Yuh, thanks to all for posting. Feel semi-loved. *awww*
Cat with head in tissue box - classic! - Maybe the advertisers can use that idea and flog the image on a commercial or something... *laughs* Anways...
Not much to rant about today. What the-?!? True. It's hot, as always, I'm tired, got called in to work on my night off again (4rth week in a row practically) and given that I only had half hour's 'sleep' (if you can call it that) the night before, I was not in a good way for much of the night. Had a Red Bull and I perked up again. Bless Red Bull. *hugs can to chest dotingly*
Hmm. And I thought my Rob obsession was unhealthy... well... we won't argue that one for now...
Jammer showed up at seven this morning. 4 hours sleep I had. I'm so buggered I was almost throwing up this morning - that's just dumb. But thankfully Xmas is almost over so I can get back to my normal routine. Gym is shut for a few days *sob* but I guess I'll manage.
Was up til late again last night, winding down after work as one does, and was playing around with the Hebrew script you see there in my av. Reason I rationalised it to myself - for my story. Real reason I did it - cause it looks pretty. Plus I was working more on the CoB logo competition so I wanted something different and decided to utilize a Jewish theme for obvious reasons. After studying art almost all of my life I can't just create for the sake of creating, I've been taught that everything you create should have purpose, no matter how insignificant, so I tend to use this with my sigs or avs, even down to the choice of colours - (think 'Picasso') - so there you go.
A little insight into the mouth of madness. Which is also a trippy movie. Speaking of which, saw Robbie Williams' clip for his single 'Tripping' while I was at gym yesterday. No, day before. Even though I was sweating it out on the rower and was bopping away as one does to KoRn on my mp3 player, I watched this clip and laughed so hard I was breathless, um, more breathless than from just exercising. Mad. Insane even. Loved it. Wow, managed to go from a John Carpenter movie, English Rocker and ancient arcaic script in one (arguably) fluid paragraph. Wow. *bug eyes*
My head is literally (?!?) all over the place at the moment - can you not tell? Raises an interesting point - when isn't it? Hmm... that's deep.
Well, all's well. As for the weight thing - still plodding along. Was 110kg this time in 2003. Was around 89kg this time last year. Two days ago I was 69kg. That's 151.8 pounds I just calculated. (
http://www.escapeartist.com/Conversions/Kilograms_Pounds.html) Should I ever need to do so again... So, collectively I've gone from 242 pounds to 151, so that's cool. Chuffed even - I've always been the fat kid that no one picked for sports and boys didn't look at and who used to hide away in the library by herself cause she didn't have many freinds. Well, a few years on and not much has really changed, except I'm just older and don't go to the library much anymore *laughs* That, and I'm almost half the gal I used to be, so that's a nice feeling. I'll get there. And I can proudly say that LP has helped me do this. The music inspires me. But then I guess the guys hear stories like that all the time. Kudos to them. Hmm. What else?
Nothing really. The Xmas rort is almost over for another year, thank ***. 2 days to go and I'm almost counting down the hours. Man I hate this time of year - everything's so chaotic it makes me wanna retch! *laughs* (Say that in a drunken Homer Simpson voice and it sounds funnier than it actually is
Have a meeting at work @ 4 this arvo. Someone's gonna get fired, I just know it. Maybe. *meh* Saw my brother and his fiance yesterday and my little nephew Kaleb for the second time this year. That was sweet. Very chuffed. They bought me a microwave for Xmas - I'm chuffed still. My washing machine blew up last night (there goes my chuffness - ?!?) - maybe I should have had the foresight to ask another relative for one of those *grumbles under breath* Anyway, I'll just have to use the washer at work for now til I can afford to fix this one some time in the new year. Son of a motherless goat. *pulls a mean Rob-murdering-his-drumkit-face*
*laughs* Who knew one icon could capture the essence so succinctly?
Ahhh well, enough ranting. For having nothing to say I still manage to draw it out, as freakin' usual. *sigh* I have to keep reminding myself I'm not at the other thread now (usual stomping ground) and slathering drool everywhere and carrying on like a twit half my age - as fun as that can be at times. Ah, good times, good times.
Well, take care anyone who's reading this (apart from me. How pathetic I actually get a laugh out of my own jokes - so much for the therapy sessions!
) Take care. Oh, and for the **** of it, I'm gonna post this;
(Consider it an early Xmas present to myself - still! - But unlike my usual splurges this little gem won't leave me with buyer's remorse... or... will it?)
Got it at LPU 2 days ago. Almost soiled myself silly (it could happen) when I saw it for obvious reasons which I won't go into... *distant dreamy sigh*
I'm such a girl. *meh* Talk to y'all laterz!
-End transmission-