Parents hate Slipknot.


Feb 23, 2005
YES... NJ!
Well...I'm being deprived from a Slipknot concert because my parents say Slipknot is satanic. Yea they maybe a bit satanic but they are taking this way over board. they dont understand that they dont mean anything they say in their lyrics. and my mom was telling me that Slipnot is linked to a murder in California well duh they were but those kids were really stupid for taking theier lyrics seriously.this isnt the first time they've done this to me. idk how they got word of this or anything. cause they are technology disabled. and **** like that in florida right now and i've been argueing with them about this so i was just talking to my mom and she was like " just wait till you get to nj we are gunna talk" idk what to do...
Aww poor mommy.... your in florida? Okay...uh sneak out while your parents are sleeping what ever. And so they dont find out, record 3 hours worth of you mumbling **** and sleeping..and lock your door. And dont give me the "it only works in movies" speech cuz it really does work.
the "i dont care im stil going" will get my collection of slipknot memrobilia and **** thrown away. well i think they are getting thrown away either way

and that thing about " what did you do when you were my age?"....ill get a responce like " i was working my ass off"
The " i was working my ass off" ****, say something like... "i'd be working my ass off if we didnt go on family vacations" ...if you hate them.
I suggest you listen to whatever MK has to say, but i have a small idea.

Well, like you said the 'I Don't Give A Damn, I'm Doing It Method' is definately not gunna work. So, here's my thoughts on your parents. We shall name them Joe and Maria. Joe and Maria are like your average mom and dad. Theye love there kids and have morals based on Religion.(Catholic?)So there gunna base what they teach their kids based of whats in the bible.

Im guessing you have a rock style right? Head banger type chick who loves rock and tends hangs out with the 'Stereo Typed' Goth kids and crap. You love SK. SK is in no way near christian rock. Rock basically isn't really a very 'Christian Thing'. So your parents probably don't really approve of you styl. But they obviously let it slide. I think they are afraid your becoming to Obsessed with sk. They are afriad you might become a phsyco kid like thoes otherones and kill ppl and crap.

You say you wont. But do they really wanna take the chance? They are afriad you are using SK as models. Like you look up to them. They are afriad you might wanna be like them. You might say oh they know what they write. SO obviously Satanism is the way to go. And your Parent dont want to know. And with the growing numbers of kids killing and blaming it on rock music like slipknot, they dont wanna take the chance.

My recomendation. Just be a good girl for a while. Dont cop any attitude. And dont do anything rebelious. Next time SK comes to tow, you parents will notice that you really are deep and satanic. Your lucky. My mom hates SK. Im not aloud to buy the CD's becuase of the graphic images and what not. My mom is afriad i might go insane...Just be good and you wont loose anymore than you have.

Eh, wasnt the nest of advice but meh.
what graphic images? lmfao great advice thankies so much azy but i i am the headbanger type chick but i hang out with normal people. but then again labels suck and i hang out with " preps" "goths" "hip hoppers" and all that good stuff.
Chainerreturns said:
My parents have no idea,if your parents think Slipknot is Satanic, well they havent seen Satanic yet.

exactly... cough i listen to manson, dimmu, and filth

oh **** i double posted.

Chainerreturns said:
My parents have no idea,if your parents think Slipknot is Satanic, well they havent seen Satanic yet.

exactly... cough i listen to manson, dimmu, and filth
Chainerreturns said:
My parents have no idea,if your parents think Slipknot is Satanic, well they havent seen Satanic yet.
true, very, but parents know theres is worse. But everything grows. One minute u can like linkin park the next u can love them. Parents are afraid u might get obsessed
Aww poor mommy. Well i say you march up to them and demand that you have the right to go to the show, cuz you are not a child anymore, you are old enough to know what you like and what you dont, and that Slipknot is not satanic- its nu- ****ing metal. Just dont swear.
ForgottenKid said:
Aww poor mommy. Well i say you march up to them and demand that you have the right to go to the show, cuz you are not a child anymore, you are old enough to know what you like and what you dont, and that Slipknot is not satanic- its nu- ****ing metal. Just dont swear.
Do that if you dont want to go.
my dad hates slipknot and he says that he will never let me go to a show with them :( but my dad usally forgets these things, so sorry i can't help ya here,
Thankfully I have be blessed with parents, that listen to the same things I do, acutally they got me started on it. I am 21 now, and me and my dad can listen to the same music in a car, and rock out! its badass lol