Real Heros of the war

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Yeah,but what about those that don't wanna do it or don't wanna leave their families?
M60,I doubt this was too long ago.

right now everything i say is geared to the war in Iraq unless stated otherwise
i was referring to current times
I know you were. Unfortunately there are not enough kids willing to put their asses on the line anymore so I see a draft reinstating on the horizon. Too many complacent little ****s and their Generation "X" mamby-pamby tree hugging, tofu-fartin' parent's who give less than a **** about their freedom let alone their impending doom! "Hey, as long as I can drive little Suzie and Johnny to Freddy Fist****s school of remedial sandbox in our Hummer and vacation in the Azores in our $250K+ Diesel-pusher, fully-loaded, satellite equipped RV rolling on 24.5" "DUB spinners" wrapped with Bridgestone Potenza's" they really don't give a flying **** about "YOUR" freedom. It's the "Just ME and MY world" group now.
Typical gimmee, gimmee, gimmee society!!!
Yeah,but what about those that don't wanna do it or don't wanna leave their families?
M60,I doubt this was too long ago.
Bitch, trying to EVEN explain this to a simpleton like you is trying to barter a 2-dollar gum-job from the neighborhood crack whore.
Put you head back into the sand asshole!
Hugh G. Rekshun said:
I know you were. Unfortunately there are not enough kids willing to put their asses on the line anymore

ill be glad to put my ass and a whole lot more on the line for my country, there are more of us that you would think, but most of us get other jobs for one reason or another, but if there is a draft, trust me you wont see us going to Canada
myself, I'm going to volunteer as soon as i can
Yeah,but what about those that don't wanna do it or don't wanna leave their families?
M60,I doubt this was too long ago.

Well aside from the draft (which I am entirely NOT friendly to though I feel doing your civic duty to your country is not all bad) when you sign up you are not doing it blindly. I mean DUH!!! If you volunteer for the armed forces and DON'T think about the possiblity that you could be shipped oer seas into a war zone then you don't have the mental capacity to fart let alone carry a weapon into war. Come on now you are totally slippin here.
Very understandable if it wasn't the iraqi war. It was a very unneccesary war and there was no need to send more troops in.I can understand the parents' anger.Who wants their kids to die for no good reason.I don't think there's any parent saying,''My kid died to capture non-existant weapons of mass distruction'' proudly.
Msixty said:
ill be glad to put my ass and a whole lot more on the line for my country, there are more of us that you would think, but most of us get other jobs for one reason or another, but if there is a draft, trust me you wont see us going to Canada
myself, I'm going to volunteer as soon as i can
M-60 just gained some rep. and this moderators respect!
Very understandable if it wasn't the iraqi war. It was a very unneccesary war and there was no need to send more troops in.I can understand the parents' anger.Who wants their kids to die for no good reason.I don't think there's any parent saying,''My kid died to capture non-existant weapons of mass distruction'' proudly.

Regardless of the reasons for the Iraq war, it is very important that we now carry the responsibility of seeing to it that the country is protected long enough to get their new govt into action. That responsibility fall directly on teh shoulders of teh US military right now and in order to fulfil that responsibility we DO need more troops not to mention better armor and more intelligence. I HATE the war (al;l wars to be exact) but what can I do about that now? Bitch and moan about how unjust it is? Or accept that there is unfortunately, no turning back and do what I can to support the effort to get our troops that are there home safely and as soon as possible and at the same time do what I can to insure that this does NOT happen again for the sake of my own child. Lots of people call me a tree huggin, bed wetting liberal simply because I am a pacifist (two very different things for those of you who DON'T understand that) but I am also a realist and I cannot live in teh woulda should coulda of life, what difference could I make if I did.
I don't think there's any parent saying,''My kid died to capture non-existant weapons of mass distruction'' proudly.

no, they say "my child gave there life selflessly for the good of the world" get it straight
Msixty said:
no, they say "my child gave there life selflessly for the good of the world" get it straight

I wasn't makin' it up.It's been on the news.Many parents are screamin' for their kids to be brought back home.Yeah maybe some say the above,but the majority are havin' second thoughts.

Tizz I know us bitchin' and moaning won't bring back the dead or turn back time,but I'm just saying that more people need to stop denying the fact that it was a mistake and make sure that such mistakes never occur in future.
I'm glad that there is some progress being made in Iraq.I'm very happy that saddam was removed,but I feel that there is no need for more deaths to occur each day.If the troops were to withdraw,the insurgents will stop trying to bomb americans and less iraqi lives would be lost.
,the insurgents will stop trying to bomb americans and less iraqi lives would be lost.
They won't quit until they (insurgents) have the power over the Iraqi's
Get you facts straight.
The "insurgents" won't stop until they not only have Iraq back, but have it the way they want it. If the new govt isn't what they want, they wil try to over throw it (of course there are most likely a good chunk of them that just want the US the hell out and I can't entirely blame them)
I wasn't makin' it up.It's been on the news.Many parents are screamin' for their kids to be brought back home.Yeah maybe some say the above,but the majority are havin' second thoughts..

thats because the media is against the war, they get a better story when they put up some bitch screaming for her 27 yr old son who wants to stay there, instead up another woman who understands what her son is doing and is proud. not to mention liberals bitch more than they need to to get there point across
The Media is so left winged it isnt FUNNY!
Thats why i watch FOX, it tells u the real deal. **** the media. Make the war worse then it is. Yes many people die and there is always that risk...all of the ones who didnt wanna go could of sat right here, disobeyed their command and got to prision for 18 mths.
There was their choice!
Gray~Gal said:
The Media is so left winged it isnt FUNNY!
Thats why i watch FOX, it tells u the real deal. **** the media. Make the war worse then it is. Yes many people die and there is always that risk...all of the ones who didnt wanna go could of sat right here, disobeyed their command and got to prision for 18 mths.
There was their choice!

exactly :D
FOX though? I always kind of thought they were the worst of the bunch (not that ANY are actually reliable) But FOX?
good point, i trust my own opinions, not what the TV tells me are my opinions
You kind of have to go through ALL of it, discard all the spin and pick out tiny pieces of truth at a time
AIG, exactly who the **** are you to be saying what soldiers' motives are? Earlier someone else said we weren't asking you to call our soldiers heroes, and they're damn right we aren't. As I've said before the ****ing point of this thread was for Americans to respect other Americans who died for our country in the war. Don't give me a line of your motives bullshit either. They died fighting as a member of our army, therefore they died for our country. Who cares if they only wanted to go to the war to kill some Iraqis? Who cares why they went to war for America. The point is, plain and simple, they died fighting for America.
So to all you anti-war anti-American sons of bitches whining in this thread, Shut. The ****. UP.
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