Ravyn's Journal


New member
lmao rav atleast what is going on in your brain is happier..
True... though next mood swing will occur in - six minutes 43 seconds... *giggles*
Thanks Viking. And as for Santa? Yup - been through this Xmas rigmarole nearly 30 times in my life so I've wised up to his Shenanigans, that's for sure! XD Bah-humbug!

Take care guys. Will be thinking of you all tomorrow morn. Heck, think about y'all all the time anyway - when I'm not online I'm wishing I was... *awww* Feel loved?

Rusu - No rant my **** *laughs* - an accurate observation! But did you read it? Kudos and kisses if you did' date=' talk to my hand *groan* if you didn't. (**** I hate that saying so freakin' much - so why did I use it? Boredom, plain and simple. *nods* Can't argue with logic I suppose).[/quote']
ohhhhhhhhhhh tainted love, woahhhhohhhohh tainted love!

What was I saying? Ohh yeah, I did actually read the whole thing

I find your rants quite interesting :D

Yeah, I hate puns but I make them anyway >< Gawd I hate them


New member
Well, Xmas and it's commercial farce is over for another year. The presents are unwrapped the trees and decorations are coming down (not at my place, never had any up to start with) and people are going home again for another year. Well. Not sure what to say really. I spent Xmas eve on the couch of a friend's place surrounded by 4 other people and it was so damned hot (and the others were snoring so loudly, not even in unison) that I didn't really sleep. Bummer for me. Add to that a 2 year old having teething problems awake every hour in a screaming fit (it's no wonder I'm single) and Xmas didn't start off too peachy to begin with. Gorged myself at the proverbial trough of plenty - ate too much, but didn't really drink. Had maybe three beers all weekend so I was a good girl in that respect, and after Xmas breakfast at my friend's parent's place we all went to the local pool. That was fun.

Watched the movie 'Saw' Xmas eve and Xmas night (that movie totally ROCKS!) and now I think I'm gonna have to go out and buy the soundtrack next week - it was so awesome. Man, what a mind f*ck - that whole movie. Awesome. Anyway... what else?

My brother bought me a microwave so that was nice. Other than that I really just lucked out again this year - toiletries and teatowels, which means to my logic that I must stink and I have too many dirty dishes in the sink aparently. *rollseyes* Actually, no, but I guess it's the thought that counts. *sigh*

Moving on...

I don't really have much else to report. It was great catching up with my mates again after so long - that's what Xmas means really nowadays, and what I enjoyed the most. Even watching the kids practically have a punchup over someone's karioke machine or PS2 was kinda amusing in it's own sadistic way - ahhh, families. Can't live with 'em... still can't live with 'em mostly... :D But anyway, fun times. What blew chunks the most was that I was away from my putty-tats and this place for like 2 days, and I was wandering around lost for a bit, but I'm glad to be home again by the same token. Love my friend's but all I can say is, like Dorothy in her purty red slippers, 'There's no place like home...' Yeah. That sums it all up pretty succinctly actually.

Well hope everyone fared well. I think I have work tonight and I'm vastly unprepared for it, but for those of you still kicking back and relaxing have a drink for me, 'eh?

(BTW Viking, I was thinking of you Xmas morn, as funny as that sounds, and had a discussion about all you guys here and all the different cultures represented and wondered what you were all up to, as I thought I would, so that kept me connected, as bizarre - maybe even a tad creepy - as that sounds).

Well take care guys and talk again soon. Hope the jolly fat-man and his furry friends were relatively kind to y'all :D Stay safe, be good, and have a happy NY too (No, not New York! What obscure sense woykd that sentence make then?!? I'm refering to end of year celebrations, and was trying unsuccessfully to abrreviate but... anyway, I'll be on throughout again - working over New Years unfortunately *groan*) but as always, miss you all and look forward to more frivolities, good times, rants, drooling spates, and the occasional peel of girlish laughter to come... awww... Make you feel warm and fuzzy?


-Rav :D



New member
glad you had fun. it sounds alot better then mine, I ate lots of food and got a bunch of good things. my sister ender up with toilet paper and toilete seat covers XD that was hilarious. I was hoping u had a nice christmas





New member
glad you had fun. it sounds alot better then mine' date=' I ate lots of food and got a bunch of good things. my sister ender up with toilet paper and toilete seat covers XD that was hilarious. I was hoping u had a nice christmascheers,

That IS hilarious! Suddenly I feel happier with my teatowels... *laughs* Wow, makes you wonder what goes through a person's mind when they go Xmas shopping when you see something like that huh?

Hmmm. But hope you fared better. *squeeze hugs* Take care and talk again soon.

-Rav :D



New member
(BTW Viking' date=' I was thinking of you Xmas morn, as funny as that sounds, and had a discussion about all you guys here and all the different cultures represented and wondered what you were all up to[/quote']Really? lol funny thing, on Christmas eve, when we were about to have Christmas dinner (and after that open our presents) my mind wandered all the way to Australia, and to you :D

that will though have been around 4-6 in the morning, so when you got together with friends/fam I must have been banning people on LPF lol which I did later on Christmas eve...not the best Christmas experience I must tell you...

oh btw, have you ever mentioned where in Aus you live? Cause there was this girl that lived on the farm next to the one I grew up on, who moved to Aus, so I was kinda wondering if her family moved to your city, or perhaps another LPF's member's one...


