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My friend's mum recently pointed out that I have the same ironing board cover as her. Can anyone think of a more mundane and pointless remark to make than this?

RoyalOrleans said:
Goddamn... you're one ugly mother****er.

Thank you.
Tex said:
My friend's mum recently pointed out that I have the same ironing board cover as her. Can anyone think of a more mundane and pointless remark to make than this?

Thank you.

You're quite welcome, mate. By the way, I like the Elvis quote on your signature.
RoyalOrleans said:
You're quite welcome, mate. By the way, I like the Elvis quote on your signature.

Ta. I'll be changing it for different quotes as I think of them.

Sneak preview of my next one:

Kurt Cobain said:
Courtney, put the smack down and tell me straight. Are you sure the safety catch is on?
I promise you mate, that's not a cut and paste from the internet.

Course if you can do better...