Phi's journal


New member
I'm pretty bored but I'm about to get off and go to bed so I can get up early for more martial arts training. Its gonna be killer since its down pouring. at least its not snow. but yeah yesterday I got drug up a waterfall and a fish got caught in my shirt. at least it wasnt as bad as two years ago. that was ****.


New member
Hope you had fun at training. *laughs* Poor traumatised fish XD

But given what you put yoyrself through with the rigors of training, I'm just overwhelmed. Your dedication, especially after all those rather horrific injuries you explained to me earlier on AIM is something quite awe-inspiring. You must be very mentally strong. I'm very impressed. Wish I could be more like you.

Take care. Hope your family isn't giving you a hard time (as seems usual) and hope you have/had a good day, whatever else you're up too besides training. Talk again soon.



And Viking - :p You crack me up sometimes and you don't even have to try! XD



New member
I got promoted to the special squad tracker ninja. it was a hard test last night. Instead of the usuaul 50 x 50 mile training area we use, it was double that. It was raining to high heaven last night and I had to find a ribon that was all the way atop a tree. the only catch was there were hudereds of trees with ribons on the top so I had to find the right ribbon on the first try. It was hard but I found it eventualy. >< man masters gettin rough with his training.

My day pretty much consists of training early in the morning from 4 to 7 (the stuff like forms, meditation, fighting) then babysitting and other day time stuff most days school. then I eat study and sleep then from 10-1 at night is training.



New member

Wow - I'm speechless (that's be a first!)

Um... just... wow! Hehehe.


The image of you climbing trees in the rain looking for a ribbon made me think of an anime situation, but other than that... 0_0 Woah.

Oh, and BTW, did you actually register @ LPU yet?

Curious. Have you seen the video journals?!? That's my fav part of that place I swear to ***... yes, Rob is my rock ***, you should know that by noe *laughs*



New member
im not sure if it registered or not or if I have to do it again. I havent had time to check. >< go figure. but thanks. now as a tracker ninja I'm one step closer to becoming a level 15 ninja but that will be in another 2 yrs. I can tell you though there is no way I'm going on the assination squad thats just weird


New member
I know you'll get there, you seem like a very capable, headstrong and determined lady, so watch out any would be attackers!

*rolls eyes*

Man, gotta stop getting so involved in your stories. Think I've been subliminally influenced or something.



New member
Speaking of stories, I wrote something on our 'Discombobulated' family, in a fic way, and as per LPF rules I need your permission before I post it. Why? Cause you're in it. You, Viking, Greyfoxx and Woody, at least so far. It's based on this idea of being one real screwed up family, but as is my way I made it more 'dramatic' in a sense. It's not something I'd normally write but then, that's the idea... it's also the only way I'll ever be able to show anything on LPF cause most of what I do write is too heavy for this place.

Anyway... yay or neigh?


Hope all is well. TC & TTY - Next Year I guess! :D




New member
go ahead guys, I dare say I need a laugh or what ever. Todays been hard and long. Master was sick today so we had some noobie black belt from out of county take his place, he didnt know the first thing about ninja arts. I felt like one huge bruise. I dont have training to night but I'm spending the night at the school with my friends CJ, jason, eli and sama. we're trying to finish scraping the whitebelts off of the floor ha ha. theyre so dumb some times. My dads working night shift again and he had to work today too. I learned a new song on the drums but I'm too sore to practice it right now. not that any one in my **** house would care. I'm left alone today, I had to call up CJ and ask him for a ride. My stepmom took my sisters to the beach for the weekend, I didnt want to go. I'll prolly stay the night at Jacks house tomorrow. I'm gonna record the Naruto marathon tomorrow since I got the VCR set.


New member
ok im really bored since practice dosent start untill 11 at night. I'm watching a naruto marathon on the telly but I'm bored since I've already seen the episodes. I hope that rav will get on AIM sometime so I can talk to her and I wont be so bored. I hope that master's back cuz if that idiot is teaching us again, I'm skiving off the lesson tonight and I'll do my own training with my dog. Thats something new I've started now my dog's my partner in my martial arts. Bam is a great partner and Benji shows promise, but seth and bbb are too small and young to learn the stuff yet. XD wow, ninja like dogs lol thats a funny thought. I've started working on a comic about a girl ninja and her dog, its actualy a nice idea but I'm having a time comming up with sketches for the girl, I cant seem to get it right.

I was reading the story about the discombobulated family that Rav wrote, man thats awesome. I can remember doing little things for my dad just to get noticed. it sucked since no one even bothered to notice me but hey I turned out alright, i think.

well so much for a rant. I'm just gonna shut up and go to sleep so I'm not dead by martial arts tonight.




New member
Hey, well wouldn't you know it, I sign on and you sign off... well, hope all's well anyway.

Glad you liked my *ahem* tale. It's just a muck arund thing. Blame/thank Greyfoxx for inspiring me. Actually you too since you're the one who really started this whole mixed-up dysfunctional family thing. :rolleyes: Anyway... Ninja dogs? That's a new concept. They have a show here on SBS called Inspector Rex about a German Shepard that's a Detective so I'm guessing *shrug* Why the **** not?

Anyway... Hope your New Years went/is fine.

Your comic sounds cool... pity you can't upload it. That's okay. But have fun with that anyway. I'm sure you'll get it right eventually.

Well *squeeze hugs* Take care and Talk to you again real soon.

Stay safe/happy all that general well-meaning stuff. (Feeling vague)

<3 Rav



New member
well im bored and im watching more of my linkin park vidoes. my kittens are getting weirder they were playing with my smallest dog seth and that was an intresting turn. I started re reading raves story again and it kicks *** but it makes me feel a little sad since im nowhere near as good as she is. but then the story gave me a huge grin all during the church service with the thought of me kindda kissing daddys *** despite how much he ignores me, that brings back memories. But props rav. and props to woody for the other story, that rocks too. you both are great writers and I like the aussie flair that y'all have in it. mine sucks compared to their stories. I'm gonna be putting more up on it when i get the chance and well, i might do that later today if I get bored eough. well my grandparents rock since they let me stay with them. I never leave their house with an empty stomache. my grandmothers takin me to lunch so im happy, its free for me and I love food, maybe I'll order some ramen.... i love ramen. but what else would you expect from the number one hyperactive knuckelheaded ninja? lol


New member
Daddy's li' girl, awww. :D

That's okay... glad you liked. You know I love the praise, I'm an ego-maniac *shrugs* My therapist said that's normal (or... did she?) but don't beat yourself up over nothing. You and Woody, in fact everyone, has their own talents and styles of writing. I read yours and Woody's (and Vi's random rhymes thread! OMG!) and I start feeling insignificant too, so maybe that's just an artists vulnerability thing coming through...? *** knows we're all guilty of it in some way I guess, even stage performers, but given that you do that too, I'm sure you'd have a better idea of what I'm rambling on about than even I actually do.

Hmm. Is that, like, even possible?


Pets sound like they're having fun. Love kittens. I'm a cat-person. In a strictly platonic kinda way though (the other way's just gross! *perks*) Um... hope training is good and all the rest. Grandparents sound sweet. I don't really have any left now, and I'm not really attached to the one or 2 that I do have, so *shrug* My family is quite distant naturally so I don't really get that familial-bond-type-thing but I wish I did.


Take care. Shall try and write more and see what else I come up with. See how our conversation yesterday inspired me? (Vi & Rob having the tustle, that was fun!). Can't wait to see what else you come up with. Woody too. I love our family, even if it is a little dysfunctional... well, a lot really. But I still love it.

Talk again soon.

<3 Rav :D

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