Proof Pt 2

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SNiPeRViRuS said:
Please, you dont want to be in the losing side of this battle. Not worth it for you. Such a small amount of posts........ you may never gain respect here if you remain on retardo bitch's side.

fuk u snipervirus

erin's one of my best friends from my high skool !

retardo bastardo !
lol well i am done with this Thread the arugement goes in circles, fighting about the same thing over and over.
man im out didnt even diss you darkangel...
i know i should be on woodys side....but im just fence sitting atm and i cant stand 2 of my friends fighting over something so both dissed the others gender, you both got ur opinion out so you both should just let it go now.
darkangel said:
ok, i am saying this now, leave sarah the fuk alone, she's going through some rough times, go 2 "ok to clear this up" thread for more info

yet again doesnt give her the right to yell at people, thats being selfish.
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