
It is the un-accepting and un-relenting that cause these sort of problems. All decisions ultimatly fall upon the indivduel, no matter what is influencing them they make to choice to act or not act. Manipulated idologies are no excuse nor are they to blame.

Let it be known forthwith: Assholes and the ignorent are the ones ****ing things up, and nothing else.
I doubt that I have to actually post to let you all know this, but I'm totally there with you, Tyler. You've got the right idea, so let's join forces and beat religious people upside the head bats, I don't care--just knock the sense back into them. Religious people are out of their MINDS. (That or they don't have them at all--I've seen both types.) And you're right, Jenn, I think Tyler and I will be getting along famously.

For any of my rants about religion and how I loathe it, see...........any of my threads.

Though you will see that one is called 'symbol of my religion' in which case I'm using religion in the sense of a way of living WITHOUT any divine being, not any of this christian cult ****. (Every been to a catholic service? It's ****ing CREEPY) In other words, yes, I have a 'religion' as in a way of life, but not a RELIGION as in a text and prayer and all that ridiculous ****. Just clearing that up before anyone jumps down my throat about it.

Rock on, Tyler, I hope you make the cut and stick around. I need some more atheists on my side.
But it the same way the peganism is to you "A way of life" cannot it also be argued the same for christianity, islam or any other mainstream religion? I could almost agree that 'religions' such a Buddism, Taoism or Peganism are more philosphies of life then religions but they still restrict the mind to a dogma of sorts and labeling yourself under that collective banner is to put chains on your mind (And the minds of those around you as they will judge you based on this potrayal of self).

Personally I take a great deal from many religions, especially eastern ones such as Taoism, but to say I am part of this collective following of outlined principals under the assumption that they know 'the path' to whatever their believed end may be is rather pompous and concieted in my opinion, even if those who are doing so are not. (And I don't necessarly mean just the end of 'life')

If you were to take your studies from many sciences then you'd not label yourself solely as, say a physicists, but rather as a student of science. I would say that religion can be seen as the collective learnings of life and perceptions of morality (What ever their justification EG: A god of sorts). With this outlook, it would be impossible for me to advocate the idea of 'belonging' with concern to religion. It only restricts, therefore it is unreasonable and unacceptable. I am a student of my life and that alone. (As far as religion is concerned)
Tyler Durden said:
I believe ALL religions are a cancer of the mind!

Then you are delusional.

I don't care what your god is... I only hope you meet it soon!
What a nice thing to say. And after I called you delusional...tsk, tsk. Where is my manners?

Religion is the worlds most popular faery story concocted by weakminded buffoons that are too scared to accept responsibility for their own hypocritical thoughts and actions.

Well, I cannot say for Buddhism, Shintoism, Hinduism, etc., whether they were concocted by "weakminded buffoons that are too scared to accept responsibility for their own hypocritical thoughts and actions." And of course there is no telling what one thinks of when stoned on peyote, but Judaism and Christianity are based on historic events verifiable by common historiographic means. And they were not founded by "weakminded buffoons that are too scared to accept responsibility yadda yadda."

Simply put, the Resurrection of Jesus is the most researched event in all of history, and NO ONE has been able to disprove it. There is more and better evidence supporting the Resurrection of Christ than that supporting the EXISTANCE of Julius Caesar.

Cowards that would rather blame their sick thoughts and murderous actions on FICTION than accept responsibility themselves!
Again, can't speak for the Hindus and such, but as Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant Christians have apologized for past actions, including a few they didn't commit. I'd say your remark was a bogus statement.

People say satan is evil
I would be one of them.

- as far as I'm concerned there are more people killed & brutally murdered in the name of god!
Uhhh, than WHAT?

If you want to make a correct statement, try saying this: There have been more people killed by those who only paid lipservice to the teachings of Christ, than by those who actually took His teachings seriously and tried to the best of their ability to live by them.

Did you say that? I knew that you could.

Idiots promised of a better life in heaven...
And again, what religion are you refering to?

something they can't prove... take countless lives in their automaton suicide killings. By all means kill yourselves you dense ****s, but don't take innocent people with you who don't give a **** about your pathetic J K Rowling inspired delusions of grandeur!!! What gives you the right to be godplayer???
Ahhhhhhh! militant Islam! NOW you are beginning to make sense.

