For my b day a few of my friend git together and got me gift certificates to the apple store so i can get my ipod. I stil need a good $100 though. (i got a total of $160)
I got this real cute long jacket from hot topic..
for christmas i got my tinkerbell floor mats for my car YAY! !!!!
...and whole bunch of clothes that were way too big on me. (they havent seen me in a while)
My mom bought me some Flags, I mean underwear...
and toe socks.
My gma gave me money for a dresser (i dont have one) So i spent half on christmas gifts (Im a dummy)
I got a few other misc stufff too.
My boyfriend spent the whole day of christmas with me. Hes so sweet. I bought him a cute sweater and some dickies from tillys, a real nice dress shirt from target, and some boxers.
My mom got him some cologne, a sweater, and a giants hat. (I picked it out, she just paid)
He is sooooooo happy this is the most presents anyone has ever given him.In brasil christmas is like a few gifts one maybe two per person. He was so amazed at how much my niece and nephew were spoiled. I never realised how much americans spoil theyre kids.