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New member
don't anyone take this personally or too seriously, but I think this is ****.

at least tell what he did now.

sure ref has done bad things blablabla and back when I was a mod I got to a point where I wanted to ban him. to finally spill it, it was me who said "he's never done anything good for this place". but I was wrong.

like people have said, lately he's been the one spicing things up in an increasingly boring environment...

he doesn't always sugarcoat things but that's one of the things that makes him funny.

and lately he's admitted that he hasn't exactly always been perfect. he's been taking steps towards better things. that's something not everyone here has done.

but oh no, since he's banned permanently he can't ever come back. cause the staff is like the pope, automatically correct about everything in life cause of the position they hold.


Mr. Pool

New member
cause the staff is like the pope, automatically correct about everything in life cause of the position they hold
nice words dude...i mean what is wrong in criticism?...i think it keeps the forum on fire and makes a discussion going on...this is what it should be...but ok...u banned him...:'(



Active Members
nice words dude...i mean what is wrong in criticism?...i think it keeps the forum on fire and makes a discussion going on...this is what it should be...but ok...u banned him...:'(
He wasn't banned because he criticised stuff.

He was banned because he always seemed to cause trouble and started flame wars or was in the middle of them.

Most of you may even don't know about it (like victim said) because most of it was deleted.

And he got like 3 or 4 chances to change his behaviour...but he didn't.



New member
i see it like this....

if you have been warned enough and you ignore it then its your fault. i mean, come on guys how many chances did he want? as for who made the decision i think they were right, you can't let people get away with things over and over or you look like a walk over and new members will think its a joke.

stenners being next...i laughed at that, yeah he might be opinionated but hes not annoying and childish.

the comment about him not thinking LP are th best in the world was pathetic. i don't think they are, i'm just a fan and i'm not getting banned for that am i?



New member
I only have one final thought, I mean, as stated by Pete, I think this forums needs a bit of the "flame wars" if we don't let one loose cannon go around, then how interesting CAN this forum be? it's just like talking without a topic, one ended and pointless, you'll see less of me around here...


New member
Here's the point folks. He constantly had an issue with people on this forum. It might not have been you but it was someone. We banned him over his last incident involving Mark/Hahninator. He was incredibly rude at times, and he is not allowed to be. It's different if it's a one time thing, but he's done it SEVERAL times and we've always been relaxed on him. We had people complaining to us saying he's really ******* them off so we had to take action. And rather than just plain out banning him we voted on it. Why? Because we figured we'd be fair. We discussed it several times an made sure all the mods and admins got a say. There is a difference from saying your opinion and then saying your opinion and insulting people constantly for having a different one.


You guys may not see what Ref does that is so bad, but that is only because we've deleted a few threads and posts involving him arguing so that the flaming could stop. It's our jobs as the Mod Staff to make sure EVERYONE has a pleasent stay here at the site. If someone is feeling harassed we have to take action.



Insulting Ugur09

That's actually um, very contradicting, because Linkin Park's stuff sounds very very poor compared to their album stuff because they just can't replicate live what they do in the studio. Come on, you have a brain, try to use it a little more than your lips.

(From Reflectionist to Ugur09) don't use your fingertips to kiss ***.

(From Reflectionist about Ugur09)




Reflectionist Complaining a few posts down about how he gets judge and he hates how Hahninator trashes his opinion.


Dude, give it a rest. I'm entitled to my opinion, and my opinion is that Linkin Park isn't up to par live. I didn't say they sucked period. I didn't say they're the worst band in the world. Go just get over it.


***, I don't see what the **** you're complaining about. You're the Hahninator. No one's ever disliked you. You're a moderator at a respectable forum. You have shitloads of live shows, and you're always the first to know anything, and any random kid who knows Linkin Park's name probably knows yours. So just quit coming to me getting all offended about me not digging LP as much anymore. You always get offended at the littlest stuff, and I think you need to grow up and respect other people for once.


Notice the contradiction? How at one point he basically trashed someone for their opinion but about 3 posts later after Mark tells off Jake for disrespecting other people, Jake gets on the defensive saying to respect his opinion?


Hahninator expressing his opinion about the Given Up video was clearly disrespected again for no reason.

Man, you were starting to make sense with your posts, but now you're back.

(From Ref to Hahn.)



That's all Im going to post mainly because I just don't feel like posting all thoes threads. Not to mention his constant spamming and his sly remarks that seem to intentionally get people upset. Sure he is funny at times, and sure everyone here is allowed to post their opinions. Stenners disses linkin park ALL THE TIME, but he doesn't take on other people in the manner that Jake did and that's what got Jake in trouble. We've warned him and warned him and warned him. We didn't ban him because we really don't like banning people, it's no fun we want everyone to have their own unique say, but he wasn't allowing that. So we took action.



