Real Heros of the war

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I find it funny that people are gettin' worked up.
SD live on girl.I don't have an ounce of respect for the american army either.
You people say they brave death?Have you thought that they go out and cause death every single day as well? War is war my dears,if they die,they chose to put themselves in that situation.
Why should we respect them when they don't give a **** about the lives they are ruining.And they do all that,just to gain some stupid tin medal from scum like bush.And you call this honour and heroism?I call it pathetic!
Anyone who picks up arms at war, regardless of your side or cause, is guilty. Death is inevitable in war. No army or country is innocent. If you don't respect the men and women of the American armed forces, I hope you show the same disrespect for ALL armed forces
tizz said:
Anyone who picks up arms at war, regardless of your side or cause, is guilty. Death is inevitable in war. No army or country is innocent. If you don't respect the men and women of the American armed forces, I hope you show the same disrespect for ALL armed forces

I hate all violence to be exact.But the only armies that are attackin' people at the moment for no good reason are american and british!
UUMM ever heard of the sudan, israel, cambodia, south america and the list goes on....

That statement is so far off I don't know where to start
tizz said:
UUMM ever heard of the sudan, israel, cambodia, south america and the list goes on....

That statement is so far off I don't know where to start

OK,I take that back.I do hate all armies!
Like I said, if you hate or have lack of respect for one, you better take that across the board LOL
LOL! Tell me about it me canadian sister! :D

Are you as idiotic as S.D.? HUH?
Where are your medals you bitch? Yeah i have no problems with people but now you are pushing at what the candian know it all said. **** YOU!
You simply DO NOT MATTER
AIG, SD, like so many others you should be drug into the street and shot

YES i am telling you that you should be executed for saying such things, and YES I'm telling you that because your speaking your mind on a topic and that i disagree with you you should be exicuted...any questions?
you simply don't talk **** about people that gave there lives for you (and yes, they gave there lives for you ) just because they didn't think of you specifically doesn't mean it wasn't for your benefit
Msixty said:
AIG, SD, like so many others you should be drug into the street and shot

YES i am telling you that you should be executed for saying such things, and YES I'm telling you that because your speaking your mind on a topic and that i disagree with you you should be exicuted...any questions?
you simply don't talk **** about people that gave there lives for you (and yes, they gave there lives for you ) just because they didn't think of you specifically doesn't mean it wasn't for your benefit

We should be dragged into the street and shot coz we disrespected people that don't give a **** about the lives they take and ruin?
So I must respect people who strip innocent people and take photos? People who take human beings and hang them on a fork lift?
WTF? What have they done for me?I keep hearing this bullshit.I'm somalian.Tell me what they did for me exactly.
You attack my religion,you say makkah and iran should be nuked.Then you think you have the right to tell me that I've gone too far.
**** you,and **** your army.Who's gonna ''drug'' me into the street Bitch?
Gray~Gal said:
Are you as idiotic as S.D.? HUH?
Where are your medals you bitch? Yeah i have no problems with people but now you are pushing at what the candian know it all said. **** YOU!
You simply DO NOT MATTER

Why,thank you very much gay gal.Yeah I agree with SD on this subject.

Course I don't matter,I'm african,and muslim.Stop stating the obvious.
As I said before,a small round thing made of tin,hanging off some material holds no significance to me.Why people kill for that piece of trash is beyond to explain madam?
OK so where exactly did anyone say that people who strip prisoners and take pictures are heroes? No one is really asking someone outside of the US to consider our troops heroes, just to respect the fact that they are willing to give their life for a cause and for the protection of others. No matter who you are or who you represent in battle, that is something. Hell I can't say as I don't have a little respect for the resistence fighters in Iraq, hell they are up against ALL odds but continue to fight for their cause (just as we would should we be occupied). It is a tricky road we walk when you have so many people of varrying perspectives, and YES emotions are VERY high concerning these issues, but one should at least attempt to be at the very least civl if not respectful of others and their perspective. Blah blah blah I ramble yes I know. I lost myself here half way through

Why,thank you very much gay gal.Yeah I agree with SD on this subject.

Course I don't matter,I'm african,and muslim.Stop stating the obvious.
As I said before,a small round thing made of tin,hanging off some material holds no significance to me.Why people kill for that piece of trash is beyond to explain madam?

