Speed of Iran vote count called suspicious


New member
There we have it' date=' ladies and gentlemen^^^^ If they are talking now and complaining, just imagine if we would have [i']really[/i"] meddled in their business. That's why so many countries hate us, because we **** in and try to shove our democracy and ways of doing things too much. In the same token, other countries should stop involving us and stop asking for aid from us so much.
Again, Chi, you fail to see the difference between MEDDLING and declaring an OPINION.

Jesus Christ! You loopy broad. Look up the definition.



New member
Again, Chi, you fail to see the difference between MEDDLING and declaring an OPINION.
Jesus Christ! You loopy broad. Look up the definition.
RO- Example: When people, let's say a mother-in-law, is constantly giving her negative "opinions" to her daughter about you and how to handle you, she is meddling in your marriage is she not?

For your sake, RO:

Main Entry: med?dle

Pronunciation: \ˈme-dəl\

Function: intransitive verb

Inflected Form(s): med?dled; med?dling \ˈmed-liŋ, ˈme-dəl-iŋ\

Etymology: Middle English medlen, from Anglo-French mesler, medler, from Vulgar Latin misculare, from Latin miscēre to mix ? more at mix

Date: 14th century

: to interest oneself in what is not one's concern : interfere without right or propriety

Main Entry: opin?ion

Pronunciation: \ə-ˈpin-yən\

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin opinion-, opinio, from opinari

Date: 14th century

1 a: a view, judgment, or appraisal formed in the mind about a particular matter b: approval, esteem

2 a: belief stronger than impression and less strong than positive knowledge b: a generally held view

3 a: a formal expression of judgment or advice by an expert b: the formal expression (as by a judge, court, or referee) of the legal reasons and principles upon which a legal decision is based

Opinion and meddling can go hand in hand, in some situations, sweety. In this case, you are walking that fine line.



New member
Simply declare an opinion on the matter. Show the American people that he actually has some grit.
Why? Who do we have to impress? That is just silly and again, UNECESSARY. A lot of people who lack are the ones who boast the most to compensate.



New member
I don't think any of us said we should meddle. There's nothing wrong with giving an opinion about the events that are happening. Nobody said we should call for a UN inspector or anything.
I'm starting to take Chopper's side. Settle down, ChiaPet.
That's MS. ChiaPet to you, Mister!!



New member
RO- Example: When people, let's say a mother-in-law, is constantly giving her negative "opinions" to her daughter about you and how to handle you, she is meddling in your marriage is she not?
It is only meddling if the daughter acts upon the opinions of the mother.

Opinion and meddling can go hand in hand, in some situations, sweety. In this case, you are walking that fine line.
Opinion becomes meddling when said opinions are expressed with action.



New member
Why? Who do we have to impress? That is just silly and again, UNECESSARY. A lot of people who lack are the ones who boast the most to compensate.
His dead fukken grandmother.

More often than not, those who lack lethally fukken riddled with stupid.



New member
It is only meddling if the daughter acts upon the opinions of the mother.

Opinion becomes meddling when said opinions are expressed with action.
BS, RO! Meddling is sticking your nose in affairs that are none of your business. How Iran votes & fixes elections is none of our business. We don't have to follow with actions to not mind our own business. Take a look at the definition again, Mr. You don't know what it means, there is nothing there about the requirement of taking any physical action.



New member
BS, RO! Meddling is sticking your nose in affairs that are none of your business. How Iran votes & fixes elections is none of our business. We don't have to follow with actions to not mind our own business. Take a look at the definition again, Mr. You don't know what it means, there is nothing there about the requirement of taking any physical action.
Unless the mother-in-law steps in and declares herself opposed to the union I have with her daughter, then she has done nothing more than state and opinion to her daughter.

In the definition of MEDDLE, I noticed the word INTERFERE.



New member
"Jun 17, 2:35 PM EDT
Latest News

White House disputes meddling charge by Iran

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The White House is shrugging off complaints from Iran that the United States has meddled in its affairs.

Spokesman Robert Gibbs said Thursday that President Barack Obama has struck the right tone in commenting about Iran's presidential election dispute in Iran. The Iranian government reportedly has summoned the Swiss ambassador, who represents U.S. interests in Iran, to complain about American interference.

