Smoking: Kicking the Habit.

R.O.... How is the not smoking going? I know it had to be hard this weekend... :(

I'm thinking about quitting too... never really thought about it before, but some important people in my life have started quitting.... I'm thinkin about jumping all up on that bandwagon.
RegisteredAndEducated said:
R.O.... How is the not smoking going? I know it had to be hard this weekend... :(

I'm thinking about quitting too... never really thought about it before, but some important people in my life have started quitting.... I'm thinkin about jumping all up on that bandwagon.

It dose make it easier when you do it with friends and family. I smoked for about 15 years. maybe more. Quiting was one of the best things I've ever done for myself.
RegisteredAndEducated said:
R.O.... How is the not smoking going? I know it had to be hard this weekend... :(

So far so good. No backsliding at all. I just had to cut out my old haunts... like going outside.

R and E said:
I'm thinking about quitting too... never really thought about it before, but some important people in my life have started quitting.... I'm thinkin about jumping all up on that bandwagon.

It's entirely up to you, R and E. Just don't quit cold turkey... gradually wean yourself off of cigarettes. Don't switch to a lighter brand, either. Doesn't work... you'll smoke twice what you'd normally intake.
Nope, don't smoke around the kids...only when having a beer which is after the kids are in bed...and I only smoke outside.
I'm thinking of quitting again myself. I really HATE smoking !! I quit a couple years ago... did it cold turkey, and was fine after the first week of jerking and shaking... after I got over the fits, I was starting to taste food better again... then one night, about a month later, I went over to a friends house to party with her, and was drunk as hell and she hands me her lit cigarette and told me to finish it for her while she was doing some other ****... well, like an idiot I did, and then I ended up smoking a couple more that night, and the next thing you know, I'm back to smoking again..

The only problem I have right now with quitting again, is I am afraid of how it will affect my job performance.. O.K. that might sound crazy, but, what worries me, is if I quit, I will have to contend with the nic fits for a week or so while doing delivery's... and I WON'T be a happy camper, that's for damn sure !!

Last time, I was working out of my home, so getting the fits there was not a problem... I'm just afraid I will turn very aggressive and bitchy to customers if I'm not all nic'd up.

Dr. Downs, please help !! I want to quit too !!
I quit a few years ago also..cold turkey and i found it easy. A year ago i started back up and this time i smoke more now than i did before. I am afraid it is going to be extremely difficult to quit. I would love to, my fiance HATES the smell of smoke and it is getting colder out, he won't let me smoke in the car and i don't like smoking outside when it is cold. Maybe that is a good time to cut back!
phreakwars said:
Dr. Downs, please help !! I want to quit too !!

Willpower, my brother. That's all I can tell you. Fads, step programs, etc... do not work if you don't have the strength to endure.

Wean yourself off slowly, because when I have done anything cold turkey I always relapse. So take it easy at first. Don't buy anymore, either. Make your current pack seem like it'll take forever to burn.

Concerning your demeanor, control yourself. It will be a rocky couple of weeks to start, but once you get pass the first month... it's all gravy.

Be strong! Uh-rah!
I am proud to announce, that it has been exactally 12 days since my last cigarette.

I had hard cravings for a couple of days, and the first few nights I woke up with jerks and such from lack of nicotine, but since then the cravings have went away.

I am actually quite surprised, I figured by now I would have either started again, or that I would have huge cravings still.. But nope, no cravings what so ever.

One of the things I noticed is my sense of smell is much sharper, and my sense of taste has gotten stronger..

I can even tell who does and who doesn't smoke by the sick tar scent when I am near them.

So far, my personal goal is to celebrate Thanksgiving by giving thanks to being smoke free for over a month.. And, God willing, smoke free for the rest of my life..

Thank you Dr. Downs for your word's of encouragement, and for your inspiration to give up those nasty ****ing cancer sticks !!
I'll quit eventually. Tried the other day. Learned the hard way that PMS and kicking the habit make for a very ornery Phantom.
Lethalfind said:
What are nic fits like?? Is there something else you can compare them to so I would have an idea?

