Question about Islam.

Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
Well, DUH! They should've gotten rid of the scum scuckers before they had a chance to kidnap israeli soldiers. Inaction and/or slow action get's you dip-**** islamists in as much trouble as your actions...

You clearly did not read what I said.

They were in the process of removing Hezbollah.

Hezbollah's troop count just 3 months ago went from 26,000 to 13,500 because of Lebanese government action and Egyptian, Saudi, and Jordanian pressure.

Oh and NazzNegg, look at the bigger picture. Look at the bullshit Israel is putting Lebanon through. And look at how Saudi, Jordan, and Egypt still condemn Hezbollah. While their brothers and sisters are being tormented, and their cousins (Jews). For they are the decendents of Abraham. Thats ****ing tolerance. Where-as the only foreign tolerance the USA has had in their recent history is WW2 and WW1.

Did the US show any tolerance towards Iraqi's at the beggining of the war when thousands of cruise missiles were fired?

Have they shown any tolerance or restraint for the finincial support of Israeli's illegal murderous actions?

Don't let my age, religion, religous label, or what you hear on the news fool you. I'm as informed of the current situation as the people who are being tormented in Lebanon are.
Hamza123 said:
You clearly did not read what I said.

They were in the process of removing Hezbollah.

Hezbollah's troop count just 3 months ago went from 26,000 to 13,500 because of Lebanese government action and Egyptian, Saudi, and Jordanian pressure.

Oh and NazzNegg, look at the bigger picture. Look at the bullshit Israel is putting Lebanon through. And look at how Saudi, Jordan, and Egypt still condemn Hezbollah. While their brothers and sisters are being tormented, and their cousins (Jews). For they are the decendents of Abraham. Thats ****ing tolerance. Where-as the only foreign tolerance the USA has had in their recent history is WW2 and WW1.

Did the US show any tolerance towards Iraqi's at the beggining of the war when thousands of cruise missiles were fired?

Have they shown any tolerance or restraint for the finincial support of Israeli's illegal murderous actions?

Don't let my age, religion, religous label, or what you hear on the news fool you. I'm as informed of the current situation as the people who are being tormented in Lebanon are.
You clearly are a dip-****... let me repeat for you moron... THEY DID NOT REMOVE THEM FAST ENOUGH.
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
You clearly are a dip-****... let me repeat for you moron... THEY DID NOT REMOVE THEM FAST ENOUGH.


Removing insurgents from Iraq is taking awhile, imagine how hard it is to remove Hezbollah. So shut the **** up.

Everytime we build a nest, they destroy it. Everytime we build a home, they destroy it. Everytime a child is born, they kill it. What can we do? They killed our hopes... and the love that was in our hearts. What harm has the murdered child done?... Why are world regulations applied to our people only?... and never to the Israelis!?
Everytime we build a nest, they destroy it. Everytime we build a home, they destroy it. Everytime a child is born, they kill it. What can we do? They killed our hopes... and the love that was in our hearts. What harm has the murdered child done?... Why are world regulations applied to our people only?... and never to the Israelis!?
Then how is it you continue to defile our planet with your existance, I wonder?
ImWithStupid said:
Is it God or is it Allah? Are the two interchangeable? I was just wondering.:confused:

Allah is the Arabic word for God. Look into an Arabic Bible and you will find the world Allah.

Arabic-speaking Muslims, Christians and Jews (including the Teimanim, several Mizrahi communities and some Sephardim) use "Allah" as the proper noun for 'God.' "Allah" is found in the Qur'an and in Arabic translations of the Bible. In the Qur'an, it refers to The Only God.

The name Allāh was used in pre-Islamic times by Pagans within the Arabian peninsula to signify the supreme creator. Pre-Islamic (as well as Islamic-era) Jews referred to God as Adonai(as well as El, YHWH, and other names).
ImWithStupid said:
So what you are saying is, they are interchangeable.



It's like saying "Dios" instead of "God". They are the same thing, the first one is just in spanish.
jokersarewild said:


It's like saying "Dios" instead of "God". They are the same thing, the first one is just in spanish.

we've been trying to explain that to people but they choose to act dumb. if i say Allah, they think i'm talking about something different all together. Maybe the arabic frightens them, that's why they jump whenever they hear ALLAHU-AKBAR,which simply means GOD IS GREAT. Dumb or what!!!!?
we've been trying to explain that to people but they choose to act dumb. if i say Allah, they think i'm talking about something different all together. Maybe the arabic frightens them, that's why they jump whenever they hear ALLAHU-AKBAR,which simply means GOD IS GREAT. Dumb or what!!!!?
They jump, because those are the words used to kill by your all so "peaceful" pig-**** worshippers.
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
They jump, because those are the words used to kill by your all so "peaceful" pig-**** worshippers.

No, they jump cause they are cowards who are clinging to life as though it will last forever!
No, they jump cause they are cowards who are clinging to life as though it will last forever!
Well excuse me if I don't want to die at the hands of a pig-**** worhipper... Your stupidity never ceases to amaze!
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
Well excuse me if I don't want to die at the hands of a pig-**** worhipper... Your stupidity never ceases to amaze!

You will die when your time comes. Doesn't matter how it happens. Your life isn't even worth taking, anyway.
I'd rather amaze than bore :rolleyes:
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
That has got the be the stupidest thing, I have ever seen... worthy of the idiot box!

Yeah, it is unthinkable. Imagine that. The black skin certainly does not go with the robes.:rolleyes:
Mohammed_Rests_In_Heaven said:
That has got the be the stupidest thing, I have ever seen... worthy of the idiot box!

Yeah, we all know how seeing anyone with dark skin in any kind of Christian power is unthinkable in your mind...

A white has no superiority over black and a black has no superiority over white except by piety and good action - Prophet Muhammed (Peace and blessings be apon him)