1. Who incited David to count the fighting men of Israel?
*** did (2 Samuel 24: 1)
Satan did (I Chronicles 2 1:1)
2. In that count how many fighting men were found in Israel?
Eight hundred thousand (2 Samuel 24:9)
One million, one hundred thousand (I Chronicles 21:5)
3. How many fighting men were found in Judah?
Five hundred thousand (2 Samuel 24:9)
Four hundred and seventy thousand (I Chronicles 21:5)
4. *** sent his prophet to threaten David with how many years of famine?
Seven (2 Samuel 24:13)
Three (I Chronicles 21:12)
5. How old was Ahaziah when he began to rule over Jerusalem?
Twenty-two (2 Kings 8:26)
Forty-two (2 Chronicles 22:2)
6. How old was Jehoiachin when he became king of Jerusalem?
Eighteen (2 Kings 24:8)
Eight (2 Chronicles 36:9)
7. How long did he rule over Jerusalem?
Three months (2 Kings 24:8)
Three months and ten days (2 Chronicles 36:9)
8. The chief of the mighty men of David lifted up his spear and killed how many men at one time?
Eight hundred (2 Samuel 23:8)
Three hundred (I Chronicles 11: 11)
9. When did David bring the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem? Before defeating the Philistines or after?
After (2 Samuel 5 and 6)
Before (I Chronicles 13 and 14)
10. How many pairs of clean animals did *** tell Noah to take into the Ark?
Two (Genesis 6:19, 20)
Seven (Genesis 7:2). But despite this last instruction only two pairs went into the ark (Genesis 7:8-9)
11. When David defeated the King of Zobah, how many horsemen did he capture?
One thousand and seven hundred (2 Samuel 8:4)
Seven thousand (I Chronicles 18:4)
12. How many stalls for horses did Solomon have?
Forty thousand (I Kings 4:26)
Four thousand (2 chronicles 9:25)
13. In what year of King Asa's reign did Baasha, King of Israel die?
Twenty-sixth year (I Kings 15:33 - 16:8)
Still alive in the thirty-sixth year (2 Chronicles 16:1)
14. How many overseers did Solomon appoint for the work of building the temple?
Three thousand six hundred (2 Chronicles 2:2)
Three thousand three hundred (I Kings 5:16)
15. Solomon built a facility containing how many baths?
Two thousand (1 Kings 7:26)
Over three thousand (2 Chronicles 4:5)
16. Of the Israelites who were freed from the Babylonian captivity, how many were the children of Pahrath-Moab?
Two thousand eight hundred and twelve (Ezra 2:6)
Two thousand eight hundred and eighteen (Nehemiah 7:11)
17. How many were the children of Zattu?
Nine hundred and forty-five (Ezra 2:8)
Eight hundred and forty-five (Nehemiah 7:13)
18. How many were the children of Azgad?
One thousand two hundred and twenty-two (Ezra 2:12)
Two thousand three hundred and twenty-two (Nehemiah 7:17)
19. How many were the children of Adin?
Four hundred and fifty-four (Ezra 2:15)
Six hundred and fifty-five (Nehemiah 7:20)
20. How many were the children of Hashum?
Two hundred and twenty-three (Ezra 2:19)
Three hundred and twenty-eight (Nehemiah 7:22)
21. How many were the children of Bethel and Ai?
Two hundred and twenty-three (Ezra 2:28)
One hundred and twenty-three (Nehemiah 7:32)
22. Ezra 2:64 and Nehemiah 7:66 agree that the total number of the whole assembly was 42,360. Yet the numbers do not add up to anything close. The totals obtained from each book is as follows:
29,818 (Ezra)
31,089 (Nehemiah)
23. How many singers accompanied the assembly?
Two hundred (Ezra 2:65)
Two hundred and forty-five (Nehemiah 7:67)
24. What was the name of King Abijahs mother?
Michaiah, daughter of Uriel of Gibeah (2 Chronicles 13:2)
Maachah, daughter of Absalom (2 Chronicles 11:20) But Absalom had only one daughter whose name was Tamar (2 Samuel 14:27)
25. Did Joshua and the Israelites capture Jerusalem?
Yes (Joshua 10:23, 40)
No (Joshua 15:63)
26. Who was the father of Joseph, husband of Mary?
Jacob (Matthew 1:16)
**** (Luke 3:23)
27. Jesus descended from which son of David?
Solomon (Matthew 1:6)
28. Who was the father of Shealtiel?
Jechoniah (Matthew 1:12)
Neri (Luke 3:27)
29. Which son of Zerubbabel was an ancestor of Jesus Christ?
Abiud (Matthew 1: 13)
Rhesa (Luke 3:27) But the seven sons of Zerubbabel are as follows: i.Meshullam, ii. Hananiah, iii. Hashubah, iv. Ohel, v.Berechiah, vi. Hasadiah, viii. Jushabhesed (I Chronicles 3:19, 20). The names Abiud and Rhesa do not fit in anyway.
