
GF Admin said:
HOLY ****ING **** 77.78% of the ****ing moron people on this site voted that Scientology is a ****ing real religion?????
I must say I am absolutely blow away. I have been giving most of you way to much credit, and CES what the ****???...

Poor're stressing yourself Brother. :cool:

Always working and only popping in here and there...getting only a part of the essence of what is going on around here. ADVICE: The Internet is like a magic show...what you see, or rather what you think you see is rarely reality nor 100% honest and forthcoming.

1. The poll was ****ed with by a evil Mod. Never believe ANY poll here that doesn't show the voters names! Religion is a word. In essence, they are nothing more that philosophical ways of living one's life. That is all.

2. Personally I think L. Ron Hubbard did financially well for himself, much like Hugh Hefner yet as is the case with most self-proclaimed enlightened individuals, his personal life was a mess for the most part in my estimation. However, because I disagree with the man does not mean that what he might have written and how that is put into application by people such as Skategreen, has no value. How could I come to that conclusion after getting to know the REAL person of Skategreen? I'll tell you...I can't. So, I have always said, "If it works - use it, if it doesn't - don't". Live and let live.

Don't think for a minute that if I though otherwise I wouldn't say so. As you already are aware, I rarely hold back.
phreakwars said:
Hmm, I smell poll tampering !!

(subject to ongoing modification and addition/deletion)

Rule # 1: If you leave the door wide open by creating a poll which does not require the voter's names to be posted, then more than likely CES, the Evil ******* Mod from Hell will probably tamper with your poll in an effort to create controversy and dialogue. :eek:
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
(subject to ongoing modification and addition/deletion)

Rule # 1: If you leave the door wide open by creating a poll which does not require the voter's names to be posted, then more than likely CES, the Evil ******* Mod from Hell will probably tamper with your poll in an effort to create controversy and dialogue. :eek:
Rule #2, always be aware of rule #1 and choose your polling options wisely when creating them.

Did I mention I created the poll ?? One of the things I NEVER overlook is whether or not names of voters are shown. I figure if CES doesn't stumble across and mess with it... I WILL !!!:D
phreakwars said:
Rule #2, always be aware of rule #1 and choose your polling options wisely when creating them.

Did I mention I created the poll ?? One of the things I NEVER overlook is whether or not names of voters are shown. I figure if CES doesn't stumble across and mess with it... I WILL !!!:D

Amen my Brother! Amen! :p
Manic... there is a difference between just reading something and actually studying it for full understanding and use.

I have studied the code of honor, I have tried it out in various ways, and have taken time to observe the effects of using it.

I will answer your questions, or - respond to your comments - however it will be MY own use of the data, not something written by Hubbard.

manicmonday said:
Originally Posted by skategreen
Yes. A fine writer indeed!

Here is the Code of Honor which he wrote:

"An ethical code cannot be enforced. Any effort to enforce the Code of Honor would bring it into the level of a moral code. It cannot be enforced simply because it is a way of life which can exist as a way of life only as long as it is not enforced" ... "The only difference between paradise on Earth and hell on Earth is whether or not you believe your fellow man worthy of receiving from you the friendship and devotion called for in this Code of Honor." I like that..."the friendship and devotion called for"..
The Code of Honor

First of all, NEVER is a hard word to absorb. Life happens.

There's no failure point in using the code. If you decide something is wrong and strive to "Never" do it, you are simply taking a stand for yourself. It can take strength to make a stand.

1. Never desert a comrade in need, in danger or in trouble.
I agree with this, but only because I believe we should be decent people.

2. Never withdraw allegiance once granted.

3. Never desert a group to which you owe your support.

4. Never disparage yourself or minimize your strength or power.

5. Never need praise, approval or sympathy.
This is absurd. If we didn't need sympathy we wouldn't have funerals. Do you attend funerals for your friends Skate? Your family? Why else expect for offering sympathy. In addition, we all need praise. Otherwise we wouldn't give stickers to kids for doing a good job. Do you never offer your kids praise? Because this is saying they don't need it.

This does NOT say to NOT GIVE praise, approval, sympathy. It says not to NEED it. NEED means "HAVE TO HAVE" I don't do a job, a favor, a good deed, - anything..for the praise. I try not to NEED praise approval or sympathy. I give it willingly and in BUCKETS. I am a Veritable FOUNT of praise and approval.

