daddy is a rockstar (just guess who
Um... I dunno... Mike? *laughs* Gotta stop reading that story of yours - it's very addictive you know! (Just glad, teachnically, that y'all 'chose' the same father. Imagine having 6 different kids to each member of the band. 0_0That's just... woah. *s******s* Imagine having Joe's kid?!? Stay away from the sugar - oops, no, too late... *staple the child to a wall by his shirt til the sugar wears off* That's funny. XD
yay now I have a triplet. a better brother who hopefully isnt as weird as my real ones are
Theoretically, one can only hope I guess. That's if he agrees to the adoption. Can't force someone at gun point (or could I? Hmm) No, he's a free agent. If he wants to join our weird-*** family, come right on in I say, the more the merrier. Just a good thing we don't all live under the same roof or there'd be **** to pay, I can see the dramas now...
Although, if that was the only way to get your *cough* dad *double cough* home, then so be it. Let's all rent a house in the 'burbs and go nuts. Now with all our different cultures in tow the only question next would be, which country are we all gonna live in? *looks vague*
we dont wanna know what mummy's been doing with daddy..*steals ur cookie*
Maybe she doesn't,
but I do! *laughs* I know what I'd
like to do (anyone with half a brain should figure that one out, I'm not that transparent, or... am I? Sheesh!) but given that he is a busy man and he's locked away in the recording studio I'm afraid y'all won't be seeing much of him either any time soon. Typical workaholic. Absentee father. *hmpf!* ****** rock stars... *grin*
Oh, and stop stealing your sister's cookies. Even if you are older there's no need to be a bully. *rolls eyes* ****, taking this RP thing on board rather fast, huh? Scary...
*hugs* - outties my gals. Hope everything's going well in your RL Mel. Heard your grandparents spoilt you rotten today. Way to go! Hope you had fun. Take care and talk again soon.