30. Who was the father of Uzziah?
Joram (Matthew 1:8)
Amaziah (2 Chronicles 26:1)
31. Who was the father of Jechoniah?
Josiah (Matthew 1:11)
Jeholakim (I Chronicles 3:16)
32. How many generations were there from the Babylonian exile until Christ?
Matthew says fourteen (Matthew 1:17)
But a careful count of the generations reveals only thirteen (see Matthew 1: 12-16)
33. Who was the father of Shelah?
Cainan (Luke 3:35-36)
Arphaxad (Genesis II: 12)
34. Was John the Baptist Elijah who was to come?
Yes (Matthew II: 14, 17:10-13)
No (John 1:19-21)
35. Would Jesus inherit Davids throne?
Yes. So said the angel (Luke 1:32)
No, since he is a descendant of Jehoiakim (see Matthew 1: I 1, I Chronicles 3:16). And Jehoiakim was cursed by *** so that none of his descendants can sit upon Davids throne (Jeremiah 36:30)
36. Jesus rode into Jerusalem on how many animals?
One - a colt (Mark 11:7; cf Luke 19:3 5). And they brought the colt to Jesus and threw their garments on it; and he sat upon it.
Two - a colt and an *** (Matthew 21:7). They brought the *** and the colt and put their garments on them and he sat thereon.
37. How did Simon Peter find out that Jesus was the Christ?
By a revelation from heaven (Matthew 16:17)
His brother Andrew told him (John 1:41)
38. Where did Jesus first meet Simon Peter and Andrew?
By the sea of Galilee (Matthew 4:18-22)
On the banks of river Jordan (John 1:42). After that, Jesus decided to go to Galilee (John 1:43)
39. When Jesus met Jairus was Jairus daughter already dead?
Yes. Matthew 9:18 quotes him as saying, My daughter has just died.
No. Mark 5:23 quotes him as saying, My little daughter is at the point of death.
40. Did Jesus allow his disciples to keep a staff on their journey?
Yes (Mark 6:8)
No (Matthew 10:9; Luke 9:3)
41. Did Herod think that Jesus was John the Baptist?
Yes (Matthew 14:2; Mark 6:16)
No (Luke 9:9)
42. Did John the Baptist recognize Jesus before his baptism?
Yes (Matthew 3:13-14)
No (John 1:32,33)
43. Did John the Baptist recognize Jesus after his baptism?
Yes (John 1:32, 33)
No (Matthew 11:2)
44. According to the Gospel of John, what did Jesus say about bearing his own witness?
If I bear witness to myself, my testimony is not true (John 5:3 1)
Even if I do bear witness to myself, my testimony is true (John 8:14)
45. When Jesus entered Jerusalem did he cleanse the temple that same day?
Yes (Matthew 21:12)
No. He went into the temple and looked around, but since it was very late he did nothing. Instead, he went to Bethany to spend the night and returned the next morning to cleanse the temple (Mark I 1:1- 17)
46. The Gospels say that Jesus cursed a fig tree. Did the tree wither at once?
Yes. (Matthew 21:19)
No. It withered overnight (Mark II: 20)
47. Did Judas kiss Jesus?
Yes (Matthew 26:48-50)
No. Judas could not get close enough to Jesus to kiss him (John 18:3-12)
48. What did Jesus say about Peters denial?
The **** will not crow till you have denied me three times (John 13:38)
Before the **** crows twice you will deny me three times (Mark 14:30) . When the **** crowed once, the three denials were not yet complete (see Mark 14:72). Therefore prediction (a) failed.
49. Did Jesus bear his own cross?
Yes (John 19:17)
No (Matthew 27:31-32)
50. Did Jesus die before the curtain of the temple was torn?
Yes (Matthew 27:50-51; Mark lS:37-38)
No. After the curtain was torn, then Jesus crying with a loud voice, said, Father, into thy hands I commit my spirit! And having said this he breathed his last (Luke 23:45-46)