Ravyn's Journal


New member
Hey SS1, Hybi... yup, a Rob Sim! *lol*

I've downloaded a few from various sources and have attempted a few of my own... so far, this is the 'version' of Rob I'm currently putting through University (he's third year, Dean's List, A+ Honours Majoring in Economics... very bright spark, of course! Oh, and he loves to play the drums in his spare time... what a coincidence?!?) *grins*

;) ;)

Okay, so I know it's really not that similar, but it's not easy doing facial reconstructions with only 1000 pics to study! *laughs* (Yeah... I need sleep, can you tell?) I made the shirt and shoes and goatee and downloaded the backwards cap (he just wasn't complete without it, really) keeping in mind he's young here, early adult, probably 19-20ish in Sim years, so he's got a while to 'fill out' yet. *yay!* When I play later I'll get a pickie of him on the drums and you'll get a laugh out of that, I'm sure, I know I chuckle every time he does it... *shakes head*


It's Sunday morning and not much a'doing, really. Quiet. Eerily quiet. So I thought a heavy dose of Nine Inch Nails and LPF would elevate me. *shrugs*

Might go see what else is happening around the boards. Am waiting excitedly for tonight's Live 8 concert (I'm watching the broadcast, not attending in person *sob*) so that's something to look forward to! Jammer's off to work *waves Jammer off* well, at least one of us has a life... maybe mine's coming... maybe... *sigh*

Well, take care people's. Off to see how things progress on the CoB thread! *runs off excitedly* Buh-bye, TTYL & BB-BBH


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New member
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO hi Rav!~ so much to comment about!! :D I haven't been on in a while aprox. 30 hours...yes, thats a long time for me to be wiothout internet O___O)

lol well awesome about the mural, i would LOVE to see it sometime!!

I'm gald therapy is working! sometimes I wish I had therepy hehe

oh and congratz about the poundage (or in your case kilo...age lol) loss!! I have to start working on that too :p

OH and I also psyched about the cob thread!! *goes to post on it* hehe

lmao the sims sounds aweasome..i've only playe dit like, once in my life ..and that was a while ago o_O

lol that looks just like rob!! :D

lol well good luck with everything *thumbs up at NIN and LPF :D good combo )

bye bye! *BIG hugs*



New member
Hey Ravyn, Hail to the High Priestess of the CoB... s******s as hse does the salute and looks above the work station to "THE SHRINE" hehehe... Well I will let you know that everthng is ready for the first service your High Priestessness... The congregation is forming and even a new parishoner (?) or two... I hope you get the job too... Frigging **** I want to employ you!!!

Rob sim is so cute and the way he and is girlfriend are too shy to wahoo in public is really sweet....

Loving ya sista girl be good...



New member
lol that rob sim is cute ^_^

it looks like rob!.. well he not exactly rob but hey he looks like him :D

i watched live 8 :D .. it was so awsome..

i really loved LP! but mike's hair o_0 lol

green day was great too ^^

well take care rav *hugs*



New member
Hey guys, me again. *whew!* went and blew off steam back at the CoB (or should that be SoB? *grins*) but okay now. Am a little p****d we didn't get live coverage of Live 8, so I didn't get to see LP at all *cries hysterically* because we Aussies aren't a superpower as far as the rest of the Globe goes, we were forgotten I think (plus, I don't have cable, so that really sucked!) What we did get was 2 hour 'highlights' from mosty London's Hyde park and while that was okay, I'm still seething... No LP, and my comp's so slow I have to wait for congested traffic to ease before I can even consider downloading anyone's rips (cause, let's face it, there's always gonna be someone) so... yeah, I'm not a terribly happy camper about that one...

Anyway, the humanitarian in me hopes it instigates some change for the better. The cynic in me says it won't but time will tell on that score soon enough, huh?

Thanks for the posts guys. *hugs* Yeah, my Rob sim is in his last year of Uni now, straight A+ student, made the Dean's list every year, 4.0 Grade point average, smart as they come this one. And talented. You should see the tricks he can perform while he's playing the drums now... *laughs* It's very cute. Anyway... will get back to that alternate reality in a few hours.

