hiya...i just came to say hi to the head boss lady of CoB...i have to say u have an incredible establishment and i am proud to be a proud member and securite guard
...sorry i'm a little weird right now because i cant think straight because i'm really sleepy...anyways i'm going to sleep now...bye bye
*awwww* Thanks
Jelly! (Is tempted to drag you out of bed for hugs, but I'm in a good mood, so I won't) Well, you soud like you need your rest... take it easy and I look forward to catching up with you back at the thread later, huh? *hugs anyway*
Twi, yeah, you go rest too. *hugs for Twi* It sucks being in such conflicting time-zones such as we do (**** my rich convict red-necked trailer-trash @$$-end of the world Aussie heritage! *s******s*) seems like the only time we seem to be online at the same time is when I can't sleep and stagger on at some ungodly hour of the a.m. Trully sucks... but *shrugs* Oh well, at least we're still catching up, which is AOK with me. And as for the Sim rant, yup, as you can see I'm almost (but not quite) as obsessed about the Sims2 as I am with a certain, tall, ravishingly handsome, extremely talented, soft-spoken American percussionist (I'll mention no names *laughs*) I was debating whether to play Sims2 or come back online actually, didn't end up having tea, had mint-slice bickies and a hot milo instead. Do they have Milo over in the states? Just curious. My sister-in-law (or my brother's fiance's sister, Kelly) married a Canadian and moved over there to be with him. They don't get Tim Tam (chocolate bickies) there either, so her mum sends her a care package of all the Aussie things she misses most a few times a year, which is sweet of her... funny.
SS1, Jammer *hugs for both y'all as well* Lovin' ya's!
As I've lost my entire previous train of thought (Jammer de-railed it) I guess I'll just rant on regardless... one would think between this place and the CoB thread I'd be all out of things to say, but you'd be amazed... and to think if you saw me on the street in RL you'd have a hard time getting 'Boo!' out of me! *laughs* I like being Ravyn, she's so much free-er than me. *sigh* That's usually the case with alter-egos, huh? *grins*
Therapy was good today. Should start refering to Thursdays as
Therapy Thursdays for the sheer **** of it. Am learning to work through my anger-management issues with regards to my parents... actually my dad, and his not-so-unique talent of absentee fatherism (is that even a word??) throughout most of my life. Trully explains a lot (why I've been single for like half my life just about and have more baggage than a drug-smuggling Qantas airport *laughs* Man, that's in such poor taste! Funny but!) Oh well, we're looking at slowly integrating me back into Uni to finish my degree (BVA) doing less subjects and spreading it out... will see what comes of it.
Yes, back to the mural tomorrow. I'm not liking the idea of having a little 'thankyou BBQ' at Uni for Jammer and me. Well, she's an extravert (Jammer) so naturally, she's okay with it, but I'm more reserved. I prefer to work in the shadows, do my bit and avoid making a huge spectacle, especially where there's a camera involved! *aaargh!* I can so relate to that interview someone (sorry, forgot names again!) posted over at the CoB thread about what Rob said in regards to the drummer being ignored... It's the way of the introvert, really. Maybe I should take up drumming...? Nope, seriously doubt that. It just doesn't do 'it' for me. I like watching him play them, LOVE watching him play them actually (there's something beautifully savage about it, really, almost primal... *drools again*) but it's not a talent nor a passion of mine. I want to write again, and Alison (my therapist, who, coincidentally is a few years younger than me and probably just as quiet) thinks I should write my issues out and dispense of them once and for all but I honestly don't know where to start. That, and like, the only thing I've written the past 18 months or so has been LP Fanfic completely, and I'm having a hard time thinking outside of those constraints. *shrugs* Maybe I should rename my characters to suit (she said I could do that) but even that doesn't feel right... the whole thing freaks me out cause I've mastered blocking things that distress me... that or just get angry (which happens quite a lot) so, yeah... I have lots to deal with.
*Sigh* I never actually meant to come here to spill my guts again, seems I usually do though. Wouldn't imagine doing this over at LPU, place feels more sterile than a hospital ward, and besides, I feel good, relieved in some ways that even if I'm teh only sap that reads a word of this, I can actually vent here with you. I don't really have anyone else in RL, Jammer's got her own issues. Besides, we joke and talk about some of the most personal things people just don't/shouldn't talk about, but at the heart of it I don't trust anyone. It's sad really, being on the defensive all the time. Here I can be all goo-goo (or should that be 'drool') -eyed over a rock star because he's no actual real threat to me personally, and there's an incredible degree of separation that tells me, logically, I can joke around and say what I like and carry on like a regressed teenager because he'll never know. And It's not like I'm ever really going to meet any of you from LPF in RL, that I'm aware, so again, same deal. *shrugs* But when it comes to RL... *frowns*
Anyway, I think we all feel safe like that to a degree here... but I have to be careful of what I say, Jammer reads my posts *laughs* and the walls have ears (so says the paranoid delusionist that lurks in my psyche) so... won't say anything else regarding Ravyn's impenetrable inner core... *rolls eyes* I'm not even touching that one...
Um... whatelse? *looks blank for a second* Nope, feel officially talked out. That's gotta be a relative rarity. Man, I must be feeling funny *feels forehead* Yup, definately coming down with something... need to avoid stimulants (Stay away from the CoB thread! Especially that nice pic of Rob's @$$! *laughs*) and go get some rest... better yet, play Sims2! Yay, more Rob-ness! (Poor ******'s ears must burn fiercely when I log online) But like I said, even there I get no relief, not like
Rusu when your Sim-self and Sim-Rob had a family *awww* My Sim-Rob's all eyes for Sim-Jammer... I'm just relegated to his 'good friend' *hmph! grumbles irately under breath* Better watch I don't go kickin' the sh*t out of the computer to stop this dang universal conspiracy against me getting what I want in my uber-reality! *growl* Anyway... I'm gonna do us all a favour now and declare this rant over for another day or so. Let's hope nothing extraordinarily embarrassing comes of tomorrows celebratory luncheon out at the Uni. Will catch up again tomorrow night. My luck there'll be a camera there to catch it and everything! *sob* ****** press!
Take care guys,
*big back-breaking Bourdon-bopper Bear hugs* TTYL,