And for thoes saying
LPF is a dictatorship. Grow up, lol I mean seriously. We are a website forums dedicated to giving you guys all the Linkin Park news you need to know. It's not like we are forcing you to be here or are taking over Europe soon. We are very relaxed with our rules considering other forums and their policies, all we ask is that you respect other members as much as possible.



New member
haha. well I'm not gonna say it. because, despite what you guys can say from your pedestals, I would get banned for it. and I wouldn't be trashing a person, I would be stating facts about some people, that have actually gotten away with trashing others, and were rewarded for it. chew on that for a moment.


Active Members
Just breaking down what you said, like I stated before, I am not mad.. I just want to make this as clear as I can for everybody..I know I can make everyone understand, because some people, honestly just don't want to.

like people have said, lately he's been the one spicing things up in an increasingly boring environment...

he doesn't always sugarcoat things but that's one of the things that makes him funny.

and lately he's admitted that he hasn't exactly always been perfect. he's been taking steps towards better things. that's something not everyone here has done.
I can see where you are confused here.. Yes, some posts may look like he is being nice and taking steps forward, but its the post that you don't see that landed him in his position. We were constantly delete negative post directed straight at other members, as personal attacks.. and personal attacks are never necessary.

but oh no, since he's banned permanently he can't ever come back. cause the staff is like the pope, automatically correct about everything in life cause of the position they hold.
Lol, honestly, this is the funniest thing I have read all week.. Thanks for that..

And **** no, I make probably twice the amount of mistakes then anyone I have ever met..

Once again, what you don't read are all the PMs, and IMs the staff gets, asking us to ban or take care of Ref. And I am sure as a former Mod, you got IMs and PMs asking for help to, maybe not because of Jake, but for another member, and in the end, you have to make a decision about what is best for the forum, and that is always going to make a little group of people unhappy.. I am sorry, I can't please you all.. I have failed. So does that make me incorrect for keeping the thought of the forum in my mind when deciding to ban Ref. because is so, that I don't know what I am doing here.. I am not saying the Staff always do things correctly, and we are always right, but we try to be as fair as we can.

haha. well I'm not gonna say it. because, despite what you guys can say from your pedestals, I would get banned for it. and I wouldn't be trashing a person, I would be stating facts about some people, that have actually gotten away with trashing others, and were rewarded for it. chew on that for a moment.
Lol, I wish you would just say what you want.. That is what you praise Jake for isn't it.. For saying whats on his mind, am I wrong? But, if you are talking about who I think you are talking about, that person has cleaned up their act, and goes far and beyond to help this forum... They have kept it clean, and not caused problems.. And even if its not the person you are talking about, no one else has been causing problems lately but Jakes, so this person must be keeping clean.. Had Jake done teh same thing, he woulds till be here, and there would be no reason for this thread.

And we wouldn't ban you, thats just silly talk.

Once again, I am just trying to clear the air.. Don't get mad, because I am not.. Just an informal post.



New member
Whichever decisions you guys are making... What else can i do but accept it?

despite his attitude.. he never real bothered me.

Is this forum better off without ref? remains unanswered..

As much as i hate to say it.. but he brought life to this forum (For some of you in a bad way, for some in a good way= as some of his posts made me laugh)



New member
About the things he was saying to Mark a few days before he got banned, I was reading it while they were 'talking' to eachother, and that was much much worse than the things azem posted


New member
About the things he was saying to Mark a few days before he got banned, I was reading it while they were 'talking' to eachother, and that was much much worse than the things azem posted
Yes, I happened to be there at the time.. And Yes.. he crossed the line there.



New member
This topic is really starting to amuse me now, some of the stuff people say here and then post in other topics and such, well it amuses me that's all. And I won't go into it any further, since I kinda like being a member here and like Friðbjörn said if I say what's on my mind right now I might end up with my own topic like this..

All I will say is that there are a bunch of people saying Ref's stepped over the line and deserved what he got when I've seen them do the exact same thing. And this includes some mods as well.



New member
By all means, speak your mind. We arent out to ban people here.

Thought Id share these as well:

You're an idiot. You replied defensively to a statement I didn't make. I said "everybody does it all the time," you seemed to think I said "Usiel can do it anytime she wants to!"
You had to make it about you, though, didn't you? Quit wasting my time.
Funny how you should make a quip about not being able to read, because again, you replied to nothing I said. And apparently you're not smart enough to send a PM either, since I didn't get one.
I hope someone locks this thread. It's clear no one on LPF has the ability to bring up a conversation with more meaning than "Drawing on a guitar" or "getting a haircut".

