Parents hate Slipknot.

ImTheOneThatFalls said:
yea no **** lol i was typing real fast when i wrote that cause my aunt was coming up the staires

Yeah, no ****. I was typing very fast when I typed that because my aunt was coming up the stairs. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
I think everything I wanted to suggest has already been said.

My parents don't like me listening to bands like Slipknot, but I do anyway. :D

I also missed a Slipknot Concert, I wasn't very happy and I got over it a few days later. So if you don't go this time just remember there is always next time and betweent the next time they come you can get threw to your mom that you aren't going to get ideas from their lyrics and be completely obsessed like they think.

I think that murder incident from that kid was BS! He probably just said he got inspriation from Slipknot's music so he wouldn't get in so much trouble.
Sure you may not. But that doesn't mean Joe next door wont. I mean lets just say there 1 thousand People in these forums right. Theres an equal chance that at least one of us could be affected by it.
Only if you already have a mental problem does music make you go psycho. It's the same with video games, movies etc.

That's what I think anyway....
ImTheOneThatFalls said:
Well...I'm being deprived from a Slipknot concert because my parents say Slipknot is satanic. Yea they maybe a bit satanic but they are taking this way over board. they dont understand that they dont mean anything they say in their lyrics. and my mom was telling me that Slipnot is linked to a murder in California well duh they were but those kids were really stupid for taking theier lyrics seriously.this isnt the first time they've done this to me. idk how they got word of this or anything. cause they are technology disabled. and **** like that in florida right now and i've been argueing with them about this so i was just talking to my mom and she was like " just wait till you get to nj we are gunna talk" idk what to do...

The reason why parents hate slipknot is bcause the band is about halloween.
I never understan wtf is whith their mask it looks so stupide.
how do they perform live prob 100 degrees under their masks.
slipknot SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! in my opinon.
^^ and ^^^ Heh.

I think both are awesome bands. But I like Slipknot better... Limp Bizkit is slacking off. lol

Well they are having band issues with members but still.
spike91232004 said:
^^ and ^^^ Heh.

I think both are awesome bands. But I like Slipknot better... Limp Bizkit is slacking off. lol

Well they are having band issues with members but still.

Man thats bullshit LB aint having Prob with members.
**** kid think before u talk.
Slipknot sucks in my opinion slipknot only does it for pr and **** 2 get more money.
They just for image a commercial.
Now LB has a meaning aka original band.
**** Slipknot Sucks!!!!!