
Hamza123 said:
we have to donate a certain amount of food that we consumed the whole month
I do the exact same thing! How ironic. Except that my "donations" are sent via a 4" pipe to the local waste reclaimation plant which in turn gets sent to the middle east in the form of a
**** STORM!!!
It's cute when you think about it. Americans eat feasts of roast duck and give each other carefully wrapped presents for christmas. Muslims starve themselves and give each other flesh wounds. Our two cultures are so similar like that.

Love it!! :D :D :D

My memory of Ramadan - last time I was in India the area I lived in was almost all Hindu, with the remainder mostly Christian. There were a handful of Muslims.

But despite this numbers imbalance, these rude, inconsiderate, selfish people had loudspeakers pointing in all directions from the top of their mosque. Around 6am they blasted the speakers on full volume with their moronic chants of alah akbhar etc.

Now...if there ever was a justification for blowing up a building of people, waking people up EVERY DAY with moronic shouting about your love for a paedophile is about it. Thankfully for them, my beliefs forbid me from taking actions like that...
Ramadan kareem Hamza. :)

It's cute when you think about it. Americans eat feasts of roast duck and give each other carefully wrapped presents for christmas. Muslims starve themselves and give each other flesh wounds. Our two cultures are so similar like that.

Awe,are we meant to feel hurt?Basically your statement is crap cos you're comparing a festival with a practice of religion.
Ever heard of Eid? Yeah funny we also give presents and have great feasts on that day which is a festival,but course we never forget the poor.We gotta share our food with them.So while you're filling your infested bellies with pork and alcohol,we share our lives with those less fortunate than us.
And I hardly call 12 hours of no food and drink starvation.Only pathetic weaklings who only think of themselves would say this.Children under the age of 10 stay days without food or water around the world,and you call 12 hours starvation?
I'm not suprised seeing as you guys will insult anything that is different from your culture,even if it is something good.
And thank God our cultures are different like that. Keep going with your vain talk.You ain't harming no-one but yourselves.
We're sorry we don't base our lives on money,money,money.
We're sorry that you're so angry that you were afflicted with that which you've afflicted on millions and millions of people.
We're sorry that you still don't feel that you've avenged 9/11 even though over 30 000 iraqis and 2000 soldiers have lost their lives.
We're sorry that you are blind to the suffering of people around the world all your lives but become so caring only when there's something in it for you.
We're sorry that you blame others for what your own hands have brought forth.
We're sorry that you have to make the whole world pay for what was done by a handful of people.
We're sorry you believe one american life is better than all humanity put together.
So we're sorry,now will you let it go?
We're sorry we don't base our lives on money,money,money.
... and we're sorry we don't base our lives on killing innocent people.

We're sorry that you're so angry that you were afflicted with that which you've afflicted on millions and millions of people.
... and we're sorry that you inflicted that which was inflicted upon the inflicted of the inflicted :confused: :rolleyes:

We're sorry that you still don't feel that you've avenged 9/11 even though over 30 000 iraqis and 2000 soldiers have lost their lives.
... and we're sorry that islam hasn't been irradicated yet.

We're sorry that you are blind to the suffering of people around the world all your lives but become so caring only when there's something in it for you.
.. and we're sorry that you caused all of the suffering in the first place.

We're sorry that you blame others for what your own hands have brought forth.
... and we're sorry that we blame ISLAM for 90% of the world's evils.

We're sorry that you have to make the whole world pay for what was done by a handful of people.
... and we're sorry that ISLAM is so evil that it need extermination.

We're sorry you believe one american life is better than all humanity put together.
... and we are sorry that we are better than you.

So we're sorry,now will you let it go?
... just as soon as islam has been neutered.
and we're sorry we don't base our lives on killing innocent people.

LMAO.Course,over 30 000 people were all guilty

... and we're sorry that you inflicted that which was inflicted upon the inflicted of the inflicted :confused: :rolleyes:

I knew it would be hard for you to understand the sentence.

... and we're sorry that islam hasn't been irradicated yet.

And it will still be around after you die.May Jesus save you from God.

.. and we're sorry that you caused all of the suffering in the first place.

and killing more people definately removed the suffering.

... and we're sorry that we blame ISLAM for 90% of the world's evils.

Yes,a handful of dumbasses do this.

... and we're sorry that ISLAM is so evil that it need extermination.

We're sorry the only thing you know about Islam is the name.

... and we are sorry that we are better than you.

I'm sorry a refugee is telling me what an american should be saying.

... just as soon as islam has been neutered

Finish the sentence... and christianity dominates the whole world.
I Am So Sick And Tired Of Islamic Asswipes Claiming That Only A Handfull Of "radicals" Are Doing All Of This Islamic Terror ****.

If This Were So, This War Would Be Over By Now.
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
I Am So Sick And Tired Of Islamic Asswipes Claiming That Only A Handfull Of "radicals" Are Doing All Of This Islamic Terror ****.

