Smoking at 13

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collision_course_777 said:
okay, whoa, whoa, whoa. Dont you people think you are being really harsh on this girl. I mean damn, she is human, all humans make mistakes (whether you think you do or not). No I dont think her life is on the best track possible but, i'm not going to bitch at her about it just cause i dont agree with it. The best thing to do for her right now is give her your friendship and regardless of whether or not you agree with what she does with her life. Oh, and there are other ways to let someone know that you dont agree with something they are doing rather than acting like a damn bible-thumper and craming **** down their throat like you are their parents or something. Like the abortion thing, I DO NOT agree with abortion, i think it is wrong and should be illegal, but im not going to keep craming that down her throat. She has to make her own decisions and live with the results of those decisions, good or bad. As for the smoking, i do it and your right spike, its not real healthy, whether you smoke a pack a day or a pack a month, but its her life, she has to make the decision. And you having a "chat" with her friend wont help you. All that would do would piss someone off. Anyways, yeah she is a little young but you are never to young to make a decision. She made the decision to smoke and have sex. She is the only one who can make the decision to quit.
look i agree wit some of the things you have said C_C_777
ur right, she is only human and all humans make mistakes, but rarely do some1 so young make these types of mistakes
i also agree ur never to young to make a decision but these types of decision not even a grown woman could compromise wit it
at the end of the day its all up 2 her, none of us can fly to England, or where ever shes from, and help her get back on her feet
collision_course_777 said:
okay, whoa, whoa, whoa. Dont you people think you are being really harsh on this girl. I mean damn, she is human, all humans make mistakes (whether you think you do or not). No I dont think her life is on the best track possible but, i'm not going to bitch at her about it just cause i dont agree with it. The best thing to do for her right now is give her your friendship and regardless of whether or not you agree with what she does with her life. Oh, and there are other ways to let someone know that you dont agree with something they are doing rather than acting like a damn bible-thumper and craming **** down their throat like you are their parents or something. Like the abortion thing, I DO NOT agree with abortion, i think it is wrong and should be illegal, but im not going to keep craming that down her throat. She has to make her own decisions and live with the results of those decisions, good or bad. As for the smoking, i do it and your right spike, its not real healthy, whether you smoke a pack a day or a pack a month, but its her life, she has to make the decision. And you having a "chat" with her friend wont help you. All that would do would piss someone off. Anyways, yeah she is a little young but you are never to young to make a decision. She made the decision to smoke and have sex. She is the only one who can make the decision to quit.

Liberals are going to ruin this country. :/
Viktorova said:
i am going to have an abortion... i never wanted this baby and i was forced into sex so i had no choice... i don't smoke regularly... only some... well... i don't see what the **** is wrong with smoking every now and then...

Wow, is that what you are going to say about your responsibility for the rest of your life. YOU got drunk, and YOU got pregnant because of it. YOU smoke. If you haven't noticed, all these things are YOUR problems. Unlike CC777, who advocates the end of responsibility as all liberals do, you need to accept the fact that you did all this.
It is sad, so so sad, to see a life thrown away. But this post clearly shows us why. If you were never willing to take responsibility for all your ****, why did you ask us what to do? Why should we help you if you don't even want to admit this is your fault?
Honestly, what do you really want? Justification or something? I can't justify a pregnant thirteen year old girl who smokes and drinks. Sorry. :/
Minzara said:
Hmmm.... Well Smoking and drinking is just stupid to me, and im 20, never done it and dont care to, about the 13 year old horn ball, when you have every STD and cancer at 30 years old, you wont be saying what your saying now. You made this decision, you had sex, deal with it and take responsabilty for your actions.

i agree with you on that one. you need to assess things before you do them... "is the pleasure worth the pain?" and in your case you had the pleasure now you have to deal with the pain of child birth/Abortion. but if i was a doctor i would say not to letting you have an abortion. you chould have had safe sex but you choose not to...
Viktorova said:
my friend is sygy and she is my best friend... she is on this forum and she is cool! i don't know... smoking aint that bad if i only do it like a couple times a month... she aint knowing that i am pregnant... eek... everyone at school knows that i am slut... not my fault i get into this ****... just happens...
hello! !! dun u read news or smtg....once u even puff on one cigarette u may get top it all..u think u r pregnent..pls..dun dig yr own grave
WTF...!!!!!???? r u doing having SEX at 13....??????????? wtf........??????? do u want to have 10 kids by the time ur 20 and have no job cuz u couldnt go to skool cuz u had kids. sex is meant to be done when ur older and with sum 1 u truly love not sum 1 u have been going out with for a month or wat ever....
Viktorova said:
i am going to have an abortion... i never wanted this baby and i was forced into sex so i had no choice... i don't smoke regularly... only some... well... i don't see what the **** is wrong with smoking every now and then...
u may have been forced to have sex.. but it was ur choice to drink in the 1st place and also to go to party where there r ppl who r likly to force u to have sex.... i say get better friends or sumthing cuz ur life is fuking up fast, turn it around while u still can...
majinkamahl said:
Someone who promotes the acts of the Church takes the Lord's name in vein?


