Terrorist attack on London

Sygy..it'll never happen.

Its a tragedy..it really is. No one deserves to be attacked like that. But, in Israel, bombings like that take place almost every week. Its when only when it happens to us, instead of someone else, that we finally see these people really are twisted bastards, willing to kill hundreds of people just for a political aim.

It isn't fair, it isn't right. my heart goes out to anyone affected by these attacks.
x_Hybrid_Angel_x said:
Dont worry about going to London, yeah it could happen again but if you look at the attacks of 9/11 and Madrid it wasnt repeated so its not likely. Last i heard Itally or Rome are the most at risk now.
I've been to London loads of time and i wouldnt be scared of going back. You have to carry on like normal because if you let the terrorists scare you away then thats like letting them win.

WTC was attacked twice, but this first one isn't so "famous". Terrorists detonated a bomb in a truck when it was at parking under one of the towers. But I think terrorists won't strike in August or later, because there will be more police, armed forces and so on.

But Rome! I'm going there in October or November :/

hmmm I'm happy, that I live in such a hopeless, meaningless and poor country like Poland. And at the province, far away of big cities....
Klaudia said:
WTC was attacked twice, but this first one isn't so "famous". Terrorists detonated a bomb in a truck when it was at parking under one of the towers. But I think terrorists won't strike in August or later, because there will be more police, armed forces and so on.

But Rome! I'm going there in October or November :/

hmmm I'm happy, that I live in such a hopeless, meaningless and poor country like Poland. And at the province, far away of big cities....

Thanks to The Patriot Act, we have pretty much stopped terrorists trying attack the US again in thier tracks. So, I'm not really worried about them attacking our country again.
Clogz said:
Thanks to The Patriot Act, we have pretty much stopped terrorists trying attack the US again in thier tracks. So, I'm not really worried about them attacking our country again.

thats good.

though i feel alot of people forget about the plane that crashed in PA on 9/11 feild people died there too.
supposidly the british are ruthless, and dead sneaky, dunno why people mess with these powerful countires...know i wouldnt...god
keza said:
theyve arrested people in connection with the bombings already...wow that was quick...

Apparently the bombers were British-born suicide bombers from Yorkshire... that's what it says on the news. They caught them on CCTV and everything. It's very hard for me to udnerstand why anyone would want to do something like this. What kind of person would blow themself up just to kill other people?

Sad, sad world.
azemkamikaze03 said:
my thoughts are that austrailia is next....only cuz britain america and austrailia are like strongly against al queida and what not...and aus is the only one not to be hit
Austrailia your ****ing kidding me, Australia is peaceful and in the middle of nowhere I don't think theyre a threat if anyone it would be canada
uwantme2b said:
Apparently the bombers were British-born suicide bombers from Yorkshire... that's what it says on the news. They caught them on CCTV and everything. It's very hard for me to udnerstand why anyone would want to do something like this. What kind of person would blow themself up just to kill other people?

Sad, sad world.

yeah i agree with u, they really should be lking for the people that are...oh whats the word...ummm telling these people to so this, they believe u can either be a british citizen OR [fill in the blank] when thats not true, u can be both, intergration for ****s sake...
Clogz said:
Thanks to The Patriot Act, we have pretty much stopped terrorists trying attack the US again in thier tracks. So, I'm not really worried about them attacking our country again.
The patriot act is the worse law in the world...You have no defense and your freedom is sacrificed...its disgusting, and it can't really stop someone from blowing themselfs up in the middle of a bunch of people
Treeves056 said:
The patriot act is the worse law in the world...You have no defense and your freedom is sacrificed...its disgusting, and it can't really stop someone from blowing themselfs up in the middle of a bunch of people
Well it only takes away peoples freedom that are usually foreignors and still have a green card and usually people who have just came to America, got their full rights and are new to this country.. If you were born here, you usually aren't suspected.

When's the last time you actually heard of someone being taken to jail under the Patriot Act, I've never heard of anybody this year...
Izzmo said:
Well it only takes away peoples freedom that are usually foreignors and still have a green card and usually people who have just came to America, got their full rights and are new to this country.. If you were born here, you usually aren't suspected.

When's the last time you actually heard of someone being taken to jail under the Patriot Act, I've never heard of anybody this year...
Lol Who do you think is in quantomino bay, Patriot act means everything you do,say,look at,type,download,talk on a phone,If your found under the patriot act cops can burst in your door without a warrent and you cant have a court apperance.In my opinion those who betray there freedom for there pretection deserve neither.