Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein
Keep voting for the same politicians, you get the same results.
And that's all about that I have to say about this. You two can boo-hoo, ***** and moan, cry, kick and scream about the hand dealt to the conservative movement all you want. So just cry until your little heart's are content with pity and loathing. That does a lot of good.
If McCain had won the election, we'd have four more years like the last eight years. It would've forced complacency while treating with the quarter-half-full socialists on either side of the aisle. McCain could not bring about the changes needed with the fervor of a true conservative off the cusp of a horrible president.
This should be a time for the conservatives to trim the fat and move forward. This should be a golden opportunity to get back to the absolute basics of this movement by severing ties with luke warm politicians whose values are becoming more and more contrary to the movement.
This should be an opportunity to get back to the promotion of the free markets, laissez faire capitalism, adherence to the Constitution, and the promotion of the American ideal through our exceptionalism.
That cannot happen when you continue to return candidates who straddle the center aisle, thus we must cut loose the baggage and move forth.
The road will be difficult: wrought with wins and losses. We must fight forward or lose all that is dear to us by compromising and perverting the Constitution and the dilution of principles.
So, I say, again, go ahead and boo-hoo and cry, point your little finger, but I have drawn the line in the sand. Believe what you want, but you can't convince me to have sympathy for your plight.