Can't say I'm patriotic about anywhere but the exact area I came from (eastern shore hardcore!). This government and this state give me nothing to be proud of. Why would I take pride in a mechanism for destruction and oppression accross the globe? Heck, I need not look so far as "the third word" to find examples of systematic oppression and destruction carried out by "my" country (Reference; any impoverished community, particularly aboriginal communities). The idea that we are a peaceful nation is a misconception; how can we call ourselves peaceful when the systems which facilitate our way of life (particularly the economic one, but that would be to simplify) necessitate violent exploitation of people and planet? A common knowledge example might be the peace/ prosperity provided by the **** regime to many of its citizens (a cliche at this point in history, but it seems the only one with which people are familiar), but to call that a true 'peace' would be rather short-sighted would it not? Our situation is no different. Unfortunately I've no room to escape this, opting out (cabin in the woods style) would simply save my concise.
I suppose I made some assumptions about how you choose to use patriotism, I've not read the whole thread, but I imagine the form of patriotism I am here attacking is somewhat obvious, or at least I hope so.
I do have some appreciation for the American constitution (not American) as it seems to make several attempts to allow for freedom (an ambiguous and poetic term akin to love, please think critically about the limitations and assumptions of that word). It seems to offer some good guidelines, though I question how such guidelines for 'freedom' can be institutionalized while maintaining their integrity. All that is a side I suppose; somewhat off topic, somewhat on.
Oh and taking pride in your country's ability to kill (Ref the jets); WTF?