Ron Paul: Voice of Integrity, Stiffed by the Media

On Thu, 08 Nov 2007 19:15:24 -0700, wrote:

>On Thu, 08 Nov 2007 20:30:58 -0500, US wrote:
>>On Thu, 08 Nov 2007 22:16:54 GMT, NoneOfYour****ingBusinessPal@aol.COM (Friendly Fred) wrote:
>>> US wrote:
>>>>On Tue, 06 Nov 2007 22:57:19 -0600, Mitchell Holman <> wrote:
>>>>>NoneOfYour****ingBusinessPal@aol.COM (Friendly Fred) wrote in
>>>>>> "Gandalf Grey" <> wrote:
>>>>>>>Ron Paul: Voice of Integrity
>>>>>> Bullshit. Ron Paul is just another god damned politician.
>>>>>And as a Texas Republican he has ZERO chance of getting
>>>>>elected to a national office. He can thank Bush for that.
>>>>Ron Paul was never fooled into supporting the illegal invasion of Iraq.
>>>He just worked for Richard Nixon ...

>>"When Ron Paul entered politics, it was to protest
>>Richard Nixon's price and wage controls"

>When anyone considers Ron Paul as a viable candidate
>they're plain nuts.
>Loonytarian "principles" nearly ruined us a century

Bush has definitely ruined the USA now, and he
never should have been a viable candidate.

"Sarah, if the American people had ever known the truth
about what we Bushes have done to this nation, we would
be chased down in the streets and lynched."
-George H. W. "Poppy" Bush, spoken in an interview with
Sarah McClendon, June 1992
US wrote:
>On Thu, 08 Nov 2007 22:16:54 GMT, NoneOfYour****ingBusinessPal@aol.COM (Friendly Fred)
>>He just worked for Richard Nixon ...

>"When Ron Paul entered politics, it was to protest
>Richard Nixon's price and wage controls"

Yesh, and Jimmy Swaggart was only purchasing prostitutes and asking
about screwing their 7-year-old daughters as "research." I know.

And you actually believe this lie? Seriously? How many times does
it take for politicians to lie about their activities and the finances
and their motivations before you'll wise up? Have you ever?

I don't mean to offend anyone but honestly I'm amazed that some people
actually still seem to think that their politicians / cult leader is
some how different than all the rest despite knowing better.

"Every time the Iraqi people stop to reload, the Republicans declare
"Mission Accomplished" -- SK wrote:
>On Thu, 08 Nov 2007 20:30:58 -0500, US wrote:
>>"When Ron Paul entered politics, it was to protest
>>Richard Nixon's price and wage controls"

>When anyone considers Ron Paul as a viable candidate they're plain nuts.
>Loonytarian "principles" nearly ruined us a century ago.

I would say that loony ideologies is why the United States is in the
condition it is today -- that and an inability to learn from history
among a third of the poplace.

"Every time the Iraqi people stop to reload, the Republicans declare
"Mission Accomplished" -- SK
On Sat, 10 Nov 2007 21:20:41 GMT, NoneOfYour****ingBusinessPal@aol.COM (Friendly Fred)

>... Jimmy Swaggart was only purchasing prostitutes and asking
>about screwing their 7-year-old daughters as "research." I ...

Why do you admire those who do such things?

Note that the desperate bushkultie is utterly incapable
of refuting anything said at the link given:

"When Ron Paul entered politics, it was to protest
Richard Nixon's price and wage controls"
US wrote:
>On Sat, 10 Nov 2007 21:20:41 GMT, NoneOfYour****ingBusinessPal@aol.COM (Friendly Fred) wrote:
>>... Jimmy Swaggart was only purchasing prostitutes and asking
>>about screwing their 7-year-old daughters as "research." I ...


Yesh, and Jimmy Swaggart was only purchasing prostitutes and asking
about screwing their 7-year-old daughters as "research." I know.

And you actually believe this lie? Seriously? How many times does
it take for politicians to lie about their activities and the finances
and their motivations before you'll wise up? Have you ever?

I don't mean to offend anyone but honestly I'm amazed that some people
actually still seem to think that their politicians / cult leader is
some how different than all the rest despite knowing better.

"Every time the Iraqi people stop to reload, the Republicans declare
"Mission Accomplished" -- SK
On Sun, 11 Nov 2007 20:31:27 GMT, NoneOfYour****ingBusinessPal@aol.COM (Friendly Fred)

>...this lie? Seriously? How many times ...

