. You can really hear the bass in this song as a majority of it seems to be latten. Although this song does in some ways maintain the core aspects that Linkin Park exhibit it feels more like it’s a different take on it’s hard to describe. This song also features a bit of swearing which according to my knowledge is unheard of in a Linkin Park song. It doesn’t really matter to me just thought it was worth pointing out. 4/5

  • Leave Out All The Rest
When I first here this song I instantly thought My December. This is the balladish type of song I’ve been looking for them to make for so long. Easier to Run from Meteroa hinted at something like this but I’m glad to see they’ve really followed through with it. I have to say I was actually impressed with this song. Even though in theory this song is much different from My December which I also liked it’s still good to see them doing songs like this. 5/5

  • Bleed it Out
Bleed it Out is the 4th track on Minutes to Midnight one which I’m not really sure what to make of it. It starts off with Mike rapping with a guitar riffs in the background which actually ends up being the background of the song the entire song. After the opening Chester joins in. Honestly I didn’t really like this song. I know it was meant to be an attempt at the rap rock that they’re known for but this song really just rubbed me the wrong way the whole threw. As far as this type of songs go I much prefer “Nobody’s Listening” from Meteroa. 2/5

  • Shadow of the Day
It starts with seems to be some type of synthesized opening which eventually gives way to the bass. This is another beautiful ballad. The entire song has this morbid mellow type of feeling but it also feels deep and atmospheric. This is definitely not a song I was expecting to hear from Linkin Park but they continue to amaze me with this album. I was blown away by this song. This song is an instant classic. 5/5

  • What’s I’ve Done
Well we’ve all heard it before so there is nothing new here. This is the single that started the buzz about Linkin Park’s new style. A lot of people didn’t like this song for reasons I personally can’t understand. I mean all it really does is take elements from Linkin Park’s older song and builds on them. Actually if anything this just sounds like a modern rock song. It seems like a nice introduction into Linkin Park’s newer stuff. It’s not a great song but it still holds its own even on this album full of great songs. 5/5

  • Hands Held High
Here’s another track which is basically in the same vein as Bleed it Out. I wasn’t really a fan of that song I don’t like this song much. The entire song consists of marching style drumming in the background with mellow tune being played as the front. I understand this was intended to be a message type of song but I didn’t really like how the idea was executed. The way the rapping was done turned me off as well. Although I do like the morbid tune used. 3/5

  • No More Sorrow
This next track is a 180 from the previous been the most aggressive and upbeat track I’ve heard on the album yet. The intro is innocent enough, until the drums and the guitars and join in and give you the true since of what the song is about. I have mixed feelings about this song. It’s not bad but then it’s not really all that good either. I guess this one will have to grow on me but at the moment I’m in lobo about my feelings. I can say I like it well enough though. 3/5

Note: Is it me or does this song seem Anti – Bush. o_O
  • Valentine’s Day
It starts off with a slow melodic guitar intro and soft vocals which eventually are joined by the bass and drums and piano. I think this is pretty song overall it’s not bad it’s nice to see them doing more deep atmospheric type of songs. It’s not great but it’s not bad either. 4/5

  • In Between
Mike Shinoda seems to be primary vocalist in this song. The song seems to mostly consist of synthesizers. I’m not sure if that’s a guitar in the background of not though. Just something I was wondering. This song didn’t really stand out to me. Can’t say I liked it much either. 2/5

  • In Pieces
They use a lot of interesting synths in this album. I don’t even really know how to describe this opening. It’s minimum tempo and doesn’t feature and actual instruments from what I can see until about after 1:30. I wasn’t really impressed with this song much either, and the chorus is a bit weak. Although I did like the guitar solo. 3/5

  • The Little Things Give You Away
Personally I’m a big fan of bands ending albums with ballads. “The Little Things Gives you Away” is the longest Linkin Park song to date topping out at about 6:00. It’s a very slow progressive song that uses what seems to be a banjo or acoustic guitar as its back drop. It’s a big fan of ballads so I thoroughly enjoyed this one. Not to mention the guitar solo in this song. “Excitement” 5/5

Let me start off by saying this isn’t your big brothers Linkin Park. If you’re expecting another album of Faint and Crawlin’ in my skin you will be sorely disappointed with this album. Linkin Park has much to my delight matured out of their nu metal beginnings into something completely beyond even my expectations.
In short I was blown away at how much Linkin Park had grown up and matured. This is clearly without a question their best musically. It’s has more diversity, feeling, and just completely out does their previous albums in every way. It’s almost hard to believe this is the same band that made Hybrid Theory and Meteroa.

Needless to say this album more then likely will not be well received by the Linkin Park fan base. This album is definitely a different approach then what long time Linkin Park fans are accustomed too. Personally I much prefer this album over any of the other two. While this album may not in essence be the commercial success that their previous albums were this definitely is the album in which I gained a lot of respect of them. Not only were they able to step outside of what they had been doing but they were able to do it well which is something some bands have problems with when they try different things. With the exception of Bleed it Out, Hands Held High and In Between I thought the album was amazing. I’m not going to take too many points from them for those songs since I know they were trying something new.
Overall I think any long time Linkin Park fan should approach this album with extreme caution because the band has change to me “for the better” and you’re definitely not going to get a rehash of their Meteroa or Hybrid Theory albums here. I know they’ll probably get a lot of backlash for this album. If you’re a music fan you need to at least give this album a chance even if you didn’t like their previous albums.

