Question about Islam.

ImWithStupid said:
In effect, you didn't answer my question nor did you explain yourself.

ok, I'm very honest about what I have knowledge about. I don't know eveything about cristianity, Judaism and ofcourse Islam itself. They are very broad religions and it takes many years to even comprehend knowing everything about them. But when I answer questions about them, I make sure I know what i'm talking about. I wouldn't just babble anything.

But I'm gonna try but it is important for you to be open hearted and open minded because if i turned a glass upside down and poured water on it, i'd never get a glass of water. It has to be right side up. Facts alone to not lead to understanding, but rather a combination of tolerance, ambition and the ability to appreciate and accept the truth when you hear it.

The word Islam means surrender, submission and obedience to the Law of All-Mighty God. You can say Allah, you can say The Creator, you can say The Supreme God, The Supreme Force, The All-Wise. All of those are His names. We say Allah, because in arabic, there's no other expression. This expression Allah cannot be applied to any created thing. Other words that we use for All-mighty, people apply to created things,''The all-mighty dollar'', ''Oh, I love my wife, she is top'' or ''he is the greatest''. But the word Allah can only be applied to the One that has created all of this. So from this point I'm going to use the word Allah and you know Whom I'm talking about.
The word Islam is derived from the root Salama. It means to be at peace or to have security. Therefore, a muslim is a person that surrenders, submits and obeys to the Law of All-Mighty God and through this submission obtains peace and security for themselves. We can immediately see that by such a definition, the arabic word, Islam, decribes the same manner and behaviour of all the well-known and respected Prophets and Messengers of All-Mighty God. All of them, from Adam(as) to Muhammad (saw). All of these men, these Prophets and Messengers came from the same All-Mighty God, with the same message, with the same chain of transmission and they said ONE THING, 'Obey God, Worship All-Mighty God and fulfil the purpose of life and do good actions and you will be rewarded with another life'. That's all they said. Don't make it more than that, THAT'S ALL THEY SAID, regardless of what language, what time, whom they came to.That's all they said. If you read the scriptures carefully, without your own interpretation or somebody else's addition or fabrication, you'll find that this was the simple message of all those Prophets who confirmed one another. Not one of those Prophets ever said, 'Iam God, Worship Me'. You don't have to think, because you won't find it in any book that you have. Not the Bible,not the Torah, not the old and new Testiment, not the Psalms of David. You will not find it in any book. You will not find it from the speech of any Prophet. Palm through all the pages of your Bible and I guarantee you, you will not find it once, anywhere. So where did this come from. That's something else you have to investigate.
We can immediately see that by such a definition, the arabic word describes what all the Prophets did. They all came and submitted themselves to God, surrendered themselves to God, called the people to God and asked the people, insisted upon the people to do deeds of rightousness. The Ten Commandments of Moses(as), what was that? The Speech of Abraham(as), what was that? The Psalms of David, what was that? The Proverbs of Solomon, what did he say? The Gospel of Jesus Christ(as), what did he say? What did Isaac(as) and Ishmael say? What did Muhammad(saw) say? NOTHING MORE THAN THAT!

''And they were commanded not, but that they should worship Allah, and worship none but Him, and perform As-salat(prayer) and give Zakat(charity), and that is the right religion'' Qur'an 98:5