For Your Information: Having an abortion before 2 months of pregnancy is not murder. The fetus would not have achieved a pulse, a heart or a brain. SO, at that time, you are merely removing growing cells from a womb. You need help, child.
i have to agree, it tru i learnt it in this child growth development class, it u do it after 2 months then it muder, but before its ok becuz its only cells and does think, breath or have a pulse... my bro was born at 5 months and me at 6.. so hmmm.... and if u do have this baby, cuz ur still growing u wont be able to give birth u will have to probly have a c-section, ei. they cut u open to take it out so tha means ull have a big scar on ur tummy for the rest of ur life.....
Oh ma déesse foutue......girl you need help....smoking is a bad habit plain and simple, if you want to get an abortion gofor it...i'm not gunna bash you for it...i beleive it is a womans' choice ... dinking is bad too... bad things happen when you are drunk...and you KNOW that...

i've never smoked or drank..... theres no way i'll start... i have too mutch hatreed for ppl when their drunk... and i get enough second hand smoke to kill a horse... 2 kinds infact...i'm surpriseed i pass drug tests...
Clogz said:
Wow, is that what you are going to say about your responsibility for the rest of your life. YOU got drunk, and YOU got pregnant because of it. YOU smoke. If you haven't noticed, all these things are YOUR problems. Unlike CC777, who advocates the end of responsibility as all liberals do, you need to accept the fact that you did all this.
It is sad, so so sad, to see a life thrown away. But this post clearly shows us why. If you were never willing to take responsibility for all your ****, why did you ask us what to do? Why should we help you if you don't even want to admit this is your fault?
Honestly, what do you really want? Justification or something? I can't justify a pregnant thirteen year old girl who smokes and drinks. Sorry. :/

Exactly, I cant either. But still, not to sound harsh, U should stop smoking. I swear, My grandma who i loved dearly, died of lung cancer. She got that from smoking. She was only smoking for 2 years and she got lung cancer. So I suggest u stop smoking while u still can, because u cant stop breast cancer. And i dont want to be harsh, but I dont want that to happen to ya. Didnt u listen to DARE?! lol j/k. As far as the sex thing, I am staying outta that, lol. ttyl, bibi, ^^
And also, about the smoking while pregnant thing, my friend's aunt smoked and had a child. The child almost died. And now the baby, who is 5 years old, practically lives in the hospital. She goes every day almost. And the hospital bill is HUGE, as u can imagine. She cant work for the money because she always leaves the middle of the day to check on her child. Infact, the baby's last check up(yesterday) resulted in the baby nearly dying. Now u may say that, well i dont want the baby, or something. Or im not gonna miss it. But once u have a baby, u cnt help but love it. Because ish YOUR creation. A mother, no matter what, alwayz loves her child from the first cry it makes.Because it is officially hers. But some parents arent like that. Those who arent are the cold hearted ppl. So think about that. ttyl, bibi

(not to be harsh, im just teling u in reality whut happens)
Why should you smoke???
Give reasons....
Their are only disadvantages of smoking
smoking bad for your health..also for the child
it cost a lot of can spend it at lots of other things
and it smells so ewww... ..

that are reason why i dont smoke
ofcourse I did it a couple of time not perfect :rolleyes:

having a abortion isn't as easy if you think...just abortion and then carry on with life
i dont know how to say it so..maybe it will later come up :confused:
Sygy said:
hi i'm her 'friend' and to be honest i'm in two minds one she may be pregnant but i think the most likly is that viki is just making it up for attention
look if this whole thing is a jock, theres gonna be some very unhappy ppl here
this is not something u kid around wit...
If she IS just wanting attention, then..grrr... I was planning not to tell ANYONE bout my grandma. I thought is twas an emergency...grrrr, if she is, then...ohh, i dont wanna think bout it! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Sygy said:
hi i'm her 'friend' and to be honest i'm in two minds one she may be pregnant but i think the most likly is that viki is just making it up for attention

If thats true, then it would probably be wise not to come around here again. Posting help columns like this when thier isn't even a problem is just a waste of time, when someone else could have been asking a question and getting help. If your friend thinks she is funny or something, she is not.
Clogz said:
If thats true, then it would probably be wise not to come around here again. Posting help columns like this when thier isn't even a problem is just a waste of time, when someone else could have been asking a question and getting help. If your friend thinks she is funny or something, she is not.

she wouldn't want to be bullshitting. cause this it a serious help thing and we are all spending time to try and help.... i would smack the ****ing taste out of her mouth if she is bullshitting. cause that is just wrong....
Enigma said:
she wouldn't want to be bullshitting. cause this it a serious help thing and we are all spending time to try and help.... i would smack the ****ing taste out of her mouth if she is bullshitting. cause that is just wrong....
you and me both Enigma
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