I did not hold the funerals for my mother and father because I needed sympathy. I held them so that we could all get together and share the loss and love of these two people. I held them to say goodbye, to smile and hug and spend a bit of time sharing stories, (and here and there being pissed off they went so young.)

There is a huge difference between NEEDing it and simply giving it. Note, it ALSO doesn't say, "don't enjoy praise sent your way". It just says, don't NEED it.

6. Never compromise with your own reality.
Whatever the hell this means.

I often use this to push myself to get things done despite blocks, failure, the urge to be lazy, etc. When I was stripping an antique dresser, ohhhh I got sick of it, and wanted to "just be done", but I KNEW that I really wanted it to look a certain way. I forced myself to not compromise with my own reality and got it done, and was thus rewarded every time I looked at my dresser.

This one also has everything to do with integrity. It takes guts to know what you know and not be swayed on important points. It takes guts at times to not compromise. Some who went to Canada rather than fight the Vietnam war may have been applying this. They may have been refusing to compromise.

7. Never permit your affinity to be alloyed.

8. Do not give or receive communication unless you yourself desire it.
So if your partner wants to talk but you don't desire it, you ignore them? What a way to have a partnership.

No, this one is not used to be a *****. There have been times that someone is being a ***** to ME, and I spent a certain amount of time dealing with it, and have then decided I did not want to hear more. I did not want to hear more, and to do so would violate my own integrity. So I ended the communication. Just because I am very good at resolving things with communication does not mean I am BOUND to and I OWE it to anyone. I don't HAVE to have the communication if I don't desire it.

9. Your self-determinism and your honor are more important than your immediate life.
Sounds great, but your integrity isn't the one looking for survival in an emergency.

If someone held a gun to your head and told you that you must pick up a gun to shoot someone you loved or die yourself, what would you do?

I would not allow my own self-determinism - my own choice of action - to be overridden - intergrity would be valued over my own life.

10. Your integrity to yourself is more important than your body.
See above.

Yeah, see above

11. Never regret yesterday. Life is in you today, and you make your tomorrow.
Regret leads to change. Regret isn't bad, guilt is. If you never regret anything, you can't change your tomorrow.

I don't regret yesterday. I don't spend time "wishing I did something different". This is useless. I CAN see how I would do something different today, and make different choices. But to spend time regretting is a waste of time until time travel is invented and we can go back and change it. We can make choices today which CAN make up for past misdeeds or improve poor conditions created by past choices. But regret? What for?

12. Never fear to hurt another in a just cause.
Contradicts 2 and 3. Oh wait, you have no regrets, so who cares?

This does not contradict anything. Once upon a time I was at another's house - there was someone close to me who was drunk and planned to drive home drunk with her 3 year old daughter in the car. She refused all efforts of help and rational communication. She was belligerent and was headed out the door. In a last ditch attempt to handle it, I let her know I would phone the police if she left. I went over to the phone. My allegience to her, her family and her wellbeing were such that I would be willing to have her suffer legal consequences. I was not deserting her.
(end of story: after being Royally Pissed, she caved in and slept on the couch)

13. Don't desire to be liked or admired.
This is asnine. Everyone wants to be liked by someone.

This one IS tricky, isn't it! It's all in the "desire", ... it has to do with being motivated to be and do things in order to be liked and admired. I do rather very cool things for people, but not in order to "have them like me". I do it to create a good effect on THEM. I don't cook a damn good meal for accolades...I do it to create a good effect on others. Again, read closely - It doesn't say "don't enjoy admiration". It says not to desire it. Don't arrange your life trying to achieve admiration and "like"- if I put my attention OUTWARDS rather than being introverted, I'm much happier.

14. Be your own adviser, keep your own counsel and select your own
So everyone's answer is within themselves. I hate New Age. What a crock. So no Scientologist is a therapist, accountant, doctor? Because you have all the answers self contained within you so why ask any of these professions?

Oh HorseShit! Don't be so damn obtuse. I gather all the information I need. I ask for help and get it. I get legal advice etc. etc.

The decisions to be made in my life must be my own. I won't be a happy camper if I depend on others to make my decisions. If I'm a wimpy little doormat unable to arrive at my own conclusions, if I'm so uncertain that I need others to tell me right from wrong or whom I should marry ... should I take the Job? Well?????? I know. I know what I know and if I take responsibilty for what I know and act accordingly...I'll win.