****ing twitching !!

Other then that, it's almost a buzz in itself, so what I did, was imagine the buzz I was getting from having the fit was a GOOD thing.

Meaning, I'd just sit down, relax, and actually try to enjoy the nic fit for the cool feeling it gave me.

At night though, when sleeping, I would wake up and my arms or legs would twitch and jerk.

To which I would just go back to thinking the nic fit felt good, and was soon back asleep again.
It's not about the Sheesha, but rather what you put in the Sheesha..

I'd love to smoke out of a nice big Sheesha right about now... and NOT tobacco.:D
Hamza123 said:
Cigarettes? **** that noise.

Cigars? The occaisonal Cohiba or Julietta is fine.

Shiisha is where the shits at!! Heres what my baby looks like. Ordered it off a Dubai based website.

Hmmm, with the resin content going up all the time, how soon does that rubber hose get blocked up solid?

The simple water bong does the job for most around here. I prefer a skinny spliff. I don't smoke much nowadays.
builder said:
Hmmm, with the resin content going up all the time, how soon does that rubber hose get blocked up solid?

The simple water bong does the job for most around here. I prefer a skinny spliff. I don't smoke much nowadays.

Shiisha uses water also. It workes pretty much the same way it just uses a hooka.

It also uses Tamback which contains no nicotine. Just tobaco diluted with mostly fruits and fruit flavours.
phreakwars said:
I am proud to announce, that it has been exactally 12 days since my last cigarette.

Out-****ing-standing, PW! End the thralldom now and live free.

phreakwars said:
I had hard cravings for a couple of days, and the first few nights I woke up with jerks and such from lack of nicotine, but since then the cravings have went away.

Yep! Been there, brother. The third morning of my cessation period, I woke with a migraine and carried it for two whole days.

phreakwars said:
I am actually quite surprised, I figured by now I would have either started again, or that I would have huge cravings still.. But nope, no cravings what so ever.

The first seven days are the hardest, because you have to cut out other activities that were once centered around smoking.

Whenever I feel the craving for a cigarette, I drop to the ground and do ten push-ups. Seriously. Wherever I might be at the time, I dropped, but I never showed off with a one handed or a two handed with a clap on each uptake.

phreakwars said:
One of the things I noticed is my sense of smell is much sharper, and my sense of taste has gotten stronger.

I can even tell who does and who doesn't smoke by the sick tar scent when I am near them.

I noticed that in myself, too. I noticed that ****ing cigarettes clouded my sense of smell so much that I didn't know that I reeked of smoke.

phreakwars said:
So far, my personal goal is to celebrate Thanksgiving by giving thanks to being smoke free for over a month.. And, God willing, smoke free for the rest of my life..

Out-****ing-standing, PW. Setting goals and accomplishing them is what seperates the weak from the strong, the fake tough and the crazy brave.

Without goals, we'd be nothing more than grabastic pieces of amphibian ****.

phreakwars said:
Thank you Dr. Downs for your word's of encouragement, and for your inspiration to give up those nasty ****ing cancer sticks !!

Call me "coach".
I did set a date for quitting. I've already cut way back and am considering quitting before the originally planned date... I smoked one yesterday, and I've gorged with three today. The hard days are those during the week. when I'm at work, it seems like the only social time, or break time is on the smokers patio. I cut down ther too though. I even had a few work days where I only smoked 5-7. That's one on the 45 minute drive to work, one during my first break, two during lunch, one during my 2nd break, and one on the 45 minute ride home (sometimes only one during lunch, and sometimes I took 3 breaks)... I have been having more headaches and I've noticed that I tend to get irritated more quickly than I usually do, but after a smoke, I feel tons better... I'm goign to try to cut back some more, until eventually I'm down to one or two a day, then to nothing.

Congrats to you both PW and RO, you're truly an inspiration. I hope to be doing the very same thing very soon.
I know when I used to drink Dr Pepper several a day, I used to drink it like people drink coffee. Then when I would stop or not be able to get it, I would get the shakes AND a headache that felt like my head was in a vice but it only lasted a day thank christ...