Real Heros of the war

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eisanbt said:
Perhaps i Might be able to redeem Canada in the eyes of you folks in the wake of the young lady above as she was mistaken on a few points. But then again so were a few of yous...

Yes, the majority of Canadians were opposed to going to war in Iraq, to which i maintain is a terrible war (Read this if you want my Iraq rant: http://Off Topic We made a decision and it was ours to make. I don't hate America as a counrty, its people or it's soldiers, nor do i doubt their valour. The problem, as Silver mentioned, is that this isen't a war for America, its a war for the 'ruling class' (forgive me for using the term..). America is NOT a bully looking for respect, it is simply the highest functioning singular capitalist system of our time. Full blown Capitalism means doing ANYTHING within your pwoer to turn the highest possible profit. US companies, being some of the biggest, are just doing what they do best and if that means slavery, war and in-education then so be it. (I'm not saying that Canadian companies are any better mind you, they just don't have the resources to pull it off)

That said, we are an independent country and went with what we felt was right just as you did. Any hassling against that is against the right to self-goverence and i for one refuse to stand idley by while the decisions of my nation are guided by pushy outside forces (Not just the US, but the UN, NAFTA, WTO, World Bank and all the other BS running around controlling the lives of billions)

Now for the rest.
1) Canada has recently found a shitload of oil, enough to feed ALL of north america for the next 50 years under Alberta in addition to our reserves off the east coast. America on the other hand has long since run out of profitable Domestic oil so were you to try and 'cut us off' We'd be just fine, (Not that i support the Oil industry, monsters that they are)

2) This is a debate fourm and you are here telling somebody that you don't want to hear their reasoning for their opinions? You're a Mod are you not, you oughta know better.

3) Free speech IS unlimited, if she wants to make a ****ing idiot of herself then thats her choice, and its yours to listen or not. -"This is a board powered not by religions or governments, nor any organization, but by the power of thoughts." Stright from the rules here.

4) Oh yah i missed one, you say that this site is subject to the laws and rule of the United States? I think not. Welcome to the internet age, it is here for us all, this site is under the rule of its administrators yes, but that dosn't mean its under the rule of the countries the live in. -"This is a board powered not by religions or governments, nor any organization, but by the power of thoughts." Stright from the rules here.

Well then...nothing like making a few friends off the bat now is there. sarcasim

Canada...oil...blah, blah blah..... Big ****ing deal. Try eating your oil shithead. Get your figures straight because the United States purchases 85% of your exports. We keep you sons of bitches alive economically! This is a fact.

Without NAFTA, your country was choking but then again this is another topic altogether.

Let me enlighten you asswipe.

This is AMERICA and those of us who live here, and especially those of us who have fought for her, are rightfully proud of that fact. The only reason you are speaking English right now and can enjoy the Internet is because we took on the Japanese and the Germans in WWII to set the world free from tyrants. Your parent country, England, was on the verge of collapse and foreign invasion when we jumped in and bailed your asses out. We paid for it with the blood, sweat and tears of our young men over and over again. Then as if that wasn't enough, we fought the communists in the world, to prevent their world domination!

I hate to burst your bubble but the only reason the Peoples Republic of China stays in its own back yard is because of the United States is forever vigilant. You don't seriously think they fear Canada or even the United Kingdom do you? Ha! That's a joke.

I was a professional soldier for 20+ years. You obviously were not. Soldiers are not allowed the luxury of having a moral compass with regard to who we wage war on. We surrender that luxury when we take the oath. It is what it means to be an American Soldier and a member of the finest 100% volunteer fighting force in the world, period.

I, "G.I. Joe", do solemnly swear, or affirm, that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.

Our politics have never been perfect but neither is anybody else
Heres some more for you, as it pertains to GF.

This is a board powered not by religions or governments, nor any organization, but by the power of thoughts.