15. Be true to your own goals.

Wouldn't it be a terrible world if people were conned into using this?

If every one believed their own answers were in themself? If no one lived with regrets because their decisions only affected them? Life doesn't work like that, or at least the world I live in. I think this idiotology would create lonely people because nobody would communicate with each other, because they don't have too. No one would offer praise, sympathy or affection.

You don't sit huddled in a corner nursing regrets of yesterday, thus benefitting the masses. You take responsibility, be a better person, get smarter, and create good effects. Hubbard has written thousands of words regarding communication. "when in doubt, communicate!"... is one itty bitty line of thousands of lines... and as for praise, I leave you with this:

"It is not possible to "spoil" a child with love and affection. Whoever postulated that it was possible was postulating out of bad data and no observation. A child needs all the love and affection it can possibly get.

Affection could no more spoil a child than the sun could be put out by a bucket of gasoline." L. Ron Hubbard
Quarky1.0 said:
My god! Ron Hubbord ripped this off of work that came before his and some of it dating back centuries, have a look at SUN TZU and the Bushido code conduct for starters. These are the principles any true martial art teaches its students. If you have been taught than Ron was the first to come up with these principles, then you have been lied to. You wonder you find comfort in your life, you are living it with honor.

Hubbard names and gives nod to Thinking Men of the past and gives nod to their contributions and the correlations in many places. One would have to have studied the works to know this.
skategreen said:

I have studied the code of honor, I have tried it out in various ways, and have taken time to observe the effects of using it.

I will answer your questions, or - respond to your comments - however it will be MY own use of the data, not something written by Hubbard.

You don't sit huddled in a corner nursing regrets of yesterday, thus benefitting the masses. You take responsibility, be a better person, get smarter, and create good effects. Hubbard has written thousands of words regarding communication. "when in doubt, communicate!"... is one itty bitty line of thousands of lines... and as for praise, I leave you with this:

I have never sat in a corner huddled nursing regrets. I do use the regrets I have to make different and hopefully better decisions the next go around.

"It is not possible to "spoil" a child with love and affection. Whoever postulated that it was possible was postulating out of bad data and no observation. A child needs all the love and affection it can possibly get.

I agree you can't spoil a child. However, at what age does Mr. Hubbard deem a child old enought not to need affection, praise and communication? 2? 12? 24? Because if the child is born with those needs and desires, then at some age the child must stiffle them in order to please the Grandmaster of Sciencetology.

Affection could no more spoil a child than the sun could be put out by a bucket of gasoline." L. Ron Hubbard

Every code you gave and then a real life example contradicts itself. Humans were born with a need and desire for praise, needing to be liked and communication. Sign language wouldn't not have been invented, if not for the need to communicate, even while deaf. Tom Hanks wouldn't have adopted "Wilson" in Castaway if he didn't have that inborn desire. I know it's a movie, but's an accurate protrayal of what would happen if someone was to left alone on an island alone.

Cults like Mr. Hubbards and various other teach that you are your own God and all the answers are within yourself. What it fails to recongnise is that no man lives to himself or dies to himself. We can't answer the universe's questions within ourself because our decisions affect other people, sometimes even generations away from us. But if we live with no regrets, then we don't worry about the consequences, because it's not our problem anyway.

Good luck finding the answers within yourself. I'll continue to keep looking else where and know that I'm not a dormat.
manicmonday said:

Every code you gave and then a real life example contradicts itself. Humans were born with a need and desire for praise, needing to be liked and communication. Sign language wouldn't not have been invented, if not for the need to communicate, even while deaf. Tom Hanks wouldn't have adopted "Wilson" in Castaway if he didn't have that inborn desire. I know it's a movie, but's an accurate protrayal of what would happen if someone was to left alone on an island alone.

Cults like Mr. Hubbards and various other teach that you are your own God and all the answers are within yourself. What it fails to recongnise is that no man lives to himself or dies to himself. We can't answer the universe's questions within ourself because our decisions affect other people, sometimes even generations away from us. But if we live with no regrets, then we don't worry about the consequences, because it's not our problem anyway.

Good luck finding the answers within yourself. I'll continue to keep looking else where and know that I'm not a dormat.