I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees!
I'd rather you not do either. I'd rather you accept Christ as your savior, and live a life of moral fortitude -- sort of a Dietrich Bonhoeffer without the hanging at the end.

**** Your God!!!
Such language! Tsk.
I think Bono once said "sometimes I think religion is the enemy of God", and there's a lot of truth to that...and I'm talking about christianity here.

I've been to a lot of different Churches, and some of them are so full of man-made rituals etc that they weirded me out. I think the christianity as it was intended is a very simple, beautiful thing. It's basically having a personal relationship with God, being nice to everyone, helping out others - especially those in need. All the stained-glass windows, smoking balls, weird robes, high hats, wooden pews, confessionals, and other guff are just man-made distractions from the real story.

The christians I know spend a day or 2 each week doing unpaid work for the needy in their community...they donate a fair whack of their salary (usually 10%+) to helping others. Many of them donate their lives to go and work for nothing in impoverished 3rd world locations, like my sister in a remote region of India volunteering in an orphanage.

We don't door knock, we don't ever get in your face, we have almost no involvement with you at all. So why someone would get inflamed about christianity really has me stumped. If I told you a new religion was starting that would be based purely on peace, love and non-violence, and that millions of people around the world would join, and as a result there would be a massive outpouring of aid and volunteers to those in need, and this new religion would run most of the aid agencies in the world, and all this would cost you NOTHING...

...would you object??

If you would, then perhaps you have some issues to deal with personally before you start looking at others.

Ok, if you want to talk about a religion that's inspiring people to hate and kill, then Islam is a fair target. While most muslims are not terrorists, most terrorists ARE muslim. They have a stated aim to get in your face and convert you - by peaceful means first, and if that doesn't work then jihad.
Islam is breeding a wave of fanatics who are intolerant of other religions to the point of violence. Their stated aim is to convert the world to be an islamic state. When there are disasters, even in islamic countries, they are the last to offer aid or assistance, and when they do it's begrudgingly and token.
The proof is in the pudding, and you'll find many of the conflicts and killing you refer to around the world are a result of islam clashing with christianity, islam clashing with judaism, islam clashing with buddhism, islam clashing with anyone that disagrees with islam.

And yeah - that is messed up.
All this pish about the ten commandments is just ****ing respect and common sense - why should there have to be some big fabricated 'mystery' surrounding it? Does it not reek of hypocrisy?!?!

I don't ****ing give a **** about you and your god, I couldn't give a flying **** at a rolling donut about what name has been placed on it either - it all amounts to complete denial!!! Denial of the ****ing life you have around you - NOT the past... NOT the future... NOW!!!

papabryant -

You call ME delusional? Excuse me whilst I vomit with laughing so hard! :) It isn't me who exists to adhere to one ****ing book! There are PLENTY to choose from... Instead of restricting my life to one point of view - I have the strength of mind to absorb EVERYTHING at my disposal and 'regurgitate' the **** I don't need polluting my soul. It's only through trial and error we ever learn, I don't see why I should deny myself a 'life' to 'exist' for someone else's ideas! How absurd???

As for NO ONE being able to disprove the whole hey zeus mythology - I'm not surprised that NO ONE has been able to prove either way... How in the **** can you prove something which DOESN'T EXIST & NEVER HAS DONE??? I couldn't care less what has been proven back in a time when the dinosaurs roamed the earth - there's NOTHING of any relevance in whether the zygote hey zeus roamed the earth or not. Abraham Lincoln ain't here anymore - some people hung on his every word and revered him for what he was - do you think he'll come back to life in some mystical resurrection??? I KNOW NOT!!! The whole point of the past, is to 'learn' by our mistakes and to NOT make them in the future... a candle lit from the bottom will soon start to burn... although in your case I fear we may need some gasoline!!! :)

If you want to make a correct statement, try saying this: There have been more people killed by those who only paid lipservice to the teachings of Christ, than by those who actually took His teachings seriously and tried to the best of their ability to live by them.