Thanks Jammer, as always. But in truth regarding the job I'm not sure it's gonna happen. I say this because I'm a self-sabotaging defeatist (ask Alison, my therapist!) but also because I'm not cut out for it. I don't want John or Pete to hire me as a favour to you, I want the job because I earned it off my own bat, y'know? So I'm too slow and fastidious, so be it. I'm obviously not teh right person for the job, hopefully the new Murri guy is. Hope that works out for everyone, the more power to them. I'm too shy and quiet and I guess in that environment it's not the most ideal way to be as far as staff goes. Being a kitchenb**ch/dishpig is demanding, it's hectic, it's busy, and I don't get off on food as much as you do, remember? *laughs* No, I think I'll just go back to school... get educated. That's something for now. I'll take it as it comes, but like I said, I won't be taken for a ride as far as work goes. I either have the job or I don't, none of this we'll call you, uh, now we won't call you 'til maybe next week business... screw that. Like Wak said, that's no way to live. You're gonna be a chef, that's cool for you. Take a step up and be happy. I'll find my own path eventually. *nods* Remember our philosophy, hon, It's all good. I'll get there.

And I don't think I can be refered to as 'High Priestess' anymore, just so's you know. If CoB goes Jewish I'm then a Rabii or whatever (uh, hu *rolls eyes*). You can educate me on that score later when you get home after work. Hope you had a good day. I've done the housewife thing; floors, shopping, washing... the usual boring RL **** that unfortunately we can't go without. That's why I like the CoB/SoB so much... call it escapism. (And I must be the Harry Houdini of escaping realism these last few years, huh? *laughs*) Speaking of which, I've decided not to ressurect my character in the 'Chas from the desert' fanfic. She had her time and for better or worse she ended it, too. I'm letting her be. If I ever do write again (still nothing has sprung to mind, yet) I might go along a similar vein as to her revenge, but for all intents and purposes will leave that character and that fanfic alone and done now. That's just so's you know where I'm at about that idea, that's all.

Well, take care people's. Be good. Will head off now and Talk to y'all later!

*big Bear hugs*




New member

im sure u will find a good job soon =)

hopefully one that involves art

anyways congrats on SOB/COB being so awesome ^___________^



New member
hi rav

ahw ot sucks that you couldn't see LP

i hope you have the chance to see them anyway ;)

and i hope you can find a good job

take care *hugs*



New member
Thanks about the employment encouragement, guys. Yeah, I'm sure things will work themselves out eventually.

Jammer and i are heading back out to the Uni to work on it some more, so when we get pix I'll scan and upload them for you to see. Not sure when that will be though *shrugs*

As for my Rob Sim, check this out:


That's my Sim Chas and Sim Rob having a chat over lunch between classes. Mad, huh? Chas Sim was/is a combination of people's work; the face was made by me, the body art was made by someone over at Mod_the Sims_2, and he has the full back tats, even the Linkin Park in archaic letters across his lower back, and the flames on both wrists, plus the winged soldier on his back calf. No dragon though. Still, very cool to see. *grins* Love my sims.

But I should point out Jammer, that no Sim Rob and Sim Ravyn aren't an item and never were. Just uh... had 'intimate relations' shall we say, then went their separate ways. *shrugs* Cest la vie! That's University for ya! *chuckles* Besides, they have way too much work/study to do to get distracted. Final exams/graduation is in like 3 days! *gulp!*

Anhoo... thanks SS1 for the praise regarding the beloved CoB. Or should that be thesedays SoB? I'm still not sure about the conversion to Judeaism. As I said over at the thread, abbreviate Synagogue of Bourdon and what do you get? Son of a... (delete expletive). That's exactly my point. I have a few people on my list I can quite cheerfully refer to as SoB's but Rob, IMHO, isn't one of them. *shrugs* Anyway, Vash has PM'd me and offered to change the name when/if it suits. I'm waiting to see what the others want before I go along with any changes, so, y'know, let me know what you're most happy with, because y'all are part of it, actually most ppl who post in my journal are, howsabout that?!? But I guess it's a bit upsetting, the thread now has taken the focus off my journal (which was the hub of pics before it shifted to Rob pics thread, which, come to think of it, has also been awful quiet as of late...) *laughs*

I still find it amusing (and humbling) that my idle ranting and picture-drooling in this very journal is what started it. Feel very humble indeed. So must The Mr Bourdon, to see what a bunch of strangers spend a lot of their free time amusing themselves with... *rolls eyes* It's all in the name of fun, so it's all good. Rock on, baby, yeah...

Well, am cruising again. Take care people. Thanks again. *hugs to all* You know where to find me should the urge or the need arise *grins*



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New member
haha ravyn congrats on the sims =) they look soo great

anyways ur journal still rocks regardless of all the extra things that arent here anymore.