Very much true, but there is one thing one needs to keep in mind. GF is dedicated to free speech, we thrive due to the fact that in our history, brave soldiers died so that those of us at GF would have the right to express ourselves freely without reprocussion and tyranny from government officials and from religions. A right that was passed down over centurys by the founding CITIZENS of America, who created a new government based on the principals of freedom. And this same first amendment right gives us the ability to also peaceably assemble on this message board and discuss what we like.

It also gives us the right to make our own brand of justice without imposing on someones right to free speech (the idiot box). Where as, other typical message boards would simply ban your ass out for saying what you say, GF does not descriminate in our Moderating to shut out anybody... however.. since GF is PEOPLE ORIENTED in the way we conduct ourserlves, we have no problem at all letting the members decide your fate if need be. Even if it means banning you via member vote for being too much of an idiot. A very swift majority rule justice system that is decided on by the masses, not the opinion of 1 moderator or individual. This is TRUE DEMOCRACY.

By disrespecting the people who have empowered GF by dying for our right to free speech, you are making a direct insult to GF's integrity and to its members. So I will leave you with one last comment SD. Get off your ****ing high horse about the people who made GF possible by dying for us, or get the **** off our message board. Perhaps you will find more canuck dipshits who will agree with your disrespect of free speech and freedom at , you know, that wannabe GF board ran by Canadian fruitpies who take it upon themselves to censor and ban free speech when nobody agrees with THERE point of view.

Here you at least get the opportunity to shoot your mouth off without getting banned or censored.

But if you'd like a ban, we'd be MORE THEN HAPPY to put up another democratic poll and vote to decide this.

Then you could never say you were EVER singled out on GF by a moderator, you were banned by a majority of people who were simply sick of your ****...

To give you time to think about what you have said, and the impact that it makes on others on this board, you are hereby BANISHED from GF for 48 hours. I suggest you use this time to do some research on the free internet on civil libertys. This is in no way a permanent ban from GF, it is merely a timeout, your ban will expire 48 hours after this post.
Back to the topic. I think dumb **** has enough to think about.

I would like to share a local story that some of you can either relate to or know a similar story.

This year on Armed Forced Day may 21, 2005 the Military Order of the Purple Heart, Alaska chapter 593, was honored to celebrate the unveiling and dedication ceremony for the Purple Heart Monument at the Anchorage Deleney Park. Saluting all veterans, the Rolling Thunder was presented by Cdr. Fred
Well, you can all start eating my heart too, but I rather agree with her. I wouldn't say it so... harshly, but I think she has a point.

I think that a soldier can be a hero as much as any other person can. But just because you're a soldier and you die does NOT make you a 'fallen hero', expecially in a war that wasn't really necessary in the first place.

Soldiers who die in battle died doing a job they chose. They wanted to go to another country and kill people our government says is bad, and they knew that that meant they would probably get hit by a small metal object moving very fast. It's sad when anyone dies, but honestly, these people knew what they were getting into and they chose to go ahead with it anyway. It's not like they HAD to be there. It's not like they HAD to go and put themselves in danger.

Being in the millitary isn't any more important than any other job - it's just more dangerous. Dying in the millitary doesn't automatically make you a hero. It meant you did your job. If you sign up to be cannon fodder, you're going to die. That's how it works.
Asmodai said:
Well, you can all start eating my heart too, but I rather agree with her. I wouldn't say it so... harshly, but I think she has a point.

I think that a soldier can be a hero as much as any other person can. But just because you're a soldier and you die does NOT make you a 'fallen hero', expecially in a war that wasn't really necessary in the first place.

Soldiers who die in battle died doing a job they chose. They wanted to go to another country and kill people our government says is bad, and they knew that that meant they would probably get hit by a small metal object moving very fast. It's sad when anyone dies, but honestly, these people knew what they were getting into and they chose to go ahead with it anyway. It's not like they HAD to be there. It's not like they HAD to go and put themselves in danger.

Being in the millitary isn't any more important than any other job - it's just more dangerous. Dying in the millitary doesn't automatically make you a hero. It meant you did your job. If you sign up to be cannon fodder, you're going to die. That's how it works.

