Restaurant etiquette 101

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Big Momma
They aren't perfect and they certainly don't have to kiss your ass if they forget something as stupid as 3 containers of syrup or ranch dressing.

The server SHOULD apologize and it is stupid to you, because it's NOT YOU that's waiting for it, so OF COURSE you don't care. I ONLY enjoy my pancakes, eggs, and bacon with A WHOLE LOT of syrup and some butter or margarine. So, it's NOT stupid, it's what I want, and since I am the CUSTOMER, I SHOULD be able to get what I want with my food, otherwise WHY eat there if I am not satisfied with the food? I am TIRED of servers forgetting what I ordered. I like food at restaurants BETTER than home cooked food, that's just my preference. I also like to eat my food hot, so getting the food to go, is not what I want to do.

These customers didn't like waiting, did they? MOST people DON'T like waiting for things. YOU'RE WRONG about that.

Taking off a percentage of a cheap food bill. Isn't your time worth more?

No, I think, at least before I got laid off, I felt my hard earned money is going to go to servers that DESERVE it. $55 is not cheap for 2 people. Honestly, we could eat for $20 if we wanted to with no alcohol, no desserts, no appetizers, and we could order the cheapest things on the menu. The hamburger at Chilis is $5.99, the soft drink is $1.99, which is around $8.00 without tax. So multiply that times 2 and you get around $16.00, with tax would probably be around $20. THAT'S CHEAP. The tip on that at 20% would be around $4.00, depending on the taxes. So, don't say we are cheap, because we aren't. We spent on every friday either around $40-55 usually. That's expensive for a night out at a chain restaurant for only 2 people. If I got the ribs, that was $12.99. If we both got ribs, that was about $26 without tax already without drinks or a dessert.

I have ALWAYS tipped the total AFTER taxes, NOT the subtotal. That is just the way I always thought it should be. I have seen receipts with a scale percentage suggestions with the subtotal for each percentage tip to give, which I think that is weird. I have also seen some other suggestions on receipts printed that stated the tip AFTER taxes. So, I am NOT sure what is the rule for that? I have just been tipping the total after taxes, NOT on just the subtotal.

Don't you have anything else to do during a meal outside of the home than to count your server's steps?

I doubt you have something new to talk about every second. I know I don't have something to talk about every moment. Secondly, I want to know if the server DESERVES the tip we give to them. It was my hard earned money, so I want to know WHY is it going where it's going or is it going anywhere if the service is really bad? I want to know what's going on with my orders. I have a right to know that.
There is a big difference between an incompetent idiot serving you and somebody just forgetting something. You certainly don't sould like somebody who has ever worked in public serivce for any length of time, and if you did then it wasn't hard enough. These people do have alot to do most of the time, and are going to bugger up now and again. Cut them some slack and relax. No syrup? just ask for more, let them know a mistake has been made but for christ sakes realize that it's only syrup and chances are this person is living off their tips (Pending on where you're at.)

A meal is to be enjoyed and if you start being overly critical of people then you're probably not going to enjoy yourself very much. How often do you see somebody flip out on the help then turn back to their meal and laugh their asses off about whatever it is that their talking about?

And lastly there is one insurmountable truth about the food service industry; The customer is NOT always right. There is a relationship here that goes both ways, yes you are a customer who is there to pay for food but that dosn't give you the right to abuse the people working there. When I worked at Subway, and accually when i worked as a waiter as well, one of the first things the managers told me was "You don't have to take **** form customers, tell them to get the hell out" This was something I never exercised (Eventhough the oppertunities were many). The thing is that any good manager will put their employee's well being over the non-sensicle demands of one customer who is putting maybe $10 into the store as opposed to a good employee who will profit the store infinatly more then the odd John Q Asshole.
Just because somebody is serving you dosn't make them your servent.

But on the flip side, there are those very rare occasions where you encounter somebody who simply should not be working with the public and you question how it was they go hired in the first place, but they usually aren't so it's seldom a problem.

I would agree that if they forget something they should apologize but nothing more then a 'sorry' is necessary. But that is true of any social interactions, Its just good mannors.
You certainly don't sould like somebody who has ever worked in public serivce for any length of time, and if you did then it wasn't hard enough.