Did you say that? I knew that you could.

Yes... a perfect case of denial on your side of the equation... and trying to manipulate my words to fit round YOUR denial - a typical symptom of the fantasist religious freak... Do you actually think for yourself or blindly follow? The latter I believe...

Quote: Idiots promised of a better life in heaven...

And again, what religion are you refering to?

My answer... ALL OF THE ABOVE!!!

Quote: I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees!

I'd rather you not do either. I'd rather you accept Christ as your savior, and live a life of moral fortitude -- sort of a Dietrich Bonhoeffer without the hanging at the end.

I am my own saviour... my vision is my religion... I call NO ONE 'father', when that person is no closer to me than a stranger... I bow before NO god that cannot be seen... and I need not any ministry nor deity for salvation of my soul... perhaps you didn't hear it clearly the first time... **** YOUR GOD... I hear he likes it up the ass!!!

cybacaT -

I've been to a lot of different Churches, and some of them are so full of man-made rituals etc that they weirded me out. I think the christianity as it was intended is a very simple, beautiful thing. It's basically having a personal relationship with God, being nice to everyone, helping out others - especially those in need. All the stained-glass windows, smoking balls, weird robes, high hats, wooden pews, confessionals, and other guff are just man-made distractions from the real story.

What made you go to other churches? Was it maybe the fact that you figured out no ONE religion is better than the other? Was it not the fact that religion promises something it's NOT capable of delivering? Was it the lies and deception of the first few churches you attended that made you realise this, and the weakness of your soul that made you insecure enough to try and find others that could maybe PROVE the myth? This is what I term the 'religion junkie', or 'chasing the icon'...

I'm all in favour in being cool to people (who deserve it). I have no problem with people dedicating their lives to helping others with the best of intentions. I only fail to see what being empathetic to others has to do with religion??? It's only normal human behaviour to care about those relatives and friends you deem worthy. I have no problem with that. Although if anyone approaches me with intent of malice I certainly ain't gonna be 'turning the other cheek'! If someone takes a shot - they can expect double in return... or their teeth back... :D

I also think there's way too much 'personal relationships with god' being taken literally... as well as anally!!! Ask any choirboy... they'll tell you! Another dose of complete hypocrisy! A man joining the clergy to cover up his latent homosexuality? A man who is too scared to admit to his family and friends that he prefers a man's hairy arse to a nice shaven snatch - he joins the church to hide and abstain his personal shame and deny his true feelings and desires... only to frequently indulge in them with poor defenceless children... THIS MAKES ME ****ING SICK!!! This is what I mean by DENIAL!!! These cowards are too scared of themselves and the world around them, to actually admit they're gay and have a relationship with another guy. Instead... they turn into the most sinister and vile paedophiles instead. This is an epidemic of mass proportions... and what do his fellow priests do when they find out this man in a position of trust in the community has been scarring young children for life? Gives him an all inclusive transfer to another parish abroad with a clean slate to repeat his sick perversions in another franchise!