I'm sorry, but you've just got it wrong on communication. Hubbard does not write against communicating. The book, "Dianetics 55!" is an entire book devoted to communication. Communication is practically in every other article, page, etc he writes ...

What YOU fail to recognize is that we all have the right to communicate or not. Saying this does not then lead into the idea that someone is telling you you should never communicate or need comm etc.

You're just really bloody stupid.

It's not even about "finding the answers within yourself". It's not about that at all. Where the hell do you come up with your ideas?

"What it fails to recongnise is that no man lives to himself or dies to himself. We can't answer the universe's questions within ourself because our decisions affect other people, sometimes even generations away from us. But if we live with no regrets, then we don't worry about the consequences, because it's not our problem anyway."

This has nothing to do with anything Hubbard ever wrote. If you weren't so ****ing stupid you might be able to read something and actually understand it instead of dubbing in your own ****ed up think.

I've spent near on 30 years improving conditions using his technology. The cool thing is, I get to pick who I help. Who I listen to. I don't owe my help to anyone.

**** you. You're at the bottom of the list for being so Goddamn Stupid.
skategreen said:
I've spent near on 30 years improving conditions using his technology. The cool thing is, I get to pick who I help. Who I listen to. I don't owe my help to anyone.

I'm sorry you've wasted so much time being brainwashed. It comes thru clearly on here, but you will never see it.

**** you. You're at the bottom of the list for being so Goddamn Stupid.

So because I don't agree with you or Mr. Hubbard, I'm stupid? Hardly. I just refuse to base my life on one person's idiotology. You have nothing left to debate on your "religion" so you call me stupid. I'm ok with that, because it means you have nothing left to back it up.

I don't have the communication thing wrong. Hello.... silent birth. The birthing mother isn't allowed to talk, groan or grunt because it harms the baby. Defend that. Oh right you can't, you will just say **** off.

What a way to back up your believes. Some one questions you on it and you give some answers, someone askes you to back them up and you say **** you. Fitting actually.
Let me just say that anyone who has spent thirty years studying scientology has to be either ****ing stupid or making a buck out of it.
manicmonday said:
So because I don't agree with you or Mr. Hubbard, I'm stupid? Hardly. I just refuse to base my life on one person's idiotology. You have nothing left to debate on your "religion" so you call me stupid. I'm ok with that, because it means you have nothing left to back it up.

I don't have the communication thing wrong. Hello.... silent birth. The birthing mother isn't allowed to talk, groan or grunt because it harms the baby. Defend that. Oh right you can't, you will just say **** off.

What a way to back up your believes. Some one questions you on it and you give some answers, someone askes you to back them up and you say **** you. Fitting actually.

I don't give a tin **** whether or not you agree with Hubbard or not. What pisses me off is your utter obtuseness. I take the time to actually answer you, give you answers to your comments and questions - even though the tone of your comments and answers was less than pleasant. I gave you the ****ing benefit of the doubt. You come back with more twisted crap showing me that you're not even taking the time to consider my answers. you're not listening you total waste of humanity.

You're not interested in looking. You're just **** disturbing. You're pounding your OWN drum and not having the courtesy or brains to take look and listen to an answer.

I don't debate my religion. I don't give a Flying **** whether you or anyone else on this site is interested in it. Scientology is something a person chooses to study. I wouldn't choose that for you any more than I'd go choose your ****ing next pair of shoes.

"someone askes you to back them up " **** you. You didn't ask for clarification. You just vomited back your own mixed up thick headed non-comprehension, rudely to boot.

If you took the time to listen and were actually interested ...I'd take the time to discuss. You obviously don't.

If you bothered to look back at my posts on this thread you'd see I merely presented the concept that perhaps someone who hasn't studied one ****ing thing about a subject may not hold the most valid viewpoint. I gave a bit of data.

It takes a ****tard like you to see it as a clay pigeon to shoot at.

You got the silent birth thing wrong too.

Par for course.

Perfect score.

You lose

Tough ****.

Hey...I feel your pain.

Around here and in life in general among the masses, everybody is an expert on things of which they have no firsthand knowledge and your clay pigeon analogy is dead on.

That's the total ****ing problem with this place. Debate, ha!


Debate is the art of learning through CIVILIZED and RESPECTFUL discussing and evaluation of differing ideas and opinions.

