Single Mother ain't no badge of honor.

eisanbt said:
They've been not-supporting african familys in poverty for years now, thats sure is working isn't it? I don't think there is ANY starving children in Africa or anycases of over population, rape or poor living conditions for the many nuclear familys in Sudan. Luckly the market killed off all the people who choose not to be sulf-sustaining and leeched off the good systems that was feeding their greed/illigtimate babies :rolleyes:

Oh laisez-faire capitalism, how effective you are. (Please note the total lack of sarcasim in this post, including this very comment)

You are a total idiot. From

National economy

8. The State shall promote the development of national economy and guide it by planning on the basis of work, production and free market, in a manner fending off monopoly, usury and fraud, and strive for national self-sufficiency for the achievement of affluence and bounty and endeavour towards justice among states and regions.

Natural wealth

9. Natural resources under or on the surface of the earth and in the territorial waters is public property regulated by law; and the State shall provide plans and appropriate conditions for the development of the financial and human resources necessary for utilizing such wealth.

Zakat and fiscal levies

10. Zakat is a financial duty, levied by the State, and the law shall regulate the manner of collection, expenditure and management thereof. Trusts, charities and self-aid are voluntary resources encouraged by the State and regulated by law, which as well regulates in a fair manner taxes, fees and other levies.

Social justice and mutual aid

11. The State shall give due regard to social justice and mutual aid in order to build the basic components of the society, to provide the highest standard of good living for every citizen, and to distribute national income in a just manner to prevent serious disparity in incomes, civil strife, exploitation of the enfeebled and to care for the aged and disabled.

That ain't laisez-faire.
I've got the answer...When children are born pick a sex, boy or girl and fix them at birth. Then when they want children or can afford them they go get a reversal. Then all the crank whores can **** away for there fix, and not ruin life for a child who didn't choose to be born.

How come the people who least need or should have kids, have the most?:confused:
tiredofwhiners said:
I've got the answer...When children are born pick a sex, boy or girl and fix them at birth. Then when they want children or can afford them they go get a reversal. Then all the crank whores can **** away for there fix, and not ruin life for a child who didn't choose to be born.

How come the people who least need or should have kids, have the most?:confused:

They don't have obligations, like work, family life, relationships, debts, so they get to **** all the time. Lucky ****ers.

Your proposal is rather socialist/communist, but that's the way things are heading. We can't grow and mature as a people with all these inbred underachievers taking over all the bedspace in hospitals, sucking up all the tax dollars, and supporting the black market through addictions now, can we? :D
scout said:
You can post all the stats you want and quote all the "those who know" you want, it's all bull. Through divorce I raised my daughter from age 2 on by myself and did a damn fine job with a daughter to be proud of. Through all these years I witnessed the same of other single parent families. I also witnessed the opposite in both single and 2 parent families. It's not the quantity of parents, it's the quality.

Oh, statistics are bull. Wow.

Take a stroll through Compton, CA. I think that would probably convince you if the statistics don't.

I think you are *****ly because of guilt.
hugo said:
That ain't laisez-faire.

I wasn't saying that Sudan was Laisez-Faire you cum rag, but your comment that the Market will punish the idiots and help to good is entirly laisez-faire capitalism.

And although the government of Sudan is stated as wanting to implement such programs of aid to its people they simply don't have resources. If the global capitalist system, which is about laisez-faire as you'll find, and functions almost entirly as you would so like, without government regulation that is, then it would seem that the poverty crises we see in afirca is because they're all a bunch of lazy slackers who can't pull their own weight and their deaths are the result of the markjet rebalencing.
eisanbt said:
I wasn't saying that Sudan was Laisez-Faire you cum rag, but your comment that the Market will punish the idiots and help to good is entirly laisez-faire capitalism.

And although the government of Sudan is stated as wanting to implement such programs of aid to its people they simply don't have resources. If the global capitalist system, which is about laisez-faire as you'll find, and functions almost entirly as you would so like, without government regulation that is, then it would seem that the poverty crises we see in afirca is because they're all a bunch of lazy slackers who can't pull their own weight and their deaths are the result of the markjet rebalencing.

Calling your intellectual opponent a cum rag is always a plus for your side!
Seldom do I use direct insults in my arguments, however I find it most appropiate to do so when the person arguing against me an egotistical, short sighted cum rag. :p
hugo said:
It is quite clear you are an idiot. Let me explain this...two good parents help their child overcome a bad environment. In every environment you have success stories.

What? How is that even related. It's like if I DON'T say that, "yes, there are exceptional cases," then you feel free to assume that I don't know anything outside the scope of what I say.

I'll clear this up, since you seem a bit too idiotic to comprehend, or to be able to "generalize."

People who grow up in bad environments HAVE A TENDENCY to repeat that environment.
And in case you FORGOT, I INCLUDED parenting under my environment in my first post in this thread.
eisanbt said:
Seldom do I use direct insults in my arguments, however I find it most appropiate to do so when the person arguing against me an egotistical, short sighted cum rag. :p

Well, you're certainly at another vantage point when you are able to come up with words other than "idiot" or "total idiot."

