religion...a waste?


New member
Your incorrectly stating the parameters of a true secular Atheist. It is not that they do not believe in a ***. It is that they believe there IS NO *** or any other force that occurs outside of nature.
Please tell me what the difference is between the two bold underlined statememts.

I believe I stated that we believe all things have a natural explanation. How have I misstated anything?

BTW. You are guilty of playing a game of semantics with this terminology.Atheism is the practice of an Atheist.
Please do tell me what the practice of an atheist is. I am an atheist and I would like to know what I practice that is part of an "ism".

Believe you? I don't need to believe you about what an atheist is any more than I need to believe you about what a woman is. I am one. I see you have found a message board where a bunch of people get together to discuss how they will spend their lives in battle against something they claim doesn't exist.

Paridoxical... Don'tcha think?

IMO... those people aren't atheists. They are simply ****** at their "gods" or churches or parents or who ever they feel has done them wrong.

There is no greater authority in the realm of ATHEISM. Look around a little and learn what the **** it is that you think that you are.
OOO You used a wordy dirt. I'm all scared now. :rolleyes:

There is no REALM of Atheists or athe"ism". Do THOSE people have an ISM.. YES.. they do. But their ISM has nothing to do with being Atheist and everything to do with beint Anti-theist. The two are not the same.

Atheist simply means Without *** belief.

Anti-theist means AGAINST *** belief.

I am Atheist.



New member
There is no "atheist community"

The only way "atheism" would be grammatically correct is if it was written like this...

"A-Theism" meaning "without theism."

The 'ism" implies religion and so the term "atheism" rules itself out... it's like saying "We are a religion without religion"



New member
By "Atheist community" I do not mean there are no on-line atheist communities. Of course there are. I mean there are no REAL world atheist communities. We do not have atheist churches and atheist bylaws we must adhere to and an atheist manifesto.


New member
Please tell me what the difference is between the two bold underlined statememts.
It is not that they do not believe in a ***. It is that they believe there IS NO *** or any other force that occurs outside of nature.
I probably could have worded that more carefully. Allow me to try again. It is not that they do not believe in ***....meaning to simply not believe in *** doesn't suggest that you don't hold the possibility as plausible.

It is that they believe there is no ***....meaning that one believes firmly that there is no *** and that it is utterly implausible.

Me, I do not believe in a ***/Gods. However I do believe in the plausibility of a ***/Gods. Does that make more sense? I admit the wording was in need of better construction.

Please do tell me what the practice of an atheist is.
Honestly its hard to pin down. But whatever it is, its called ATHEISM.

see you have found a message board where a bunch of people get together to discuss how they will spend their lives in battle against something they claim doesn't exist.
That isn't "just some website" I googled up as a means of response to your post. I used to be a member of that website. IIDB is the collective Secular/Atheist movement in the United States. Thousands of members, some of whom donate thousands of dollars to the cause. Many of the members are renowned public speakers who are known in certain circles all around the world. College professors and the like. You should look around that website if you truly are an Atheist.

I am Atheist.
Yes I suppose you qualify as such, and your practicing Atheism right now. You're playing semantical games with this terminology.

It is the defining of the psyche as a "spirit" that we reject. Not the presence of it.
Very well put, and I'll concede that to you.

So far... the atheists have been correct. Shall I list all of the things once attributed to gods... that have since been explained and attributed to the natural world by science?
I too am of this thinking. The utter silliness of villagers long ago, running into their huts to hide from the bad weather. Not thought to be high/low pressure and other natural weather occurrences, but rather the work of an angry ***.
It is not the rejection of the insistence of religion to explain such things by means of divine interaction, but rather the rejection of the possibility of supernatural forces causing such things as Black holes and the existence of dark matter and anti-matter.