New member
woah your chaz sim is great!

it looks exactly like Chester!

it's much better then mine.. mine was really fake lol

good job on them :p

take care!



New member
hey Rav...


You better be ready for work on Friday because we are having a barbeque in our Honour to celebrate our artwork... The Divine Ravynlee and the Delectable JammerG are having their artwork toasted!!!!!

MAD!!! MAD!!! MAD!!!


Bye honey!!!

PLUS got Sims2 University back on comp *oops!* so there goes my free time! When you can't find me or I've gone a long time bewteen posts' date=' that's where I'll be, playing my sim self and sim Rob (yes, pathetic, I know, but it's my way of dealing with it! *rolls eyes*) at sim university going for our sim arts and sim accounting degrees... I'm also a sims addict, it's not just Rob anymore! *screams in anguish!*[/quote']WOAH! my friend who plays sims, she made me an rob and got us together >.< lol we had a family...lol I just laughed. LOL addicting ay..like a drug and rob :p Woah, good work on loosing weight. You should be really proud of yourself.

And I don't think I can be refered to as 'High Priestess' anymore' date=' just so's you know. If CoB goes Jewish I'm then a Rabii or whatever (uh, hu *rolls eyes*).[/quote']But, you made up this place, so you dont have to change it to the SoB. Lol and seeing as your a chick you wouldn't be a Rabbi you'd be a Rabbinith (sp?) gurl version....I say keep it as CoB...heheh like a cob of corn rather than son of a <female dog> ;) I dunno....church and Synagogue is the same only one is christian and the other is Jewish...lol why not call it the mosque of bourdong (MoB) I duuno...


New member
WOW that sims stuff is insane! :D Its really cool!!! <3

I hope all is going well for you and I guess I'll cath ya on...the CoB...ummmmm Sob?? now i guess *leaves for cob :D



New member
*laughs* Hey guys. Yeah, Sims is ****** addictive I'll give it that much. The LP dorm is going along swimingly, got all 6 members through first half of freshman year on the Dean's list, averaging 4.0 gpa, so not doing too badly. Have made myself and Jammer as sims also living with them with two other computer generated chicks, but so far the only one seeing any action at all is Sim-Mike! (naturally) Even Sim-Rob has a 'thing' for Sim-Jammer and Sim-Rav gets the 'we're just freinds' treatment... so, between his studies and drums (yes, still keen on the drums, of course) he doesn't have much free time for chicks. *sob* Oh well, it just wasn't meant to be in the virtual realms either aparently *laughs* Besides, I'm Aquarius, he's Capricorn, it really wouldn't work. Were just not compatible... *shrugs* So, can't fight fate man...

Well, yes, I'll be ready for Friday/tomorrow. But seems weird to me they're toasting our work when we're like not even half way through yet... strange folk, (not that the gesture isn't appreciated or anything - but it is NAIDOC week this week anyway, rite, so... it's probably more for that even than for us...??) *shrugs* Wouldn't know, I'm white-trash, member? *s******s*


Yeah, Rusu, I guess you're right regarding CoB. I just don't want to disappoint the club so I try and please the masses where I can, after all, we're all there for the same reason; to drool, obsess, rant and carry-on over Rob, apu. Jammer and I had a small joke about it just the other day about a possible uprising whereby I'd inadvertently 'made' the club only to be overthrown by the club and ousted... so we were discussing breakaway club suggestions, just to amuse ourselves; son of the CoB like... just... weird in an amusing kind of way.

Well, Jammer's just walked in the door so I'll jump back on later, okay? Take care guys,




New member
hiya...i just came to say hi to the head boss lady of CoB...i have to say u have an incredible establishment and i am proud to be a proud member and securite guard:D...sorry i'm a little weird right now because i cant think straight because i'm really sleepy...anyways i'm going to sleep now...bye bye