I think hugo is feeling a bit ganged up on, here.
Dear, you simply have a shitty argument. You just killed ten kittens with your "idiocy." :cool:

P.S. Gentlemen, it's laissez-faire. :D
Um Jenn...:p

Has hugo ever had a valid argument? Most everything of his I've read seems to be a half-assed unidimensional thought without any real thought behind it. Pity. I really think he could do better with some effort and independent thought.
eisanbt said:
I wasn't saying that Sudan was Laisez-Faire you cum rag, but your comment that the Market will punish the idiots and help to good is entirly laisez-faire capitalism.

And although the government of Sudan is stated as wanting to implement such programs of aid to its people they simply don't have resources. If the global capitalist system, which is about laisez-faire as you'll find, and functions almost entirly as you would so like, without government regulation that is, then it would seem that the poverty crises we see in afirca is because they're all a bunch of lazy slackers who can't pull their own weight and their deaths are the result of the markjet rebalencing.

What a moron. The global system is nowhere close to a free market environment. Under laissez-faire there would be no tariffs, no subsidies and no need for trade agreements. Why don't you go to Moscow and turn Lenin over and continue kissing his ass.
Tarriffs huh, except the ****ing World trade Organization. NAFTA (which although The US is aprart, they rufuse to stop putting tarriffs on Canadian Lumber, BS) and well, pretty much the entire global trade system. Thats one of the big arguments against globalization is that if you want to be part of the global economy you have to drop like all tarriffs and you can't PASS LEGISLATION that would interfer with another country's trade (Ending the right of nations to make their own choices).

Following the WW2 the many countries signed onto GATT (The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) which was designed to cut off border barriers and tariffs on trade, and worked rather well for its major players until the Uruguay Round and the formation of the WTO. Although there is no total law for WTO members, individual countries listed their commitments in schedules annexed to Marrakesh Protocol to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade in 1994. This is the legally binding agreement for the reduced tariff rates. Since then, additional commitments were made under the 1997 Information Technology .

Regardless, this has little to do with the topic at hand so let just go back at it..... You were in the midst of parading your ignorence? Do go on..
eisanbt said:
Tarriffs huh, except the ****ing World trade Organization. NAFTA (which although The US is aprart, they rufuse to stop putting tarriffs on Canadian Lumber, BS) and well, pretty much the entire global trade system. Thats one of the big arguments against globalization is that if you want to be part of the global economy you have to drop like all tarriffs and you can't PASS LEGISLATION that would interfer with another country's trade (Ending the right of nations to make their own choices).

Following the WW2 the many countries signed onto GATT (The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) which was designed to cut off border barriers and tariffs on trade, and worked rather well for its major players until the Uruguay Round and the formation of the WTO. Although there is no total law for WTO members, individual countries listed their commitments in schedules annexed to Marrakesh Protocol to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade in 1994. This is the legally binding agreement for the reduced tariff rates. Since then, additional commitments were made under the 1997 Information Technology .

Regardless, this has little to do with the topic at hand so let just go back at it..... You were in the midst of parading your ignorence? Do go on..


Good thing you spelled out the acronyms, or else I don't think that hugo would have gotten it.

So, it's been roughly 9 hours. Hugo, where are you? The rebuttle? C'mooon.

CES, I think you're right. Hugo has never had a good argument. He is simply Invalid (ie. Movie: Gattaca, which, by the way, is good. Rent it if you've never seen it)
TheJenn88 said:

Good thing you spelled out the acronyms, or else I don't think that hugo would have gotten it.

So, it's been roughly 9 hours. Hugo, where are you? The rebuttle? C'mooon.

CES, I think you're right. Hugo has never had a good argument. He is simply Invalid (ie. Movie: Gattaca, which, by the way, is good. Rent it if you've never seen it)

Well, at least you could spell the word. There is no totally free market anywhere. The very fact there are treaties proves that. With a totally free market I could trade with some dumb chink in China without government interference as easily as I can my next door neighbor. Of course, we are way off topic. The fact is any idiot knows that all things else being equal a child is better off with two loving and caring parents than one. I would go on about the need to ensure property rights in order to maximize liberty and economic activity but I am sure a thief , like yourself, would find respecting the property of others as an invalid concept.
hugo said:
Well, at least you could spell the word. There is no totally free market anywhere. The very fact there are treaties proves that. With a totally free market I could trade with some dumb chink in China without government interference as easily as I can my next door neighbor. Of course, we are way off topic. The fact is any idiot knows that all things else being equal a child is better off with two loving and caring parents than one. I would go on about the need to ensure property rights in order to maximize liberty and economic activity but I am sure a thief , like yourself, would find respecting the property of others as an invalid concept.

Hugo, you're an idiot. Merry Christmas Bozo.
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
Hugo, you're an idiot. Merry Christmas Bozo.

I'm not the one who voted for Bush twice. Nor the one who blew the most important decision of his life..who he chose to marry and have children with.
hugo said:
I'm not the one who voted for Bush twice. Nor the one who blew the most important decision of his life..who he chose to marry and have children with.

Excuse me but who was there to vote for? Gore? Kerry? Bush was the lesser of the three stooges? But then again, I guess I could always have voted for Nader
hugo said:
I'm not the one who voted for Bush twice. Nor the one who blew the most important decision of his life..who he chose to marry and have children with.

Forget the shrub. You, Hugo-a-gogo have repeatedly posted your angst at being in a troubled relationship, verbosely espoused your hatred and fear of women in general, sympathising with those in unsteady relationships, and now you choose to torment those who have wised up and decided that living solo is just fine and dandy. Like I said before; you are a troll.

Need I dredge up your own words to back this claim?