New member
Yep, Toowoomba in QLD. About 2 hours inland from Brisbane. Not bad.

But your mind wandering to Australia to me? *awww* Feel so loved! Yeah, as we were unwrapping presents at about 5:30 am yesterday morning I started talking about you and the LPF. A weird conversation to the rest of them who've never even visited this place let alone know who Linkin Park is (they mostly do, being as obsessed as I am - no, really?!?) Hehehe. Anyways.

The whole banning people on Xmas Eve must have sucked hardcore. Feel bad for you, my Viking. But still luv ya! *awww* Just doin' your job I guess.

*hugs* Hope you feel better now though - sucks that some have to make it tough for the rest of us but that's life I guess. Oh well, I'm okay, I'm a good girl (mostly - when my mind isn't in the proverbial gutter! And when isn't it? Hmm) You'd tell me if I wasn't I suppose... *looks innocent*

Hope your Xmas was great. Will have to catch up soon, 'eh? Would like that!

Take care and *squeeze hugs* TTYL,




New member
ah I see :)

causet the people I knew moved to Perth...that's pretty far away lol

:p you did? wow, I'd never have the courage to start talking about this place...I feel embarrassed so often :rolleyes:

aw thanks, <3 you too

and well it did suck, especially cause I got dragged into an msn convo with reflectionist, agent, sabastian, don and some posse I don't know...okay, they said it wasn't personal but that was some hostile stuff, at times

you really got it here, that's life in a nutshell, for real. it sucks, but it's life...

amazing how you speak the truth and make me laugh at the same time :p



New member
lol...My friend is always like on msn...are you on LPF again? The sad thing is, I usually say "yes" ><
Same as me - makes me feel pathetic at times, but *shrug* I like it here. I can be me (kinda, as much as the rules allow me to be anyway *grins*) but whenever I tell people 'I can usually be found on LPF and tell them what it's about, most ppl who aren't fans just roll their eyes and look at me like a 5 yr old... an apt analogy in a lot of ways considering how I behave at times but *meh* This is almost literally my second home, so I'm not about to leave unless I'm again thrown out... maybe... *looks concerned*

amazing how you speak the truth and make me laugh at the same time
Why thank you... I think. :D



New member
but whenever I tell people 'I can usually be found on LPF and tell them what it's about' date=' most ppl who aren't fans just roll their eyes and look at me like a 5 yr old... an apt analogy in a lot of ways considering how I behave at times [/quote']
funny, I know how it is. people are the same with me. its a weird thing. but yeah they tell me I'm "...a moron with no social life" :rolleyes:


New member
You mean you saw saw? the movie saw?

haha i saw saw 2 and was shooting the screen with water pistols because i didnt see the first movie, so i had no idea what was going on.

aww rav that sounds like a uncool christmas,yet a barrel of laughs.

really memorable in a way.



New member
wheres Jammer Rav?
JammerG is... um... on hiatus. I saw her yesterday actually. She's doing okay I suppose. Since we no longer live under the same roof we're in no way as close as we once were. Shame in many ways. For a while there we felt tight, like sisters. We actually used to jokingly refer to each other as sisters, funny because she's tall and black and I'm short and white, and tempramentally just as different too. (Hint = I am a Dragon by Chinese Astrology, go figure - hmm)

I don't know. She's still trying to 'find herself' after her marriage crumbled so to me she's acting bizarre - and I feel like an exasperated parent watching her run amok - but *shrug* she'll find herself one day I'm sure. Maybe. Hopefully. Don't think she has any plans on coming back though. She gave away almost all of her LP stuff to her friend's daughter (I got 2 shirts, that was awesome!) but she sat on my couch here not last week and cried as she read the Meteora - From the Inside LP Book and said that she still loved and missed the boys (The Boys being, in our speak, the band members/Linkin Park). Weird.

And as for the moron with no social life? Echo that sentiment. If you're getting weird looks at 16 or 20 try saying it at (practically) 30. People think I'm a paedophile or something *cringes*

That's just altogether and inexcusably nasty... hmphf!

And I saw Saw the movie? I sure did. Yes. I wanted to go see Saw 2 at the cinemas and thought, rightfully so, there was no point seeing the sequel before the original. Glad I did. Best movie I've seen all year, hands down. Amazing... just... mmm... intense.

Heard 2 isn't as good - is that the case?



New member
hahaha you a pedophile hahaha

that is good jammer is ok, well it doesn't sound quite herself but i am glad she is alive

i miss her =(



New member
tell her to come back on...im missing her terribly..love the loing MSN convo we had yesterday ... interesting .. make that last night...
I leant her money to get on a bus and head out to her boyfriend's place out of town for a few days. Her choice to go. I merely provided the means. I expressly said; "Regardless what Linkin Park say, it isn't easier to run," or somrthing like that, meaning she needs to stay and face her problems instead of running away everytime things get too heavy for her to deal with.


I could try. She does ask about everyone from time to time. In being that I'm here so often I keep her relatively informed. She seems okay with that. But still, don't get your hopes up.

And thanks for the long chat last night *grins* Sweet. <3

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