Your signature says it all! You know people arent always signing up to shoot guns jerkoff. And anyone who fights in this war is a hero...Dont hate on people cause they felt like they should serve their country.
Yeah they knew what they were getting into and thats what its all about. They knew they could be killed just like a police officer, firemen or something like that........they ALL ARE HEROS!
You think too much of the here and now. What about the union soldiers during the civil war ?? were they not heroes ?? Did they try and take over a government, or did they just fight to reform it ? What about the war of 1812, are these people not heroes ?? Did they try to take over a government ?? No, they fought to create a better one in a new land. What about world war II vets ?? Did they try and conquer a government ?? No, they stopped one from tyrannical rule. How many wars should I need to mention ?? Now do you really believe that life as you know it today would be the same as it was if these men, who yes, DID CHOOSE, to stand up for something they believed in didn't take that leap of morals and stand up to fight someone who was oppressing not only them, but there fellow man ?? Would you be able to speak of such things as hating the President if your country was ruled under Nazi dictatorship ?? What are the color of your hair and eyes may I ask ?? In Hitlers perfect world, he wanted only blond hair, and blue eyes.. Do you qualify to live under these rules ?? What religion do you practice, if any at all ?? Would you be as free to have your religion, or lack there of ?? What color is your skin ?? Would you qualify to have your place on Earth as a free human were it not for those who fought to let you be free, who fought to let you live life not as a slave, but as a regular member of society with the same rights that the person next to you has ??

Maybe you don't like America.. that's your right, but not only does America honor its fallen and brave, so doesn't Canada. Let's name some things shall we ??

Better yet, here is a link to some honors that Canada shows

I challenge you to go into any veterans type establishment in Canada SD and tell your fellow Canadians the same thing about the people who fought to protect your freedom as you have said about those who fought to protect ours.

You owe the life that you know it, to these same people who are honored in stone and statue !! Are they not heroes for this ??

I would also like to state, off topic a bit here, that GF has NEVER banned anybody from this website for expressing there opinions, we have only idiot boxed people as a slight nudge of harmless humiliation. The only people EVER banned from this website, were people who made personal threats to other GF members. So to say I am somehow infringing on her right to have an opinion of her own, is inaccurate. The 48 hour ban, is merely my way of treating SD the exact way she presents herself... AS A CHILD.. And, like a parent does every now and then when there child steps out of line, I am doing to SD... I am giving you a time out...

Why do I feel it is necessary to do this SD ?? Simple, even though you are a very educated girl, and I will admit your comprehension and rebuttal are excellent by any standards, you are child for more reasons then you even notice. And don't think for a minute I am picking on you because of your age, or your level of scholastic education. I see many other peers here on GF who CAN show they are mature, I have not ever targeted them... People like Sonyathebitch, captainfrenchfry, parasitegod, Msixty,Cynthia89, even hyperdevil8, and the list goes on and on... have all exhibited more maturity and understanding of the world then you do. Until the day you realise, that part of being mature doesn't mean you learn all kinds of facts about your world, nor does it mean your body has grown. It means knowing that your place in this world is not as important as the place of everyone Else's... then you will mature.. You, child, live in a ALL ABOUT ME world of self pity and servitude. While you deny this outright, it shows in your demeanor.. Of course your not gonna see your own imperfections, nor will you be able to accept them outright... its just not a human thing to do.. But it seems to me, with all these young adults on this page who for the most part, are not targeted because of there age, can get by and merge with the adults, if somehow you feel we are not letting you do the same... do you really believe its because we are somehow targeting you for your age ??