You haven't successfully disputed the statement
so much as once, as of yet.

Go ahead and give it a shot.

On Sat, 10 Nov 2007 21:20:41 GMT, NoneOfYour****ingBusinessPal@aol.COM (Friendly Fred)

>... Jimmy Swaggart was only purchasing prostitutes and asking
>about screwing their 7-year-old daughters as "research." I ...

Why do you admire those who do such things?

Note that the desperate bushkultie is utterly incapable
of refuting anything said at the link given:

"When Ron Paul entered politics, it was to protest
Richard Nixon's price and wage controls"
US wrote:
>On Sun, 11 Nov 2007 20:31:27 GMT, NoneOfYour****ingBusinessPal@aol.COM (Friendly Fred) wrote:
>>...this lie? Seriously? How many times ...

>You haven't successfully disputed the statement so much as once, as of yet.

What's to "dispute?" You're expressing your ignorant, gullible rube
mentality by trying to play pretend that this god damned ****ing
traitor is some how different than all the rest. All you're doing is
proclaiming your butt**** religious, unevidenced belief, just like
any other brainless cultist.

"Every time the Iraqi people stop to reload, the Republicans declare
"Mission Accomplished" -- SK
On Tue, 13 Nov 2007 03:08:16 GMT, NoneOfYour****ingBusinessPal@aol.COM (Friendly Fred)

>... ignorant, gullible ...

You're also too scared to take it up with
Lew Rockwell, aren't you.

On Sun, 11 Nov 2007 20:31:27 GMT, NoneOfYour****ingBusinessPal@aol.COM (Friendly Fred)

>...this lie? Seriously? How many times ...

You haven't successfully disputed the statement
so much as once, as of yet.

Go ahead and give it a shot.

On Sat, 10 Nov 2007 21:20:41 GMT, NoneOfYour****ingBusinessPal@aol.COM (Friendly Fred)

>... Jimmy Swaggart was only purchasing prostitutes and asking
>about screwing their 7-year-old daughters as "research." I ...

Why do you admire those who do such things?

Note that the desperate bushkultie is utterly incapable
of refuting anything said at the link given:

"When Ron Paul entered politics, it was to protest
Richard Nixon's price and wage controls"
US wrote:
>On Tue, 13 Nov 2007 03:08:16 GMT, NoneOfYour****ingBusinessPal@aol.COM (Friendly Fred) wrote:
>>... ignorant, gullible ...

>You're also too scared to take it up with
>Lew Rockwell, aren't you.

Try again:

What's to "dispute?" You're expressing your ignorant, gullible rube
mentality by trying to play pretend that this god damned ****ing
traitor is some how different than all the rest. All you're doing is
proclaiming your butt**** religious, unevidenced belief, just like
any other brainless cultist.

Yes, George W. Bush IS a Christian. Get over it!
On Nov 6, 1:00 pm, "Gandalf Grey" <>
> Ron Paul: Voice of Integrity, Stiffed by the Media
> By Brent Budowsky
> Created Nov 5 2007 - 4:26pm
> The Ron Paul phenomenon is worth serious attention because in a campaign
> that is vapid and empty of substance, this guy is the real deal.

Ron Paul -- nothing but a treacherous fool.
> Please note: Rep. Paul (R-Texas) would cut or end many of the programs that
> serve the children, the poor and the seniors and turn those responsibilities
> over to the free market. Bad idea.
Ron Paul is the one candidate who believes in the rule of law, not the whims
of politicians. When you insult him, you make one doubt your intellectual
integrity. You might not agree with him on all issues, but you have to
respect his integrity and principles.

And, he is the only candidate who appears to understand foreign policy,

<> wrote in message
> On Nov 6, 1:00 pm, "Gandalf Grey" <>
> wrote:
>> Ron Paul: Voice of Integrity, Stiffed by the Media
>> By Brent Budowsky
>> Created Nov 5 2007 - 4:26pm
>> The Ron Paul phenomenon is worth serious attention because in a campaign
>> that is vapid and empty of substance, this guy is the real deal.

> Ron Paul -- nothing but a treacherous fool.
>> Please note: Rep. Paul (R-Texas) would cut or end many of the programs
>> that
>> serve the children, the poor and the seniors and turn those
>> responsibilities
>> over to the free market. Bad idea.

On Sat, 17 Nov 2007 14:13:00 -0500, "William Flax"
<> wrote:

>Ron Paul is the one candidate who believes in the rule of law, not the whims
>of politicians.