The penguins (nuns, for the bewildered) are just as bad! Their supposed refuge homes for abandoned & unwanted children are no more than torture chambers for these kids, where they suffer at the hands of fully grown adults behaving like schoolyard bullies.... You see them in court years after as though butter wouldn't melt, wearing their fancy dress and 'packet halo' whilst in court as the prosecution rhymes off a multitude of vile offences against kids - and then the bastards get away with it because of a ****ing masonic handshake!!! There is no excuse or defence... EYE FOR AN EYE!!!
When are you people going to learn?!
TylerDurden said:
I also think there's way too much 'personal relationships with god' being taken literally... as well as anally!!! Ask any choirboy... they'll tell you! Another dose of complete hypocrisy! A man joining the clergy to cover up his latent homosexuality? A man who is too scared to admit to his family and friends that he prefers a man's hairy arse to a nice shaven snatch - he joins the church to hide and abstain his personal shame and deny his true feelings and desires... only to frequently indulge in them with poor defenceless children... THIS MAKES ME ****ING SICK!!! This is what I mean by DENIAL!!! These cowards are too scared of themselves and the world around them, to actually admit they're gay and have a relationship with another guy. Instead... they turn into the most sinister and vile paedophiles instead. This is an epidemic of mass proportions... and what do his fellow priests do when they find out this man in a position of trust in the community has been scarring young children for life? Gives him an all inclusive transfer to another parish abroad with a clean slate to repeat his sick perversions in another franchise!
Pedophilia and homosexuality ARE TWO DIFFERENT THINGS!
Homosexuality is sexual attraction to ADULTS of the same sex.
Pedophilia is attraction to CHILDREN. Some are attracted to both sexes, and some only to one sex or the other.
Please. Do your homework before spewing mistruths. It makes you look like a silly dancing Russian circus bear.
Tyler, I really don't understand your disgust with religion. Yes, some are violent and awful and all that jazz....However, if you look at the basic principle of the majority of religions, they are based on personal growth, morality, helping others, and other shiny happy things.
Why does it bother you so? Do you get upset because someone has a different culture than you, or different ways of doing things? Basically, that is what it comes down to. Someone else's way of life. So you don't agree, don't believe what they believe. So what? Whose business is it, other than their own? If they are not hurting anyone, and it makes them feel better about themselves and their lives, who are you to judge? It's not your business. I don't tell you how to live your life, or judge how you live your life, please grant me the same respect.
When are you people going to learn?!

I was asking the same question myself... not about myself though...

Pedophilia and homosexuality ARE TWO DIFFERENT THINGS!
Homosexuality is sexual attraction to ADULTS of the same sex.
Pedophilia is attraction to CHILDREN. Some are attracted to both sexes, and some only to one sex or the other.

Gee... I didn't know that already... :eek: (Blatant Sarcasm :) )

The thing with these priests is they may be adults, but circumstances dictate how they act. Sure, they may PREFER to have an adult to blaspheme in the eyes of god with - but in most cases they're just grateful for what they can get... choirboys...

Please. Do your homework before spewing mistruths. It makes you look like a silly dancing Russian circus bear.

Homework?!?!?! What are you... a schoolmistress??? Mistruths? So, you think if I read a few words posted on an internet site that it will ALL go away as if by magic? Years of hypocritical kiddie-diddling at the bloodied hands of the Catholic Church has never happened and never will? I very much doubt it...

Tyler, I really don't understand your disgust with religion. Yes, some are violent and awful and all that jazz....However, if you look at the basic principle of the majority of religions, they are based on personal growth, morality, helping others, and other shiny happy things.
Why does it bother you so?

I have no problem with any of this... but like I've already stated... WHY the need to shroud these things in fantasy apart from massaging the ego??? It's pathetic!!! Wake up and smell the caffeine...

One time, the last rendition, too long I've sacrificed.
Dead stones in walls of freedom, built high with filth and vice.

So blind you walk into their chapels, morality enthroned.
What price this god of mass invention extracts to make you whole?

Your crimes defy your wisdom, no faith can set you free.
Unleashed through vile maxims, your doctrines bleed deceit.

Mental crucifixion, what flesh can serve your needs?
Unchained, I crawl to exit your shrine of rotting dreams.

Falling fast through cracks in heaven, carnivores in search of meat.
The prophets of the moral order lead their herds of silent sheep.

Architects of social breeding propagate their promised faith.
Fascist seed is firmly planted, loving hands now turn to rape.
Armies of the middle class embed their youth with reason's tools.
What callous ill-begotten race could build a nation born of fools?

Resurrect the age-old weapon, keep them drunk so no one thinks.
Sciences of mass deception, global propaganda schemes.
Liberate the dead among us, history's not preordained.
Anarchistic undertakers overthrow their overlords.

Black sheep soon all grow in number, congregations multiply.
Shepherds of the dead world order watch their flock collapse and die.

What does it take for a nation to believe,
To die on its feet instead of living on its knees?
What will it take for a conscious working class,
To put the greedy in their graves with their money up their ass?

The story of the year is the story of the day.
The people never change they just look the other way.
The world doesn't wait for the bodies of the weak.
The enemy is time, freedom's never free.

Pull YOUR nails... outward!