I have at a donut shop from 1998-2002 off and on. I worked there off and on, because of college. It was hard, especially if you are the ONLY person working when there is lots of people want your attention all at once.

The customer is NOT always right.

I agree with you TOTALLY. I have had customer's tell me they ordered something a certain way, and they TRULY didn't. I have had customers tell me they didn't have the rest of the money, when they did, either in their car at the drive-thru or in their hands when they were ordering things to-go. They lied to me that they didn't have the money, when they did.

But that dosn't give you the right to abuse the people working there.

I DON'T abuse people. I just simply take it out of their tip if the service is bad. Heck, I've even said "Thank you" to servers that have forgotten my condiments and they didn't even say they were sorry for forgetting them. I am being nice to servers that AREN'T nice to me. I think that SHOULD say something about that I am a nice person. The only things I have done was if there were so many mistakes that, I just got fed up, I may have been pissy to them by saying "My food is all wrong." It gets old when you have 4 or 5 mistakes not to get irritated by then. I don't think anyone can blame me by the time 4 or 5 mistakes have been made. My meal has been ruined already by then and I don't just magically get happy and forget about these things.

Chances are this person is living off their tips

WHY should ANYONE care if a server is living off their tips? I could CARE LESS about their financial situation. It's NONE of my business anyway. Secondly, if they feel they can't live off tips, they should go get a job that pays at least minimum wage. NO ONE is keeping them there and people choose where to work. People choose if to stay there or not at a job. If they are living off their tips, they should be DAMN sure they don't EVER forget ANYTHING EVER by REREADING the order (Hopefully they wrote down). Otherwise, what kind of tip should a server expect for forgetting something? It's NOT going to be 20%, that's for sure. If a server wants 20% or over, PUT THE EFFORT into getting the order CORRECT and don't make customers wait for clean up work, that's just not right. My order has been taken, it should be in the computer as soon as the server goes to the computer.

No syrup? just ask for more, let them know a mistake has been made but for christ sakes realize that it's only syrup.

Meanwhile, my food is getting cold WAITING for my syrup. That's a pretty selfish statement to act like it's ONLY syrup. I am PAYING for the server to get it right, I feel they should make the effort to make it right the FIRST time around, instead of depending on the customer to REMIND them. That's putting the effort on the customer, instead of who's SUPPOSE to be doing their job, which is the SERVER. The customer should ONLY have to say their order once or twice when initially ordering. The customer shouldn't be bothered with a server INTERRUPTING the customers to ask "Did you say lettuce and tomatoes?" or something like that. The server should be RESPONSIBLE to remember EVERYTHING a customer has ordered. If they don't, at least be nice enough to apologize. I don't feel that the customer should have to REMIND the server. It's the SERVER'S job to REMEMBER EVERYTHING. That is WHY you are giving the tip, to get the order CORRECT, as well as the server bringing the food and drink to the table.
Dang i hate it when im gone for a day...

Lordy lordy lordy...

Let me give you some background info on the restaurants you enjoy. First off Appblebees and Chillis are run very similiar. Their food quality technically isnt as high as i would like it to be.

First they use a microwave and precook just about everything. Sure its great for speed but not exactly the best on food quality. Dont get me wrong i love the apples fiesta lime chicken, and chillis queso dip thing....but i really only expect something greater than i would find at denny's or perkins.

Now Denny's and Perkins they have servers with 10+ tables on the norm (busy or not). Unfortunately that doesnt give them the luxury to give the best service no matter what they do (less you are almost the only table...even then it doesnt happen). I have never had good service in either restaurant. But im a server and look around and see whats happening...i still tip my usually 20% (since my bill never seems to rise over 15 dollars there i can afford the 2-3 bux). Unless the server is just a complete dolt (which happens there often) then 15 will do. It isnt that much anyhow.

Appblebee's and Chillis is run with smaller sections...till it gets slow. Then they have the same ordeal (a server with 10+ potential tables). With the quality you should be used to it can be easy to get dissapointed.

Now i ask that the servers fault? or Managers fault?