No, Paul believes HIS interpretation of what is a "rule
of law" is correct.

Are you now suggesting that Ron Paul is not a

And are you suggesting that babbling Political concepts
isn't the mark of a politician

You'd then have to agree that you're merely accepting
one politician pandering to your particular "beliefs"
over that of other politicians

Ron Paul does not believe in a "rule of law"----he
believes in almost erasing a rule of law by removing
the laws and protections put in place by generations of

Why? Because HE ain't in a majory, can't have his way,
and rails (almost daily) against the government who's
paid his way for decades.

>When you insult him, you make one doubt your intellectual
>integrity. You might not agree with him on all issues, but you have to
>respect his integrity and principles.

Why would ANYONE "respect" a politician who wants to
return to a time in our history that failed to protect
us from wealth and power (both individual and
corporate), shitcan all the years of policy that
FINALLY broke the disasters visited on us by the
wealthy and business interests?

>And, he is the only candidate who appears to understand foreign policy,


His only "understanding" is to sit back and throw bombs
at government

Why not learn what the concept of "less government"
actually did from 1850---1930----then explain why you'd
want to go back
In article <>, wrote:

> Ron Paul does not believe in a "rule of law"----he
> believes in almost erasing a rule of law by removing
> the laws and protections put in place by generations of
> Learning.
> Why? Because HE ain't in a majory, can't have his way,
> and rails (almost daily) against the government who's
> paid his way for decades.

Read Number 4 below to see how he's paid back our government. Then
re-read it:

Ron Paul:
10. He is Pro-Life
As Dr. Paul was a medical doctor before he began his career in politics,
he is in opposition to abortion, and believes the political choices
concerning abortion, adoption, and marriage should be decided by the
states, not the federal government.

9. His support for Privacy and Property rights
Since he believes the government is the biggest threat to people's
privacy, a limited government is one of his strongest concerns.

Paul perceives the NAFTA superhighway, currently under design, as
another important concern. This 12-lane theoretical highway would
destroy homes and other private property in its path.

8. Views on 9/11
Although he has been asked relentlessly about his position on the U.S.'s
involvement in the September 11th attacks, he denies that they were
personally responsible for carrying out mass murder against their
citizens. He is definitely not foolish enough to throw away his
political career by adding his name into the 9/11 conspiracy movement.

7. Military Service
Paul served in the U.S. Air Force before completing his medical
training. He stayed with the Air Force throughout the Vietnam era before
running for congress. Along with his previous medical experience, he
served as a flight surgeon in the military during the 1960's to aid
injured pilots and aircraftmen.

6. He opposed the War in Iraq
Ever since the beginning of the war back in 2002, Ron Paul voted to not
take military action against Iraq. He believes that congress should be
the only body to have the power to declare war, as written in the

5. He supports Free Trade
Many trade issues and organizations he opposes include NAFTA, the WTO,
national ID cards, along with withdrawal from global organizations such
as the United Nations and NATO. All these groups, in Paul's opinion,
discredit U.S. sovereignty and weaken American trade as a whole.

4. Never had a congressional pension
Throughout Paul's entire political career, he has never voted to raise
congressional pay and or participate in the pension program. The
"immoral" program pays congressmen based on how long they have served in
the legislative body of the federal government.

He returns a portion of his annual congressional office budget to the
U.S. treasury every year, along with never accepting medicaid or

3. He Annihilates at the Republican Debates
Not only has hew won four of the last five Internet polls, he uses
common sense and the United States Constitution as his basis for making
decisions and taking stances on the political issues.

2. He opposes the IRS, the Federal Reserve, and the Income Tax
If Representative Ron Paul were to be elected president of the United
States in 2008, he pledges that he will work for major reform concerning
our currency and taxation issues. He believes that the 16th amendment
was never properly ratified, and wants to abolish the Federal Reserve
and the IRS. Instead of paying loads of money to those organizations in
loads of taxes, Paul will reduce federal spending (the loss of income
would be covered through federal downsizing and reformation) and want to
return to the "gold and silver standard" of hard currency.

These new ideas will also pave way for Social Security reform. The
congressman would give workers a choice if they wish to participate in
the program or not.

1. Impressive Voting Record
According to Paul's 2008 Presidential Campaign website:

He has never voted to raise taxes.
He has never voted for an unbalanced budget.
He has never voted for a federal restriction on gun ownership.
He has never voted to raise congressional pay.
He has never taken a government-paid junket.
He has never voted to increase the power of the executive branch.

