Parents hate Slipknot.

ImTheOneThatFalls said:
Well...I'm being deprived from a Slipknot concert because my parents say Slipknot is satanic. Yea they maybe a bit satanic but they are taking this way over board. they dont understand that they dont mean anything they say in their lyrics. and my mom was telling me that Slipnot is linked to a murder in California well duh they were but those kids were really stupid for taking theier lyrics seriously.this isnt the first time they've done this to me. idk how they got word of this or anything. cause they are technology disabled. and **** like that in florida right now and i've been argueing with them about this so i was just talking to my mom and she was like " just wait till you get to nj we are gunna talk" idk what to do...

Well, first things first. Work on the grammar. And the spelling.

In regards to parents hating Slipknot; there are several ways to deal with this. It just depends on your personal integrity.

1) You could lie. Tell your mother that you are going to see whoever is performing with/opening for/opened by Slipknot. Then after you have seen Slipknot, you can argue ignorance. You did not know they were there.

2) The fact that Slipknot is linked to a murder is horseshit. Unless it was personally one of the members who pulled the trigger, tell your mother to shove it. (Nicely.) Do you remember Columbine? Those two listened to Marilyn Manson, you do not see any satanic goth worshipping axe murderers running around killing people. You want someone to blame, blame the Bush administration.

3) Tell your mother straight up: I like Slipknot. Deal with it. You may break every CD I own of Slipknot, but it takes 10 minutes to burn a new one and I have many friends and more blank CD's than Fort Knox has gold bars. Straight up, she can not stop you entirely.

4) On all, just fly under the radar. Do not start anything. Out of sight, out of mind. Stay out of trouble. Stay low. If you not in trouble, your mother will not have to remind you of your SLipknot problems and drag it on.

And if you miss a concert, buck up kiddo, there will be more.

I can also forsee your distance Florida issue posing a problem anyway...

majinkamahl said:
Well, first things first. Work on the grammar. And the spelling.

In regards to parents hating Slipknot; there are several ways to deal with this. It just depends on your personal integrity.

1) You could lie. Tell your mother that you are going to see whoever is performing with/opening for/opened by Slipknot. Then after you have seen Slipknot, you can argue ignorance. You did not know they were there.

2) The fact that Slipknot is linked to a murder is horseshit. Unless it was personally one of the members who pulled the trigger, tell your mother to shove it. (Nicely.) Do you remember Columbine? Those two listened to Marilyn Manson, you do not see any satanic goth worshipping axe murderers running around killing people. You want someone to blame, blame the Bush administration.

3) Tell your mother straight up: I like Slipknot. Deal with it. You may break every CD I own of Slipknot, but it takes 10 minutes to burn a new one and I have many friends and more blank CD's than Fort Knox has gold bars. Straight up, she can not stop you entirely.

4) On all, just fly under the radar. Do not start anything. Out of sight, out of mind. Stay out of trouble. Stay low. If you not in trouble, your mother will not have to remind you of your SLipknot problems and drag it on.

And if you miss a concert, buck up kiddo, there will be more.

I can also forsee your distance Florida issue posing a problem anyway...


Lol, who doesnt do that now a days. This kid was blaming bush becuase he spent 1 dollar on an arcade machine
there is nothing wrong with dimmu

um...tell them you arent like them

make them listen to like vermillion pt 2 or something sweet by slipknot

heh and ask them to tell you how satanic they are now...

pick out some unsatanic songs by them..and print out the lyrics..tell them to read them thouroughly and highlight anything they find that bothers them

and if they highlight enough stuff then you wont go.

hey man...there is christian death metal its not all satanic stuff

but i get alot of that satanist bs from majority of people i know....
Awww the same happened to me, they came here at the beginning of the year and i wasnt allowed to go since Im an INDIAN, **** i hate it. My mum says that it is enough freedom for me to be able to listen to these bands and i should forget about seeing them live and i was real pissed. but after a whikle i cooled down.

I reckon you should talk politely to your parents, discuss the matter and in the end if your mum still doesnt change her mind then thts the end of the story, after all, you might bitch about yer paretns now but really they have been thru **** to look after you for so long and you dont wanna pay them back by giving them ****. Plus there will be many more chances for you to see Slipknot. In the end, its the music that counts you listen to it, love it, so what if you missed to see them live once or twice, there's always a next time.
i have a n idea let them see the cover of slipknot's 3dr album... and ask them what's missing.... hehe... no perental warning... that is an album devoid of any form... remind them of that...

and if all else fails wait till your 18... :D then you can tell them "well ****e you i can do whatever i want and you have no way of stopping me"
Parents have a knack of getting very overboard with things... heh... you'll find that most of the time it's because they care, even if you can't see it.