It's not a "I win, you lose" concept. If you think it is, you've lost a valuable opportunity to learn something and replaced it with the petty desire to pat yourself on your stupid ignorant back. Whooptie Doo.
skategreen said:
I don't give a tin **** whether or not you agree with Hubbard or not. What pisses me off is your utter obtuseness. I take the time to actually answer you, give you answers to your comments and questions - even though the tone of your comments and answers was less than pleasant. I gave you the ****ing benefit of the doubt. You come back with more twisted crap showing me that you're not even taking the time to consider my answers. you're not listening you total waste of humanity.

You're not interested in looking. You're just **** disturbing. You're pounding your OWN drum and not having the courtesy or brains to take look and listen to an answer.

I don't debate my religion. I don't give a Flying **** whether you or anyone else on this site is interested in it. Scientology is something a person chooses to study. I wouldn't choose that for you any more than I'd go choose your ****ing next pair of shoes.

"someone askes you to back them up " **** you. You didn't ask for clarification. You just vomited back your own mixed up thick headed non-comprehension, rudely to boot.

If you took the time to listen and were actually interested ...I'd take the time to discuss. You obviously don't.

If you bothered to look back at my posts on this thread you'd see I merely presented the concept that perhaps someone who hasn't studied one ****ing thing about a subject may not hold the most valid viewpoint. I gave a bit of data.

It takes a ****tard like you to see it as a clay pigeon to shoot at.

You got the silent birth thing wrong too.

Par for course.

Perfect score.

You lose

Tough ****.

It's not about me losing or you loosing. I've listened to everything you said. Every point you gave contradicted itself. I pointed that out and you got nasty. There wasn't a tone in my posts. If you read on, maybe you were trying to be defensive when it wasn't neccessary? You have no idea if I've studied this or not. I've studied many different religions and cults. This isn't about me pounding me own drum. I don't NEED praise from you or this board. But I feel like maybe you have shown your particular belief system isn't all that and a bag of chips and that disturbs you.

Cogito Ergo Sum


Hey...I feel your pain.

Don't bother, she doesn't NEED sympathy or desire it. Why waste your energy?

I have found in life that when someone is defensive about a subject it is something they aren't secure in themselves and therefore can't defend it it to others.

I would learn how to communicate again before the real world smacks you in the face with the need before you are ready.
skategreen said:
Hubbard names and gives nod to Thinking Men of the past and gives nod to their contributions and the correlations in many places. One would have to have studied the works to know this.

Damn I was hoping you didn't know that :p
Skategreen, you yourself know that you are a good person with great morals. Don't let people get you down becuase they try and f ck with your beliefs. Trust me, I've been through it.
manicmonday said:
It's not about me losing or you loosing. I've listened to everything you said. Every point you gave contradicted itself. I pointed that out and you got nasty. There wasn't a tone in my posts. If you read on, maybe you were trying to be defensive when it wasn't neccessary? You have no idea if I've studied this or not. I've studied many different religions and cults. This isn't about me pounding me own drum. I don't NEED praise from you or this board. But I feel like maybe you have shown your particular belief system isn't all that and a bag of chips and that disturbs you.

Cogito Ergo Sum


Hey...I feel your pain.

Don't bother, she doesn't NEED sympathy or desire it. Why waste your energy?

I have found in life that when someone is defensive about a subject it is something they aren't secure in themselves and therefore can't defend it it to others.

I would learn how to communicate again before the real world smacks you in the face with the need before you are ready.

Oh manicmonday you are so pathetic! Of course you tried your best to be rude, crude, and abrasive and she clearly picked up on it and so did I and everybody else here. Just who do you think you are kidding? You were being a nasty snot and you know it.

Now, I'm no Scientologist; don't know a thing about it, but I can clearly rip to shreds your obtuse banter.

skategreen said:
Yes. A fine writer indeed!

Here is the Code of Honor which he wrote:

"An ethical code cannot be enforced. Any effort to enforce the Code of Honor would bring it into the level of a moral code. It cannot be enforced simply because it is a way of life which can exist as a way of life only as long as it is not enforced" ... "The only difference between paradise on Earth and hell on Earth is whether or not you believe your fellow man worthy of receiving from you the friendship and devotion called for in this Code of Honor."

The Code of Honor

First of all, NEVER is a hard word to absorb. Life happens.

