Rate MTM

MTM good or bad?

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Hazi[LP]Tonz;488005 said:
im sorry, its just me venting, this album didnt make me angry in anyway, it was too soft to evoke any emotions of anger, but what it did was left me feeling hollow and empty, like..."that was it?" i thought there would be another portion to it, like i was WISHING that was only an a-side and maybe there was a b-side...hell the way that final song was played was just...eurgh to put it nicely

i hope this album does well for LPs sake, but i do hope that with this album, theyre alienating a VERY large of fans who go back to HT and maybe even before. new fans are great....but when its at the expense of the other fans...hell...just pisses me off
Yeah fair enough, Well we will soon find out in the album sales wont we? :) But I get what your on about... But I think they have done a pretty good job in the massive 4 year time frame LOL! :p
they did the album in a year...which...considering how long its been...iono...i felt like some of it is just REALLY 2nd rate, and possibly,considering the style now, coulda put in a few better tracks, dont get me wrong, i like the album...im just really frustrated at some of the tracks on there

i do hope this album does do well...for LPs sake...but i hope some of the fans comments on LPU/LPMB/here and so on open their eyes up a little bit...mabe not so much the..."OMGZ LP SUXXOrz" ones...but from the ones like me who have been left empty and clutching at straws as to what the motivation behind this album was
Hazi[LP]Tonz;488021 said:
they did the album in a year...which...considering how long its been...iono...i felt like some of it is just REALLY 2nd rate, and possibly,considering the style now, coulda put in a few better tracks, dont get me wrong, i like the album...im just really frustrated at some of the tracks on there

i do hope this album does do well...for LPs sake...but i hope some of the fans comments on LPU/LPMB/here and so on open their eyes up a little bit...mabe not so much the..."OMGZ LP SUXXOrz" ones...but from the ones like me who have been left empty and clutching at straws as to what the motivation behind this album was

here in Germany they do well with the album already...they are nr 1 on amazon's sales ranking....and some shops already sold out all the CDs they had in stock.
considering its LP, its not a surprise,name carries you a long way in the music business

LP are just one of those bands that sells millions regardless of how good/bad the album is. lets hope they rock into the high millions and knock down those other bands! i ll add my album copy to that list, just not gonna listen to it with much enthusiasm s'all ^^
Hazi[LP]Tonz;487978 said:
qwerty isnt an album song =P though i admit its a killer track live

LP missed that real track with fast paced action and som tracks i feel dont do QUITE enough, like its there...but its missing that x-factor that made me love LP in the first place, itd be a 9/10 if this was any other band, but compared to past efforts and all the hype this albums been getting....itd barely raise a 7 from me, i really like valentines day. when i listened to it for the first time...i didnt get any emotions...didnt get any vibe...i felt...empty, utterly guttered and empty, thas the only emotion i can attach to this album from LP, emptiness

i wanna change my vote to "i waited for 4 years for this?"

Same here its just doesn't give me that wow factor even though musically it is a great piece of work, but LP was always one of the bands where the music was simple but it had energy. I have listened to this album 5 or 6 times through and will still buy it day it comes out, but I kinda wish there was one or two songs like A Place For My Head, One Step Closer, or even Hit The Floor.
I have a question
When i'm at home i listen to MTM 3 or 4 times a day (full cd)
Is that weird?Or am I just so in love with it?lol

That's not weird I also listen to it like 3 times a day.

I haven't had a connection with an album like that for a long time now.
Have you seen the DVD already?

Yeah just watched it like an hour ago
I think the making of MTM is awesome, with that snippets, instrumentals and all that funny stuff, as chester walking in his underwear haha wtf, and it's also really interesting see them working on the album.
WID making of is also very cool, with that mini trampoline, when you see it there it looks really stupid lol, but in the video it looks awesome
Overall I think it's a very cool and interesting DVD:)
Yeah just watched it like an hour ago
I think the making of MTM is awesome, with that snippets, instrumentals and all that funny stuff, as chester walking in his underwear haha wtf, and it's also really interesting see them working on the album.
WID making of is also very cool, with that mini trampoline, when you see it there it looks really stupid lol, but in the video it looks awesome
Overall I think it's a very cool and interesting DVD:)

yes it is

I also like Joe and Brad on the making of WID...so funny

but let's not tell all the good stuff...

All the people who haven't got it yet should experience it on their own
yes it is

I also like Joe and Brad on the making of WID...so funny

but let's not tell all the good stuff...

All the people who haven't got it yet should experience it on their own
I was just about to say that ;) I really wished Tuesday would freakin hurry up!! I want me copy!!! :(