He voted against the Patriot Act.
He voted against regulating the Internet.
He voted against the Iraq war.
All that we have to do is to send two Mujahedin to the farthest point East to
raise a piece of cloth on which is written al-Qa'ida in order to make the
generals race there to cause America to suffer human, economic, & political
losses...we alongside the Mujahedin bled Russia for ten years until it went
bankrupt & was forced to withdraw in defeat. So we are continuing this policy in
bleeding America to the point of bankruptcy.--Osama Bin Laden
Mamamia wrote:
> In article <>,
> wrote:
>> Ron Paul does not believe in a "rule of law"----he
>> believes in almost erasing a rule of law by removing
>> the laws and protections put in place by generations of
>> Learning.
>> Why? Because HE ain't in a majory, can't have his way,
>> and rails (almost daily) against the government who's
>> paid his way for decades.

> Read Number 4 below to see how he's paid back our government. Then
> re-read it:
> Ron Paul:
> 10. He is Pro-Life
> As Dr. Paul was a medical doctor before he began his career in
> politics, he is in opposition to abortion, and believes the political
> choices concerning abortion, adoption, and marriage should be decided
> by the states, not the federal government.
> 9. His support for Privacy and Property rights
> Since he believes the government is the biggest threat to people's
> privacy, a limited government is one of his strongest concerns.
> Paul perceives the NAFTA superhighway, currently under design, as
> another important concern. This 12-lane theoretical highway would
> destroy homes and other private property in its path.
> 8. Views on 9/11
> Although he has been asked relentlessly about his position on the
> U.S.'s involvement in the September 11th attacks, he denies that they
> were personally responsible for carrying out mass murder against their
> citizens. He is definitely not foolish enough to throw away his
> political career by adding his name into the 9/11 conspiracy movement.
> 7. Military Service
> Paul served in the U.S. Air Force before completing his medical
> training. He stayed with the Air Force throughout the Vietnam era
> before running for congress. Along with his previous medical
> experience, he served as a flight surgeon in the military during the
> 1960's to aid injured pilots and aircraftmen.
> 6. He opposed the War in Iraq
> Ever since the beginning of the war back in 2002, Ron Paul voted to
> not take military action against Iraq. He believes that congress
> should be the only body to have the power to declare war, as written
> in the constitution.
> 5. He supports Free Trade
> Many trade issues and organizations he opposes include NAFTA, the WTO,
> national ID cards, along with withdrawal from global organizations
> such as the United Nations and NATO. All these groups, in Paul's
> opinion, discredit U.S. sovereignty and weaken American trade as a
> whole.
> 4. Never had a congressional pension
> Throughout Paul's entire political career, he has never voted to raise
> congressional pay and or participate in the pension program. The
> "immoral" program pays congressmen based on how long they have served
> in the legislative body of the federal government.
> He returns a portion of his annual congressional office budget to the
> U.S. treasury every year, along with never accepting medicaid or
> medicare.
> 3. He Annihilates at the Republican Debates
> Not only has hew won four of the last five Internet polls, he uses
> common sense and the United States Constitution as his basis for
> making decisions and taking stances on the political issues.
> 2. He opposes the IRS, the Federal Reserve, and the Income Tax
> If Representative Ron Paul were to be elected president of the United
> States in 2008, he pledges that he will work for major reform
> concerning our currency and taxation issues. He believes that the
> 16th amendment was never properly ratified, and wants to abolish the
> Federal Reserve and the IRS. Instead of paying loads of money to
> those organizations in loads of taxes, Paul will reduce federal
> spending (the loss of income would be covered through federal
> downsizing and reformation) and want to return to the "gold and
> silver standard" of hard currency.
> These new ideas will also pave way for Social Security reform. The
> congressman would give workers a choice if they wish to participate in
> the program or not.
> 1. Impressive Voting Record
> According to Paul's 2008 Presidential Campaign website:
> He has never voted to raise taxes.
> He has never voted for an unbalanced budget.
> He has never voted for a federal restriction on gun ownership.
> He has never voted to raise congressional pay.
> He has never taken a government-paid junket.
> He has never voted to increase the power of the executive branch.
> He voted against the Patriot Act.
> He voted against regulating the Internet.
> He voted against the Iraq war.

No government, state or
federal should intervene
in a woman's right to
choose her destiny, none!

