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something tells me LPextreme likes little yellow faces :p
and ya i cant wait to get my hands on the album
:eek: Your so mean... you didn't spell my username correctly :'( lol :p At least mine show up. But I think they look cool... And they show emotion, they are emotions and they are meant to show emotion... I'm :confused: now... lol
yer this is my first listen...and to me...well...

its not ALL positive, but mainly positive

theres a realy ambience about some of the tracks, a real "cushy" vibe to some of the songs, and i mean its nice, but yer...i spose its gonna sink in for me to really put a ratin to this...but here it goes

there are some really good tracks, some awesome...and some...not so awesome, i feel as though they really jipped us of some old-LP style tracks, the album seemed a tad short,i mean 12 tracks...i kinda wished there were more tracks.... but in saying that this album does what its meant to do, provoke a new sound for the masses, and its very good, but i(i spose alot of fans have been feelin this) that theyve missed that real....faint or papercut style song, with powerful raps,mixed with powerful guitars and screaming vocals, while some tracks have some of those aspects, none REALLY put em together, i think blleed it out is the only chester- mike total combo there, and even then it sounds...cushy and very poppy. but i l give it some time.

there are alot of soft tracks, where everyone is almost non existent...JOE sounds non existent in this album, brad rarely has powerful guitars, i even felt his "major" solo in the little things~ was very...weak... hands held high is a very good track, very fort minor vibe...but maybe with a harder beat with powerful guitars and chester rather than something that sounds politically driven woulda been the way to go. but yer, alot of the tracks are very...soft...which im gonna hopefully get used to, cause there are some really good tracks on this album.

but to me...and maybe to alot of you...dont you just wish there was a /papercut/SIB style track on the album lying somewhere? or maybe even a few? some mike inspired power raps with chester screaming away with brqad backing in with his guitar, joe somewhere unmistakeable, and possibly the ending tracks of the album are alot more power driven rather than soft and very...different, its a very poignant ending to the album,it makes you think, but its really missing that one last power track to round out the album,maybe the length of the album had something to do with it

its a beautiful album, good lyrics, powerful driving lyrics, good melodies, strong beats,good meaning, and a poignant ending and such, but its missing that last aspect that REALLY makes it a Linkin Park album....but then again...maybe its just me clinging to the past or maybe in LPs haste to distance itself from nu-metal is moved a tad too far and left some of us behind...
Okay I am gonna say what I think...It's Okay...The songs still sounds kinda similar to each other, but its sounds good...I think Chester sounds pretty good...It's just not what I want from LP...I am okay with out Mike beinging in it but I wish there were heavier songs....Also I perfer Chester sining than Mike so I wish Mike would have only song the outro on Hands Held High

If this were a new band I would think its okay
But being LP I think it is great since I have followed LP for a long time, but I feel if there were 1 or more heavier tracks it would have been nice

So I like it but I am still not use to it being LP
Okay I am gonna say what I think...It's Okay...The songs still sounds kinda similar to each other, but its sounds good...I think Chester sounds pretty good...It's just not what I want from LP...I am okay with out Mike beinging in it but I wish there were heavier songs....Also I perfer Chester sining than Mike so I wish Mike would have only song the outro on Hands Held High

If this were a new band I would think its okay
But being LP I think it is great since I have followed LP for a long time, but I feel if there were 1 or more heavier tracks it would have been nice

So I like it but I am still not use to it being LP

I think it'll come:) At first i also had something like : Is this LP?:eek:
But i thought it sounded great, and after listening more and more i liked it better and better, so give it some time, i may grow on you
Just bought the CD and listened to it all the way through for the first time at CD quality. Love it. Nothing more needs to be said.
to me, and to firehawk, its really missing that "true LP" style track

i think with their desperation to ditance themselves from the nu-metal genre...they left a few of us behind...which is a shame...but maybe they might make a more powerful album net 3-4 years from now ^^;;"
Hazi[LP]Tonz;487777 said:
to me, and to firehawk, its really missing that "true LP" style track

i think with their desperation to ditance themselves from the nu-metal genre...they left a few of us behind...which is a shame...but maybe they might make a more powerful album net 3-4 years from now ^^;;"

well..you still have QWERTY
qwerty isnt an album song =P though i admit its a killer track live

LP missed that real track with fast paced action and som tracks i feel dont do QUITE enough, like its there...but its missing that x-factor that made me love LP in the first place, itd be a 9/10 if this was any other band, but compared to past efforts and all the hype this albums been getting....itd barely raise a 7 from me, i really like valentines day. when i listened to it for the first time...i didnt get any emotions...didnt get any vibe...i felt...empty, utterly guttered and empty, thas the only emotion i can attach to this album from LP, emptiness

i wanna change my vote to "i waited for 4 years for this?"
Hazi[LP]Tonz;487978 said:
qwerty isnt an album song =P though i admit its a killer track live

LP missed that real track with fast paced action and som tracks i feel dont do QUITE enough, like its there...but its missing that x-factor that made me love LP in the first place, itd be a 9/10 if this was any other band, but compared to past efforts and all the hype this albums been getting....itd barely raise a 7 from me, i really like valentines day. when i listened to it for the first time...i didnt get any emotions...didnt get any vibe...i felt...empty, utterly guttered and empty, thas the only emotion i can attach to this album from LP, emptiness

i wanna change my vote to "i waited for 4 years for this?"
Yeah we know it's not :) But it would be really good if they started playing it at some live concerts they do this year :D
god i hope they dont play some of that **** live...some songs like valentines day,given up,no more sorrow would fit perfectly in the middle or even alongside tracks like BTH,my decemeber,pushing me away etc.but the others are just...crap compared to the other tracks, and its crappness is only exxagerated when played alongside songs like faint,one step closer and such. its no longer moshing to powerful guitars, its swaying ur arms in a dizzy ****ing trance
Hazi[LP]Tonz;487988 said:
god i hope they dont play some of that **** live...some songs like valentines day,given up,no more sorrow would fit perfectly in the middle or even alongside tracks like BTH,my decemeber,pushing me away etc.but the others are just...crap compared to the other tracks, and its crappness is only exxagerated when played alongside songs like faint,one step closer and such. its no longer moshing to powerful guitars, its swaying ur arms in a dizzy ****ing trance
That's a good way to put it.... :eek: Come on we all know Linkin Park have changed... But sersiroly I love nearly every single song they have ever made! and that's in all honesty. :p
im sorry, its just me venting, this album didnt make me angry in anyway, it was too soft to evoke any emotions of anger, but what it did was left me feeling hollow and empty, like..."that was it?" i thought there would be another portion to it, like i was WISHING that was only an a-side and maybe there was a b-side...hell the way that final song was played was just...eurgh to put it nicely

i hope this album does well for LPs sake, but i do hope that with this album, theyre alienating a VERY large of fans who go back to HT and maybe even before. new fans are great....but when its at the expense of the other fans...hell...just pisses me off