I don't tell you how to live your life, or judge how you live your life, please grant me the same respect.

I thought I was only offering my opinions - I didn't realise you were taking it so seriously to think of me as a godplayer? :D

Perhaps, I'm getting through to you after all... hahahahahahaha :)
Tyler Durden said:
Perhaps, I'm getting through to you after all... hahahahahahaha
Not really. It's nothing personal. I have no religion. I just think it's unfair for you to be so judgemental of another's way of life.h

What made you go to other churches?

Because I've lived in a lot of different countries and places. This has given me an appreciation for difference - ie. just because someone eats different food to me, or has different cultural clothes, listens to different music, or follows a differ version of christianity...makes no difference to me. Afaik, if they're doing something positive for the community, then I'm all for it.

Was it maybe the fact that you figured out no ONE religion is better than the other?

Nah - the religion is not the important part. All were versions of christianity, and all follow the same, one, true God. Although some play up the differences, the things that churches have in common are far, far greater than their differences.

Was it not the fact that religion promises something it's NOT capable of delivering?

God...not religion...has delivered everything I've ever wished for...and then so much more. My story is like that of many christians. I started with nothing, an angry teenager who liked to drink, spent hours in the gym every day and went out fighting on a Friday night. I was angry and I liked it that way - I thought. When I found God though, my whole life changed, and I became more independant and able to stand on my own 2 feet. Now I have an almost perfect life - beautiful wife, 2 beautiful kids, nice house, cool cars, great church...the world is my oyster. But it's not about the "stuff" - I'd be perfectly happy with nothing now that I have God.

Was it the lies and deception of the first few churches you attended that made you realise this, and the weakness of your soul that made you insecure enough to try and find others that could maybe PROVE the myth?

Hehehehh - lies and deception? What ARE you smoking dude?
There are lies everywhere, but most of the Churches I've been to they teach you to view everything with healthy scepticism - to question everything - and to always speak the truth.

I have no problem with people dedicating their lives to helping others with the best of intentions. I only fail to see what being empathetic to others has to do with religion?

Christ set the living example of someone who would go all out to help others - dedicating his life to the poor and needy...and THAT is his charge to all christians. In the end he even gave his life for others - the ultimate sacrifice.
Because Christianity teaches this, christians dedicate far more time and effort than they normally would to help others. The proof is in the pudding - go to any 3rd world country and see who's actually helping rather than just paying lip service from a thousand miles away...

I also think there's way too much 'personal relationships with god' being taken literally...

I don't think the personal relationship with God can ever be taken "too" literally...not sure what you mean there.

as well as anally!!! Ask any choirboy... they'll tell you!

Given God through the Bible repeatedly condemns sodomy, it won't surprise you to realise that you are far, far more likely to be a homosexual atheist than a homosexual christian! ;)
This is a problem almost exclusive to the Catholic and Anglican churches. Think of it this way - you might take 40,000 plane flights before you find one that crashes. Does this mean all planes crash? No? Well use the same perspective when you talk about the extremely rare incidence of child abuse that's occurred in the catholic church.

Another dose of complete hypocrisy!

Hypocrisy is also repeatedly condemned in the Bible as something that angers God.

A man joining the clergy to cover up his latent homosexuality?

Actually I have my own theories about this...
The Bible teaches that:
1. all christians are priests.
2. it's a good thing to marry and have kids etc

MAN has invented in some churches:
1. priests are an exclusive few who wear weird robes.
2. priests are to remain celibate and not marry.

This contradiction with the Bible has created obvious problems. These men are stuck leading unnatural and abnormal lives of celibacy - and for a very small percentage it seems they find the wrong outlet for pent up sexual frustration.

Instead... they turn into the most sinister and vile paedophiles instead. This is an epidemic of mass proportions... and what do his fellow priests do when they find out this man in a position of trust in the community has been scarring young children for life? Gives him an all inclusive transfer to another parish abroad with a clean slate to repeat his sick perversions in another franchise!