This was the original message. By the same token, it would also be appropriate to concider those Prophets as Muslims, because Muslims is right. Don't think about the arabic terminology, don't think about how we address, don't think about Makka or Saudi Arabia. No, think about the word muslim means he who surrenders himself to All-Mighty God and obeys the Laws of All-Mighty God and that case whether naturally or a dialectical manner everything that surrenders to the law of the All-Mighty God is a MUSLIM. So when a child comes out of the womb of its mother at the time that God has ordered, what is it? It's a Muslim. When the sun goes around in its orbit, what is it? It's a Muslim. When the moon goes round the sun, what is it? It's a Muslim. The Law of Gravity, what is it? It's a Muslim. Anything that submits itself to the Law of God is a Muslim. Therefore, when we willfuly obey the All-Mighty God,we are Muslims. Jesus Christ(as) was a Muslim. His blessed mother was a Muslim.Abraham(as) was a Muslim. Moses(as) was a Muslim. All the Prophets were Muslims, but they came to their people and they spoke different languages. The Prophet Muhammad(saw) spoke the language of arabic and so in the arabic language submit and surrender is Muslim. We've established the original message of all the Prophets. If we examine the message of each well known Prophet, we can easily conclude this fact, where there is a conflict, it is a result of false assertions, fabrications, exaggerations, personalised interpretations of alleged writers, historians, scholars and individuals. For instance, let me point out something that maybe you haven't looked at. How come throughout the old testiment , God is always referred to as ONE , the Master and Lord and King of the Universe and that in the first commandment given to Moses(as), He did not allow anyone to worship any graven images or to bow down to anything in the heaven, the earth and the sea below. He never allowed that. All the Prophets said that He was One, the All-Mighty God.Throughout the old testiment, this is repeated in every place. THEN all of a sudden, we got FOUR testimonies. The four gospels called Mathew, Mark..... to be continued below
If we examine the message of each well known Prophet, we can easily conclude this fact, where there is a conflict, it is a result of false assertions, fabrications, exaggerations, personalised interpretations of alleged writers, historians, scholars and individuals.

Thank you for responding without being defensive.

This, what you have written here, is what I have said many times in this forum. Yet, somehow I am accused of being anti-Muslim, in my intent.

I have said that all great religions were intended for good, peace and rightiousness, but misinterpretations, for personal means have distorted this message to breed the violence and hatred that we see now. If everyone would just look at the root of the message, we wouldn't have the problems we have now.
...Luke and John.Mathew who? Mark who? Luke who? John who? Four different gospels that were written 48 years apart and none of these men, who did not collaborate with each other, none of them wrote their last name?
If I gave you a check, for your pay this month and I wrote my first name on the check and told you to go to the bank, would you accept that check? No, you wouldn't. If the police stopped you and you only gave your first name, is that acceptable to them? Could you get a passport with only your first name? Did your mother and father only give you one name? WHERE in the history of man is one name accepted as a documentation? WHERE?! Nowhere!
Except in the bible. And how can you base your faith upon four gospels that were written by four men, that didn't seem to know their last name?
Then after those four gospels, there are fifteen more books written by a man who was an apostate who killed christians, tortured christians and then said that he in a vision saw Jesus(as) and he was comissioned as an apostle of Jesus(as). If I told you, that Hitler after he killed all the jews, then he himself decided that he wanted to be saved and he met Moses(as) on the path and he became a jew and he wrote fifteen books and added them to the torah, would this be acceptable to the jews? No, you wouldn't accept that. So how can four books, without a last name and fifteen other books written by another man, and this is the first time that God is called a man and the first time that God is called three and the first time God is given a son. How is this acceptable to christians? How? Think about it? Don't need to argue that point, I'll just give you something to think about and investigate.

