Speed of Iran vote count called suspicious


New member
Are you really this much of a dullard, Chi, or do you have to work on it?
If I am INTERESTED in cars and have an OPINION on a particular car's engine, doesn't mean I am going to MEDDLE with the vehicle. I might not even own one, in fact I might not even know where I could find said vehicle.
My goodness man, you love to argue and not let down even when you're wrong. You're being silly now. You know that isn't meddling, you are just taking choice words and using them in a way that doesn't even make sense in what we're discussing.

The only way anything like that would be considering meddling is if let's say, you were bent on buying a car because like you said, of your opinion on it's engine and then some stranger (person who has no business in what you do) tries to talk you out of it and criticizes you of your choice because of his opinion.



New member
Are you really this much of a dullard, Chi, or do you have to work on it?
If I am INTERESTED in cars and have an OPINION on a particular car's engine, doesn't mean I am going to MEDDLE with the vehicle. I might not even own one, in fact I might not even know where I could find said vehicle.
My goodness man, you love to argue and not let down even when you're wrong. You're being silly now. You know that isn't meddling, you are just taking choice words and using them in a way that doesn't even make sense in what we're discussing.

The only way anything like that would be considering meddling is if let's say, you were bent on buying a car because like you said, of your opinion on it's engine and then some stranger (person who has no business in what you do) tries to talk you out of it and criticizes you of your choice because of his opinion.



New member
The US needs a strong, decisive President who isn't afraid to voice his opinion on international affairs.

I don't view that as meddling. It's simply letting the world know where we stand on the issues of the day....drawing a line in the sand, if you will and letting others know what actions/policies we will and will not tolerate.


Old Salt

New member
The US needs a strong, decisive President who isn't afraid to voice his opinion on international affairs.
I don't view that as meddling. It's simply letting the world know where we stand on the issues of the day....drawing a line in the sand, if you will and letting others know what actions/policies we will and will not tolerate.
Absolutely. Have to let the rest of the world know how far they can push us before we bite.


New member
It is only meddling if the daughter acts upon the opinions of the mother.

Opinion becomes meddling when said opinions are expressed with action.

BS, RO! Meddling is sticking your nose in affairs that are none of your business. How Iran votes & fixes elections is none of our business. We don't have to follow with actions to not mind our own business. Take a look at the definition again, Mr. You don't know what it means, there is nothing there about the requirement of taking any physical action.
Opinion = noun

Meddle = verb (action)

Sorry, chi. Please don't get mad at me and cancel this weekend's lesbian three way!!!!! :p



New member
Opinion = nounMeddle = verb (action)

Sorry, chi. Please don't get mad at me and cancel this weekend's lesbian three way!!!!! :p
I still disagree, but you bet your panties our menage is still on!! :p



New member
The US needs a strong, decisive President who isn't afraid to voice his opinion on international affairs.
I don't view that as meddling. It's simply letting the world know where we stand on the issues of the day....drawing a line in the sand, if you will and letting others know what actions/policies we will and will not tolerate.
If we didn't make a comment every body would wonder why we didn't



New member
I certainly consider it meddling when my mother-in-law lectures me over how I decide to dicipline my kids, especially when our opinions on how things should be handled differ.
I definitely consider it meddling when she tells me I need to see a shrink because I can look at my marriage and see the reality that exists within it, while she has none of the inside information to know what has made it the way it is.

And I most DEFINITELY consider it meddling when she can't/won't follow any of her own "helpful" advice.

I think the same can be said for our president offering his opinion on things that aren't his concern at the moment. When and if they become his concern by threatening our national security, then he can and should speak up. publically. In the meantime, he should let them take care of their business and focus on taking care of his own; same as my mother-in-law should do, but won't.