For example, our weather is dictated by many things. Such as the moons gravitational effects with the Earth. We know that the moon is a rock comprised of innocuous minerals. Completely natural in the purview of science. However, perhaps the moon isn't just a rock. Maybe it was created and placed there in order to provide the necessary effects needed to support the desired environment on Earth by an unknown entity. This is the type of abstract thought I feel escapes the Atheist. I do not believe that this obscure moon reference is true. However I would not rule it out because I cannot prove this isn't true. Just the same I cannot prove there is no Santa Claus.



New member
Atheism is the opposite of theism. As best I have understood it. One side attempts to show that there is a ***. The other attempts to show there is NO ***.

Quite simple really, although the interjection of the 'ism', as you mentioned, suggests religion. Which I too find odd. But thats what Atheist commonly refer to their belief system as. It is a belief system, even though its easy to say that its a non-belief system.

Mmmmkay , now my brain is stinging from the paradoxical volley of this-n-that we have going on here.



New member
I probably could have worded that more carefully. Allow me to try again. It is not that they do not believe in ***....meaning to simply not believe in *** doesn't suggest that you don't hold the possibility as plausible.

It is that they believe there is no ***....meaning that one believes firmly that there is no *** and that it is utterly implausible.
Not implausible so much as impossible, at least in the definition that I was raised to believe a *** to be. Not only that... but many of us also believe a *** to be unnecessary.

Anyone who does not believe *** does exist... by default.. DOES believe there is no ***. There either is or isn't a ***. "Agnostic" is a cop-out. The term should be replaced with Apathetic. That would be more respectable.

Me, I do not believe in a ***/Gods. However I do believe in the plausibility of a ***/Gods. Does that make more sense? I admit the wording was in need of better construction.
You are.. and don't take this as an insult because it is an actual measurement.. by definition you are a "weak atheist". I am by definition a "strong atheist".

Honestly its hard to pin down. But whatever it is, its called ATHEISM.
I do understand the term is widely used even by atheists. I have a pet peeve with it. I grow tired of hearing other atheists complain that some theist has referred to "atheism as a religion!". So I tell them "Stop calling it a freaking ISM then!.. It isn't an ISM!... It's just a lack of freaking belief!! That's all!'". many atheists refuse to drop the "ism' because they think if they do then the believers have won. Isn't that just stupid?

That isn't "just some website" I googled up as a means of response to your post. I used to be a member of that website. IIDB is the collective Secular/Atheist movement in the United States. Tens of thousands of members, some of whom donate thousands of dollars to the cause. Many of the members are renowned public speakers who are known in certain circles all around the world. College professors and the like. You should look around that website if you truly are an Atheist.
I understand what it is. I also know that those people are moving nothing but their computer keys. Atheists make up less than 10% of the voting population in this nation and many of us don't vote. Many of us are conservatives even. (myself included) We would rather vote for a fundi who upholds our morals and protects our nation than an atheist who wants to make this a socialist nation. I voted for Bush... Twice.

Yes I suppose you qualify as such, and your practicing Atheism right now. You're playing semantical games with this terminology.
So if I argued semantics in a debate about politics would I still be practicing atheism? I argued semantics when I was a creationist as well. IMO the athe"ism" you speak of is probably more along the lines of picketing to have the nativity scene removed from the courthouse lawn. I don't do that **** and I don't agree with it. This nation is a democracy and so long as we are in the minority, we will just have to deal with it. It's not worth sacrificing the "majority rule" that we work for... for the sake of a statue on a lawn.

Ever notice that those practicing athe"ism" never protest against Islamic icons?

Very well put, and I'll concede that to you.

It is not the rejection of the insistence of religion to explain such things by means of divine interaction, but rather the rejection of the possibility of supernatural forces causing such things as Black holes and the existence of dark matter and anti-matter.
At this point, Black holes are theory. Before we are to figure out what causes them we must first deduce that they actually exist. But science is ahead of itself with this one because they didn't discover black holes and then attempt to figure out how they come about. They studied stars and theorized what would likely be left when a star burns out... and what they came up with is a Black Hole...

"Now imagine an object with such an enormous concentration of mass in such a small radius that its escape velocity was greater than the velocity of light. Then, since nothing can go faster than light, nothing can escape the object's gravitational field. Even a beam of light would be pulled back by gravity and would be unable to escape.


