Read any good books lately?

eisanbt said:
-The world is flat, Milton Friedman. (Has some good lessons in it, though I do find it to be quite biased in some parts)


That's Thomas Friedman
I fixed it hugo, my apologies. Your incessent references to Milton Friedman make for mind mixy confusteration of the Friendmans of capitalism.
eisanbt said:
I fixed it hugo, my apologies. Your incessent references to Milton Friedman make for mind mixy confusteration of the Friendmans of capitalism.

Looks like my scheme is starting to bear fruit. May Milton rest in peace.
Horton Hears a Who. Very moving and a great metaphor to the times we live in. However, I'm saddened by the fact my teardrops hit the pages and left pesky little water spots. The author's use of irony and rhyme was brilliant!
I stumbled upon this memoir the other day. I read it twice about twenty years ago. Well worth another read.

If you dislike the French, you'll hate them after reading this.
hugo said:
Fascism was just another form of socialism.

It never ceases to amaze me the way you write the most simplistic, incorrect things with so much conviction. Not only that, but you never bother to back up your statements with facts, or at the very least, some kind of evidence.

I wouldn