Ron Paul is an extremist nut case
<> wrote in message
> On Nov 6, 1:00 pm, "Gandalf Grey" <>
> wrote:
>> Ron Paul: Voice of Integrity, Stiffed by the Media
>> By Brent Budowsky
>> Created Nov 5 2007 - 4:26pm
>> The Ron Paul phenomenon is worth serious attention because in a campaign
>> that is vapid and empty of substance, this guy is the real deal.

> Ron Paul -- nothing but a treacherous fool.

Watch him pull a Ross Perot to insure a victory for Hillary . Never say
never .

>> Please note: Rep. Paul (R-Texas) would cut or end many of the programs
>> that
>> serve the children, the poor and the seniors and turn those
>> responsibilities
>> over to the free market. Bad idea.

Very good rebuttal post. Thank You.


JP wrote:
> On Sat, 17 Nov 2007 14:13:00 -0500, "William Flax"
> <> wrote:
>>Ron Paul is the one candidate who believes in the rule of law, not the whims
>>of politicians.

> No, Paul believes HIS interpretation of what is a "rule
> of law" is correct.
> Are you now suggesting that Ron Paul is not a
> politician
> And are you suggesting that babbling Political concepts
> isn't the mark of a politician
> You'd then have to agree that you're merely accepting
> one politician pandering to your particular "beliefs"
> over that of other politicians
> Ron Paul does not believe in a "rule of law"----he
> believes in almost erasing a rule of law by removing
> the laws and protections put in place by generations of
> Learning.
> Why? Because HE ain't in a majory, can't have his way,
> and rails (almost daily) against the government who's
> paid his way for decades.
>>When you insult him, you make one doubt your intellectual
>>integrity. You might not agree with him on all issues, but you have to
>>respect his integrity and principles.

> Why would ANYONE "respect" a politician who wants to
> return to a time in our history that failed to protect
> us from wealth and power (both individual and
> corporate), shitcan all the years of policy that
> FINALLY broke the disasters visited on us by the
> wealthy and business interests?
>>And, he is the only candidate who appears to understand foreign policy,

> Bullshit
> His only "understanding" is to sit back and throw bombs
> at government
> Why not learn what the concept of "less government"
> actually did from 1850---1930----then explain why you'd
> want to go back
On Nov 17, 2:13 pm, "William Flax" <> wrote:
> Ron Paul is the one candidate who believes in the rule of law, not the whims
> of politicians. When you insult him, you make one doubt your intellectual
> integrity. You might not agree with him on all issues, but you have to
> respect his integrity and principles.

Idiot top posters never have anything to say that
makes sense. On Nov 12 I posted the article
below showing that Paul has sold out to big
money democrats to disrupt the GOP primaries.

Ron Paul has neither integrity not principles

Where's All That Money Coming From?

At first, I assumed, and had even written, that Ron Paul's financial
support was coming from the Libertarian wing of the Republican Party.
Then I was corrected by former Ron Paul aide and founder of the
Libertarian Republican Caucus, Eric Dondero, who also founded and hosts blogtalk radio show Libertarian
Politics Live.

In an interview with Dondero, he emphatically complained; "Please
refrain in the future from using the label "Libertarian Republican" in
describing Ron Paul. Call him what he is: Some sort of populist

Dondero continued, "Since 9/11 Paul has become a complete nutcase
conspiratorialist quasi-Anti-Semitic leftwing American-hating

These were strong words from a former aide to Mr. Paul (from 1997 -
2003) and words worthy of investigation in my mind. So I decided to
investigate, which in politics always means, follow the money.

Where Is All That Money Coming From?

Upon investigation, it appears that Mr. Dondero is exactly right. Much
of Ron Paul's money is not coming from mainstream Libertarians or

Although he is running as a Republican, he actually has very little
support from rank and file Republicans, as every national Republican
poll confirms. But it turns out that he has very little support from
mainstream Libertarians either. As Dondero pointed out, "Ron Paul is
only attracting support from the leftwing side of the libertarian
spectrum, virtually none of whom are Republicans."

According to official campaign fund raising filings posted at, Ron Paul's top contributor is well known internet
giant Google. Google, with Al Gore on the board of directors, has a
long history of progressive political activism, both in the way they
censor search results to bury conservative slanted stories, and in
their campaign contribution habits, which is solidly Democrat, with
the exception of Ron Paul.

