Pictures of our members?

manicmonday said:
Easier on our eyes this way.

Why don't you post a picture of your fat ass in your natural habitat, a.k.a McDonald's.

And yes, it is a Jesus Picture. The picture was taken at my boyfriends house not mine. I'm an atheist for those of you playing the home game.
manicmonday said:

Find a piece of fat on that you numscull. I don't eat McDonalds.

Fat? Hell... I'd like to find anything other than bones! From your photo, I would tend to think that you don't eat much of anything, and that which you did, you immediately ram your finger down your throat to get rid of. Damn're skin and bones! :eek:

All joking aside...(and I was joking) aren't taking potshots at each others pictures just plain rude and unproductive? I don't know. I think you both look fine but then again...that's me.
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
Fat? Hell... I'd like to find anything other than bones! From your photo, I would tend to think that you don't eat much of anything, and that which you did, you immediately ram your finger down your throat to get rid of. Damn're skin and bones! :eek:

All joking aside...(and I was joking) aren't taking potshots at each others pictures just plain rude and unproductive? I don't know. I think you both look fine but then again...that's me.

I was joking with him when I first posted. If he has read any of my posts on here, he would know that I'm serious not 99% of the time. And then he did the worst thing he could to to a woman, call her fat. I'll be taking laxatives all week because of that......;)
I been so damn bored lately... I have resorted to ****ing with photos in my Illegal Adobe Photoshop CS2...

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