The idea of a mass concentration so dense that even light would be trapped goes all the way back to Laplace in the 18th century. Almost immediately after Einstein developed general relativity, Karl Schwarzschild discovered a mathematical solution to the equations of the theory that described such an object. It was only much later, with the work of such people as Oppenheimer, Volkoff, and Snyder in the 1930's, that people thought seriously about the possibility that such objects might actually exist in the Universe. (Yes, this is the same Oppenheimer who ran the Manhattan Project.) These researchers showed that when a sufficiently massive star runs out of fuel, it is unable to support itself against its own gravitational pull, and it should collapse into a black hole. "

So... if it is real... and we don't know that it is... but if it is... then scientists are on top of it.

For example, our weather is dictated by many things. Such as the moons gravitational effects with the Earth. We know that the moon in a rock comprised of innocuous minerals. Completely natural in the purview of science. However, perhaps the moon isn't just a rock. Maybe it was created and placed there in order to provide the necessary effects needed to support the desired environment on Earth by an unknown entity. This is the type of abstract thought I feel escapes the Atheist. I do not believe that this obscure moon reference is true. However I would not rule it out because I cannot prove this isn't true. Just the same I cannot prove there is no Santa Claus.
That kind of abstract thought does not escape us. That kind of abstract thought is what is left when all other avenues have been explored to their fullest. That is the difference. Theists go to the most abstract and unnatural as their FIRST answer to every "unknown", atheists start with the most likely to have occurred within the confines of nature.. and work our way out from there. To date we have never run across anything that we could not eventually explain through natural events and occurrences. That is not to say we never will... But chances are... if we study something for 100 years and do not find a natural cause.. we will continue to study it for 100 more or however long it takes until we do find a natural cause… because we do believe the natural cause exists.

It is this very type of nature-based science that has provided us with all we know to be scientific fact about the earth, animals, our bodies, and the universe around us.

Once we find a natural cause, there is no need to attribute things to the supernatural. That is, if we see that all planets have moons... and we see that comets and asteroids also have moon-like fragments around them... and we see that the earth is extremely pitted from being pelted with meteorites and asteroids over the years... and we know that the earth has a gravitational pull... from that we can deduce what the moon is, where it came from, and why it hangs out where it does. And because it is all based on observable occurrences, it is valid scientific theory... not assumption or "faith"-based.

Occam’s Razor... the explanation of any phenomenon should make as few assumptions and be as uncomplicated as possible.

To assume "A supernatural force that has always existed and was created by nothing did it on purpose as part of a great plan for all of mankind..." is a pretty large and complicated freaking assumption... which by better definition is an astounding leap in logic.



New member
Atheism is the opposite of theism. As best I have understood it. One side attempts to show that there is a ***. The other attempts to show there is NO ***.
No.. it is factually imposible to show that anything does not exist.

Atheists got that reputation because so many of history's great scientists were atheist. As they proved natural causes for things people had always attributed to their gods... they were accused of being out to disprove the existence of ***.

It's like... if we were alone on an island and I said there is no food... and then you found food and brought me some... ..

And I reacted by saying "The only reason you found food is because you are trying to prove me wrong!!!!"

Quite simple really, although the interjection of the 'ism', as you mentioned, suggests religion. Which I too find odd. But thats what Atheist commonly refer to their belief system as. It is a belief system, even though its easy to say that its a non-belief system.
There is no belief "system" or even non-belief "system"...

A system is a set of principles on which something is based... like a religious belief system may mean someone bows to Mecca 5 times a day, washed their face before blowing their selves up, etc. Atheists don't have a system. There is NOTHING we do and no moral we hold specificly as atheists that we would not do if we were say... methodists.

My brain is yawning.

ew.. that's an ugly image.



New member
"Agnostic" is a cop-out. The term should be replaced with Apathetic.
I would choose the term "open minded". Which is what I said that started you off on a rant. That I feel Atheist are close minded jackasses. Perhaps I was wrong.