Like Howard Dean before him, Ron Paul first grabbed headlines with his
very hi-tech internet campaign, which is now easily explained by the
fact that his largest constituency is in the computer tech community.
It also explains how Paul supporters have perfected the art of
"spamming" or "jamming" online polls, creating a false impression of
bigger support while invalidating poll after poll. Other tech giants
like Microsoft and Verizon top his donors list as well.

Among Ron Paul's top donor zip codes are of course parts of Texas, but
also heavily liberal districts in Chicago (60614), San Francisco
(94117), more than 80% of which supports Nancy Pelosi and Barbara
Boxer, and Los Angeles - Long Beach, which is his second largest donor
area after Dallas.

What we have here is a candidate trying to win the Republican
nomination by raising money from liberals across the political aisle.

This Is Why His Fund-Raising Is Not Translating To Improved Poll

His donors are not Republicans. So no matter how much money he raises,
it is not translating into Republican support in the polls. He remains
at or below 5% support in every national Republican poll, no matter
how much money he raises.

USA Today reports, "The Iowa Republican Party put out an advisory
Tuesday setting standards for participation in a Dec. 4 debate.
Sponsors said participants need to average 5% support among
Republicans in recent national or Iowa polls -- and so far, Texas Rep.
Ron Paul is one of the candidates not making the cut."

In's latest averaging of national poll results of
Republicans, Paul's support comes in at 2.7%. The website calculates
Paul's support among Republicans in Iowa, based on polls there, to be

Yet his supporters still claim he is much more popular than the
national polls indicate and that he will be the come from behind
shocker at the Republican convention. How?

Here's Where The Ron Paul Campaign Becomes Dangerous

Because Paul supporters know that support coming from non-Republicans
is not reflected in the Republican polls, they have started a campaign
to promote party-jumping so that their anti-war supporter's from the
left can vote in the Republican primary.

Twenty four states have "open" primaries, which means, one need not be
Republican to vote in those Republican primaries. Ron Paul supporters
are promoting both strategies - one in which Democrats, Independents,
and members of other third parties can vote for him in "open"
primaries where possible, and switch parties to vote for him where the
primaries are "closed."

The mere notion that a Republican presidential candidate should be
nominated by this strategy is insane and very dangerous to the entire
election process. At a minimum, it is a demonstration of just what
kind of people are behind the Ron Paul campaign, obviously, not
constitutionally conscious people. I do not know if the Paul campaign
itself is behind this effort. But I am sure that the campaign is aware
of this effort, as well as the fact that much of their funding is
coming from people other than Republicans.

The Daily Paul is openly promoting Change Party Affiliation to
Republican to Participate in Primaries. "As you may realize, there are
many people from across the spectrum planning to support Ron Paul:
Libertarians, Constitutionalists, Green Party members, disenfranchised
Democrats, and of course the disenfranchised Republicans. Many of
these people may not realize that they NEED to change party
affiliations to Republican to vote in the GOP Primary in many
States." (A direct quote from the site)

So, How Republican Is Republican Candidate Ron Paul?

If he's funded largely by anti-war leftists, from Democrat stronghold
districts and counting on Democrats, Libertarians and members of the
Green Party to win the Republican nomination, not very...

The only Republicans we find in his campaign are those myopic small
government conservatives angry with Bush for his Democrat-like
spending habits. Those so angry with Bush, that they are willing to
overlook all of this just to vote for a candidate who promises less
spending. Of course, we can't entirely overlook the handful of
moderate Republicans who oppose the war in Iraq either, few as they
On Sat, 17 Nov 2007 02:50:40 GMT, NoneOfYour****ingBusinessPal@aol.COM (Friendly Fred)

>... ignorant, gullible... religious, unevidenced belief ...

You even believe Bush when he claims that God
speaks through him.

On Tue, 13 Nov 2007 03:08:16 GMT, NoneOfYour****ingBusinessPal@aol.COM (Friendly Fred)

>... ignorant, gullible ...

You're also too scared to take it up with
Lew Rockwell, aren't you.

On Sun, 11 Nov 2007 20:31:27 GMT, NoneOfYour****ingBusinessPal@aol.COM (Friendly Fred)

>...this lie? Seriously? How many times ...

You haven't successfully disputed the statement
so much as once, as of yet.

Go ahead and give it a shot.

On Sat, 10 Nov 2007 21:20:41 GMT, NoneOfYour****ingBusinessPal@aol.COM (Friendly Fred)

>... Jimmy Swaggart was only purchasing prostitutes and asking
>about screwing their 7-year-old daughters as "research." I ...

Why do you admire those who do such things?

