Statutory rape, or Marital Bliss ??

Frankly I think both of them should be hung upside down tied to a fishing rod and fed to a bunch of hungry makos for being disgusting examples of human beings.
Outlaw2747 said:
Frankly I think both of them should be hung upside down tied to a fishing rod and fed to a bunch of hungry makos for being disgusting examples of human beings.

Laughing @ Outlaw! You should have been the judge in this case. haha
ImWithStupid said:
So what you are saying is this 14 year old and her daughter would be better off if her husband, who is trying to help support them, his mother who is assisting them by letting them live in her basement and her parents were in jail?

I don't see how that would make anything better especially since nobody has reported that they were a victim of a crime.

I think this case is a perfect example of how people can be over governed and that is exactly why this country was formed. To get away from tyrannical leaders. It is very possible to cause more harm then good when people unwantingly interfere even if the action was made with the best intentions.

I also think cases like this are why the law allows for case by case judgement and discretion before charging people with a crime.
The parent
phreakwars said:
Here is an interesting story my wife was rambling on about to me, asking me if I saw it on the news, to which I replied "NO", so I looked the story up, and it is VERY interesting, to say the least.

There are many questions that arise about the legalitys of this. My wifes says the courts should leave them alone. And I say, it's statutory rape, and should be prosecuted ??

What do you think ?

I don't like it, but the prosecutor is a jackass and he's going to lose. She didn't get pregnant until AFTER she married him. As such, he CANNOT be charged with a crime.

It's sick that it happened, and it's refreshing that the accused did the right thing, however, inappropriate the relationship is. The prosecutor is being as asshole and he will end up with egg on his face for it.

They are LEGALLY MARRIED, which means, because of the Full Faith and Credit Clause, their marriage is recognized in whatever state they are in. The prosecutor is going to lose because of this fact.

They were LEGALLY MARRIED WITH PARENTAL CONSENT in another state and there is NOTHING the prosecutor can do or say about it.

Eventually, the state will end up getting sued senseless over the prosecutor's abuse of authority.

This is a sad situation, the girl will miss her childhood and probably suffer educationally, but in the end; what's done is done. The prosecutor is going learn this lesson the hard way.


P.S. My vote was made before I knew they were married. As such, it is incorrect and I apologize for that.
Family Surprised That Son, 22, Charged Over Pregnancy Of Wife, 14
Kosos Family Is Supporting Couple With Baby On Way

POSTED: 5:53 pm CDT July 27, 2005
UPDATED: 6:48 pm CDT July 27, 2005

FALLS CITY, Neb. -- Nebraska Attorney General Jon Bruning said Wednesday that the marriage between a 22-year-old man and a 14-year-old girl is
Nebraska must be one hell of a boring freaking state if this s teh biggest thing they have to worry about
ImWithStupid said:
Family Surprised That Son, 22, Charged Over Pregnancy Of Wife, 14
Kosos Family Is Supporting Couple With Baby On Way

POSTED: 5:53 pm CDT July 27, 2005
UPDATED: 6:48 pm CDT July 27, 2005

FALLS CITY, Neb. -- Nebraska Attorney General Jon Bruning said Wednesday that the marriage between a 22-year-old man and a 14-year-old girl is
TH, your not paying attention, the guy was guilty of the crime before they were married, the proof of this, is he had gotten her pregnant. Sure they got married, and basically, it was to save his own ass, but you can't overlook the fact, that before this couple was married, he was commiting a crime. I don't believe this is a case where marriage should be a valid reason not to prosecute.

What kind of ****ed up mother lets her daughter **** an older guy anyways.., then have the ****ing NERVE to say, well, now that you got her pregnant, I guess its OK that you marry her.

You would damn well bet if it were my daughter, the son of a bitch would have first had his ass kicked, and then charges thrown on him.

This is irresponsible parenting. If the prosecutor had any sense, he would ALSO charge this girls mother with a crime such as child endangerment or neglect for allowing a CRIMINAL ACTIVITY to take place when her daughter was not of an age to consent to such acts in the first place.

Pedophila is pedophila, just because a guy says he will marry the underage girl, does not make it any different.

What if she was 8 or 9 ??

Not to start the Muslim issue, but, Need I remind any of you of Aisha ??

In Kansas, she could be married off legally because there is no age limit, NONE !!

Does that give him the right to **** an 8 year old ?

Oh look, it's happened again:
GAINESVILLE, Ga. -- A 37-year-old woman charged with child molestation after being accused of having a sexual relationship with a 15-year-old boy whom she married last week is scheduled to be in court later this month.
The Times of Gainesville quotes unidentified members of the boy's family as saying that Lynnette Clark is pregnant with the boy's child and that they were married Tuesday. The boy's grandmother -- Judy Hayles -- said she received a notice of the marriage from Dawson County because she is the boy's guardian.
Clark was arrested Wednesday and taken to the Hall County Detention Center. The Hall County Sheriff's Office did not immediately return phone calls today seeking further detail.
District Attorney Lee Darragh said the Georgia law on child molestation -- which said that a person under age 16 legally cannot consent to a sexual act -- does not take into consideration whether the minor is married.
Can you explain to me WHAT ON EARTH a 37 year old has in common with a 15 year old?! What is wrong with the family that they allowed this to happen for nearly TWO YEARS?!?!
There can be no sanctity of marriage when one of the spouses is a pedophile...
The woman is not well mentally and should not be allowed to ruin this young mans life.

As I so often ask, where are the parents of this young man??
Lethalfind said:
There can be no sanctity of marriage when one of the spouses is a pedophile...
The woman is not well mentally and should not be allowed to ruin this young mans life.

As I so often ask, where are the parents of this young man??

Actually she is a ephebophile, an individual attracted to adolescents. A pedophile's attraction is to prepubescents.
papabryant said:
Bandying with semantics again, buddy?:p

Actually, I found that description to be quite pertinent. The distinction between the two groups of offenders should be more widely recognised.
Anything can go either way. Two majorities can so easily mis-interpret something that it becomes a total opposite of choice. I think the best thing to do is to let the Husband speak and explain, and the same deal with wife. Then it shouldn't be hard to make a decision. If they love eachother so much though, I don't see why the Husband can't wait until she's atleast 6 to 8 older. Yet in my morals that still is a very weird "spousing".