
phreakwars said:
We don't adapt to ****, people adapt to us. If they don't get all pissy about us being dicks and stick around to join in on the subjects, then we usually back off.


I know were you are coming from, muscleman.
Being multi-faceted is part of any forum experience.

Cheers for the support, Curt!

It's nice to know that I'm not the only religious-hate-machine on here. I also appreciate the support others have given me on here as well...

Curt, I wouldn't go off too much about this **** - obviously as we're newbie's here at this big ol' fraternity party, the mod's are having a whale of a time flushing our heads down the toilet as part of re-enacting their hi-skool-jinx! Still, I appreciate your support!

I must say... How original to flame a newbie... I guess it's all we should have expected when we signed up here though! Boys will be boys...
RoyalOrleans said:
So now you are contradicting your own rebukes to me? If you're going to make a stand, make it with your feet planted firmly in the ground. The piss here reeks of vinegar and jalapenos.

Tell me about it.

The urine is at least a foot deep!

One of you better start drinking it. :)

RoyalOrleans said:
You can't take fairy tales and ghost stories seriously. Why take religion? Economics, political, and social policies are a better debate because there is usually two staunch sides of the fence. Whereas, religion has a lot of grey area.

So what happens when a religious person makes a debate on his ideas?

Or is that a rate occurance here...?

Just curious to the official policy.

RoyalOrleans said:
So the comments that you made about my intellect and powertrip were all jokes? Ha... I don't get it. Ok... I get it.

The mystery of the net, eh?

Never know when the joke is real or just a joke!

Tyler Durden said:
Cheers for the support, Curt!

It's nice to know that I'm not the only religious-hate-machine on here. I also appreciate the support others have given me on here as well...

Curt, I wouldn't go off too much about this **** - obviously as we're newbie's here at this big ol' fraternity party, the mod's are having a whale of a time flushing our heads down the toilet as part of re-enacting their hi-skool-jinx! Still, I appreciate your support!

I must say... How original to flame a newbie... I guess it's all we should have expected when we signed up here though! Boys will be boys...

Yup - It looks like we are in the domain of some arch-fratmeisters here!

I am quaking with fear as to what nerfarious prank these veritable online jesters will pull next!

Curt Sibling said:
So what happens when a religious person makes a debate on his ideas?

Or is that a rate occurrence here...?

Just curious to the official policy.

I never said that we couldn't debate religion. Personally, I don't see the point. There is too much of that old adage "He said, she said" in discussions about religion.

For the sake of discussing religion, I don't think its that thorough to generalize all religion. Some religions, faiths worship out of fear, out of guilt, out of joy, or for good crop. Even though I'm a faithless *******, I don't think religion is inherently evil. I think that the Men who created it are.

Call me crazy (You're crazy!), but I like clear and more tangible type discussions or debates. Particularly on policies that affect us all. You know that old chestnut.

By the way, I'm of Scotch-Irish descent... I'm always drinking.
ImWithStupid said:
If you havn't chacked out Phreak's greeting to new members you might want to. It just kind of give a description of the atmosphere at this site.

http://Off Topic

There are some very serious threads and some not so serious threads. Like Phreak says, it's more like a community than a forum. It's kinda like a bunch of friends sitting around talkin' **** and joking around one minute and stone cold serious the next.

Anyway check it out.

Wow, I guess what I thought what was thinly veiled sarcasm I was delivering, wasn't so thinly veiled after all. I'm gonna have to dumb down my act a little!!! :D
Come on Curt, you Brits have got to relax a bit. Just look at what all the seriousness and tension is doing to your dogs.

Quarter of dogs are stressed out -survey

Thu Oct 27, 9:11 AM ET

Man's best friend has certainly not been treated that way.

More than a quarter of all dogs in Britain are as stressed out as their over-worked owners, and a third are prone to vomit or have diarrhoea as a result of neglect, a survey said on Thursday.

"Dogs are very sensitive to their owners' moods and pick up on when they are unhappy, unwell or under pressure," said Chris Price, business manager with Direct Line Pet Insurance.