New member
hiya...i just came to say hi to the head boss lady of CoB...i have to say u have an incredible establishment and i am proud to be a proud member and securite guard:D...sorry i'm a little weird right now because i cant think straight because i'm really sleepy...anyways i'm going to sleep now...bye bye
*awwww* Thanks Jelly! (Is tempted to drag you out of bed for hugs, but I'm in a good mood, so I won't) Well, you soud like you need your rest... take it easy and I look forward to catching up with you back at the thread later, huh? *hugs anyway*
Heya Twi, yeah, you go rest too. *hugs for Twi* It sucks being in such conflicting time-zones such as we do (**** my rich convict red-necked trailer-trash @$$-end of the world Aussie heritage! *s******s*) seems like the only time we seem to be online at the same time is when I can't sleep and stagger on at some ungodly hour of the a.m. Trully sucks... but *shrugs* Oh well, at least we're still catching up, which is AOK with me. And as for the Sim rant, yup, as you can see I'm almost (but not quite) as obsessed about the Sims2 as I am with a certain, tall, ravishingly handsome, extremely talented, soft-spoken American percussionist (I'll mention no names *laughs*) I was debating whether to play Sims2 or come back online actually, didn't end up having tea, had mint-slice bickies and a hot milo instead. Do they have Milo over in the states? Just curious. My sister-in-law (or my brother's fiance's sister, Kelly) married a Canadian and moved over there to be with him. They don't get Tim Tam (chocolate bickies) there either, so her mum sends her a care package of all the Aussie things she misses most a few times a year, which is sweet of her... funny.

Hey SS1, Jammer *hugs for both y'all as well* Lovin' ya's!


As I've lost my entire previous train of thought (Jammer de-railed it) I guess I'll just rant on regardless... one would think between this place and the CoB thread I'd be all out of things to say, but you'd be amazed... and to think if you saw me on the street in RL you'd have a hard time getting 'Boo!' out of me! *laughs* I like being Ravyn, she's so much free-er than me. *sigh* That's usually the case with alter-egos, huh? *grins*

Therapy was good today. Should start refering to Thursdays as Therapy Thursdays for the sheer **** of it. Am learning to work through my anger-management issues with regards to my parents... actually my dad, and his not-so-unique talent of absentee fatherism (is that even a word??) throughout most of my life. Trully explains a lot (why I've been single for like half my life just about and have more baggage than a drug-smuggling Qantas airport *laughs* Man, that's in such poor taste! Funny but!) Oh well, we're looking at slowly integrating me back into Uni to finish my degree (BVA) doing less subjects and spreading it out... will see what comes of it.

Yes, back to the mural tomorrow. I'm not liking the idea of having a little 'thankyou BBQ' at Uni for Jammer and me. Well, she's an extravert (Jammer) so naturally, she's okay with it, but I'm more reserved. I prefer to work in the shadows, do my bit and avoid making a huge spectacle, especially where there's a camera involved! *aaargh!* I can so relate to that interview someone (sorry, forgot names again!) posted over at the CoB thread about what Rob said in regards to the drummer being ignored... It's the way of the introvert, really. Maybe I should take up drumming...? Nope, seriously doubt that. It just doesn't do 'it' for me. I like watching him play them, LOVE watching him play them actually (there's something beautifully savage about it, really, almost primal... *drools again*) but it's not a talent nor a passion of mine. I want to write again, and Alison (my therapist, who, coincidentally is a few years younger than me and probably just as quiet) thinks I should write my issues out and dispense of them once and for all but I honestly don't know where to start. That, and like, the only thing I've written the past 18 months or so has been LP Fanfic completely, and I'm having a hard time thinking outside of those constraints. *shrugs* Maybe I should rename my characters to suit (she said I could do that) but even that doesn't feel right... the whole thing freaks me out cause I've mastered blocking things that distress me... that or just get angry (which happens quite a lot) so, yeah... I have lots to deal with.

*Sigh* I never actually meant to come here to spill my guts again, seems I usually do though. Wouldn't imagine doing this over at LPU, place feels more sterile than a hospital ward, and besides, I feel good, relieved in some ways that even if I'm teh only sap that reads a word of this, I can actually vent here with you. I don't really have anyone else in RL, Jammer's got her own issues. Besides, we joke and talk about some of the most personal things people just don't/shouldn't talk about, but at the heart of it I don't trust anyone. It's sad really, being on the defensive all the time. Here I can be all goo-goo (or should that be 'drool') -eyed over a rock star because he's no actual real threat to me personally, and there's an incredible degree of separation that tells me, logically, I can joke around and say what I like and carry on like a regressed teenager because he'll never know. And It's not like I'm ever really going to meet any of you from LPF in RL, that I'm aware, so again, same deal. *shrugs* But when it comes to RL... *frowns*

Anyway, I think we all feel safe like that to a degree here... but I have to be careful of what I say, Jammer reads my posts *laughs* and the walls have ears (so says the paranoid delusionist that lurks in my psyche) so... won't say anything else regarding Ravyn's impenetrable inner core... *rolls eyes* I'm not even touching that one...