OH dear are we a little confuzzled? Poeple don't kill to get a medal, let s end that misnomer right there. Poeple kill for various reasons and if a person kills for a medal they are obviously unballanced and a danger to all humanity
OK so where exactly did anyone say that people who strip prisoners and take pictures are heroes?

Um,didn't members of the american army do this?

No one is really asking someone outside of the US to consider our troops heroes, just to respect the fact that they are willing to give their life for a cause and for the protection of others.

How do you know this is their real motive? Some are forced to join the army and fight.Some are unhappy about it.Some do it for money.Everyone has their own motive.I lose respect quickly for anyone that destroys innocent lives.Not just the american army,ANYONE.

No matter who you are or who you represent in battle, that is something. Hell I can't say as I don't have a little respect for the resistence fighters in Iraq, hell they are up against ALL odds but continue to fight for their cause (just as we would should we be occupied).

You are so unique Tizzy.This is a first.I mean unique in a good way ofcourse.

It is a tricky road we walk when you have so many people of varrying perspectives, and YES emotions are VERY high concerning these issues, but one should at least attempt to be at the very least civl if not respectful of others and their perspective. Blah blah blah I ramble yes I know. I lost myself here half way through

I've tried to be civil and respectful,but with the **** that's been thrown at me here, it's hard to maintain it.
LOL,you do ramble.You remind me of my mother,only older. :D
We should be dragged into the street and shot coz we disrespected people that don't give a **** about the lives they take and ruin?
So I must respect people who strip innocent people and take photos? People who take human beings and hang them on a fork lift?
WTF? What have they done for me?I keep hearing this bullshit.I'm somalian.Tell me what they did for me exactly.
You attack my religion,you say makkah and iran should be nuked.Then you think you have the right to tell me that I've gone too far.
**** you,and **** your army.Who's gonna ''drug'' me into the street Bitch?

tell me, where do you live?
and the people that did that are a few of the thousands upon thousands in our military
OK so where exactly did anyone say that people who strip prisoners and take pictures are heroes?

Um,didn't members of the american army do this?

No one is really asking someone outside of the US to consider our troops heroes, just to respect the fact that they are willing to give their life for a cause and for the protection of others.

How do you know this is their real motive? Some are forced to join the army and fight.Some are unhappy about it.Some do it for money.Everyone has their own motive.I lose respect quickly for anyone that destroys innocent lives.Not just the american army,ANYONE.

No matter who you are or who you represent in battle, that is something. Hell I can't say as I don't have a little respect for the resistence fighters in Iraq, hell they are up against ALL odds but continue to fight for their cause (just as we would should we be occupied).

You are so unique Tizzy.This is a first.I mean unique in a good way ofcourse.

It is a tricky road we walk when you have so many people of varrying perspectives, and YES emotions are VERY high concerning these issues, but one should at least attempt to be at the very least civl if not respectful of others and their perspective. Blah blah blah I ramble yes I know. I lost myself here half way through

I've tried to be civil and respectful,but with the **** that's been thrown at me here, it's hard to maintain it.
LOL,you do ramble.You remind me of my mother,only older. :D

OK OLDER???????????????????? :eek:


I know everyone has their own motive, but regardless of that they are volunteering (in the US anyway) to risk the possibility that they may be called upon to give their life for love of country. I HAVE to respect that. I could/would never do it (pacifist remember) but I am quite in love with my country (as it is made up of wonderful people) I just don't believe in war as an option. Unique? I suppose, but I have simply studied enough and observed enough to know that EVERYONE has their own perspective and though I might debate their viewpoint I can't completely diss allow it (SD being the exception that proves the rule here LOL) Empathy is a curse and a blessing at the same time.

BTW I am 30 for cryin out loud and I still get carded even WITH the grey hair!
How do you know this is their real motive? Some are forced to join the army and fight

if you really are that ignorant of the American military, i suggest you stop debating about it right now, our military is 100% VOLUNTEER
Hugh G. Rekshun said:
At the time I was choice but I went knowingly and proudly!

Yeah,but what about those that don't wanna do it or don't wanna leave their families?
M60,I doubt this was too long ago.
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