You are.. and don't take this as an insult because it is an actual measurement.. by definition you are a "weak atheist". I am by definition a "strong atheist".
This is why I'm so against labeling people. However its hard to avoid.

many atheists refuse to drop the "ism' because they think if they do then the believers have won. Isn't that just stupid?
Stupid is as stupid ism.
Hahahahha...ohhh I made a funny.

I understand what it is. I also know that those people are moving nothing but their computer keys. Atheists make up less than 10% of the voting population in this nation and many of us don't vote. Many of us are conservatives even. (myself included) We would rather vote for a fundi who upholds our morals and protects our nation than an atheist who wants to make this a socialist nation. I voted for Bush... Twice.
It is proper to separate religion and politics even when voting for a religious politician.

Ever notice that those practicing athe"ism" never protest against Islamic icons?
I have and I can't decide if its because of Islams anti-Christian stance or the lack of Islam having a power structure in America.

That kind of abstract thought does not escape us. That kind of abstract thought is what is left when all other avenues have been explored to their fullest. That is the difference. Theists go to the most abstract and unnatural as their FIRST answer to every "unknown", atheists start with the most likely to have occurred within the confines of nature.. and work our way out from there.
So far most of what you've said jives with what my own feelings toward unexplainable phenomenon are. I am one whom leans toward theoretical science over supernatural/divine explanations for the unexplainable. However I would never rule out any theory toward an unproven occurrence.
Take ghosts for example. I don't believe in ghosts. I have never seen one. No one can prove they exist. However I hold open the possibility that they do exist. I would never say they exist. I would never say that they don't. Thats not a "cop-out". Its just open-minded.



New member
When studying and comparing different books of the Bible (like the many accounts of the 4 Gospels that you list in your common list of "errors" J5) it is important to look at who worte each of the books.

For instance: Mark wrote Mark. Luke wrote Luke. John wrote John. Different people. Different viewpoints. Yes, *** inspired them, but each added their uniquie view of what they were writing. Thus, these are more likely differing points of view as opposed to actual errors.


26. Who was the father of Joseph, husband of Mary?Jacob (Matthew 1:16)

Heli (Luke 3:23) (fixed the name)
Matthew was a tax collector. Very detailed in his record keeping. He would list the "official" father of Joseph- Jacob.

Luke, however, was a doctor, and the books he wrote go farther to recognize the women and their actions of the day. He recognized Mary's father, Heli, as the lineage of Jesus. (This would be Josephs "Father-in-law,")

Not an error, just two differnt people giving their unique views of the same event.

Say you and I get called into the police station to give testimony about an robbery that we witnessed last Tuesday. If we both give the exact same word for word speech to two different officers, they are going to we practiced it, compared it, rigged it, etc, and are hiding something.

But, if me being a mechanic makes me notice more about the getaway car, and you being (an example as I have no idea what you do) a clothing designer makes you notice more about the suspects descriptions and we both intertwine our unique viuewpoints into what we tell the cops- then it is apparent that what we saw really happened.



New member
Though this belief is not unanimous, it is generally accepted among scholars that Matthew records the genealogy of Joseph while Luke records the genealogy of Mary. Jacob is believed to be the biological father of Joseph while Heli is believed to be the father of Mary and the father-in-law of Joseph. If Heli only fathered the two daughters mentioned in the New Testament it is possible Joseph, the son-in-law, would be mentioned as his son in order to preserve the family name and inheritance.


New member
Though this belief is not unanimous, it is generally accepted among scholars that Matthew records the genealogy of Joseph while Luke records the genealogy of Mary. Jacob is believed to be the biological father of Joseph while Heli is believed to be the father of Mary and the father-in-law of Joseph. If Heli only fathered the two daughters mentioned in the New Testament it is possible Joseph, the son-in-law, would be mentioned as his son in order to preserve the family name and inheritance.
Isn't that what I just said????