Gibbs said Obama has been clear that there is "a vigorous debate in Iran, between Iranians, about their leadership." Gibbs said Obama stands by his defense of principles such as the right of people to demonstrate in peace."

There we have it, ladies and gentlemen^^^^ If they are talking now and complaining, just imagine if we would have really meddled in their business. That's why so many countries hate us, because we **** in and try to shove our democracy and ways of doing things too much. In the same token, other countries should stop involving us and stop asking for aid from us so much.

Funniest part of this is that the White House and Chi fell for the same trick that the White House, the media and the left use against any criticism of Obama.

Giving an opinion is as much "meddling" as criticizing Obama and/or his policies is, "racism" but just claiming it is they were hoping the Obama administration would backpeddle and feel the need to explain how they weren't meddleing and hoping some blind fool watching would think they were meddleing, just like they do when they claim racism.

Iran used the White House and left's own tactic against them and just got one over on the White House and tripped them up with the foreign relations policy equivalent of a fricking Bugs Bunny trick.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5CUK94MHvk]YouTube - Duck Season - Wabbit Season (SNL Dear Sister Parody)[/ame]



New member
Maybe I should send Obama a dictionary to show him that he can cast an opinion, with certainty, without meddling in the business of a sovereign nation.
Funny thing is, he didn't have a problem telling them Jews in Israel that they couldn't continue to make settlements in their own country.

Obama: Israel must halt West Bank settlements
President Obama said today that Israel must stop settlement activity on the West Bank as part of a peace deal leading to creation of a new Palestinian state.
I wonder if there ain't a touch of Rev. Wright in Obama after all.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QfYTcYDGrdU]YouTube - Rev. Wright: Jews Are Controlling Obama[/ame]



New member
Unless the mother-in-law steps in and declares herself opposed to the union I have with her daughter, then she has done nothing more than state and opinion to her daughter.
In the definition of MEDDLE, I noticed the word INTERFERE.
Yes, also the word INTEREST and even merely being INTERESTED in what is not of one's concern. What's your point? Giving ones opinion when it is not welcomed, warranted or directly involving the person is meddling. Case closed.



New member
Yes, also the word INTEREST and even merely being INTERESTED in what is not of one's concern. What's your point? Giving ones opinion when it is not welcomed, warranted or directly involving the person is meddling. Case closed.
Are you really this much of a dullard, Chi, or do you have to work on it?

If I am INTERESTED in cars and have an OPINION on a particular car's engine, doesn't mean I am going to MEDDLE with the vehicle. I might not even own one, in fact I might not even know where I could find said vehicle.



New member
Funny thing is, he didn't have a problem telling them Jews in Israel that they couldn't continue to make settlements in their own country.
Right. I recall all this.

Now Jeremiah is expressiong an OPINION. Correct.

Chi... is this an opinion?

I wonder if there ain't a touch of Rev. Wright in Obama after all.
And this is an opinion, right?

Does this make you a meddler?



New member
If a husband and wife were arguing across the street, would you go over and voice support over which one you think is right without them asking your opinion?

And why is it, your all for Government staying out of OUR business, yet, can turn around and want that same Government to stick it's nose in someone else's.





New member
If a husband and wife were arguing across the street, would you go over and voice support over which one you think is right without them asking your opinion?
Right. That's none of my affair, but I can certainly formulate my own opinion and voice to whomever I so desire. I don't have to meddle in their business to carry an opinion on their argument.

And why is it, your all for Government staying out of OUR business, yet, can turn around and want that same Government to stick it's nose in someone else's. .

It's a simple fukken opinion, Bender. Not physical, authoritative, or suggestive interference in the affairs of a sovereign country. Voicing a concern or a stance is not meddling.

Obama can't express his opinion to his constituency?



New member
I certainly consider it meddling when my mother-in-law lectures me over how I decide to dicipline my kids, especially when our opinions on how things should be handled differ.

I definitely consider it meddling when she tells me I need to see a shrink because I can look at my marriage and see the reality that exists within it, while she has none of the inside information to know what has made it the way it is.

And I most DEFINITELY consider it meddling when she can't/won't follow any of her own "helpful" advice.

I think the same can be said for our president offering his opinion on things that aren't his concern at the moment. When and if they become his concern by threatening our national security, then he can and should speak up. publically. In the meantime, he should let them take care of their business and focus on taking care of his own; same as my mother-in-law should do, but won't.

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