My goodness man, you love to argue and not let down even when you're wrong. You're being silly now. You know that isn't meddling, you are just taking choice words and using them in a way that doesn't even make sense in what we're discussing.
The only way anything like that would be considering meddling is if let's say, you were bent on buying a car because like you said, of your opinion on it's engine and then some stranger (person who has no business in what you do) tries to talk you out of it and criticizes you of your choice because of his opinion.
To quote Jack Nicholson's character from "As Good As It Gets", when asked how he writes women so well:

"I think of man... and I take away reason and accountability."



New member
To quote Jack Nicholson's character from "As Good As It Gets", when asked how he writes women so well:
"I think of man... and I take away reason and accountability."
BOO!!!!! HISS!!!!!

throws rotten tomatoes and a "Male Sensitivity Seminar" pamphlet at RO



New member
All I know, is I'm doing my part to help the Iranians. I am using some of the Suckage's bandwidth in Canada to give Iranian's proxy networks to post to twitter on. I have unlimited bandwidth on that site, so I can sustain tons of accounts without slowing down. Tweet hashes are tiny.





New member
All I know, is I'm doing my part to help the Iranians. I am using some of the Suckage's bandwidth in Canada to give Iranian's proxy networks to post to twitter on. I have unlimited bandwidth on that site, so I can sustain tons of accounts without slowing down. Tweet hashes are tiny..


Keep up the good fight, Brother!!!!



New member
To quote Jack Nicholson's character from "As Good As It Gets", when asked how he writes women so well:
"I think of man... and I take away reason and accountability."

I agree.
It should have been, logic and reason. :cool:
I'm of the OPINION that you're both a couple of knuckleheads.



New member
President Obama finally decided to issue a statement over the weekend about the fake election and subsequent repression of protestors in Iran. Here's what the President had to say...

The Iranian government must understand that the world is watching. We mourn each and every innocent life that is lost. We call on the Iranian government to stop all violent and unjust actions against its own people. The universal rights to assembly and free speech must be respected, and the United States stands with all who seek to exercise those rights.
As I said in Cairo, suppressing ideas never succeeds in making them go away. The Iranian people will ultimately judge the actions of their own government. If the Iranian government seeks the respect of the international community, it must respect the dignity of its own people and govern through consent, not coercion.

Martin Luther King once said - "The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice." I believe that. The international community believes that. And right now, we are bearing witness to the Iranian peoples' belief in that truth, and we will continue to bear witness.
Not that Obama's words are going to make a difference (Iran is going to do what Iran is going to do.) ... but at least the world knows where the United States stands ...... sort of..

Straight from the horse's mouth: is this meddling or is this an opinion?



New member
President Obama finally decided to issue a statement over the weekend about the fake election and subsequent repression of protestors in Iran. Here's what the President had to say...

Not that Obama's words are going to make a difference (Iran is going to do what Iran is going to do.) ... but at least the world knows where the United States stands ...... sort of..

Straight from the horse's mouth: is this meddling or is this an opinion?
It sounds like something my Pastor would say, but at least it's a statement....of OPINION.



New member
It sounds like something my Pastor would say, but at least it's a statement....of OPINION.
Yea, but if Obama's pastor had said it, the statement would have made many more references to the Hymies, Kikes and Hebes that are to blame for all the ills of the world, especially the Middle East.



New member
Yea, but if Obama's pastor had said it, the statement would have made many more references to the Hymies, Kikes and Hebes that are to blame for all the ills of the world, especially the Middle East.
At least it would have been an honest statement. :D .




New member
President Obama finally decided to issue a statement over the weekend about the fake election and subsequent repression of protestors in Iran. Here's what the President had to say...

Not that Obama's words are going to make a difference (Iran is going to do what Iran is going to do.) ... but at least the world knows where the United States stands ...... sort of..

Straight from the horse's mouth: is this meddling or is this an opinion?
Statement of opinion I would say, probably taken as meddling to the corrupt people in government in Iran.

It's justifiable for Obama to say something now after all that has transpired. He's still not accusatory saying that they rigged the election because he has no proof of that. But he does have proof on the bad way they are handling the situation and protests. It also involves the US now because a lot of Iranian-Americans are protesting here.

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