New member
I would choose the term "open minded". Which is what I said that started you off on a rant. That I feel Atheist are close minded jackasses. Perhaps I was wrong.
Agnostics are not open minded. The unwillingness to even form a ******* opinion on something does not indicate an open mind. it indicates either apathy or cowardice.

You don't "feel" that anteists are closed minded Jackasses. That would require a malfunctioning sixth sense. You "THINK" atheists are closed minded Jackasses... and yes... you would be wrong.

Perhaps you haven't a clue what you are talking about and should stick to subjects about which you know something.

This is why I'm so against labeling people.
Which is why you have no problem labeling atheists "Jackasses".

Stupid is as stupid ism.
Hahahahha...ohhh I made a funny.
No... you didn't.

I have and I can't decide if its because of Islams anti-Christian stance or the lack of Islam having a power structure in America.
Islam is no more anti-christian than christianity is anti-islam. All ***-worshiping religions are anti-every other religion, belief, or lack their of. They all think they are somehow special to the sky-fairy and everyone else is lesser loved by the all mighty invisible friend.

I am one whom leans toward theoretical science over supernatural/divine explanations for the unexplainable. However I would never rule out any theory toward an unproven occurrence.
Really? So then it is safe to assume you think it is just as likely that a supernatural unicorn **** everything into existence... as it is to assume a *** created anything? They are equally unproven.

Theories are based on observable occurances. We can observe evolution taking place around us all day, every day. We can not observe human beings being created out of dirt by supernatural creatures. "***" isn't a theory.. it is a guess.

Take ghosts for example. I don't believe in ghosts. I have never seen one. No one can prove they exist. However I hold open the possibility that they do exist. I would never say they exist. I would never say that they don't. Thats not a "cop-out". Its just open-minded.
You said you don't believe in ghosts. You have therefore formed an opinion that ghosts do not exist but you are leaving open the possiblity that you may be wrong. That is not agnosticism. Agnosticism does not allow for the forming of an opinion. That is a cop-out.

All of us who ever form opinions on ANYTHING at all.... regardless of whether or not we claim that we have accepted something as fact or just think it is the most likely scenario... are saddled with the possibility that we may be wrong. Agnostics are the ones who refuse to form an opinion.



New member
And it really doesn't matter who was the father of Joseph... because Joseph wasn't suipposed to be the father of Jesus. *** was supposed to be his father....

Which means Jesus was not a decendent of the house of David... which means he wasn't the Messiah whose coming was foretold in the OT.



New member
Agnostics do have an opinion. They believe that the existence of *** can be neither proven, nor disproven. They are not fence sitters, or wonder if *** is real or not. The belief is simple, you can't prove there is no ***, and you can't prove there is. That's not apathy or cowardice.


New member
Agnostics do have an opinion. They believe that the existence of *** can be neither proven, nor disproven. They are not fence sitters, or wonder if *** is real or not. The belief is simple, you can't prove there is no ***, and you can't prove there is. That's not apathy or cowardice.
Bravo!! Not a truer word spoken in this thread.




New member
Agnostics do have an opinion. They believe that the existence of *** can be neither proven, nor disproven. They are not fence sitters, or wonder if *** is real or not. The belief is simple, you can't prove there is no ***, and you can't prove there is. That's not apathy or cowardice.
The question of one's opinion as to whether or not *** exists is not about "Do you believe we can prove it or disprove it?"

The question is "Do you.... or do you not... believe a *** exists?" Proof never comes into the equation... only one's personal opinion.

Belief does not require proof. Opinions do not require proof. Knowledge does. No one asked for anyone's knowledge. All that is asked for is an opinion.

Agnostics are either too apathetic or cowardly to form an opinion on it. Apathy I can respect. In fact.... I am apathetic to a great many things.

Cowardice I can not respect.



New member
Belief does not require proof. Opinions do not require proof. Knowledge does. No one asked for anyone's knowledge. All that is asked for is an opinion.

I have said, multiple times, ClassyMissFancy is an insufferable *****, however that is my belief though a few may agree.

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