Statutory rape, or Marital Bliss ??


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2005
Here is an interesting story my wife was rambling on about to me, asking me if I saw it on the news, to which I replied "NO", so I looked the story up, and it is VERY interesting, to say the least.

There are many questions that arise about the legalitys of this. My wifes says the courts should leave them alone. And I say, it's statutory rape, and should be prosecuted ??

What do you think ?
I say that if they are cool with it and (more importantly) the parents are cool with it, the courts should stay the **** out of it. If the father gets put away, that would be yet another child growing up in a fatherless home, which no child deserves. Yeah, she was damn young, but is that really the nation's buisiness if there is parental consent?
MR. DR. said:
I say that if they are cool with it and (more importantly) the parents are cool with it, the courts should stay the **** out of it. If the father gets put away, that would be yet another child growing up in a fatherless home, which no child deserves. Yeah, she was damn young, but is that really the nation's buisiness if there is parental consent?

Ok, so let me get this right. Your kewl with these 2 getting married and having a baby, tho the dude was 21, and the ho was 13 And if the parents are ok with it? that rational, I can assume your all for a father with a dead wife, getting his 13 year old daughter pregnant and getting married to her, I mean, the parents are obviously concenting....???!It's statuitory rape, plain and simple. But goes back to the whole "13 year olds, dressing like 20 year old whores" thing also, IMO.
There is something SERIOUSLY wrong with that guy. What could POSSIBLY be sexually attractive about a 13 year old to an ADULT?!
Prosecute his ass, then send the knocked up kid to Child Services, because obviously her parents don't know what the **** they're doing and have no business raising a child.
bludude, there is a difference between this man's situation and incest. Incest is ****ed up, plain and simple. However, look at many other cultures, for example the Berber of Morocco and Angola. The wives are as young as twelve and get married to men in their thirties. This has been going on for centuries and the Berber are happy people. This man's situation is no different. It may seerm strange to us because it is outside what we are used to, but if they actually love one another and the parents are cool about it, what buisiness does the government have in sending the fellow away to prison? That there is three lives ruined. The father gets screwed over for the rest of his life for being a "felon", the girl loses her man and the custody of her child, and the child has to be raised in a foster home. I have a good friend who was raised in foster care and he wishes to god that it didn't happen. He has issues to this day because of that.

People, for the child's sake, let the couple live in peace.

They also have loving grandparents on both sides who are in favor of the relationship, they can help.
O.K. but here's another angle to look at... how they got married in the first damn place..

They went to the State below Nebraska, KANSAS, where evidently, there is a law in this state permitting a 14 year old to be married with parental consent.

Now, if NEBRASKA says NO GO the marriage is not legal because they are citizens of Nebraska, why could they not move to Kansas where there marriage WOULD be legal ??

The reason I ask is because this same situation can apply not only to the AGE of the people getting married, but the sexual orientation (gays) as well..

It would not be fair to be able to marry in one state if any other state does not recognise the marriage as valid.

But on the flip side, it doesn't really matter how old one can be to get married, the fact of the matter is, he was 21, ****ing a 13 year old girl. He knocked her hick ass up, and her hick ass mom said, OK, SO NOW YOU CAN MARRY HER. And obviously went to Kansas to be present for the marriage.

I say its a flaw in the system and they beat the system to a certain extent, but he still should be prosecuted, since at the time before they were married, he WAS breaking the law, and she is STILL under age.
Goddie...straights getting my treatment...whew


Personally if she was 13 when she was Knocked up, scuse me..., with child, then there is something seriously wrong. At 13 having a child and getting married should be an option....but something that is years away. There is a big problem going on in that household if their daughter is getting pregnent at this age...

I am not sure prosecution is the answer...but my idea of getting a liscence to breed is getting better and better all the time!

Now...if their seriously deranged parents think this relationship is okay..then fine...Let them wait till she is of age to marry, its legal for them to marry since they are straight anyhow....whats the harm in letting them wait a few years. I say big ****ing WAH that the child reaches a conscience age and realized that their parents didnt get married years after its conception....

Straight people are so damn odd....They constantly throw "sanctity of marriage" and "Protect the family" and allow this crap to continue....

Hypocracy is a beautiful thing isnt it?

These rednecks let kid****ers get little girls who don't know a DAMN THING about what they're getting themselves into pregnant and then MARRY them, but yet they would be damned if two consenting adults do anything that's slightly "Queer"

And the liscence to breed is indeed a good idea, but doesn't go far enough. If **** like this is going on, perhaps they should pass a law that says 1) Anyone who lives below the mason-dixon is NOT allowed to do anything sexual 2) Parents who let their kids **** a grown adult should be thrown in jail and classified as pedophiles themselves. (after all they obviously condone it)
I agree with you Komrade.

I don't think that 50 years is an applicable thing for such a crime, if they do send him to jail. The thing is though, what can they do now? It isn't as if he raped her, or has a past history. They would throw the father of the child in jail for having sex with a minor, but the state is the only one complaining...
Does anyody ever ask the most critical question here?

