Smoking: Kicking the Habit.

manicmonday said:
Find a cute chick. Get laid. I've heard it helps. And I'm too short to talk down to you.:D

That's so novel! I'd like to get laid, but have the heart to take me to dinner first.
It has been my experience that folks who have no vices
have very few virtues.​

Abraham Lincoln​
I tried to quit...really....more than once! I was told by everyone around me to start again, or they would kill me in my sleep. Apparently I get a bit moody when I haven't had a cigarette in awhile. I guess it's that urge I get to start killing mother ****ers after about 3 hours.
RoyalOrleans wrote:
Above all the obvious reasons, I am quitting because I can't stand the obligation of smoking day to day and week to week. Buying a carton here and a pack there, knowing and looking forward to lighting up as soon as I step outside or after a meal or after a good **** for that matter. No longer will I be a slave to the weakness of my character.
Are you totally and utterly INSANE, Sir?! Give up smoking? That's the rave of a certifiable LUNATIC! I gave it up 15 years ago and I urge anybody even thinking such a thing to abandon the idea!. Do you know what the most humiliating, embarrassing, painful, and even disturbing part of giving up smoking is, do you, hah? I'll tell you - NO ******* NOTICED! - that's what, smartypants! Like, I could see the red carpet, I had the speech for the Nobel Prize and the Oscar all ready - well, it never bloody well happened, did it, Pilgrim? I thought to myself - if they don't notice somethingf as cataclysmic as that, then - what ELSE don't they notice? Then I heard all this theme music from "The Twilight Zone" and I passed out from shame. Let that be a warning to all of you. Light up NOW! Cheers!
Flatearther said:
Are you totally and utterly INSANE, Sir?! Give up smoking? That's the rave of a certifiable LUNATIC! I gave it up 15 years ago and I urge anybody even thinking such a thing to abandon the idea!. Do you know what the most humiliating, embarrassing, painful, and even disturbing part of giving up smoking is, do you, hah? I'll tell you - NO ******* NOTICED! - that's what, smartypants! Like, I could see the red carpet, I had the speech for the Nobel Prize and the Oscar all ready - well, it never bloody well happened, did it, Pilgrim? I thought to myself - if they don't notice somethingf as cataclysmic as that, then - what ELSE don't they notice? Then I heard all this theme music from "The Twilight Zone" and I passed out from shame. Let that be a warning to all of you. Light up NOW! Cheers!

Yeah... Flatty. I think I'll start smoking again, because your Aussie-arse told me to. Goddamn.

Yes, I am insane.
My mom quit smoking after 20 years when she turned 40. After trying every other technique under the sun to quit, including hypnosis, she tried the patch and that did the trick. Her own mother died relatively young of emphysema, so I'm glad she gave up that nasty habit.

My dad on the other hand smokes like a goddamn chimney and his health is starting to fail at age 57. He won't admit it of course, but I can hear it when he coughs and it's not good. He's going to miss out on too much too soon if he doesn't do something about it.

Congratulations on quitting. I hope you can stick to it.
Ahhlee said:
My mom quit smoking after 20 years when she turned 40. After trying every other technique under the sun to quit, including hypnosis, she tried the patch and that did the trick. Her own mother died relatively young of emphysema, so I'm glad she gave up that nasty habit.

My dad on the other hand smokes like a goddamn chimney and his health is starting to fail at age 57. He won't admit it of course, but I can hear it when he coughs and it's not good. He's going to miss out on too much too soon if he doesn't do something about it.

Congratulations on quitting. I hope you can stick to it.

I'm sorry but I just don't have sympathy for someone who kills themselves by smoking...Tell your Dad to stick a gun in his mouth and get it over with. He shouldn't make his family watch him die by inches day after day.
Lethalfind said:
I'm sorry but I just don't have sympathy for someone who kills themselves by smoking...Tell your Dad to stick a gun in his mouth and get it over with. He shouldn't make his family watch him die by inches day after day.

Actually his own father shot himself exactly that same way when my dad was 11. The selfish ****er left behind a jobless wife, 5 kids and a lot of emotional scars that never healed. I guess no way of killing yourself is a "good" way.
Ahhlee said:
Actually his own father shot himself exactly that same way when my dad was 11. The selfish ****er left behind a jobless wife, 5 kids and a lot of emotional scars that never healed. I guess no way of killing yourself is a "good" way.

When you have to watch your Father getting progressively worse, unable to breath, probably dying of cancer, terrible pain, terrible financial strain on the family...finally wasting away to nothing...all the while KNOWING he CHOOSE this route for himself with no regard to his family and the people who depended on him...come back and tell me if you still think that.
Lethalfind said:
When you have to watch your Father getting progressively worse, unable to breath, probably dying of cancer, terrible pain, terrible financial strain on the family...finally wasting away to nothing...all the while KNOWING he CHOOSE this route for himself with no regard to his family and the people who depended on him...come back and tell me if you still think that.

I remember watching my grandmother die of emphysema. She went through all of those symptoms because she chose to smoke. She actually paid lots of money through the years to die a very painful death! My grandfather who committed suicide also chose a route for himself with no regard to his family nor the people who depended on him in my opinion. I feel both ways cause the person to be separated from their loved ones by their own hand.
Bad idea on the getting laid part On quitting smoking. After a good lay It's only right to light one up. Ahhh. this menthol sensation in the back of my throat is giving me the heebe jeebes! O_O
vizcaya19 said:
Bad idea on the getting laid part On quitting smoking. After a good lay It's only right to light one up. Ahhh. this menthol sensation in the back of my throat is giving me the heebe jeebes! O_O

Now I have the lung capacity to jump back on for a third, fourth, fifth, et al go around.

Stay away from the monkey mints.
as you'll see as you get to know me, as this is my first post...but If a post is more than 2 pages I usually respond, then come back to respond to subsequent replies....

anyway...I've been a smoker for 15 years....5 years ago I quit for the first time when I got pregnant the first time...cold turkey...never smoked...until after I stopped nursing and had my first beer...

after that I held it to only smoking while drinking....quit again 2 years later when I got pregnant again...same story...never smoked pregnant/nursing...but as soon as I was allowed alcohol I started smoking again.

I only smoke when drinking....but I drink at least 1 beer/glass of wine/ that leads up to about 3 packs/week...

not too bad...but the crazy thing is that I can go days w/out smoking if I don't why can't I just quit?

On a big party night I'll smoke 2 packs. I don't even enjoy's just habit.

I can't even believe it's the nicotene at this point as much as the habit....

yep...pisses me off too! I can't even use the patch because I'd get more nicotene than I'm even used to!
Do you smoke around your children??

I can thank my birth Mother for my asthma because she lived in a home where they smoked while she was carrying me.

The same can happen if you don't smoke while your pregnant but then smoke around them as children.

Hardly seems worth it, you get too smoke but your children can end up with respiratory problems for the rest of their life.