If that is what you believe, then that is what you are gonna get from all of us in return, you think we see you as a child ?? Fine, we will treat you as a child, starting with your 48 hour time out... If anybody can learn anything about the way I moderate GF, its that I put every bit of effort into not letting my personal beliefs affect the way I moderate, but rather, I put the beliefs of fellow posters in the forefront of how GF represents itself to the world wide web and to the credibility of the debate topics that are presented to GF viewers and posters. You are still welcome to feel the way you do about medals of honor SD, I will not ever try to force you to think otherwise. But I do want you to step back for a few days, and rethink how your participation on GF will affect others. You are always welcome here, but you need to have a better respect for your fellow man, expecially the ones who gave up there life for yours..
is there a 'lets go put that French Canadian bitch up a tree with a rope' option? because i would like to put mine in as that, SD I'm not threatening you, call it more of a warning, but after BLATANTLY SAYING OUR SOLDIERS DESERVED TO DIE you had better hope you never come to homer.......

i have nothing more to say on the subject
And niether should anyone else, can we please now, just continue with the original topic of this post ??

SD87 will not be able to comment for the next few days, so this topic should rightfully resume back to its original theme.
my apologies phreak, but seeing all her latest posts at once after being off the site for the day, well you get the idea....

and yes, there are some people i know from homer that are in Iraq, and with them and every other soldier there, go my prayers, stay safe everyone, and no matter what your job, or how long/where you served, your all heros in my book
Msixty said:
is there a 'lets go put that French Canadian bitch up a tree with a rope' option? because i would like to put mine in as that, SD I'm not threatening you, call it more of a warning, but after BLATANTLY SAYING OUR SOLDIERS DESERVED TO DIE you had better hope you never come to homer.......

i have nothing more to say on the subject

cough she lives in Alberta, not Quebec
Hey Silver here's an idea...
The point of this thread was to remember Americans that died fighting a war. keywords: REMEMBER AMERICANS. So when people are getting together on a thread to talk about their respect towards these people, how about you hold your ****ing tongue if you don't even like it to begin with? Why don't you try shutting the **** up and having a little respect and/or tolerance now and then, you arrogant bitch. I don't like the idea of war either but I'm not going to bust in here and disrespect these people just because they did what they thought was right. As long as you want us to get off our "high horse"s, why don't you fall off of yours. It's not your god damn country and it's not your god damn war.

**** You.
You go, parasitegod! I hate war too, but I don't disrespect those who went to war for their country. They have way more courage and right to hate war than you ever will, you ****ing liberalism-slut!
WELL i am putting him on the SPOT everyone should know since i keep telling everyone but 8_BALL has the PURPLE HEART...not for just anything either....getting hit with a missle gets us CHEAP TAGS!! LOL
Not to be a blow-hard but I am proud of my country and she was proud of me. Although I do not have the Purple Heart these are the medals I have received (among others):

Marine Corps Medal of Honor
Silver Star
Combat Action Ribbon
Marine Corps Good Conduct Medal
Vietnam Service Medal
Vietnam Gallantry Cross Unit Citation
Republic of Vietnam Campaign Medal
Vietnam Presidential Unit Citation

And from my assignment in Op Desert Storm

Kuwait Liberation Medal-Saudia Arabia
Kuwait Liberation Medal -Emirate of Kuwait
Inter-American Defense Board Medal

Once a Marine always a Marine!
Silver_dragon87 said:
Any idiot can get a medal--people who **** your country over get medals from your president. I say good riddance to bad rubbish. The last thing we need is more 'warriors'--and more politicians. Try congratulating people who do important ****--like teachers and surgeons.

You seething ****. Teachers and surgeons don't brave death everyday and I would wager they don't know their way around a rifle.

I hope you die a miserable death, SD. **** you, **** you, **** YOU!
I'll tell you guys this: my late granddad was a WW2 Veteran. Served in what was The Army Corps of Engineers, building bridges in the Pacific, risking life and limb every single day. For a piece of garbage like SD to disrespect him like that royally pisses me off big time!!!! :mad: :mad:
Silver_dragon87 said:
Any idiot can get a medal--people who **** your country over get medals from your president. I say good riddance to bad rubbish. The last thing we need is more 'warriors'--and more politicians. Try congratulating people who do important ****--like teachers and surgeons.

LOL! Tell me about it me canadian sister! :D
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