The survey found 26 percent of more than 1,100 dog owners who were polled believed their furry friends are suffering from stress and 53 percent described their own lives as being stressful.

More than half of the survey's respondents felt they do not spend adequate time with their canine companions.

"The number of people living alone has increased greatly over the last 20 years and we are working ever-longer hours, said Roger Mugford, a pet behaviourist.

"Dogs are social creatures who need the contact of humans or other animals, and this is having a negative impact on their psychological wellbeing," he said.

Mugford added that nine out of 10 dogs that he treats do not have enough contact with people.

If not for you, do it for Fido.
As reduntant and repetitive as this topic is, if you guys wish to stay on topic but have severe bad blood with another member, you are welcome to create a versus or flame post while keeping the quality of your thread. Just a suggestion for the newcomers and whoever don't know.

Oh and by the way, I feel more freedom without religion. I am bound by enough rules as it is, I don't need some old book or some sky dude telling me what to do.
Curt Sibling said:
So what happens when a religious person makes a debate on his ideas?:D
Well, to give you an idea of what happens, a Muslim from Egypt did it, and we made him into a Mod.

He is gone now, off to school and then off to martyr himself, but he stood his ground against overwelming majority odds and made some new friends.

You people are beating a dead horse, ya know? This topic is as old as Death himself. Find something else to throw your angst upon.

If a person wants to be a Christian... fine. It's up to them

If a person wants to be a Muslim... fine. Good for them.

If a person wants to be a Deist... fine. Do your thing.

Fair call - I'm happy to debate people, but all I'm reading is rambling. I give some answers to the ramble and throw a few questions back...which are unanswered - just more ramble.

Like I said though, I 100% understand where Curt and Tyler are coming from - I was exactly the same a few years back - EXACTLY! I thought religion was mind control, even used the puppet analogy a few times, and got irritated that no-one could see what I thought I could see. I thought I had the big picture, but I didn't...and I'm glad about that because the world is a lot better place than I thought it was way back then!

Ok - finally read the last few pages of s#@tstorm since I last posted.

No offence Curt, but I disagree with RO on some topics, but I'll debate him just like anyone else. Offering nothing up but worthless insults about intelligence, wit etc amounts to nothing. Heads-up - as messed-up as some of his views might be, RO is anything but stupid my friend.

That said, it's good to see you all kissed and made up. Just warn me if you're going to get into some tongue-tongue action and I'll look away...

WRT debating religion, what's the topic? You hate religion - cool - that's your choice. Given some concrete reasons why, and I'll debate them with you. There are plenty of reasons I don't like religion, but I'll happily take up the fight for that side. Simply spraying that you hate religion doesn't add up to squat. Random cliches about "mind control" and "puppets" amount to squat. Put up, or...
Debating relgion is a mis-understood taboo. Well, I prefer to see it as debating what you are passionate about and what you believe in. Long live in the un-civilized internet form of debating because it is the onl CIVILIZED way to to fight each other. I really want to stick around here so I don't think pissing MRIH off would help?? Meh, I think I have done my damage. I have one last argument to show to MRIH hopefully he will see any truth to it but I doubt it. Maybe I should just compile our whole argument in chronological order and then we can take a look at it. Naahh. :D
RoyalOrleans said:
For the sake of discussing religion, I don't think its that thorough to generalize all religion. Some religions, faiths worship out of fear, out of guilt, out of joy, or for good crop. Even though I'm a faithless *******, I don't think religion is inherently evil. I think that the Men who created it are.

Frankly, I think that is the most rational thing a "faithless *******" has ever said on an internet posting. I don't necessarily agree, but at least it was well thought out, and not just some screed typed in all caps and followed with the bogus Pope Leo quote.
Boy, it HAS been a while since I looked on this thread!

Tyler Durden said:
When I say I am my own saviour. I meant it as, I look after my own life and my own mind... MY way.
Once again, we have a person who thinks they are God's gift to the masses, and that NO ONE has ever seen through the "veil of lies" before they came along.