Overall score: 4.5/5
nice review, but bleed it out is soooo awesome :)
but i agree 90% with you
if you listen to this album with your "i want nu-metal" brain your gonne hate it, but if you make room for more, like i did, you will LOVE it
nice review, but bleed it out is soooo awesome :)
but i agree 90% with you
if you listen to this album with your "i want nu-metal" brain your gonne hate it, but if you make room for more, like i did, you will LOVE it

In other words, you have to listen with an open-mind.
if you listen to this album with your "i want nu-metal" brain your gonne hate it, but if you make room for more, like i did, you will LOVE it

I see what you mean. I got it first thing after I got home from band yesterday.
Wake was good, and then when the clapping in Given Up came on, my jaw dropped to the floor. Clapping always seemed very unlike LP to me, but they have changed since Meteora.
Overall, I'm not going to lie, I was disappointed. After such a long wait, and then to get my album and come across all these slow songs, none of them like the old LP that I love, yeah. I liked In Between with Mike singing...and a couple of others were okay.
But I think I'm going to take GraDoN's advice and listen to it without thinking 'where's my nu-metal?', and hopefully I'll like it more...
It's funny cause they said in their DVD that they spent like 3 months making the other albums but this one took 14 months or something.

Funny cause you would think, WOW if 3 months they made Hybird Theory then DAMN 14 months it's GOTTA BE AMAZING. Sucks that it's not. They should have just stuck with the 3 month thing and rushed it cause It probably woulda be better.

Doesn't make sense but It's true. They say they put alot into the lyrics and **** but I don't really care about that. I want the song beats and the rapping and the awesome **** they used to use. That's what made Linkin Park and they totally changed into what sounds like any other band.

I'll say it again, If it worked the first time and second time, why change?

Hybird Theroy>Meteroa>Minutes To Midnight.

IMO, Hybird Theory is the best album ever made. I cannot believe how good it still is to me, I ****ing love it. No other band has ever done that for me before but I still listen to this album daily and its still as awesome as it was the first time I got it.

Guys think they might go back to their old selves in the next album?
It's funny cause they said in their DVD that they spent like 3 months making the other albums but this one took 14 months or something.

Funny cause you would think, WOW if 3 months they made Hybird Theory then DAMN 14 months it's GOTTA BE AMAZING. Sucks that it's not. They should have just stuck with the 3 month thing and rushed it cause It probably woulda be better.

Doesn't make sense but It's true. They say they put alot into the lyrics and **** but I don't really care about that. I want the song beats and the rapping and the awesome **** they used to use. That's what made Linkin Park and they totally changed into what sounds like any other band.

I'll say it again, If it worked the first time and second time, why change?

Hybird Theroy>Meteroa>Minutes To Midnight.

IMO, Hybird Theory is the best album ever made. I cannot believe how good it still is to me, I ****ing love it. No other band has ever done that for me before but I still listen to this album daily and its still as awesome as it was the first time I got it.

Guys think they might go back to their old selves in the next album?
Hybird Theory and Meteora are fantastic albums!, but then again they have really grown up since those were released, which makes me a little sad, considering I didn't get to see them play them both at the concerts :(
nice review, but bleed it out is soooo awesome :)
To be honest I hated that song. It just came completely out of left field. The only reason I listened to the whole thing was to do the review otherwise I would have turned it off afte the first 45 seconds.

if you listen to this album with your "i want nu-metal" brain your gonne hate it
That's pretty much what I meant when I said this isn't your big brother's Linkin Park. I pretty much knew a lot of people were going to be disappointed with it anyway.
i dont get how people dont like hands held high.
i mean comeon all 6 guys sang on that song
and its possibly the most lyrical linkin park has ever gotten

Hands Held High definately isn't my favorite on MTM. In fact, I hardly can say that I liked it. It's the exact kind of song that I hate to listen to. It's political. I personally don't believe that singers should sing about the war and political everything. They need to stay out of the spotlight in the aspect and just sing. Linkin Park doesn't need to sway in that direction and be like every other rock group out there that bashes Bush and the Iraq war. I understand that they're speaking their opinion and in the U.S., you have Freedom of Speech and expression but of all bands, LP should not be like that. I respected them for a long time because they weren't not like with Hybrid Theory and Meteora. I was in the mindset of "hey, these guys are great. They don't get involved in politics. They're not like the other musical artists." LP needs to stick to what they've been singing about before: home life, relationships, experiences good and bad, and living. I'm not republican or democrat. I'm in the middle because I can swing both ways sometimes depending. I may not agree with the war, but I honestly can't say that I'm totally for it either. But this is a different story.

Hands Held High didn't turn me off from the whole cd or anything. I just wasn't too fond of the political hate in it. I never thought that Linkin Park would stoop to this. I understand that they are speaking their opinions, but still. They could sing their opinion about things they used to and not be like all the other anti-war singers out there (i.e. Dixie Chicks, Greenday, etc). I'm not going to protest or boycott MTM or not buy any of their future albums. It's just my preference of the songs that I enjoy listening to. That's cool if you like that song though. Of course it's all matter of opinion. I think it's one of those songs that you either love or that you hate. There's no "in-between."
I definitely missed a scratching session from Joe Hahn.

I'm also surprised no one has listed Shadow Of The Day (other than Melancholia) as a favorite.
Well this biggest thing is that it dosen't have the momentum in it the old stuff had. There are too man slow songs. I like it a lot its great but I prefer Hybrid Theory still :)

If you really look at so what LP didn't do massive heavily distorted riffs, not much scratching, and not much rapping but i still find this very at heart with past LP music...I just wish they would not have said anything political (I don't care for political songs)
When I hear this album, makes me hard to believe it's completed. Seems like this album is not finished and it's a joke.

I like bleed it out but come on, saying "I Bleed It out digging deeper just to throw it away" like 4987 times in the song? Can't believe they didn't see that and say, wow we need to fix this...