The advent of the Prophet(saw) did not bring a new religion or way of life that some people claim. On the contrary, the Prophet(saw) confirmed the life and message of all the previous Prophets and Messengers. Both through his personal conduct and through the Devinve Revelation that he recieved from the All-Mighty. The sacred scripture that Muhammad(saw) brought is called Al-Qur'an. It means that which is recited, because Muhammad(saw), he did not write the Qur'an, he did not author the Qur'an. Nobody came and helped him to write the Qur'an and nobody collaborated with him in this, but the Angel Gabriel(as) recited to him and All-Mighty God made his heart a recepticle of that. The Prophet Muhammad's(saw) heart was a recepticle of Revelation and we have this Qur'an that has been preserved till this very day without the change of a dot! Don't take my word for it, go to the library and see what the Encyclopedia Britanica or the World Encyclopedia or any other Universal Encyclopedia of the world that is not written by muslims, read what it says and non-Muslims say about Islam, the Qur'an and Muhammad(saw) , then you will accept that what I'm saying is universerly documented and clear. That Muhammad(saw) is the most profound individual in the history of humanity. Profound why? read what they say. That the Qur'an is the most incredible, the most profound piece of literature in the annals of history. Read what they say. That the Islamic way of life is catagorised and so precise and dynamic, it has never changed. Read what they say.
To be continued... I'm getting tired....
...Each of the Prophets and Messengers, they also recieved a scripture and in the Qur'an, these Prophets, their Scripture, their story, the principle of their mission is mentioned with profound detail. Did Muhammad(saw) meet them, eat with them, talk with them and collaborate with them to write their biographies? No, ofcourse he didn't.In the Qur'an the Muhammad(saw) is referred to as the Messenger of God and the Seal of the previous Prophets, which is the limit of his role as a human being. Muslims do not worship Muhammad(saw). We're not Muhammadans. We have not the right to take the name of Muhammad(saw) and say we are Muhammadans. The people that followed Moses(as) were not Mosains. The people that followed Jacob were not Jacobites or the people that followed Abraham were not Abrahamians or divinians. So how do people call themselves christians. Christ(as) did not call himself a christian. How do people call themselves christians? Christ said that whatever he recieved from All-Mighty God was the order of God, what he heard was what he said! That's what he did. So how do you call yourself christians? You have to be Christ Like! and what was christ like? He was a servant of All-Mighty God, so you should be servants of All-Mighty God. That's it!

As a final revelation, the Qur'an makes the clear statement:

''This day have I perfected your religion for you and have completed my favour upon you and chosen Islam for you as a complete way of Life'' 5:3

So thorough the Qur'an, the word Islam came. When the building is complete you call is a house. When Islam was completed as a revelation and a book, as an example through the Prophet Muhammad(saw), it then became Islam. It became a complete way of life. So it was the word that was new, not the practice, not the Prophet(saw), not the order from God,not a new revelation, but only the word Islam. And as I said previously, what were all the Prophets? They were ALL Muslims.
Muhammad(saw), unlike his predisecers, he did not come to the Arabs or to his own people exclusively.No, therefore, Islam is not a Religion of the Arabs, it is not For the Arabs alone. Yes, Muhammas, son of Abdullah was born in Makkah, a city in the Arabian Peninsular and certainly he was an arab by birth. Concequences of his birth, choice of the All-Mighty. Additionally, the Qur'an was revealed in the arabic language, to preserve and protect it, to make it pure, clear and precise. Yet the Qur'an dispels the notion that the message of Muhammad(saw) was limited or meant for the arabs exclusively.

Allah said: ''You have not been sent (O Muhammad), except to the whole of humanity as a warner, as a one bringing glad tidings. Most human beings simply don't know''.

The Qur'an itself, makes the claim that it is the product of devine revelation.

''Nor does he(Muhammad) speak of his own desire,
''It is only a Revelation revealed.''

If we're ever gonna prove to you that the Qur'an is authetic, we must first prove that it was impossible for Muhammad(saw) himself to author the Qur'an. Secondly, we must prove that it was equally impossible for any human to produce the Qur'an. Let us think about it. I ask you, the Qur'an makes the statement:

''And We created the human being from a hanging clot (that was clinging to the wall of the womb)''

How did the Prophet(saw) know that the embryo started out from a clot clinging to the uterus of the mother? Did he have some kind of x-ray vision? How did he recieve this knowledge, when it was discovered 47 years ago?! How did he know that the oceans have a barrier between them to separate the salt and thet fresh water? How did he know that?
How did he know that the sun and the moon and the planets are all swimming in an orbit that have been ordered for them? How did he know that? And on and on and on...How did he know that?When these things have just been discovered 25 0r 30 years ago.Technology and science, the sophistication of which you and I well know have just discovered these things. How did Muhammad(saw), 1400 years ago know this. An uneducated shepherd, a man in the desert, a man who could not read or write. How could he say something like this? How could he produce something like this and how could anyone living in his time, before and after, know something that was discovered recently? IMPOSSIBLE!
How could a man who never left the Arabian Penunsular, a man who never sailed on a ship, who lived 15 centuries ago produce such clear and astounding discriptions that were recently dicovered in the 20th century?