I have had HORRENDOUS service at an appblebees once and saw the server at the bar practically crying because she had so many tables and could hardly get to the basics of her job. I felt very bad. (she was quite composed when she got back to the tables) I asked her to send over the manager, who i watched enjoy himself watching a game on the bar television and not bothering to help her at all. When she did i bitched him out for making a very poor phasing decision as the place was starting to fill up. It was only 8:00 I got a gift card out of the deal and left the poor girl a 40% tip.

(phasing ....cutting the floor or going to less or down to one server/s because it is slow)

BTW said earlier that lords pointed you to this site...i would enjoy reading that thread on why you were sent here a great deal!
damn, if you couldn't hack it at delgado, good luck at life.

glad i'm at loyola new orleans and have set some high goals from myself....goals that don't include whining on the internet all day about servers.
persephone said:
damn, if you couldn't hack it at delgado, good luck at life.

glad i'm at loyola new orleans and have set some high goals from myself....goals that don't include whining on the internet all day about servers.

Whats even better is she was responding to my post then decided not too...

Hmmmm serving at a donut shop....How hard could that actually be? Carry a pot of coffe in one hand and a donut in the other. Condiments are already at the table (but i couldnt imagine what those would be.....cuz donuts dont need any)...and a manager saying "your the best" when all you gave out was Bear claws, glazed, and filled.....doesnt seem like that much work or that hard.

i could run rings around not boasting...its just true

Give me some real serving experience...and ill cut you some slack......but when i orderd sprinkles you had best give me SPRINKLES DAMN IT!
Condiments are already at the table (but i couldnt imagine what those would be.....cuz donuts dont need any)...and a manager saying "your the best" when all you gave out was Bear claws, glazed, and filled.....doesnt seem like that much work or that hard.

First off, it was the OWNER of the company who said I was the best. Second of all, there were PLENTY of condiments that went along with the biscuits w/meat and cheese such as jelly and butter. Also, we served hamburgers, chicken sandwiches, country fried steak sandwiches, and pork-chop on a bun sandwiches etc. These needed things that WEREN'T kept out on the table, like ketchup, mayonnaise, and mustard. The ONLY things they had on the counters, booths, and tables were the sugar shakers, salt and pepper shakers, and sweet-n-low packets. They wanted us to keep the equal packets in different area.

I also had to FILL the donuts in the back that had filling, like jelly donuts. Counter help had to help keep the show case filled with donuts to sell. So, this was something else that we had to do that was in the kitchen.

Give me some real serving experience.

I did SERVE customers, whether it was to-go, drive-thru, or eating inside.
Wow. This thread is a good example of the reasons I could never work in any kind of customer service job. Someone would end up with tea on their head. When I worked for the Photo lab, I got a lot of complaints about my 'the customer is not always right attitude', but I have a lot of customers who did not want anyone else to do their film. I did my job and I did it very well, but I have a low tolerance for demanding or moody customers. The upper management didn
Lords said:

First off, it was the OWNER of the company who said I was the best. Second of all, there were PLENTY of condiments that went along with the biscuits w/meat and cheese such as jelly and butter. Also, we served hamburgers, chicken sandwiches, country fried steak sandwiches, and pork-chop on a bun sandwiches etc. These needed things that WEREN'T kept out on the table, like ketchup, mayonnaise, and mustard. The ONLY things they had on the counters, booths, and tables were the sugar shakers, salt and pepper shakers, and sweet-n-low packets. They wanted us to keep the equal packets in different area.

I also had to FILL the donuts in the back that had filling, like jelly donuts. Counter help had to help keep the show case filled with donuts to sell. So, this was something else that we had to do that was in the kitchen.

I did SERVE customers, whether it was to-go, drive-thru, or eating inside.

AT A DONUT SHOP! A place where the condiments are all at the table im sure. ond OOH the owner said you were the best. Those type of places usually dont get the best servers because they cant hack it at a real restaurant......even places like dennys gets better servers.

i have had owners/general/reginal managers tell me the same real restaurants....

A place where the condiments are all at the table im sure.

