Read any good books lately?

Lethalfind said:
1984 is a fabulous read...I remember when 1984 rolled around, Johnny Carson (before Leno for you young people) had an eye hanging on the set and he told the audience it was Big Brother...
When you finish that you might find Animal Farm interesting, also by Orwell. I found the movie of 1984 interesting, very dark of course but interesting.

Hey thats cool. I chose 1984 for the American Literature course I am taking. I am downloading the movie as we speak!! Lol, I can't get over that face on the cover though!!

I heard of Animal Farm too. AND DAMN!! It sounds awesome just by reading the synopsis on spark notes.
Hamza123 said:
Hey thats cool. I chose 1984 for the American Literature course I am taking. I am downloading the movie as we speak!! Lol, I can't get over that face on the cover though!!

I heard of Animal Farm too. AND DAMN!! It sounds awesome just by reading the synopsis on spark notes.
I LOVE Animal Farm. Brilliant. I highly recommend it.
Just finished 'The Queen's Fool' by Philippa Gregory (I have loads of her books), a really good story set in the UK during Elizabethan times. Well researched and well written.
angie said:
I LOVE Animal Farm. Brilliant. I highly recommend it.

I really have to read that book again, the horrors of having to study it for English Lit. in school stayed with me for a LONG time!
Feckless Wench said:
I really have to read that book again, the horrors of having to study it for English Lit. in school stayed with me for a LONG time!
LOL. I never had to read it in high school. I picked it up a few summers after. I didn't expect to like it half as much as I did. I should read it again, too.
The most overrated author in history is either James Fenimore Cooper or William Faulkner.
I just got a new cook book, "Everyday Italian". This is written by the woman who has the cooking show by the same name. Nice recipes for things other then just pasta with sauce or pizza.
Autho Giada De Laurentis.
I just got Paula Deens' "Lady and Sons" cookbook. That's where the lasagna recipe was from . But I have to limit myself to using it only once a week, otherwise I think I'm going to develop a serious cholesterol problem.
angie said:
I just got Paula Deens' "Lady and Sons" cookbook. That's where the lasagna recipe was from . But I have to limit myself to using it only once a week, otherwise I think I'm going to develop a serious cholesterol problem.

I love Paula Deen. But she puts cream or gravy on EVERYTHING. She could roast a she and put cream on it.;)

But I do love her.
Most of my reading these days is spent on articles on the internet... "how to hang kichen cupboards", "the basics of drywalling" "how to lay concrete".. and research of everything from yard tractor reviews, treadmills, to water purifying systems.


I just bought a couple books from Amazon and will be re-reading a couple books by Billie Letts.

"The Honk and Holler Opening Soon"

"Shoot the Moon"

These are easy, engaging, and comfortable reads.

I was shocked at how much I enjoyed her, "Where the Heart Is". So I looked up what else she'd written.

In "Where the Heart Is", you have this young gal abandoned by her boyfriend at a Walmart in the middle of no where, and she ends up living in the Walmart and gives birth there.

An old childhood fantasy..being locked in a department store all night and all the fun that would be had.... .. I only assume I'm not the only one with such a fantasy.

So these will be in my Morning Reading Bowl soon.

In the meantime...back to "How to Install Gutters, 101".
If I'm not necroing... :

My lastest book that I finished about a week ago was The Count of Monte
by Dumas. A really great book, just deviates from the relevant topic a lot of times and too many subplots make it rather confusing. Otherwise, took rather long, but still a very good book.

Generally, I prefer Classics and Science Fiction.

Some other books I thought were good:

Ender's Game by Card.

Lord of the Rings Trilogy by Tolkien

The Divine Comedy by Dante

Any other Science fiction authors that are great? Can't seem to find others..
Touching The Void is an awesome book, imo the documentary doesn't do it justice!

Past Imperfect by John Matthews is a really good book

as is Whiteout by Ken Follett
Milton Friedman's "Capitalism and Freedom", Hayek's "Road to Serfdom", my own political tome "Socialists Stink".
hugo said:
Milton Friedman's "Capitalism and Freedom", Hayek's "Road to Serfdom", my own political tome "Socialists Stink".

I'm reading a book on Mussolini. He ditched socialism to found fascism. But we all know it was his evil socialist roots that ensured his ultimate downfall.
-Catch 22
-Franny and Zooey, JD Salinger
-Callahan's Cronicles, Spider Robinson
-Slaughterhouse Five, Kurt Vonnegut
-Everything is Illuminated (Don't bother if you've seen the movie, it's already ruined for you. If you haven't, read the book and forget the movie exists cause its beautifully sad)

-The world is flat, Thomas Friedman. (Has some good lessons in it, though I do find it to be quite biased in some parts)

Anna Perenna said:
I'm reading a book on Mussolini. He ditched socialism to found fascism. But we all know it was his evil socialist roots that ensured his ultimate downfall.

Fascism was just another form of socialism. Mussolini tweaked Marxism. Instead of government bureaucrats running industry he kept the industrialist and confiscated their goods and services. Hitler and Mussolini were to the left of FDR on economic issues.

"The Last of the Just" , "100 Years of Solitude", "Tortilla Flat" "Crime and Punishment"