Whatever you have been smoking must be good stuff. You realize that Obama did not win a single state by less than the total Libertarian vote do you not?
You know, I wonder how much of this is you pretending not to understand the points.
He never said it was "JUST" the Libertarian voters, he said Ron Paul caused more splintering when he switched to the Libertarian party to get on the ticket. Way, way more than just the Libertarians moved their votes from McCain to Ron Paul and were wasting their votes.
My other main point is when people are over the top negative against people like McCain even though they call themselves conservative minded people, they also do damage to the overall turnout and support for McCain, in many ways groups like the Libertarians helped to sabotage McCains run for President from the inside out.
RO, you speak of it not being smart to keep doing the same thing over and over but you think it is better to make it worse?
There is an old saying, out of the frying pan, and into the fire. You can "CLAIM" McCain would have been more of the same but you don't know that for sure, nobody can know that for sure, I believe he would have been much better than Bush they that would have prompted more interest in the conservative mindset and we would have had way more good people getting involved in the conservative movements. What we can say for sure is there would not have been things like this healthcare law, this we know for sure and we also know for sure Obama would not have been able to sign this into law except for the splintering of the Conservatives who refused to support McCain and as such put Obama into the Whitehouse.
Consider this, in every poll conducted in America, the same results hold true, way more than half of America is middle right leaning or very right politically, not to the left. There had to be a reason all these normally right leaning people stayed home or wasted their votes on people who had no chance to win the election and instead helped Obama get elected. I agree that to a certain degree frustration from Bush helped to suppress the vote but I contend that it was the new nasty element from groups like the Libertarians that poisioned the well, gave the entire process a negative slant and ruined the situation for everyone.
This new nasty movement to rip people apart just because they are not 100% "pure" in your mind is not the way it is supposed to be.
Case in point, RO, why do you call snaf frightened? hugo dodges my questions like the plague almost every day and you never ask him if he is scared of me. So why now resort to calling snaf scared? Just because he does not agree with you there is a drive to put him down?
Hugo is wrong, it was a close race, until it turned nasty by people like the Libertarians and other splinter groups that changed the dynamics. You both dodges the fact that all the experts said the race was decided by the independents, but nobody can say for sure just how many conservative minded people just stayed home because the process was too dirty. Even IWS said he was not motivated to vote and stayed home. Even he was stuck in the negative air and did not exercise his voting rights, another conservative that fell victim of the nasty and hateful splintering.
You pretend to not understand how harmful the splintering is, why is that RO? Are you scared of admitting the truth? Can't be wrong now can you RO? You do not make any mistakes, so now you have to call a good man scared to cover up your mistakes. Snaf is not like me, I am rough and edgy in my discussions but he is not, your crass methods are exactly what I am talking about in the general puplic, good people like snaf get driven away by the nasty people who cannot allow them the respect they deserve to not be attacked just because they do not agree with you.
How about we get back to talking about topics and stop making this about attacking the people having the discussion?