I promise, the condiments WEREN'T on the table. Some were in the refrigerator in the front. We did have to restock them from the back. For instance, we had to fill the bottles of ketchup, mayonnaise, and mustard. We also had to get jellies and butters from the back refrigerator to restock those when the front refrigerator was out.

"Even places like dennys gets better servers."

No, because I at least APOLOGIZED to the customers I served when I made mistakes and even when there was a mistake that wasn't my fault, I apologized.


I still can't believe you sucked at delgado...

For one thing, I went to Delgado Charity School of Nursing, it wasn't just the REGULAR Delgado. Secondly, Delgado Charity School of Nursing's standards were HIGHER than LSU Medical Center's were. I only went there, because Delgado Charity School of Nursing made a deal with LSU Medical Center, that they'd AUTOMATICALLY accept the students that withdrew, because since the last year of accepting new students was fall 1998, this was fall of 1999 I went there. I had to sit out from March 1999-Aug 1999, until school started again. There were NO teachers teaching the Assoc. Degree program for RN'S in 1999 at LSU Medical Center as far as if a student withdrew, there were no teachers that would teach the same course over again there. If I would have tried to get into Delgado Charity School of Nursing on my OWN, I would have had to make a 100 on the pre-nursing test which was called the PAX test, which was a STANDARDIZED test. I have NEVER done well on ANY standarized tests, ever. I made a 16 on the ACT and by a few points passed the history and math parts of the LEAP test. So, that should show how badly I have done on standarized tests. I didn't score 100, it was below that for sure. I don't remember what I scored, it was so long ago. I think I may have scored in the 80's somewhere. At LSU Medical Center, they accepted students whether or not the score was a certain score. So LSU Medical Center's standards were LOWER to be accepted. Which it's amazing, because it is a regular university, not a Community college. So, don't think that Delgado Charity School of Nursing wasn't hard, because even other students that were my class mates there had red marks all over their care plans that they had to do for clinical just like I did. Sure they may have learned it and passed, which I didn't, but they were struggling too. The tests at LSU Medical Center I made B's and C's. At Delgado Charity School of Nursing, I made "F's" on EVERY test in the lecture part of the course. I also didn't do well in the clinical part of the course also. I had to take care of patients each week and make a "care plan" for each individual patient. Don't think that this was just like taking College Algebra or English, because it wasn't. It was hard. Delgado made the tests not like the lectures that they taught. I even had a WORD-FOR-WORD answer that I PROVED I was correct from a book even and the lecture teacher said it wasn't the answer that was MOST correct. I did study for days and hours, but still got "F's" at Delgado, where at LSU medical center I got B's and C's when I studied for days and hours. So, Community Colleges aren't necessarily easier than regular universities. If you tried it, maybe you'd understand what I went through.
then why stay at delgado? or even LSU? why not try tulane medical school? their program is MUCH better than the other two. but hey, it's way too hard for you to get into. i know many people who have gone to delgado and it's pretty much a joke. maybe you just don't listen well, which is why you made and F on every test for the lecture portions. loyola is a hell of a lot harder than delgado. ser your aspirations higher and then you don't have to spend all your time bitching on the internet or eating at shitty restaurants. maybe you'd get a better job so you can afford other more "expensive" places,
OOOOH you apologized....that is what you shoudl do if you screw up...and then FIX IT IMMEDIATELY!.....and usually still get a good tip

if something goes even SLIGHTLY wrong you seem to cut your tip into insulting like the entire experience was a disaster.......

there is a saying in the buisness (and since you never really technically were in it) it goes like this

"there is a special place in hell for service industry people to tip cheap"

and darlin...your getting the suite!
before you guys get too mad at lords please remember the foloowing things:

she went through katrina and was evacuated said she applied for a serving job...but never reported back on that. could it be the interviewer didnt like the one step at a time approach.

ok more important shes been looking to troll every tipping site possible she started off on when people started uh hating her she moved to where the site isnt moderated and they really hated her in explicit she moved on to sooo everyone hates her so she trolls on in hopes of findiong a server somewhere who serves just like she did in the donut shop.....

really just ignore it she'll go away if you do. if you dont believe me check out the sites listed above where she pretty much posted the samne **** until people got tired of her.
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