I'm with you - it makes me sick as well hearing not only about the abuse, but how the church hierarchy in the catholic church conspired to cover there incidents up, silence the victims or pay them off, and shuffle offending priests around instead of standing them down immediately.
For their part I think the catholic church is now very repentant about all this and is doing whatever it can to make reparations - but that's little comfort to the victims who are still living with the shame.

Their supposed refuge homes for abandoned & unwanted children are no more than torture chambers for these kids, where they suffer at the hands of fully grown adults behaving like schoolyard bullies....

Errr...that may have happened in the past, but even though I'm not Catholic, I have met some nuns in my travels and visited orphanages where they work, and they are anything but bullies. You're talking about people that have given up their lives to serve others remember, and often the ones they're helping would end up prostituted, drug addicted, enslaved or dead if it wasn't for the refuge they are offered. I have heard many storied from decades ago when nuns were over the top in their discipline, but back in those days many parents were too!

Perhaps when you or I give up everything we have, and spend the rest of our lives unpaid and given bare essentials to live on while serving others in a 3rd world hellhole amongst disease and suffering...THEN we can start getting picky about the occasional nun who is an over-disciplanarian - whaddyareckon? :)
I am my own saviour...

Actually, this says all we need to know. You are just one more person who claims not to believe in God, but somehow thinks you're His gift to the ignorant masses.

Pathetic dork...
I am my own saviour...

papabryant said:
Actually, this says all we need to know. You are just one more person who claims not to believe in God, but somehow thinks you're His gift to the ignorant masses.

Pathetic dork...

When I say I am my own saviour. I meant it as, I look after my own life and my own mind... MY way. It has NOTHING to do with any fictional character you or your circus regurgitate verbatim from your so-called 'good book' :)

god's gift to the ignorant masses indeed... :D I know I'm not anything of the sort?!?! I don't 'claim' not to believe in god... I DON'T believe in god! It's as simple as that. I don't give a **** what you say - YOU ARE SWIMMING IN FANTASY!!!

As for the ignorant masses - I'm glad you recognize yourself there! :)

Pathetic dork am I??? I LIVE in the REAL world, bitch!!! YOU OUGHT TO TRY IT SOME TIME!!!

cybacaT -

God...not religion...has delivered everything I've ever wished for...and then so much more. My story is like that of many christians. I started with nothing, an angry teenager who liked to drink, spent hours in the gym every day and went out fighting on a Friday night. I was angry and I liked it that way - I thought. When I found God though, my whole life changed, and I became more independant and able to stand on my own 2 feet. Now I have an almost perfect life - beautiful wife, 2 beautiful kids, nice house, cool cars, great church...the world is my oyster. But it's not about the "stuff" - I'd be perfectly happy with nothing now that I have God.

Well... I must say you certainly sound happy! That really lifted my heart there to read a script from Little House On The Prairie! :D Hahahahahahaha! Hmmm... 'found god', there's a statement and a half! Perhaps you'd like to tell all the others who are searching where to find 'him', hahahahaha! I'm sure they're all dying to know - there's a Nationwide A.P.B. out for him don't you know?

I'm sure you firmly believe all this shite, and I can't say I blame you - it's easier to delude yourself with drink, drugs and create your own alternate reality than it is to face up to the harsh realities of life! If I ever 'found god' - I'd INSINERATEHYMN!!! Of course, that will NEVER happen - you KNOW why... 'deep down' you REALLY KNOW WHY... because it's a figment of someone else's imagination that's got the better of YOU!!! How does it feel to be one of the manipulated? Existing in servitude & denial of your own existence?

I represent everything you're not. Freedom of mind, body & soul! christians would term that as satanism - I term it as - It's Better to Reign in Hell, than to Serve in Heaven!!!

**** Repentance! **** Damnation! **** Religion & it's Lemmings!!!

Hehehehh - lies and deception? What ARE you smoking dude?
There are lies everywhere, but most of the Churches I've been to they teach you to view everything with healthy scepticism - to question everything - and to always speak the truth.

I don't smoke... I also realize there's lies everywhere, but how in the **** can a 'church' of all places be so hypocritical to demand the truth, when it represents no more than living your life through a comic book?