Note that the desperate bushkultie is utterly incapable
of refuting anything said at the link given:

"When Ron Paul entered politics, it was to protest
Richard Nixon's price and wage controls"
On Sat, 17 Nov 2007 14:43:37 -0600, Mamamia <replytome@thenewsgroup.purtyplease> wrote:

>In article <>, wrote:
>> ... HE ain't in a majory [sic], can't have his way,
>> and rails (almost daily) against the government who's
>> paid his way for decades.

>Read Number 4 below to see how he's paid back our government. Then
>re-read it:
>Ron Paul:
>10. He is Pro-Life
>As Dr. Paul was a medical doctor before he began his career in politics,
>he is in opposition to abortion, and believes the political choices
>concerning abortion, adoption, and marriage should be decided by the
>states, not the federal government.
>9. His support for Privacy and Property rights
>Since he believes the government is the biggest threat to people's
>privacy, a limited government is one of his strongest concerns.
>Paul perceives the NAFTA superhighway, currently under design, as
>another important concern. This 12-lane theoretical highway would
>destroy homes and other private property in its path.
>8. Views on 9/11
>Although he has been asked relentlessly about his position on the U.S.'s
>involvement in the September 11th attacks, he denies that they were
>personally responsible for carrying out mass murder against their
>citizens. He is definitely not foolish enough to throw away his
>political career by adding his name into the 9/11 conspiracy movement.
>7. Military Service
>Paul served in the U.S. Air Force before completing his medical
>training. He stayed with the Air Force throughout the Vietnam era before
>running for congress. Along with his previous medical experience, he
>served as a flight surgeon in the military during the 1960's to aid
>injured pilots and aircraftmen.
>6. He opposed the War in Iraq
>Ever since the beginning of the war back in 2002, Ron Paul voted to not
>take military action against Iraq. He believes that congress should be
>the only body to have the power to declare war, as written in the
>5. He supports Free Trade
>Many trade issues and organizations he opposes include NAFTA, the WTO,
>national ID cards, along with withdrawal from global organizations such
>as the United Nations and NATO. All these groups, in Paul's opinion,
>discredit U.S. sovereignty and weaken American trade as a whole.
>4. Never had a congressional pension
>Throughout Paul's entire political career, he has never voted to raise
>congressional pay and or participate in the pension program. The
>"immoral" program pays congressmen based on how long they have served in
>the legislative body of the federal government.
>He returns a portion of his annual congressional office budget to the
>U.S. treasury every year, along with never accepting medicaid or
>3. He Annihilates at the Republican Debates
>Not only has hew won four of the last five Internet polls, he uses
>common sense and the United States Constitution as his basis for making
>decisions and taking stances on the political issues.
>2. He opposes the IRS, the Federal Reserve, and the Income Tax
>If Representative Ron Paul were to be elected president of the United
>States in 2008, he pledges that he will work for major reform concerning
>our currency and taxation issues. He believes that the 16th amendment
>was never properly ratified, and wants to abolish the Federal Reserve
>and the IRS. Instead of paying loads of money to those organizations in
>loads of taxes, Paul will reduce federal spending (the loss of income
>would be covered through federal downsizing and reformation) and want to
>return to the "gold and silver standard" of hard currency.
>These new ideas will also pave way for Social Security reform. The
>congressman would give workers a choice if they wish to participate in
>the program or not.
>1. Impressive Voting Record
>According to Paul's 2008 Presidential Campaign website:
>He has never voted to raise taxes.
>He has never voted for an unbalanced budget.
>He has never voted for a federal restriction on gun ownership.
>He has never voted to raise congressional pay.
>He has never taken a government-paid junket.
>He has never voted to increase the power of the executive branch.
>He voted against the Patriot Act.
>He voted against regulating the Internet.
>He voted against the Iraq war.

Thanks for posting that.
In article <>, US wrote:

> On Sat, 17 Nov 2007 14:43:37 -0600, Mamamia
> <replytome@thenewsgroup.purtyplease> wrote:
> >In article <>,
> >wrote:
> >> ... HE ain't in a majory [sic], can't have his way,
> >> and rails (almost daily) against the government who's
> >> paid his way for decades.