If This Were So, This War Would Be Over By Now.

No fool.Compared to the billion people being blamed for it,these terrorists are just a handful.
Funny how all innocent people are killed and tortured and the terrorists are given trials.That pisses me off!
No fool.Compared to the billion people being blamed for it,these terrorists are just a handful.
Funny how all innocent people are killed and tortured and the terrorists are given trials.That pisses me off!
Funny how only the US is doing anything about all of the terror. The islamic countries are doing more harm than good, all the while claiming to be Anti-Terror. What a crock!
Sure, crusader.

You'll find that Britain leads the crew when it comes to terrorist hunting...Can you say 'IRA campaign since WW1?'

The UK was teaching you cowboys how to run an intelligence service when FDR was still rolling around like Davros.

Read some history before you switch to misinformed jingoist mode.

There's a good chap.

Curt Sibling said:
Sure, crusader.

You'll find that Britain leads the crew when it comes to terrorist hunting...Can you say 'IRA campaign since WW1?'

The UK was teaching you cowboys how to run an intelligence service when FDR was still rolling around like Davros.

Read some history before you switch to misinformed jingoist mode.

There's a good chap.

Very true and I stand corrected. But don't diminish my point which was really pointing out that the islamic ****-bag countries are not only not doing anything against world-wide terrorism, they are actually helping the terrorists!

The leaders in stopping in the islamic tirade of insanity are more than just the US, but NONE are islamic.
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
Very true and I stand corrected. But don't diminish my point which was really pointing out that the islamic ****-bag countries are not only not doing anything against world-wide terrorism, they are actually helping the terrorists!

The leaders in stopping in the islamic tirade of insanity are more than just the US, but NONE are islamic.

You accepted my point with grace.

And in return, let me say that I agree with your statement concerning the
jihadic nations 100%. I say let these islami-rats in their dank cellars reap
their own fruits and taste the anger of the West...

The jihadists will fall into oblivion, on that you can trust me!

RoyalOrleans said:
Followed closely by the Republicans, oil-mongers, Hillary Clinton, Ted Kennedy, and Mormons.

Think I can add that "Questionmark Suit" guy on TV, selling the free government money book, to the list of people to fall into oblivion. That guy is such an annoying freak.:rolleyes:
Jhony5 said:
It's cute when you think about it. Americans eat feasts of roast duck and give each other carefully wrapped presents for christmas. Muslims starve themselves and give each other flesh wounds. Our two cultures are so similar like that.

Ok that was seriously funny as hell!!
Hahahahahaha :D

Awe,are we meant to feel hurt?Basically your statement is crap cos you're comparing a festival with a practice of religion.

No - comparing a religious festival with a religious festival...

Ever heard of Eid?
Eliminated Intelligence Disorder? Is that what you're suffering?? :D

Yeah funny we also give presents and have great feasts on that day which is a festival,but course we never forget the poor.We gotta share our food with them.

Right, sounds similar to my church...just last night I was packing boxes of toys up that I have bought to send to 3rd world kids - something we do every year.
We have also collected a full-size sea container of non-perishable foods for local people who are needy like single mothers etc...simply donations given from christians who themselves aren't necessarily wealthy.
Thing is AIG...this attitude of looking after the poor isn't a once-a-year festival for christians - it's a lifestyle that's 365 days a year.

It is also shown through the generosity of christian nations like Australia who help out in times of trouble. Remember the tsunami last year that devasated many regions of SE Asia affecting millions of muslims? We donated $1Billion in aid. Meanwhile muslim nations, including the wealthy oil states of the ME gave little more than lip service and token amounts.

So please spare us your stories of Muslim generosity - you talk the talk but don't walk the walk...

I'm not suprised seeing as you guys will insult anything that is different from your culture,even if it is something good.

BS - I love different cultures from around the world - it's ISLAM that I don't accept because I see the trouble it causes wherever it's infiltrated...

We're sorry we don't base our lives on money,money,money.

Actually the rich muslims like Oil Sheiks do base themselves on money, money, money.
Most of the other muslims live in 3rd world hellholes(largely due to their religion) like somalia, libya, iran, indonesia etc, so you're right - they probably don't have too much money to worry about!

We're sorry that you still don't feel that you've avenged 9/11 even though over 30 000 iraqis and 2000 soldiers have lost their lives.
Not a matter of revenge - it's a matter of stopping terrorists...

We're sorry that you are blind to the suffering of people around the world all your lives but become so caring only when there's something in it for you.
That comment is so ironic coming from a muslim that it's seriously messed up...

We're sorry you believe one american life is better than all humanity put together.
I'm not American, and I know they don't think that way. Remember all the aid and personnel the US pumps out each year to help countries in need. Remember Kosovo when they went in a stood up FOR muslims against people calling themselves christian??
The christian belief is all lives are important.
Question for CybacaT:

Do you ever feel that while you are trading barbs with the likes of AIG and Hamza, that you are infact casting pearls before swine? I know I do!