Christ set the living example of someone who would go all out to help others - dedicating his life to the poor and needy...and THAT is his charge to all christians. In the end he even gave his life for others - the ultimate sacrifice.
Because Christianity teaches this, christians dedicate far more time and effort than they normally would to help others. The proof is in the pudding - go to any 3rd world country and see who's actually helping rather than just paying lip service from a thousand miles away...

Dude, I got to hand it to you... this is sheer comedy platinum!!! Please stay... entertain us some more...

Perhaps when you or I give up everything we have, and spend the rest of our lives unpaid and given bare essentials to live on while serving others in a 3rd world hellhole amongst disease and suffering...THEN we can start getting picky about the occasional nun who is an over-disciplanarian - whaddyareckon?

So the fact that these ****s are such 'samaritans' it's best we turn a blind eye to all the ****ing misery they cause? I very much doubt it. If they're in such mental anguish & living in squalid conditions and are unhappy about it, they only have themselves to blame for being there in the first place and for being so retarded in their delusion. Perhaps they should do something about it OTHER THAN TAKING IT OUT ON OTHER INNOCENT PEOPLE!!!

Well... I must say you certainly sound happy! That really lifted my heart there to read a script from Little House On The Prairie!

Kinda...less farming and hay though.

Hahahahahahaha! Hmmm... 'found god', there's a statement and a half! Perhaps you'd like to tell all the others who are searching where to find 'him',

Sure - tell them all they need to do is pray sincerely for him to reveal himself. Then wait...and he will.

I'm sure you firmly believe all this shite, and I can't say I blame you - it's easier to delude yourself with drink, drugs and create your own alternate reality than it is to face up to the harsh realities of life!

Hmmm...being a christian I don't usually abuse drugs or alcohol, although I am partial to the occassional red wine or bourbon... ;)

One thing I have learned about the "harsh realities of life" is that much of it is self-created. If you follow the teachings of the bible then you bypass so much of the crud that messes people's lives up. Basic teachings like don't abuse yourself, respect others, don't engage in violence, a family is a man and wife - nothing else, always look out for what you can do to help other people...simple stuff like that. Live that way and you might find you don't experience as many of the harsh realities of life.

How does it feel to be one of the manipulated? Existing in servitude & denial of your own existence? I represent everything you're not. Freedom of mind, body & soul!

You sound exactly like I did before I became a christian...and just like me back then I had it all backward!!

It took finding God for me to find full, total freedom - you do realise that FREEWILL is a gift from God - ie he gave you the choice to control your behaviour...or believe in him...or not...

Also, it seems to me those who have been told about God but refuse to recognise his existence are usually the ones being manipulated.

Man talking to you is like talking to a mirror of myself all those years ago!!

An easy answer to compelling questions.
A placebo for people who are too lazy to accept moral responsibility.

It is very easy to forgive yourself when you have an infantile mentality
and think that some pre-packaged godhead from a man in a frock will save you.

Sentimentalists seek these wonderful ideals and fanciful visions to distract
from the fact that in reality humans are multi-faceted and generally
fall far from the grand illusions that comfort those who accept easy answers.

Like all aspects of humanity, religion is one of those things that are so easy
prey to the greedy and the power-hungry. The fearful clergy convince themselves
of some moral superiority as they cringe in terror and guilt at invisible men.

Humans have an amazing ability to discard logic, even in the face of crushing
evidence to the contrary...But as anyone with some savvy can tell you, the
idea of religious 'faith' merely represents the desire to believe in lame
fallacies that are unproven, untrue, and designed to ensnare the weak.

cybacaT said:
Also, it seems to me those who have been told about God but refuse to recognise his existence are usually the ones being manipulated.

This supposed counter-argument that is defeated by the fact that you have
admitted to living your life to appease a fanciful invisible man; a mind-raking
machine that was invented by primitive apes in the dark age of man and
perfected by crooks in medieval times and still rules over those without
the courage to live their own lives without an imaginary friend.

You are like a flea on a dog, claiming you own and control the dog.

Amusing when a mindless drone tries to claim divine power over those
who have marched far and away from such childish control long ago...!

It took finding God for me to find full, total freedom - you do realise that FREEWILL is a gift from God - ie he gave you the choice to control your behaviour...or believe in him...or not...