You completely twist this around. It is meant as an idea not a commandment. Go Back and re-read the red underlined text above.

1. Never desert a comrade in need, in danger or in trouble.
I agree with this, but only because I believe we should be decent people. You have a strange way of being "decent".

2. Never withdraw allegiance once granted.

3. Never desert a group to which you owe your support.

4. Never disparage yourself or minimize your strength or power.

5. Never need praise, approval or sympathy.

This is absurd. If we didn't need sympathy we wouldn't have funerals. Do you attend funerals for your friends Skate? Your family? Why else expect for offering sympathy.
In addition, we all need praise. Otherwise we wouldn't give stickers to kids for doing a good job. Do you never offer your kids praise? Because this is saying they don't need it.

Skategreen is correct, you are seriously obtuse. What is NOT said here is not to give or receive praise, that is a common sense good thing to do. What it does say is don't NEED praise, approval or sympathy. When you NEED these things they control you rather than you controlling them. It is a weak minded individual who requires the approval and praise of another in order to justify their own existence or generate their self confidence.

Clearly, this does not preclude one from offering praise nor accepting it when it is justly deserved and offered. Big difference.

6. Never compromise with your own reality.
Whatever the hell this means.

I think this one is fairly straightforward and once again, is presented as a guiding idea, not an absolute commandment. Personal perception defines our version of reality. We can view things in a personal way, unique to our perspective and we should not compromise our viewpoint just because somebody else may not see it or agree with it. For example, if your reality for you is that eating meat is a bad thing to do, then be a vegetarian. Don't allow anything or anybody to compromise your view of your own reality on it.

7. Never permit your affinity to be alloyed.

8. Do not give or receive communication unless you yourself desire it.
So if your partner wants to talk but you don't desire it, you ignore them? What a way to have a partnership.

Woman you make giant leaps into the ridiculous in nothing flat don't you? Where in the hell does it say "ignore" somebody? It says to neither give nor receive communication unless you desire it. How brilliant can something be! If your partner wants to talk and you don't, there is NOTHING wrong with saying, "I'm not ready to discuss this now, let's reapproach it later." Of course, that would piss you off I bet because your way is to force a conversation even if it is one-sided?

9. Your self-determinism and your honor are more important than your immediate life.
Sounds great, but your integrity isn't the one looking for survival in an emergency.

If one believes in some sort of afterlife, any kind of afterlife, then this statement makes PERFECT sense. Your example once again, borders on the sublimely ridiculous. Maintaining integrity and honor will usually preserve your life in an emergancy better than anything. Ever hear of "Stay Calm, Think Things Through, Act Decisively"? That is one's integrity and honor in motion. The highest form of this would be the example that Skategreen gave you, the one of not wrongly killing another in order to keep from being wrongly killed.

10. Your integrity to yourself is more important than your body.
See above.

Indeed, see above.

11. Never regret yesterday. Life is in you today, and you make your tomorrow.
Regret leads to change. Regret isn't bad, guilt is. If you never regret anything, you can't change your tomorrow.

This is the Supreme Essence of Zen Buddhism. It predates L. Ron Hubbard by a few millennium. "Yesterday is gone and unchangeable, tomorrow does not exist, all that matter is this moment right now." It doesn't preclude planning for a future, just that one should not do so at the expense of wasting the experience of being in the moment.

Besides, regret is "to feel sad about the loss or absence of" and feeling sad about spilt milk does nobody any good, however guilt isn't all bad; it's a very good thing when appropriately felt. It's motivates desires to make amends.

12. Never fear to hurt another in a just cause.
Contradicts 2 and 3. Oh wait, you have no regrets, so who cares?

No it doesn't. I can still offer you my allegience and support and yet still be without fear that you may be hurt as a result of a just cause. The two are not synonomous; desireable - perhaps but not at all times.

13. Don't desire to be liked or admired.

This is asnine. Everyone wants to be liked by someone.

Don't be a fool. Being liked or admired is a nice thing, but don't DESIRE it. It makes you an attention hog and will cause you to falsly manipulate yourself in an effort to be popular.

Instead, BE YOURSELF and naturally allow those drawn to you to enter your life and if they so desire, offer their affections and admirations. Accept them cheerfully and graciously, but never NEED them. Good advice if you ask me.

