Pictures of our members?

I LOVE my new big Soup Pot!

After much searching I found the PERFECT pot. It's made in Italy, and is a "Piazza", 53 Quart, stainless steel. These suckers go for 580.00 bucks online - but I got it at a Chef's store - going out of business sale!

skategreen said:
I LOVE my new big Soup Pot!

After much searching I found the PERFECT pot. It's made in Italy, and is a "Piazza", 53 Quart, stainless steel. These suckers go for 580.00 bucks online - but I got it at a Chef's store - going out of business sale!


I see a weird fetish newsgroup popping up real soon, Girls In Pots.
manicmonday said:
Joshua slept with me till he was 6 months old. And then he needed space and I needed space. But it was sweet while it lasted. It goes by so quickly.

My daughter is 9 and back in my bed, not because she is affraid but because we often watch TV in the evening in my bed. She says its just because she loves my water bed.

Luckily she doesn't spread out like she did when she was younger.
builder said:
I could use that pot for cooking mud crabs, but how many are you catering for Skater? :p

Not catering, my good Buildy, simply planning ahead...planning ahead.

I like having a freezer full of many kinds soups and what-not...cuz I like nice things to eat but am busy busy and don't always have time to cook.

Very strange..the comments on this thread... so..this is how it goes? We post a new happy pic of new happy times, and thus light the fuse on a short debate as to whether or not we're worthy of having sex with?

cooking ... sex...ok, it's visceral .. guess there's a connection. ... but I must say ... The techniques of seduction ... leaves the pot contents cold!
skategreen said:
Not catering, my good Buildy, simply planning ahead...planning ahead.

I like having a freezer full of many kinds soups and what-not...cuz I like nice things to eat but am busy busy and don't always have time to cook.
Great crawfish pot.

skategreen said:
Very strange..the comments on this thread... so..this is how it goes? We post a new happy pic of new happy times, and thus light the fuse on a short debate as to whether or not we're worthy of having sex with?
I don't see the boys postig new pics for us to judge...
ToriAllen said:
I don't see the boys postig new pics for us to judge...


Shall we hurl down the gauntlet?


OK guys... all you who've seen fit to rate female members on the ****ability scale. .. Let's see it. Post your best tasteful pose..and the gals can have a go at it.


are ya CHICKEN?
skategreen said:

Shall we hurl down the gauntlet?


OK guys... all you who've seen fit to rate female members on the ****ability scale. .. Let's see it. Post your best tasteful pose..and the gals can have a go at it.


are ya CHICKEN?
Hell, I'll post a picture of my **** if it makes you feel better.
OK, so it might not be much, but I'm proud of it. It's much bigger when it's erect. Told ya I was hung like a hampster.
skategreen said:

Shall we hurl down the gauntlet?


OK guys... all you who've seen fit to rate female members on the ****ability scale. .. Let's see it. Post your best tasteful pose..and the gals can have a go at it.


are ya CHICKEN?

I KNEW you couldn't do it.


You're so pathetically predictable.

(now...yawwwwwn...make some lame pun out of the use of the word, "tasteful".)
Thanks Phreak, I'm not legal blind and getting a seeing eye dog tomorrow.

Between CES's ass and your balls, I'll never eat again.
skategreen said:

Shall we hurl down the gauntlet?


OK guys... all you who've seen fit to rate female members on the ****ability scale. .. Let's see it. Post your best tasteful pose..and the gals can have a go at it.


are ya CHICKEN?

I gotz no free-willy pix of me, but this one shows more flesh than I usually show. ;)