> >
> >Read Number 4 below to see how he's paid back our government. Then
> >re-read it:
> >
> >Ron Paul:
> >10. He is Pro-Life
> >As Dr. Paul was a medical doctor before he began his career in politics,
> >he is in opposition to abortion, and believes the political choices
> >concerning abortion, adoption, and marriage should be decided by the
> >states, not the federal government.
> >
> >9. His support for Privacy and Property rights
> >Since he believes the government is the biggest threat to people's
> >privacy, a limited government is one of his strongest concerns.
> >
> >Paul perceives the NAFTA superhighway, currently under design, as
> >another important concern. This 12-lane theoretical highway would
> >destroy homes and other private property in its path.
> >
> >8. Views on 9/11
> >Although he has been asked relentlessly about his position on the U.S.'s
> >involvement in the September 11th attacks, he denies that they were
> >personally responsible for carrying out mass murder against their
> >citizens. He is definitely not foolish enough to throw away his
> >political career by adding his name into the 9/11 conspiracy movement.
> >
> >7. Military Service
> >Paul served in the U.S. Air Force before completing his medical
> >training. He stayed with the Air Force throughout the Vietnam era before
> >running for congress. Along with his previous medical experience, he
> >served as a flight surgeon in the military during the 1960's to aid
> >injured pilots and aircraftmen.
> >
> >6. He opposed the War in Iraq
> >Ever since the beginning of the war back in 2002, Ron Paul voted to not
> >take military action against Iraq. He believes that congress should be
> >the only body to have the power to declare war, as written in the
> >constitution.
> >
> >5. He supports Free Trade
> >Many trade issues and organizations he opposes include NAFTA, the WTO,
> >national ID cards, along with withdrawal from global organizations such
> >as the United Nations and NATO. All these groups, in Paul's opinion,
> >discredit U.S. sovereignty and weaken American trade as a whole.
> >
> >4. Never had a congressional pension
> >Throughout Paul's entire political career, he has never voted to raise
> >congressional pay and or participate in the pension program. The
> >"immoral" program pays congressmen based on how long they have served in
> >the legislative body of the federal government.
> >
> >He returns a portion of his annual congressional office budget to the
> >U.S. treasury every year, along with never accepting medicaid or
> >medicare.
> >
> >3. He Annihilates at the Republican Debates
> >Not only has hew won four of the last five Internet polls, he uses
> >common sense and the United States Constitution as his basis for making
> >decisions and taking stances on the political issues.
> >
> >2. He opposes the IRS, the Federal Reserve, and the Income Tax
> >If Representative Ron Paul were to be elected president of the United
> >States in 2008, he pledges that he will work for major reform concerning
> >our currency and taxation issues. He believes that the 16th amendment
> >was never properly ratified, and wants to abolish the Federal Reserve
> >and the IRS. Instead of paying loads of money to those organizations in
> >loads of taxes, Paul will reduce federal spending (the loss of income
> >would be covered through federal downsizing and reformation) and want to
> >return to the "gold and silver standard" of hard currency.
> >
> >These new ideas will also pave way for Social Security reform. The
> >congressman would give workers a choice if they wish to participate in
> >the program or not.
> >
> >1. Impressive Voting Record
> >According to Paul's 2008 Presidential Campaign website:
> >
> >He has never voted to raise taxes.
> >He has never voted for an unbalanced budget.
> >He has never voted for a federal restriction on gun ownership.
> >He has never voted to raise congressional pay.
> >He has never taken a government-paid junket.
> >He has never voted to increase the power of the executive branch.
> >
> >He voted against the Patriot Act.
> >He voted against regulating the Internet.
> >He voted against the Iraq war.

> Thanks for posting that.

and the "Liberty Dollar"
What has made some people cry "conspiracy" (wrongly in my view) is that
Liberty Dollar has been doing this for years and only gets shut down on
the eve of their first shipment of Ron Paul collection coins. The
government's very thin, very shabby pretense (followed by the obligatory
laundry list of infractions that they trot out anytime they seize
people's property) probably adds to that perception. A few million in
precious metals that are minted in such a way as to clearly denote that
the coins are not currency cannot possibly "compete" with or "undermine"
the trillions of federal reserve notes out there anymore than uncle Bob
swapping a calf for a few stacks of wood would undermine the paper
currency system.

Of course its not a conspiracy, its just a plain old fashion abuse of
power that the government is famous for. This is why the Founders didn't
put any authorization for "federal police" into the Constitution. They
didn't want the Revolutionary era equivalent of storm troopers busting
down your door and seizing your property in the arbitrary enforcement of
a legal code run amok. We've ignored that and this sort of thing, or
worse, is the result.

when you believe the only tool you have is a hammer.
All problems look like nails.