If this is not enough, let me mention to you that the Qur'an has 114 chapters, over 6000 verses, and there were hundreds of people at the time of the Prophet Muhammad(saw) who memorised this book entirely. How did that happen? Did anyone memorise the gospel, torah, psalms, the old and new testiment? Nobody! Not even the pope! But there are millions of muslims today who have memorised this entire book. This is the ambition of every Muslim, not some, EVERY. How many christians have you met in your life that have memorised the bible? None! Because you've never met one christian who knew what was the WHOLE bible. Because the christians themselve have over 700 different denominations and there are approximately 39 different versions of the bible. They don't even agree to that, so how can they even comprehend memorising the Whole bible if the don't even know what was the WHOLE bible???
And this is just some facts about the Qur'an. I'm not speaking in a condemning way. I'm just a person who found out these things and sharing them with you. Overturning some rocks for you to look under and it's up to you.
Let us turn to another topic. The basic themes of the Qur'an. The One-ness of the All-Mighty God, the Attributes, the relationship between the All-Mighty and His creation and how man should maintain that relationship. The Messengers, their lives, their overall mission.The insistance of following the final and universal example, Muhammad(saw).Reminding the human beings of the shortness of this life and calling them towards the eternity of this life.Calling them to the eternity of the life hereafter. After you leave here(world), you're going somewhere. After you die and leave this earth, you're going somewhere whether you accept it or know about it, you are responsible because you have been told even if you have rejected it. Because the goal of this life is not for you to sit here and after this do nothing and have no effect. Every cause has an effect and you came into this life for a cause and a purpose and it must have an effect! It muct Warrant some sort of effect. You don't go to school to stay there. You don't go to work not to get paid. You don't get a suit made and don't wear it. You don't grow up as a child and don't become an adult! YOU CANNOT LIVE WITHOUT EXPECTING TO DIE, YOU CONNOT DIE WITHOUT THE EXPECTENCY OF THE GRAVE, AND YOU CANNOT EXPECT THAT THE GRAVE IS THE END. Because that would mean that God has created you for a foolish purpose. You don't do anything unless for a purpose, so how can you assign God less than yourself?
In attempt to capture and convince the imagination and faculties of reasoning, the Qur'an goes to great length and beauty to expound upon the oceans and rivers, the trees and plants, the birds and insects, the wild and domestic animals, the mountains, the valleys, the expansion of the heavens, the celestrial bodies and the universe, the fishes and the aquatic life , the human analogy and biology, the human civilization and history, the description of paradise and hell, the evolution of the human embryo, the mission of all the Prophets and Messengers, the pur.pose of life on earth. And how can a man who was born in the desert, a man who is illiterate expound on things he was never exposed to?!...
Islam is simple. Bear witness that there is no other gods except All-Mighty God. If I asked any of you to bear witness that your father is your father, how many of you would say yes my father is my father, my son is my son, my wife is my wife, my husband is my husband, Iam who Iam. Then how is it that you hesitate to bear witness that All-Mighty God is One and All-Mighty God is the Only and All-Mighty God is your Lord and your Creator?
Why? Are you arrogant? Are you vain-glorious? Do you possess something that God doesn't possess? Do you have some secret you wanna share with us? Or are you confused? That's a question you have to ask yourself.
If you thought that you would die tonight and that in front of you is paradise and in back of you is hellfire and you had the chance to put things straight with your conscience and to put things straight with God and to ask God to accept the best of your deeds. If you had the chance to do that before you died and you thought that you would die tonight, you would not hesitate to bear witness that there is only One God.You would not hesitate to bear witness that Muhammad(saw) is the final Prophet and Messenger of God. You would not hesitate to bear witness that you would like to be written down in the book of God as one of those who have submitted themselves. You would not hesitate, but you think you gonna live a while, you wanna enjoy some things, you wanna drink a little more scotch, you wanna lay down with a little more girls or guys, you wanna wear a little more fancy clothes, you wanna dance a little bit more, you wanna sing a little bit more, you wanna hang out a little bit more and ofcourse you're not ready to PRAY everyday. That's because you think you're gonna live a little while, but how much is a while? Some of you are getting old.How much is a while? How long ago was it when you had a full head of hair? How long ago was it when it was all black? You get aches and pains in your knees and your elbows, how long ago was it when you were just a child, running and playing without a care? How long ago was it? IT WAS YESTERDAY! YES, AND YOU'RE GONNA DIE TOMORROW. So how long you wanna wait?
Islam is to bear witness that All-Mighty God is God , the Only God, the Only One without any partners. Islam is to acknowledge the existance of the Angels who brought the message from God to the Prophets and taking the life of the ones whom God has ordered to die. Acknowledging that all the Prophets were rightous men and they were all sent by All-Mighty God. Acknowledging the fact that there will be a final Day of Judgement for all creatures.Acknowledging that all good and evil have been proportioned by All-Mighty God. Acknowledging that there will definately be a resurrection after death. These are the basic beliefs of every muslim.
And finally the five pillar of Islam are the duties every muslim has to carry out which are:
1) Bearing witness that there is only One God and Muhammad is His messenger.
2)Salat (Praying five times a day)
3)Zakat(spending out of the blessings God has bestowed upon you on the poor, orphans and any person or creature in need)
4) Saum(fasting in the month of Ramadan)
5) Hajj(making the pilgrimage to the House of God.Makka/Kabba)