What is the net result that you would want for this "family"?

They are a couple, supported by their parents, and expecting child. Putting anybody into jail does NOTHING but will cause immediate and total destruction and TOTAL COLLAPSE of everthing which is now struggling to survive.

Any judge worth a grain of salt, should immediately DISMISS any charges against the boy in the interest of justice served.

I'm not supporting knocking up 13 year old girls, but hey, the damage is done and the real question here is do we pour gasoline on the fire, or truly attempt to be supportive of the unique situation.

If the judge really wanted to help, dismiss the charges and require twice a month marriage and family counseling until the girl is 21. It might be the glue to hold the whole thing together, and for the child's sake, that's what's truly needed here! :confused:
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
Does anyody ever ask the most critical question here?

What is the net result that you would want for this "family"?

They are a couple, supported by their parents, and expecting child. Putting anybody into jail does NOTHING but will cause immediate and total destruction and TOTAL COLLAPSE of everthing which is now struggling to survive.

Any judge worth a grain of salt, should immediately DISMISS any charges against the boy in the interest of justice served.

I'm not supporting knocking up 13 year old girls, but hey, the damage is done and the real question here is do we pour gasoline on the fire, or truly attempt to be supportive of the unique situation.

If the judge really wanted to help, dismiss the charges and require twice a month marriage and family counseling until the girl is 21. It might be the glue to hold the whole thing together, and for the child's sake, that's what's truly needed here! :confused:
And if it was your daughter he knocked up ??
MR. DR. said:
I say that if they are cool with it and (more importantly) the parents are cool with it, the courts should stay the **** out of it. If the father gets put away, that would be yet another child growing up in a fatherless home, which no child deserves. Yeah, she was damn young, but is that really the nation's buisiness if there is parental consent?

Morality changes with the times. It used to be ok.
But in this generation it for the majority is not acceptable.
It even repulses some of us.
snafu said:
The chid deserves a father and a mother.

The child deserves 2 parents with similar, yet different moral aspects....

Male and femael really isnt the issue....But should have male and female influences in some way shape or form to truely develop...

But what the child really needs is unconditional love and caring. Sadly, most parents dont have this completely........
Oh hogwash, forget about the ****ing kid on the way. Get back to the real issue. A CRIME WAS COMMITED !! He was ****ing her before they were married, she was only 13....... STOP !!


Now do you mean to tell me, if I was a single guy, and I hung out at the ****ing jr. high, and picked me up some 13 year old *****, that as long as I married her ass, because her ****ing mom said so, it would be OK ?? That this would somehow be grounds for me to ****ing bypass the judicial system of justice that puts MANY men into prison and on the sex offender registry of many states, merely because they ****ed a minor.

I will say that the sentence should not be as harsh because of the marriage, but I think if anything, he should be sentenced to serve in prison until his ****ing bride is considered a legal adult in Nebraska (19), because obviously, her ****ing mom doesn't give a **** that her 13 year old kid is getting ****ed by a 21 year old, so somebody has to.

But then, this goes back to KANSAS and NEBRASKA not seeing eye to eye on which age is legal .

14 ****ing years old and one can get married in Kansas ??

Well what the **** ?? If she can get married IN AMERICA legally, how could you possibly prosecute a marriage consummation ??


But then this goes back to the reason his ass is being charged in the first place.... ****ing a 13 year old when legal age is 16 !!
Caught in the grips of my own culture I too tend to immediately find the concept of a 21 year old having sex with a 13 year old girl repugnant. But how valid is that? "He's older and he shouldn't be attracted to a gal barely in her teens" - Yep. And a 50 something guy marrying a 20 something gal is nasty in the same way. It's easy to attribute deviant characteristics to the man based upon his choice.

Yet, 30 year age differences aren't illegal and Kudos are offered in some arenas to the guy who scoops up the plum tartlet.

What can they have in common? Less, I would suspect, than a 13 year old and a 21 year old. (then again, 21 is seeming younger and younger as I move along)

"Yes! but 13 is below the age of consent!" Ok, so what about TWO thirteen year olds having sex? Do we jail the boy, or the girl? Neither huh? Lots of 13 year old kids have sex. I don't advocate it but I know it's done.

If you're 13 you can have sex, but only with other 13 or 14 year olds?

I say, if the little gal is happy, leave'em alone.

But - de law is de law... and how do we discourage such doins if we don't punish the feller? Well, sometimes you don't.

Then again, as a mother
If some 21 year old would'a knocked up my daughter at 13... I don't care how the Hell she "feels" - better get him locked up before I kill the *******.

It's easy to be dispassionate when it ain't yer own.
But the 2o year old who marries the 50 year old is an ADULT. Past puberty. A woman. Has a better understanding of her actions and not so emotionally delicate in most cases
That is the difference. My BF and I are 7 years apart, but we are both adults. Now if I was 13 and he 20, that would be gross. An adult and a child. That's what it comes down to.
I say that we should jail his ass until the kid is born. He serves time, yet is still allowed to care for the kid when it is born. Works out for everyone...sort of.