Smoking at 13

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LP186 said:
i dont wanna be like the anit-Viktorova person or anything but i have 2 agree wit spike and Rae Rae
smoking will **** u up even if u smoke once a month
and abortion IS murder no matter which way u look at it, and its a very selfish act
i aslo think it is ur fault if u get into ****
no ones telling u to be a slut
well thats my opinion, im sorry if i was rude Viktorova, it just saddens me to see a person though away her life like that so young :(

I agree with every single thing you just said.....It's said because your only 13 and your already having problems that older people would have and thats just really sad. :(
here what I think:
I know I will never smoke because I think its just flat out nasty.. and I also think you shouldn't be smoking either..but ima not gunna kill me self tryin to get you to quit.. and if you are pregnant you need to stop smokin and get your life together.. go get a test done find out if you are havin a baby.. talk to you parents.. but don't just sit there and keep smokin ..don't ruin your life...
wow. That's insane... 13 years old? I'm 12 and I smoked once... Never did it again. i didn't like it.

you may not thinks so, but like others have said, smoking a few a month is not good. Smoking supposedly gets addicting and your start to do it every day.

You're going to have an abortion? 0_0 if you don't want the thing why not just put it up for adoption insted of making it suffer?
i am going to have an abortion... i never wanted this baby and i was forced into sex so i had no choice... i don't smoke regularly... only some... well... i don't see what the **** is wrong with smoking every now and then...
Smoking is really bad for you. You shouldn't do it, mainly being as young as you are... I tried smoking once (and I was already older than you when I tried) and I hated it, so I know I'm not going to pick up a cigarette and smoke it again. ss1 really made a point, why bother to smoke? It brings nothing good. You're really young and still you're doing all this things that hurt you. Smoking, drinking, unprotected sex... you're only 13! And now you're suffering from what you did, which is sad. I don't know what much advice I can give you, except that you need to stop with that kind of behavior and enjoy your youth while you can, instead of acting grown up by doing that kind of stuff. I hope you don't think I'm trying to lecture you, but that's really my opinion.
okay, whoa, whoa, whoa. Dont you people think you are being really harsh on this girl. I mean damn, she is human, all humans make mistakes (whether you think you do or not). No I dont think her life is on the best track possible but, i'm not going to bitch at her about it just cause i dont agree with it. The best thing to do for her right now is give her your friendship and regardless of whether or not you agree with what she does with her life. Oh, and there are other ways to let someone know that you dont agree with something they are doing rather than acting like a damn bible-thumper and craming **** down their throat like you are their parents or something. Like the abortion thing, I DO NOT agree with abortion, i think it is wrong and should be illegal, but im not going to keep craming that down her throat. She has to make her own decisions and live with the results of those decisions, good or bad. As for the smoking, i do it and your right spike, its not real healthy, whether you smoke a pack a day or a pack a month, but its her life, she has to make the decision. And you having a "chat" with her friend wont help you. All that would do would piss someone off. Anyways, yeah she is a little young but you are never to young to make a decision. She made the decision to smoke and have sex. She is the only one who can make the decision to quit.
Rae Rae said:
JESUS CHRIST! even if you ARE pregnant abortion IS MURDER whether you wanna believe it or not.You're making an innocent life suffer because of YOUR **** ups and YES it is torturing your baby in my church class we watched an abortion and the hooked the lady up to the sonogram monitor and you could literally see that baby trying to move away and see it SCREAMING! yes babies in the womb can's silent but it's a scream it was so horrible almost everyone left the room and a few of us almost threw up from it.People think they're doing the best thing for the child but in MY opinion it's the WORST thing you could do besides abandoning it so if you haven't done it already DON'T,PLEASE!

Someone who promotes the acts of the Church takes the Lord's name in vein?


For Your Information: Having an abortion before 2 months of pregnancy is not murder. The fetus would not have achieved a pulse, a heart or a brain. SO, at that time, you are merely removing growing cells from a womb. You need help, child.
And i'm not trying to be rude or anything when i say this, but Brkng_Th_Hbt and Clogz, I know you may not realize this but in a couple of you two's posts you kept calling the baby an "it". Please dont ever call a baby an "it". That is not what a child is. A child is a living, breathing person. And does not deserve to be called anything less. I just wanted to point that out because it breaks my heart everytime someone calls a child an "it". I didnt mean to sound rude or anything, sorry if i came off that way.
hey people, calm down, i have to agree with collision_course_777, you're all being way too OTT, cut her some slack, she is only human and makes mistakes just like the rest of us, yes smoking is bad, i know better than most cos i do it myself, and my uncle died because of it, i'm an addict, i wish i could quit, but my life's a little too hectic atm, it is one of my new years resolutions and all my friends are gonna make sure i quit!
and the whole pregnancy thing... far too young imo, but then people are different, and somethings just happen, but you should have used protection, go to a doctor, have a test, whatever, then decide what your going to do, i'm not going to join the pro/anti abortion debate, i don't have a view cos it's never really affected me *is waiting to be flamed*
Hmmm.... Well Smoking and drinking is just stupid to me, and im 20, never done it and dont care to, about the 13 year old horn ball, when you have every STD and cancer at 30 years old, you wont be saying what your saying now. You made this decision, you had sex, deal with it and take responsabilty for your actions.
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