Hope I didn't type too much:D
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
and don't forget the part where you have to kill mame and destroy.

yawn , how predictable. Tell me MRIH, why is it that you never reply with anything productive? Is it because our posts are just too good for you? You can't hold a debate with Hamza without mentioning his age. Is it disbelief that a 16 year old kicks your butt linguistically? oops, I shouldn't mention the backside, we know how excited you that from the queen, she can't handle her bowels,lovely lady though). There was no point of me saying that, I just wanted to feel how you feel when you say something pathetic and unproductive.
They great news guys/gals... it doesn't matter what people say, whatever the cause of our existence, Muslim, Christian, Atheist, Satanist... we all came from the same source. An undeniable, 100% fact.
wez said:
They great news guys/gals... it doesn't matter what people say, whatever the cause of our existence, Muslim, Christian, Atheist, Satanist... we all came from the same source. An undeniable, 100% fact.

wez said:
They great news guys/gals... it doesn't matter what people say, whatever the cause of our existence, Muslim, Christian, Atheist, Satanist... we all came from the same source. An undeniable, 100% fact.

We may have risen from the primordial ooze, but I am almost certain that you were shat out.
old, wrinkled, boring,repetitive. I see you've kept yourself pretty much the same RO. :rolleyes:

I said a little prayer to Allah last night, AIG. I asked him to make all the Muslims of the world SHUT THE **** UP.
RoyalOrleans said:
I said a little prayer to Allah last night, AIG. I asked him to make all the Muslims of the world SHUT THE **** UP.

Guess He didn't accept your prayer. You probably asked while you were drunk, with pork between your teeth and taking your daily viagra old man. Get cleaned up you'll stand a better chance. :p
Guess He didn't accept your prayer. You probably asked while you were drunk, with pork between your teeth and taking your daily viagra old man. Get cleaned up you'll stand a better chance. :p

So only the righteous can speak to God?

First of all, I talk to Allah alot. Nigga owes me ten bucks.

Second, I only eat pork in bacon form and I pick it out of my teeth only to eat it again.

Third, I don't need Viagra. I ain't old and a gentle breeze could set it off.