Also, it seems to me those who have been told about God but refuse to recognise his existence are usually the ones being manipulated.

Man talking to you is like talking to a mirror of myself all those years ago!!

Well, if you can find freedom whilst being drowned in fantasy - I guess that's your problem. As for freewill being a gift from god? I didn't ask to come here, and I can't choose when I'm gonna leave... but one things for sure, I'll be on my feet ready to kill death when it comes for me!!!

I give 'myself' freedom... by living in the REAL world. There is NO god or supreme entity calling the shots. Freedom is obviously something you gave up years ago... to be 'mentally hobbled' by someone else's illusions.

Everything you do, or fail to do in life is determined by your OWN choices. NOT by being a puppet on the strings of an invisible fantasy.

How the **** can non-believers be manipulated & hypnotized by something they don't & never will believe in?

All this 'talking to god', is bullshit!!! I find thoughts running through my head when I'm just doing day to day **** and not actually physically talking - this is ME... MY OWN thoughts... The majority of people in this world think in a similar fashion, but fortunately not all of us need to irrationalize our freedom of thoughts by burdening our minds with complete adulterated delusions like yourself. If you really believe you're 'talking to him upstairs', I suggest you visit your doctor and ask him/her to recommend a good therapist!!! :D
Tyler Durden said:
I didn't ask to come here, and I can't choose when I'm gonna leave... but one things for sure, I'll be on my feet ready to kill death when it comes for me!!!

First of all, plebian, Death can not be killed by simple means. Death carries a +5 Vorpal sickle and has a THACo of 1. He can only be hit by semi-ethereal creatures using silver weapons with a Bless spell placed upon it.


You people are beating a dead horse, ya know? This topic is as old as Death himself. Find something else to throw your angst upon.

If a person wants to be a Christian... fine. It's up to them

If a person wants to be a Muslim... fine. Good for them.

If a person wants to be a Deist... fine. Do your thing.
RoyalOrleans said:
First of all, plebian, Death can not be killed by simple means. Death carries a +5 Vorpal sickle and has a THACo of 1. He can only be hit by semi-ethereal creatures using silver weapons with a Bless spell placed upon it.


You people are beating a dead horse, ya know? This topic is as old as Death himself. Find something else to throw your angst upon.

If a person wants to be a Christian... fine. It's up to them

If a person wants to be a Muslim... fine. Good for them.

If a person wants to be a Deist... fine. Do your thing.

Finally...the voice of reason speaks
RoyalOrleans said:
First of all, plebian, Death can not be killed by simple means. Death carries a +5 Vorpal sickle and has a THACo of 1. He can only be hit by semi-ethereal creatures using silver weapons with a Bless spell placed upon it.

When you a re coughing up your last with cancer, lets see if your
oh-so-funny Warcraft irony will buy you any extra time, shall we?

See you at the graveyard, chuckles!


RoyalOrleans said:
You people are beating a dead horse, ya know? This topic is as old as Death himself. Find something else to throw your angst upon.

Why don't we direct our angst at clowns who cannot stomach a good debate
and want to live in a big incestious happy family...Namely, nabobs like you!

Here is a newsflash:

Do you think a guy like Osama or McVeigh really respects your right to
sit on the fence? Do you really think most saliva-drooling religionists
are happy that you are not in the dirt, grovelling to their unreal gods?

Religionists want nothing less that total domination of your
mind, and I for one, will not sit back and let them take liberties!

Get with the program - You sound like a mindless hippy.

RoyalOrleans said:
If a person wants to be a Christian... fine. It's up to them

If a person wants to be a Muslim... fine. Good for them.

If a person wants to be a Deist... fine. Do your thing.

And since when does your personal opinion become the primary order for all humans?

If a person wants to worship thin air, then they should keep it the feck
in the garage and not blow themselves to burnt beef and kill innocent
people! Or neither should non-tax paying pedophile bishops give commands
to nations that they have no nominal command over!

When are these idiotic god-freaks going get this into their empty heads???

No doubt, this is ideological war -
And if you cannot see that, then you are only a pawn.

