Panic! At the Disco.

finally got the pic. however, it's kinda small. whatever, atleast my friend finally got it to me.

Me and the lead singer, Brenden.


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Awww he's a little shorty! Either that or you're just TALL SB! How lucky!

I'm liking them more and more everyday =] I agree the video is a bit weird lol, it amuses me though! I'm currently pushing P!ATD to all of my other friends and so far, all positive comments xD I'm seeing them twice this year!!! I'm so excited >.<
^ I heard them on the radio once and I thought it was extremely catchy and dancy. I liked the combinations of influences they seemed to exude. Plus, the creativity and language they used indicated that they actually thought about their lyrics :rolleyes: Then I saw a thread on here and was suprised to see so many people into them already. There was already talk at school of them too :p

Jen said:
I'm liking them more and more everyday =] I agree the video is a bit weird lol, it amuses me though! I'm currently pushing P!ATD to all of my other friends and so far, all positive comments xD I'm seeing them twice this year!!! I'm so excited >.<
yes! I'm pushing my friends in their direction too! today at Montage I blasted it on my iPod and they were like, what is that? hehe.
Ooh you're lucky Jen
I recently downloaded Panic! At the Disco's "A Fever You Can't Sweat Out" album and it's pretty good. They do sound a lot like Fall Out Boy but a little different. They use the same "long song title" style like Fall Out Boy. They have a lot of good songs. One of the songs I like is "The Only Difference Between Martyrdom and Suicide Is Press Coverage." I like Fall Out Boy better though.
I like them. The first song I heard was Its Time to Dance, on the Bamboozle Festival site player, and I liked it so I downloaded it, and a few other songs. So as soon as I can get to the mall, Im gonna buy the album. I dont listen to FoB cause I dont usualy go for this type of music, so I cant really compare the two, but my friend who does listen to FoB told me she prefers P!ATD, so thats good I suppose.
*just found the thread*

Hehe, my brother just got me itno them....and i'm becoming addicted!!!!


I love the song The Only difference between Martyrdom and Suicide is the Press Coverage.....*turns it on*