Forgetting the fact that Christianity has been the most examined, probed, prodded, placed under the microscope, asked to "lie on the couch and tell me about your mother" religion in the world. Forgetting that the historical, philosophical, theological and scientific aspects of the Bible have been examined by EXPERTS in the fields of Archeology, literary criticism, lingusitics, literature, psychology, sociology, cultural anthropology, history, philosophy, medicine, and numerous other fields, all cross referenced against each other, and been found reliable.

No, despite these facts, I should emulate YOU? Pride goeth before a fall.... no, wait, that is a Biblical lesson. Nevermind.

It has NOTHING to do with any fictional character you or your circus regurgitate verbatim from your so-called 'good book' :)
I've got 2000 years of examination of this religion you call fictional to draw upon to prove you are wrong. Care to debate?

I don't give a **** what you say - YOU ARE SWIMMING IN FANTASY!!!

And you are sinking in it. Selfishness, superficial reading of the Bible and reliance on your own understanding, without consulting the wisdom available to you in others of greater learning and expertise than yourself results in EXACTLY the attitude you are expressing here.

Pathetic dork am I???
Yes. Point is you don't have to be.

I represent everything you're not. Freedom of mind, body & soul! christians would term that as satanism - I term it as - It's Better to Reign in Hell, than to Serve in Heaven!!!
Careful. Self fulfilling prophesy..., Damn! There I go giving you a Bible lesson again.

**** Repentance!
Say it right.... "**** saying you're sorry when you do something wrong."

**** Damnation!
Say it right... "**** just punishment and the concept of right and wrong."

**** Religion & it's Lemmings!!!
Say it right... "**** those who found something different and decided to follow it, and decided not to be selfish and keep it to themselves."

Curt Sibling said:
And since when does your personal opinion become the primary order for all humans?

About the same time yours did, when I became 18 and registered to vote.

Or neither should non-tax paying pedophile bishops give commands
to nations that they have no nominal command over!
Funny, I haven't heard any Priest issuing executive orders or congressional summons.

The damnest part of this is, by saying that religious people cannot or should not express their political or cultural views, they engage in the same persecution of viewpoint they decry Christians are doing.

I bring to the table my ideas. You can debate them if you wish with whatever viewpoint, ideas, data, etc. you bring to the table. Expect to be debated.

DON'T tell me that I cannot express my views because they are based in religion; DON'T tell me I cannot bring my views, data, etc. to debate your views because they are based in Religion; DON'T tell me that I have to derive my views from the criteria YOU set.

To say that Christians are forcing their religion on others by offering their views is hogwash. We place our views before the public and ask only for debate on the issues that face us, the same as anyone else. As author Greg Kouke wrote:
It seems to me that in a truly pluralistic society every group should get a hearing who wants to be heard instead of being summarily dismissed. We wouldn't say, "Oh, that's those Mexicans making trouble again," or "Those old people are making demands," or "That Board of Realtors is forcing their views on us." Or "those blacks," or "those homosexuals," or "those unions," or "those fundamentalists." The fact is that each is a legitimate voice among the constituency. It doesn't mean that we adopt every suggestion or give in to every special interest group. But it certainly seems appropriate for them to be able to ask questions, get informed, and make their point through a public appeal....

No force, no imposition, just advocacy for a point of view and voting. Everybody has an equal shot. That's fair, that's reasonable. What isn't fair or reasonable is when any group has to fight just to be heard or are condemned or ridiculed not for their point of view but for giving their point of view, regardless of how unpopular it may be, or how stridently it may be argued. Christians just want to be players in the discussion. Why do others want to censor that contribution? (emphasis mine)


Because the Nazis never really went away. They just changed their name.
papabryant said:
Frankly, I think that is the most rational thing a "faithless *******" has ever said on an internet posting. I don't necessarily agree, but at least it was well thought out, and not just some screed typed in all caps and followed with the bogus Pope Leo quote.

You ought to hear me preach on race relations, the war on terror, and the bird flu.