Ron Paul: Voice of Integrity, Stiffed by the Media

> And what variety of parasitical lying neocon are you?

I'm not a parasitical lying neocon at all! I'm Dorothy!
On Sat, 08 Dec 2007 16:02:18 -0400, Charles Aulds <> wrote:

>On Sat, 08 Dec 2007 09:38:08 -0600, Shadow36 wrote:
>> Save America

>There are two candidates in this US presidential race who voted AGAINST
>the ill-considered invasion of Iraq (H.J. Res 114 House vote:
> when they had the
>opportunity. Dennis Kucinich was one of them.
>Ron Paul was the other.
>Democrats are lucky to have Dennis Kucinich. Without Kucinich, they would
>have no candidate who has Ron Paul's principles and courage.
>One thing that can be said of Ron Paul; he didn't just spring onto the
>political stage, an opportunist, one who will change his message to
>conform to what he thinks the public wishes to hear.
>I've excerpted, below, a segment of the speech that brought Congressman
>Ron Paul, M.D. to my attention, from way back in April, 2003. At that
>time, the President from the American political party that brags of
>"fiscal responsibility" was demanding a tax cut that, because of the costs
>of two fresh wars, would greatly increase the national debt. Of course,
>that is exactly what has happened. The federal debt has increased by some
>50% since Ron Paul made this speech less than 4 years ago.
>I was astonished (in April 2003) to read this address, offered by
>Congressman Paul on the floor of the US House of Representatives, calling
>for a return to fiscal and budgetary rectitude. It was so out of step
>with the national mood at that time, one of impetuous recklessness and a
>disdainful disregard for economic and political reality. Ron Paul was
>right in 2003; Ron Paul is right now, and he's the best choice for the
>Presidency in 2008.
>The beginning of wisdom lies in admitting the part each of us played in
>enabling the leadership mistakes of the past 7 years, and in acknowledging
>our responsibility for cleaning up the mess we made by giving our
>unquestioning consent to leaders who do not seem to be, themselves,
>capable of acting responsibly. Men who are not constrained by principle.
>or morality. Every day is a new low for America.
>Think of your grandchildren ... and help reverse the disastrous course
>that our leaders have pursued.
>Cut Gov't Spending, NOT Taxes!
>Congress Exceeds Its Credit Limit
>by Rep. Ron Paul, MD (April 16, 2003 )
>The term national debt really is a misnomer. It's not the nation's debt,
>but rather the federal government's debt. The American people didn't spend
>the money, but they will have to pay it back. And if Congress has its way,
>our nation's Treasury will have twice as much debt ten years from now as
>it does today.
>Most Americans don't spend much time worrying about the national debt,
>which now totals more than six trillion dollars [ now, three years later,
>that figure is nine trillion dollars and will likely reach $10 trillion by
>the time Bush leaves office -- CAulds]. The number is so staggering that
>it hardly seems real, even when economists issue bleak warnings about how
>much every American owes -- currently about $22,000 [now closer to $30,000
>-- CAulds]. Of course the federal government never hands each taxpayer a
>bill for that amount, for obvious reasons. Instead, it uses your income
>taxes to pay interest on this debt, which is like making minimum payments
>on a credit card. Notice that the principal never goes down. In fact, it's
>rising steadily.
>The problem is very simple: Congress almost always spends more each year
>than the Treasury collects in revenues. Federal spending always goes up,
>but revenues are not so dependable, especially when the economy is bad.
>Since Congress spends more than the government makes, the federal
>government must either raise taxes, print more dollars to make debt
>payments, or borrow money. It' happy to do all three, but they're all bad
>for you -- and the borrowing is bad for your grandchildren too.
>Dr. Ron Paul is a Republican member of Congress (from Texas, too):

Kucinich/Paul '08.