Um... whatelse? *looks blank for a second* Nope, feel officially talked out. That's gotta be a relative rarity. Man, I must be feeling funny *feels forehead* Yup, definately coming down with something... need to avoid stimulants (Stay away from the CoB thread! Especially that nice pic of Rob's @$$! *laughs*) and go get some rest... better yet, play Sims2! Yay, more Rob-ness! (Poor ******'s ears must burn fiercely when I log online) But like I said, even there I get no relief, not like Rusu when your Sim-self and Sim-Rob had a family *awww* My Sim-Rob's all eyes for Sim-Jammer... I'm just relegated to his 'good friend' *hmph! grumbles irately under breath* Better watch I don't go kickin' the sh*t out of the computer to stop this dang universal conspiracy against me getting what I want in my uber-reality! *growl* Anyway... I'm gonna do us all a favour now and declare this rant over for another day or so. Let's hope nothing extraordinarily embarrassing comes of tomorrows celebratory luncheon out at the Uni. Will catch up again tomorrow night. My luck there'll be a camera there to catch it and everything! *sob* ****** press!

Take care guys, *big back-breaking Bourdon-bopper Bear hugs* TTYL,




New member
Hiya Rav! *Huggles for the heck of it* yes...I got much more sleep than necessary... Timezones can be quite hindering can't they? =_= yeah yeah we only see each other when either of us are having mental or physical dysfunctions ....lol oh well that's what lpf is for! man you make me want to play sims heheh... so what is Milo? ...and Bickies? *curious* either we don't have them here, or I'm severely under-cultered. heh.

ahhh thats a nice thing to do... maybe you can send me some over! *chuckle*

I'm glad therepy is working out for you, and good luck with going back to school :)

oh **** the cameras! lol I agree with you, I'd rather work without signifigant social activity -.-

in regards to your wiriting, I think it would be cool if you got to writing about your issues, but that's entirely up to you. If LP fics is all you enjoy writing, than so be it! :D I think you're an amazing writer (yes, I'm STILL reading your fic hehe it takes a while you know! :p )

I understand how you feel about lpf. I don't tell anyone, even my friends, who I trust the most....but even the trust I do have, doesn't go very far. I'm really insecure like that. *sigh* I don't have to worry about that so much here. I can usually rant in my journal about things without being worried what someone will think or watching their facial reactions.

haha I also have a lingering paranoia of what I say becuase I got one of my friends to register here...she barely goes on, but still...hehe

*watches in amusement at how many 'B' words you can make up* hehehe I'm gunna stick with the old-fashioned *HUGS* hheh take care Rav!!

Um... whatelse? *looks blank for a second* Nope' date=' feel officially talked out. That's gotta be a relative rarity. Man, I must be feeling funny *feels forehead* Yup, definately coming down with something... need to avoid stimulants (Stay away from the CoB thread! Especially that nice pic of Rob's @$$! *laughs*) and go get some rest... better yet, play Sims2! Yay, more Rob-ness! (Poor ******'s ears must burn fiercely when I log online) But like I said, even there I get no relief, not like [b']Rusu[/b] when your Sim-self and Sim-Rob had a family *awww* My Sim-Rob's all eyes for Sim-Jammer... I'm just relegated to his 'good friend' *hmph! grumbles irately under breath* Better watch I don't go kickin' the sh*t out of the computer to stop this dang universal conspiracy against me getting what I want in my uber-reality! *growl* Anyway... I'm gonna do us all a favour now and declare this rant over for another day or so. Let's hope nothing extraordinarily embarrassing comes of tomorrows celebratory luncheon out at the Uni. Will catch up again tomorrow night. My luck there'll be a camera there to catch it and everything! *sob* ****** press!
Take care guys, *big back-breaking Bourdon-bopper Bear hugs* TTYL,

Glad to hear therapy is going good. Aslong as your getting somewhere and not wasting your money (gawd, I sound like my dad *sigh*)

Yeah, sim rob and sim ruth had a family...lol...I still crack up at the thought. Dunno what my friend was thinking...owell I'm not complaining :D **** jammer, why she got to be the hottie for robbie...heheh owell maybe you should start moving for sim-chas or something ;)

Good luck with teh luncheon tomorrow. Hope it goes smoothly with no **** ups...

catch ya laters

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