14. Be your own adviser, keep your own counsel and select your own decisions.

So everyone's answer is within themselves. I hate New Age. What a crock. So no Scientologist is a therapist, accountant, doctor? Because you have all the answers self contained within you so why ask any of these professions?

That a girl...go out with a bang...totally jump off the cliff of common sense and good reason. You are angry and bitter aren't you?

What is is saying is SELF MONITOR and ADVISE yourself. You are your own best keeper, don't slack off on the job! If you tell others that smoking is bad, then keep your own counsel and don't smoke! No "DO as I say instead of Do as I do." Ultimately, after any and all advice that you seek out is considered and given roper weight to, you still must think for yourself and act accordingly!

15. Be true to your own goals.

Wouldn't it be a terrible world if people were conned into using this?:rolleyes:
If every one believed their own answers were in themself? If no one lived with regrets because their decisions only affected them? Life doesn't work like that, or at least the world I live in. I think this idiotology would create lonely people because nobody would communicate with each other, because they don't have too. No one would offer praise, sympathy or affection.
Not only am I FAR from being a Scientologist, I am FAR from being considered religious at all, but the Code of Honor as posted by Skate seems like a good set of rules to live by, I don't see any bullshit about religion in it at all...

While I don't wish to be religious I would hope that I have it within me to live an honorable life and to teach my daughter the same.

So much of what I have read about Scientology here sounds more like self help advice (that does not diminish it in my eyes) then religion.

I don't have the need to argue with someone over their religion. I think Skate is a very interesting person, whatever choices she has made in her life regarding religion seem to have created peace in her life...She has that right. However I choose not to take that same path in life.
I don't understand the need to bash her choices at all, unless its through some kind of personal insecurity on someone's part regarding their own religion and relationship with God.

I think other religions teach this kind of ridicule to keep people believing only in their form of brainwashing, the minute you open your mind to the fact that one religion might not have ALL the answers, your on step away from discovering something that might take you away from the religion that wants to hold on to you AND your money.

It seems like conventional Christian religion has rewritten the ten commandments to include "Thou shalt not respect people's differances".
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
Oh manicmonday you are so pathetic! Of course you tried your best to be rude, crude, and abrasive and she clearly picked up on it and so did I and everybody else here. Just who do you think you are kidding? You were being a nasty snot and you know it.

I was blunt and not accepting of her answers. If that makes me rude and abrasive, so be it. I wasn't being snoty. I was disclaiming her statements and she didn't like it. But, I have no regrets, because it was yesterday.

Now, I'm no Scientologist; don't know a thing about it, but I can clearly rip to shreds your obtuse banter.

If every one believed their own answers were in themself? If no one lived with regrets because their decisions only affected them? Life doesn't work like that, or at least the world I live in. I think this idiotology would create lonely people because nobody would communicate with each other, because they don't have too. No one would offer praise, sympathy or affection.

I'm not actually ridiculing Skategreen for her beliefs. If sh'e comfortable with this self help New Age theory, fantastic. But I do have my eyes wide open to the fact that this isn't a religion, it's a cult with little or no help offered to the believer. All the answers are self contained and if the answers aren't found, then keep digging deeper, because we don't know them either.

I will sign off on this thread, not because it's not a good discussion, but because I don't want any one to feel like I'm disrespecting their beliefs. Trying to get you to see the real side of what your saying maybe, but not disrespect. I think obtuse could be used to describe both parties in this discussion, because really, if you can't look at what I disagree with, then who's calling the kettle black?

Edited to Add:

I think the misconception here is that this is a personal attack. It's not personal. I don't know Skate nor ever had a conversation with her. However, we both disagree with each other's belief system. This a a great forum to be able to do that. But I don't feel like she's attacking me for being a Christian just as she shouldn't feel like I'm attacking her for Scientology. She can attack Christianity all she wants, it's not an attack on me. Disagreeing with a person's philosophy isn't disagreeing with the person.
Geez,and to think that in a way back thread i choose SKATEGREEN as my GF wife. Praise be the Lord it was only a nightmare.
Seriously,Scientology can be a very dangerous ideaology especially to a growing immature mind.
I experianced what happened to the son of some good friends of mine.
The boy became very involved with the sect,got horroribly brainwashed with a lot of their crap,gave them all his money,his car,and anything else he could
steal from his family.

A lot of people put through a lot of grief. **** SCIENTOLOGY..