You're just a freakin tool.
Why? It's clear that SOMEBODY isn't capable of having a conversation with enough mental maturity to get over someone's looks and actually care about what they do, or who they are.
They're a band. They're probably nothing like what everyone expects them to be.

Um' date=' because there's another ******* youtube thread that already has videos in it. And is like, 3 pages long. So, Mr. Moderator, this thread should be closed mercilessly and have the other youtube thread put on a pedistal.[/quote']

Man' date=' you were starting to make sense with your posts, but now you're back.[/quote']

i'm sorry my presence offends you, mark
it doesn't.

why the need to edit posts? that's not even close to what you said originally
yes it is... but for what its worth, i edited it down to a grim defeat because that's all you'll accept. if i'd left what i had you would've given me 3 paragraphs telling me how much of a failure at life I am, thrown in some **** about my kidneys, and used the f word every other word. and I didn't really want to hear that from a 16 year old, again. so i just laid down the arms and said **** this life.

is that what you want to hear? that i moderated my post because you don't need another "reason" to hate me.
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New member
Alright, but I'll tone it down a bit.

There are certain people [normal members, elites and mods] around the forums that are basically the same as Ref, and yet don't get punished for it. Personally I think it's bullshit that one person can be singled out like he has been, while the other people that do the exact same thing get away with it scott-free. And I know Ref had several warnings and still continued to 'be abusive and whatever' but the other people that do it should be at least warned as well no? I mean, why is Ref singled out when he is by no means the only person doing the type of posts that he got banned for.

I really think it's utter **** how this whole situation has been handled and I think it needs to be looked into to having a consistent rule no matter who the poster is and what their rank is. ****, it should be more strict the higher rank you have, since some of the posts I've seen from mods [one in particular, but am not naming] are arrogant, self-absorbed and just plain rude.

Basically I think that LPF has been circling the drain for a while now, and with Ref gone it's gotten a lot closer to going down the plughole.



New member
You dont seriously believe the is another member being as abusive as Ref was to Uslei? As far as I could tell she is a lovely member & I know people might look at me when it comes to this sort of topic but I don't reallllly insult people, sure I may pull strings and wires n stuff but the same happens to me & I try to never let things run out of hand. One person I may be pecived as hating one minute may be my best friend the next, this has happend with many users and includes Ref.

But just look above, especially to the posts to Uslei, a misunderstanding could be down to the fact her primary language isnt english... not the fact shes a 'tool'.

So yes essentially what i'm trying to say is, I have been warned in the past and I have said some pretty bad things and I do push the boundries a bit but thats my personality, I don't set out to insult people and I dont think i'm nearly as bad as I used to be (say 3 or 4months ago) but I stand by the fact I never attack people on a personal level, where as at time Ref seemed to thrive on it.



New member
I agree about him going to far with Usiel, but there are things I've seen that are pretty similar. And not just flat-out insults either but just plain arrogance from some people is almost just as bad.

And also how many people have posted in this thread saying that banning Ref was a good idea?



New member
Alright, but I'll tone it down a bit.
There are certain people [normal members, elites and mods] around the forums that are basically the same as Ref, and yet don't get punished for it. Personally I think it's bullshit that one person can be singled out like he has been, while the other people that do the exact same thing get away with it scott-free. And I know Ref had several warnings and still continued to 'be abusive and whatever' but the other people that do it should be at least warned as well no? I mean, why is Ref singled out when he is by no means the only person doing the type of posts that he got banned for.

I really think it's utter **** how this whole situation has been handled and I think it needs to be looked into to having a consistent rule no matter who the poster is and what their rank is. ****, it should be more strict the higher rank you have, since some of the posts I've seen from mods [one in particular, but am not naming] are arrogant, self-absorbed and just plain rude.
Sorry my presence offends you?

Personally from me to you - don't act like you know exactly what goes on at the forums. I've been scolded a few times already about my posts. I know it's unprofessional. I've gotten yelled at.

So I'm automatically a bad guy now because I'm the only one that stands up, refutes what he's saying, goes against him, and let's him have exactly what he's dishing out?

Reality people.



New member
Um what?

How about you get down off your high horse there and realise that nothing of what I said is about you. I wasn't talking about you in that post Mr. Ego, so just calm down..



New member
Um what?
How about you get down off your high horse there and realise that nothing of what I said is about you. I wasn't talking about you in that post Mr. Ego, so just calm down..

I'm not going to instigate this further. Sorry if I offended you, but I thought you were talking about me coming back at Ref in those threads.

I guess I'll stay out of this.

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