
RoyalOrleans said:
Heh heh heh...

I peep into medicine cabinets. Especially if it's a girl that I am dating... just want to make sure because you never know!


You and Seinfeld.. Did you find any anti fungus cream too?
What's wrong with a quick check-o-the medicine cabinet? Is that against the law? I say it's a necessity... you can learn alot about a person by snooping through their things!
RegisteredAndEducated said:
And that's how them GA boys do it! Take notes guys... Nobody does it like a southern man does it! You want proof? Call one from GF, we'll get ya done!

Alright, alright, alright... and you damn right.
Phantom said:
In that case, none of you are invited over for tea or anything else! My vagina will not be used to boost your egos! :p

Who said anything about your vagina? There are two other holes.
Phantom said:
In that case, none of you are invited over for tea or anything else! My vagina will not be used to boost your egos! :p

Haven't you heard about me from anyone? I don't need my ego boosted, I'm a ****y *******, lol...
Phantom said:
In that case, none of you are invited over for tea or anything else! My vagina will not be used to boost your egos! :p
Nobody wants you vagina Phanny, it's those succulent **** sucking lips that make Angelina jealous that gets us all hard.

RoyalOrleans said:
Who said anything about your vagina? There are two other holes.

If you could fit your penis into my nostrils, I don't think I would want to have you over anyways! ;)
Phantom said:
If you could fit your penis into my nostrils, I don't think I would want to have you over anyways! ;)

Not your nostrils silly... or your ears... or your bellybutton... or your eyes... Or any piercing holes... We're talking bodily bigger holes...
RegisteredAndEducated said:
Not your nostrils silly... or your ears... or your bellybutton... or your eyes... Or any piercing holes... We're talking bodily bigger holes...
Yeah, you know, the one you like things inserted to. Your ass.