stupid pointless question

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damn It No One Answered My Question

I Just Want To Know If Somepeople Think I Am Annoying

God ****ing Damn It Just Answer The Question Its A Simple Yes Or No Question

God Damn
misery said:
Read the first 3 pages of this thread?


And in that case yes.

see matt is smart to answer yes

but please just answer with a yes or no..

and please don't bring other people who you think is annoying here cause this is for me to find out who thinks i am annoying
Yeah, do you really have to insult him because of the way he spells? English might not be his first language, and some people do have trouble spelling. It's not like your spelling is exactly "perfect" either :) Have some consideration o_0 I think it's readable and I think it's really mean to hate on him for that o_0 Geez.
lpp said:
see matt is smart to answer yes

but please just answer with a yes or no..

and please don't bring other people who you think is annoying here cause this is for me to find out who thinks i am annoying

umm. did you not read my FIRST post?? yeah...
o0SugaxNxSpice0o said:
Yeah, do you really have to insult him because of the way he spells? English might not be his first language, and some people do have trouble spelling. It's not like your spelling is exactly "perfect" either :) Have some consideration o_0 I think it's readable and I think it's really mean to hate on him for that o_0 Geez.

is your name link? no. so stay out of our ****ing business. ok? :) don't try and stick up for him. i got his point when HE posted.. i didn't need a second dose ;)
link said:
iv got a problem on remembering some words so sue me if i have a disabilty ok im sick of youe'r constent attacks at me on how i spell

well, if you truly do have a disability, i'll try and stay off your case. but if that's just an excuse for horrible spelling, hahahaha.. funny.
No, my name is not link =D For future references, it's Jen ^.^

I don't care if it's not my "business". I just think what you're saying is really hostile and quite rude really. From what I see, he hasn't done anything to you. It's your problem that you can't handle his spelling, not his. Be nice for once :thumbsup:.
nice? -sigh- if you only knew the meaning these days.
whatever. this thread has turned into something other than it's original meaning. so drop my "rudeness." it's not YOUR problem that i'm rude to HIM. if i was rude to you, then it would be. but since it's not, go **** yourself... oops. silly me. that was mean. let me rephrase that, since it's NOT me talking to you, stay out of it:)

edit: oh, and my name is Christan... for future references. ;)
I feel the need to say something if one member of the forum has to degrade another member over something totally irrelevant as their spelling. But since you're doing that now, have you ever heard of CAPITAL LETTERS at the beginning of each of your sentences and when you're typing the word "I"? Simple grammar. Which you should've learnt back in "1st grade" as well ^.^ And you take the piss out of other peoples errors. Just stop and think before you start things up like that. He hasn't done anything. I'm just defending him because you are... o0o what word shall I use... "mean" :).
^Don't even try.......I already did. Just let her bitch already.......

If you read the first posts, people put their answer lpp......but I said no. Except the PMs cause mine would pop up every time I got one. lol
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