Try explaining to them that Slipknot are just a band, you aren't getting any evil ideas from them, you just like their tunes.
As for the murders 'linked to Slipknot', that's a load of rubbish... like that time LP was blamed when a kid shot up his school... you can hardly claim that LP's lyrics are satanic. I believe that people who do this sort of thing have something wrong with them anyway, and it's just triggered by a song or a video game or something.
Yeah, but I mean think of it like this. Theres been alot of killers who say they do it for Satanic sacrafices and crap. SLipknot has that satanic vibe. SOO that Vibe can leave an impression whos to say a kid might listen to slipknot think there whole satanic thing is cool and go that route...except take it a step further.
azemkamikaze03 said:
Yeah, but I mean think of it like this. Theres been alot of killers who say they do it for Satanic sacrafices and crap. SLipknot has that satanic vibe. SOO that Vibe can leave an impression whos to say a kid might listen to slipknot think there whole satanic thing is cool and go that route...except take it a step further.

I don't agree. I can see your point and all, and of course I respect your opinion. But that isn't really very normal, to listen to some songs and suddenly decide it's cool to kill people? No. Some people are just naturally sick. A lot of us like violence when it's not real, I myself like violent films and stories, but I would never even dream of copying such things.
uwantme2b said:
I don't agree. I can see your point and all, and of course I respect your opinion. But that isn't really very normal, to listen to some songs and suddenly decide it's cool to kill people? No. Some people are just naturally sick. A lot of us like violence when it's not real, I myself like violent films and stories, but I would never even dream of copying such things.
Erh, i didnt nmean it like that ok heres an example. Bill Cosby. Hes a great guy. Good moral values. Hes kinda like a hero. Well i see Bill and IM like this guy is going somewhere. I say to myself hes cool and how does he do it? Well, he supports Cristian faith. He makes it seem cool. So i get interested and deicide to become a baptist. Now The more and more I go to baptist curch cerimonies I seem to like it. I realize this thing is cool. And then i ,as time proceeds, become a radical.

Eh if u listen to SK you not gunna(more than liekly)gunna get a sudden rage and wanna kill you mother and two brothers. But its like a gateway drug in some parents vision. They open the door to satanic relgions. All u have to do is walk in and see what its all about.
Slipknot aren't Satanic...Cuz the lyrics if u're 555, than i'm 666 means something else. And my whole family hates every single band i listen too (even sometimes it's old rock).
azemkamikaze03 said:
Erh, i didnt nmean it like that ok heres an example. Bill Cosby. Hes a great guy. Good moral values. Hes kinda like a hero. Well i see Bill and IM like this guy is going somewhere. I say to myself hes cool and how does he do it? Well, he supports Cristian faith. He makes it seem cool. So i get interested and deicide to become a baptist. Now The more and more I go to baptist curch cerimonies I seem to like it. I realize this thing is cool. And then i ,as time proceeds, become a radical.

Eh if u listen to SK you not gunna(more than liekly)gunna get a sudden rage and wanna kill you mother and two brothers. But its like a gateway drug in some parents vision. They open the door to satanic relgions. All u have to do is walk in and see what its all about.

True, that's how some parents would probably view it. And with most things, like the example you were using, it is possible to be converted to that particular thing, but we all in society (or most of us) know that killing is wrong, and nothing could drive us to do it, whether its 'cool' or not. I don't think you can become a killer, I think that even if it isn't obvious the killer has something psychologically wrong with them from the word go.
I know but dont you see. If they decide being satanic cool! Then they might not kill anybody but they always support their religion. then! We have thoes ppl in American Jurys and they allow even more killers to go free
slightly off but talking about satanism, what i think is funny is that it wasnt actually a religion for ages
the catholics made them up, pretended that they did all of these aweful things tomake people against satan, then a bunch of people decided to take it up and actually perform these deeds the preists were pratting on about...
No it was more like, if you do this:
list of bad things

your not helpin God your Helping Satan
So ppl who didnt like God said well we dont wanna help him we will help Satan...and Since Christ is the Root word of Christians They named the followers Satanics after well who else but Satan....should named them Lucieferians